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1.You'd better take ______ umbrella with you on rainy days when going out.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
2.Could you please lend me your dictionary? ______ is left at home.
  • A. Yours
  • B. Mine
  • C. Ours
3.It is reported that the 2021 Chengdu World Universiade has been ______ to 2022.
  • A. take off
  • B. cut off
  • C. put off
4.Jenny made several ______ cards to ask her friends to her birthday party.
  • A. invitation
  • B. information
  • C. introduction
5.She read the instruction ______ over and over again before taking the medicine.
  • A. clearly
  • B. easily
  • C. carefully
6.Though I did whatever the doctor wanted me to do, my leg hurts ______ now.
  • A. badly
  • B. worse
  • C. worst
7.Tommy still wants to try out for the team ______ he doesn't know the result in the end.
  • A. although
  • B. as soon as
  • C. unless
8.Mobile phones are not allowed to bring into schools, so you ______ break the rule.
  • A. mustn't
  • B. needn't
  • C. might not
9.It's what you do right now ______ makes a difference to your future.
  • A. what
  • B. who
  • C. that
10.一Excuse me. I wonder ______.
一Yes, there is. It's just in front of the supermarket.
  • A. where the nearest hospital is
  • B. if there is a bank near here
  • C. how I can post the letter
11.A: Hey, Emily! You look upset. What happened?
B: Hi, Tina. (1)       I don't know what to do.
A: Why did you fight with each other?
B: Our mother bought me a new mobile phone. (2)      
A: So you think it's a bad habit?
B: Yes, I was so angry that I shouted at him. (3)       What should I do?
A: Well, (4)       And explain why you were unhappy about that.
B: Sounds good. (5)       Thanks for your advice.
A: You're welcome.
A. I'll have a try!
B. I guess you could tell him to say sorry.
C. I got into a fight with my brother yesterday.
D. He didn't say anything and just cried loudly.
E. But I found my brother playing my phone without asking me. 
12.  Loneliness isn't a nice feeling, and certainly not a healthy situation of mind. In fact, feeling lonely also does harm to our bodies.
  Loneliness is a feeling just as (1)       as we feel hungry. It isn't always a bad thing. But just like going hungry for too long is unhealthy for our bodies, feeling lonely for too long is unhealthy for our minds, our hearts and our bodies (2)      .
  Studies have reported that lonely young adults felt more stressed than those that usually connected and (3)       with friends. What's more, lonely people are more likely to have higher blood pressure. This is a bad thing for their heart. Lonely people were also found to be easier to fall (4)      . One study found that lonely people usually had poor sleep quality.
  Don't be afraid of loneliness, though. There are plenty of ways to deal with it and to correct its bad (5)      . Talk to a doctor. Communicate or hang out more with others. Take up a new hobby. Joining in some volunteer activities may also help.
13.  Wyatt Baldwin has been playing rock paper scissors since he was a kid. The game helped him solve (1)       with his three elder sisters. "I never got the chance to pick what we watched on TV until I learned the sport of rock paper scissors," he said.
  He now is president of the World Rock Paper Scissors Association. He's played in and (2)       competitions all around the world. He once had a 43-game winning streak (连胜). Well, what's the secret of his (3)      ?
  "Look for patterns in either moves or behavior of your opponent who competes with you. As all serious rock-paper-scissors players know, there's more to the game than (4)      ," he said.
  Many people think the possibility of winning seems almost the same as the chances of (5)      .
  Actually, the result of the game isn't random (随机). This is because human behavior isn't random. There are patterns in (6)       people make decisions.
  A study at Zhejiang University, in China, looked at how people play rock paper scissors. 360 students took part in hundreds of games. (7)       found two key patterns. Winners tended to repeat their winning hand gestures; losers tended to go (8)       from rock to paper to scissors.
  Knowing the secret of the game isn't a sure ticket to winning, but it can help. Ken Whitey Watson is one of the world's best rock-paper-scissors players. He says winning takes (9)      . "You have to size up your opponent. Luck and chance are important, but you have to be (10)       and have your own strategy," he says, "Part of my way is being sure of myself."
14. One day, Professor White walked into the classroom and asked his students to prepare for a test. He handed out the papers with the text facing down as usual. Once he handed them all out, he asked his students to turn over the page to begin the test. To everyone's surprise, there were no questions printed on the paper but a black dot (点) in the center of the page.
  Seeing the expression on everyone's face, Professor White said, "I want you to write what you see there." The students had to get started. After ten minutes, the professor took all the answer papers and started reading each one of them aloud in front of all the students. All of them described the black dot, trying to explain its position in the middle of the paper.
  After all the answers had been read, the classroom was silent. "I just wanted to give you something to think about," said Professor White. "No one wrote about the white part of the paper. Everyone focused on the black dot."
  "The same thing happens in our lives," the professor continued. "Life is a gift. We always have reasons to celebrate, from our friends around us to the wonderful things we see every day. However, we always focus on the dark dots, the health problems that trouble us, a broken relationship with a family member. The dark dots are very small, but they are the ones that pollute our minds. Take your eyes away from the black dots in your life. Enjoy each second that life gives you!"
15.  Our names are an important part of our ID. Parents think over and over again when naming their children, hoping to give them a name that is meaningful and reflects their child's personality. But last names, on the other hand, are not something we have as much control over. Recently, Great British Mag listed some of the strangest last names in the UK. Let's look at three of them.
  When we think of onions, of course we think of its strong smell. But it is also a surname. This last name was first popular in France and Ireland, dating back to 1279. It was commonly used by those who either sold or grew the vegetable. 

  This one is pronounced the same as the word "smelly". But it has a totally different meaning. In Scotland, this name was often related to people who are cheerful. Nearly 400 people in the UK nowadays have this surname. 
  "Go to bed!", Children hear it frequently, but it may surprise you that this phrase sounds much like a surname still in use. According to the online magazine, the first person to have this surname was John Gotobedde in 1269. During that time, owning a bed was rare and considered as a luxury (奢侈品). People proudly ''announced" the fact they could afford to have a bed by using it in their surname. 
16.  Once upon a time carrots were purple, there were no pineapples in Asia or lemons in America, and many people thought potatoes were poisonous (有毒的). Many types of fruit and vegetables like chili grew only in one place. So why are they all over the world?
  Five thousand years ago, carrots only grew in Afghanistan and most were purple. Only a few were orange as they look like today! Farmers in the Netherlands were looking for a fruit or vegetable to stand for their king, William of Orange, and orange carrots were just what they were looking for — they became the grandfather of all modern carrots.
  Many plants only grow in certain places on Earth, often deep in the forest. The home of potatoes is in the mountains of the Andes in South America. Bananas come from Papua New Guinea and lemons grow wild in China. Corn isn't from China, but South America.
  But once people realized that many of these plants were good to eat, they took them far from the places where they grew. Fruit, especially, interested thirsty travelers. Arab businessmen transported different fruits and vegetables around the world, such as oranges, which they took from Asia to countries far away such as Spain. The Spanish returned from South America with many new types of food, including chocolate and chili.
  People were not often sure what to do with these new fruits and vegetables, or used them for different purposes from today. Carrots were used not as food but as medicine to protect people from poison or even (it was believed) to make people fall in love. The first tomatoes and pineapples were grown not as food but to make the garden look pretty. And many people were worried about potatoes — although they are good for us, their leaves are poisonous and poorer people believed they could be used for black magic. In Germany, people only began eating potatoes when the king ordered that people who did not eat them would have their ears and noses cut off!
  Today, we are so used to our different types of food that we don't think about where they came from. But for each pineapple, potato or carrot we eat, there is a long history!
17.After t             more than seven months in space, Tianwen 1 is one step closer to Mars.
18.When everything seems to go a             you, just remember to focus on the good sides.
19.China has s             in controlling the new outbreak of COVID-19 and won a high praise.
20.Failing to deal with your rubbish p             in Chengdu, you may have to pay up to 500 yuan after March 1st.
21.The new d             like the huge golden mask show the seat of Sanxingdui Ruins is probably the capital of the ancient Shu.
22.A: Hey, David, what's up? Can I help you?
B: It's our project about Zhang Guimei. (1)             what to write about her upsets me. You know there's tons of information about her since she was (2)             with the title "Role Model of the Times".
A: Why was she given this title? Could you tell me about it?
B: She is the headmaster of Huaping High School in Lijiang, which was set up in 2008 by her to give free education for girls.
A: Built a school? Does she have a lot of (3)            ? I mean personal belongings like cars, houses or money.
B: Well, that's quite opposite. To be (4)            , she doesn't own any of these things, and even has to live at school with the students since 2008. She has spent most of her pay on her students.
A: But how and why? What made her do all of these?
B: It's said about 20 years ago she (5)             to meet a 13-year-old girl who was about to get married. Zhang tried to stop it but all the (6)             she made was of no help.
A: I got it. And I know, poor families there spend whatever they have on educating their (7)             if they think education is necessary. So she had the idea of starting a school for girls because of this chance meeting.
B: Yes, but there is surely more than that. Up to now, more than 1,800 girls who would have been (8)             to continue their studies after nine-year required education by rule have entered universities from her school.
A: Well, she did do a great job and it must be hard work for her. I am deeply touched.
B: Me, too. When I listened to her story, I couldn't keep my tears. How did she manage to get what she wanted (9)             finally as she herself has serious health problems? Maybe no one could imagine that!
A: She is our real role model and she is (10)             of her title.
B: I quite agree. Influenced by her, many of her students have chosen to teach in poor areas after graduation, while some even went back to teach in her high school. Wait, I think I have already got ideas of what to write. Thanks for talking with me.
A: My pleasure! I am learning, too.
accept, avoid, clean, guest, host, invite, luck, polite, receive, show, similar, they 

  Whether it is for a special festival, to express thanks or to just let someone know that you care about them, giving gifts is a common custom. There may be (1)             in the purpose of giving gifts, but the traditions are different from country to country. A gift of respect (尊敬) in one place may be considered (2)             in another. Let's take a look at three special gift-giving traditions.
  If you (3)             to someone's home in India, you should bring a small gift, whether it's a box of chocolates or some flowers. Gifts shouldn't be put in black or white colors, because they are considered (4)            . Instead, use bright colors such as green, red or yellow. When giving money for any event, it should have an odd number value such as 1, 3, 5, 7... That's believed to bring good luck. For the host, instead of receiving a gift with both hands, Indians generally only use their right hand because left hands are considered (5)            . This exactly has something to do with the using of left hand when in the washroom.
  For most Japanese, the manner of giving presents is more important than the gifts (6)            . The correct way is to give or receive gifts with both hands. (7)             politeness and thanks, those who are getting the gift may turn it down once or twice before finally (8)             it. Every gift should be put in a good box. That's because uncovered gifts are considered not good. They should give gifts in pairs, (9)             four just like in China. Lucky numbers also include eight. Eight is said to bring the luck to get success, especially in the hope of making a large amount of money.
  Native America
  While it may be common for guests to prepare gifts for hosts, this is different in Native American communities. From weddings to birthday celebrations, (10)             are the ones who receive gifts. Gifts are usually homemade arts and works — made by hand to show love, care, and thanks.
24.  "I tell myself to sleep, but my eyes always stay open until 2 am," said Li Pengfei, 29. He works at a foreign company in Shenzhen. He has been having problems sleeping for over two years.
  March 19 is World Sleep Day. Sleep is important because it gives our bodies time to return to a normal state from the stress of living. (1)       The incidence (发生率) of sleep disorder in the country is 38.2 percent, well above the international level of 27 percent.
  (2)       According to a report by CSRS in 2020, the average amount of sleeping time for 69.3 percent of young people in China is only 6.4 hours each night.
  (3)       In Li's case, strong competition in his field is one of the things keeping him awake at night. "Our roles can be filled of new people easily," he said. "Our jobs ask us to keep learning new knowledge." (4)       Many young people stay up late surfing the Internet and watching videos.
  "With a typical 8 to 8 in the office, I always arrive home at 9 pm. I won't just go to sleep and repeat the same routine. A few hours of 'me time' is quite necessary," said Li Mingxin, 27, who works at a company in Beijing. (5)       It depends on how old you are. For adults, 7 to 9 hours would be fine. According to the Ministry of Education, primary school students should get at least 10 hours of sleep a night. Junior high school students are suggested to sleep for 9 hours.
  In a word, although sleep seems to be a common and small thing. It is very important. It has great influence on our life. We should make our body get the rest it should have.
A. But many people across China are losing sleep, according to the China Sleep Research Society (CSRS).
B. Another cause is the overuse of electronic devices, such as smartphones and tablets.
C. He has a different opinion, but he still gives himself less time to sleep.
D. Huge pressure from work and school is the main reason for this.
E. So how many hours of sleep are enough for good health?
F. This problem is especially serious among young people. 
25.  William Shakespeare is one of the best known writers in history, but is he the greatest?
  Born in Startford-upon-Avon, England, in 1564, he later moved to London, where he wrote his plays and where they were performed. Many people lost themselves in reading and watching Hamlet, Macbeth, A Midsummer Night's Dream and Romeo and Juliet. They are still being performed today all over the world. Many people consider him to be the greatest writer in history. However, others question whether he should still be held in such high regard. So is Shakespeare the greatest writer now and future?
  No other writer has had such an influence on English language like him. His plays, which he wrote in the late 16th and early 17th century, are still being read and performed around the world today. Few people have produced work as popular, varied (多样的) or as long-lasting as his. He also had a huge influence on other writers — many of them got ideas from his work. What's more, lots of words we use today were invented or were first written down by him, including bedazzled and swagger. Lines such as "To be or not to be", from Hamlet, have become famous. The fact that we're still celebrating him more than 400 years after his death proves that Shakespeare is always the greatest writer. 
  It's impossible to tell who is the greatest writer now and future. Art is subjective, which means that everyone has their own opinion. It would be impossible to say which Shakespeare play is the best, let alone who the greatest writer now and future is; everyone has their favorite. Although Shakespeare has influence on the English language, there are other writers who have done this, too. After all, Lewis Carroll, Charles Dickens, Sylvia Plath and Dr Seuss all invented new words. These writers also achieved a lot. Besides, his work isn't for everyone; some people find him old-fashioned, difficult or boring. 

William Shakespeare  
Background information Birth place and year   Startford-upon-Avon, England, in 1564 
(1)             Hamlet, Macbeth, A Midsummer Night's Dream andRomeo and Juliet 
Influences • Some of his plays has been performed since then.
• Many people consider him to be the greatest writer in history 
A formal argument on whether Shakespeare is the greatest writer of (2)            Positive
He brought (3)             to English language. 
•His plays written in the late 16th and early 17th century are still being read and performed now.
• His works are popular, varied and long-lasting.
• His huge influence is that many books and films from other writers (4)            by his work.
• Lots of words we use today were invented or were first written down by him.
• People are still celebrating him 400 years after his death 
He's not for everyone. 
• It's so difficult to decide the greatest writer or his best book because of people's different opinions.
• Speaking so highly of him for inventing new words is (5)             for other writers since they also did it.
• His work isn't for everyone. 


1. 根据小马的决定及第二幅图示,分别阐释其寓意或哲理;
2. 陈述得到的建议至少两条;
3. 词数:110左右。文章的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Word Bank
squirrel 松鼠
pony 小马 

We are what we choose
  A pony was trying to cross a river when a squirrel saw him and shouted, "The water is so deep. Don't get into the river. It's dangerous." _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  All in all, choosing helps us make it possible to find the value of our life and be the best of whatever we are.
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