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1.One of the most popular ______ of the Chinese New Year is giving out money in Hongbao.
  • A. traditions
  • B. speeches
  • C. sports
  • D. tours
2.In daily life, we should do what we can to ______ friends and neighbors when they are in trouble.
  • A. punish
  • B. question
  • C. support
  • D. invite
3.It is quite ______ for you to succeed if you put your heart into your work.
  • A. late
  • B. difficult
  • C. impossible
  • D. natural
4.—Mum, may I do my homework tomorrow?
—Never ______ anything till tomorrow because you may have more things to do then.
  • A. put off
  • B. take off
  • C. turn off
  • D. give off
5.—I heard that Long Yue could act very well.
—Yes, he is very famous in Anhui and tickets for his shows are always ______ sold out.
  • A. hardly
  • B. quickly
  • C. slowly
  • D. quietly
6.When an earthquake suddenly hit the small town, many houses ______ down.
  • A. fall
  • B. will fall
  • C. fell
  • D. have fallen
7.—What kind of program do you like?
—I used to watch Human and Nature. I grow older, I like news better.
  • A. Before
  • B. Though
  • C. Unless
  • D. As
8.—Why is Lin always interested in new things?
—He had many favorites, but ______ keeps his interest for more than a week or two.
  • A. none
  • B. neither
  • C. either
  • D. each
9.—I think a good communication partly depends on ______ you express your meanings.
—I agree. The more politely, the better.
  • A. why
  • B. how
  • C. when
  • D. where
10.—I just got a message from Ms. Yang and she said she would come to our meeting this afternoon.
—______ She always has good ideas.
  • A. Why not?
  • B. What a pity!
  • C. Time is up.
  • D. That'll be very nice.
11.  Diet (饮食) and exercise are two of the most important parts of leading a healthy life.
  One advantage of eating right and exercising is that it can help you build a (1)      body. You may get fat if you eat high-calorie (卡路里) food. (2)       you can have more chances of being fit if you eat plenty of green vegetables and food with little (3)      . Many people have few (4)       to do exercise because of health problems, but nearly everyone can (5)      . A daily walk can help you achieve your healthy living dreams. Walking can relax yourself and (6)       blood-sugar levels. Another advantage of eating right and (7)       is that it can lead to an active outlook. Practicing these good habits can make you feel and (8)       better. Your clothes will (9)       a bit better, and you will sleep better, which will lead to a good outlook. It can give you more (10)       in whatever you do, whether it is at work, in school or at home. So eat right, exercise daily, and enjoy the advantages
12.  A video of a 96-year-old granny has caught people's attention because of her quick movements and thinking. The way she lives her life to the fullest every day has (1)       us a lot.
  The grandma is from Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan. Every day she comes out at 1 l p. m. to (2)       a stall (地摊) to sell things for children to play with and closes up the shop at 5 a. m. the next morning, and has stuck to it for more than 30 years. In the morning, she prepares goods for her (3)       business and she usually rests in the afternoon.
  When she was asked why she spent so much time running a (4)       stall, the granny said she liked to keep herself busy. And she wants to do something (5)       instead of killing her time. Her children have advised her to stop, but she (6)      , saying she has found pleasure in it. The grandma thinks (7)       is easy in the world if we don't try our best. Her business can't make her wealthy soon and in fact she doesn't (8)       to make much money.
  The grandma has got (9)       for being even more hardworking than many young people. But she says that young people are trying hard to achieve their dreams, and (10)       people should learn from them. People are greatly encouraged by her spirit.
13.M: What are you going to do this evening, Jill?
W: (1)      Dad. We are going to have a nice party! I can't wait now.
M: But you mustn't come home late. (2)      
W: What? Isn't it eleven o'clock? When did we change the deal? I can't get home so early, Dad!(3)      
M: No, you can't.
W: Dad! I'm eighteen now. I'm not a baby any more. (4)      
M: All right! Here are the keys. (5)      Got it?
W: Promise! You are the best father in the whole world!

A. I'm going to meet some friendsB. And I always came home on time.C. You always forget the time.D. But you mustn't come home after eleven fifteen.E. Can I look after my sister at home?F. You must be home at half past ten.G. Can I get back at the usual time? 
Basic information Comments (评语) 
Student's last name Martella
Students first name: Javier
Student number: 15604088﹣B
Course: English basics 2
Term: 3(final) 
Well done Javier, on all your hard work this term. You are always active in speaking activities, and this is great. I always enjoy reading your writing too;you have very good ideas. You can see from your marks that reading is not a problem for you. 
Marks Sometimes you still make small grammar mistakes, and I think you should remember more words. I suggest you review many of the language points we studied this term. There is more language practice in your online workbook. The area you need to work on the most is listening. I know this is difficult for you. I advise you to do more practice at home Listen to English TV shows and radio as possible. I can give you a lot of things to listen to. I've enjoyed working with you. Have a nice holiday, and good luck for next term!
Teacher's name: Erin Gibbs 
15.  Pinnick Jack, 31, from Illinois of America, has been working on learning Chinese martial arts (武术) on Wudang Mountains for 11 years since 2010.
  He is now a coach of a martial arts center. He is the 16th inheritor (传人) of Wudang Sanfeng Pai (a martial arts college in Wudang Mountains).
  Jack has been interested in Chinese martial arts since he was a kid. He once watched a video about practicing martial arts by chance. At that time, he decided to come to China to learn traditional Chinese martial arts. He not only loves Chinese martial arts but also has a deep love for traditional Chinese culture.
  "I love Hubei so much. The martial arts and people here make me feel like this is my hometown. I practice martial arts and go out for fun with my friends. They always offer help to me during my stay here." Jack said.
  Now, Jack has not only learnt Wudang Kung Fu, but also can play an instrument, use chopsticks and speak Chinese. Though they were difficult, Jack said, "We all face difficult things in our lives, and we all continue to. The only way to face these things is to be well prepared and make a good plan to follow."
  Jack says he wants to open a martial arts center in the US, so more people could learn better about Wudang Kung Fu and Chinese culture.
16.  August the 12th is International Youth (青年) Day. It came about because the United Nations General Assembly wanted a day to celebrate the young people of the world. On December the 17th, 1999, International Youth Day was started in Lisbon, Portugal. The purpose of the day is to deal with the youth matters around the world. The idea is simple. The world's youth make up over a sixth of the world population, so they need a special day. A youth is anyone in the age group between 15 and 24 years old. The number of youth in the world is considered to go up over the coming years.
  Many different things happen on International Youth Day. There are activities all around the world. These are run by youth and for youth. The day enables people to realize the advantages young people bring to our world. There are youth meetings on matters like education and finding a job. Other things include concerts and educational workshops in schools. There is a different subject each year. The first was "Addressing Health and Unemployment". Other subjects have been on youth and social problems. The more this day is celebrated, the more dependable our young people will be.
17.  A new study shows that 86% of the worlds rivers have been damaged by human activity. The study was made by researchers from France, to find the situations of over 2, 500 rivers around the world. They did not look at rivers in the Arctic and Antarctica or in wastelands. The scientists looked into changes to rivers over the past 200 years. They discovered that many kinds of things in over half of the rivers had been seriously influenced by humans. The researchers said there were many reasons for this influence. a big reason is the introduction of new kinds of fish into rivers. Other reasons include pollution, overfishing and farming
  The researchers say the worst-hit rivers are in western Europe and North America. This is because these areas have large and rich towns and cities. The lead researcher said: "Rivers along which there are highly developed countries, like the Mississippi River, are the most strongly influenced." The River Thames in London was one of the worst-hit rivers in the study. The least-influenced rivers are in Africa and Australia. The researcher said "This is probably because of fewer factories in Africa and a small population around the rivers in Australia." He added that rivers in many rich nations were in worrying condition compared with 200 years ago.
18.①The mobile phone was a great invention. It enables people to communicate with others easily, meaning we could get in touch with people to and from almost anywhere in the world. But even if we can talk to one another as soon as we want, it seems many of us like to communicate by text better. A study in the UK a few years ago found 49% of young people would like to send a text instead of speaking to someone.
②Certainly sending an SMS, text or message through an app means we can think about what we want to say, and we can express more perfectly — especially if we communicate by using emojis (表情). It can also be quicker than having to talk with someone, although I feel you can still end up wasting time by having a full discussion by text! Text messaging can also protect your secret. It can stop other people from overhearing your text if you're in a public place, such as on a train.
③But texting instead of talking can seem unsocial. We may even forget the art of humors. A text can be misunderstood too, because you miss out on a speaker's intonation (语调). Scientist Sophie Scott said: "We always speak with intonation to our voice. You take that information out of communication. You lose another way that sense is being expressed."
④So every coin has two sides. It doesn't matter which way you choose. Who can win your attention, the one texting you or the other talking to you?It's up to who has a more interesting thing to say.
19.  There was once a boy in a village. Whenever he asked people to do things, no one would listen to him. He was sad. So he asked a magician to solve the problem by using magic. The magician tried a lot of magic, but didn't work.
  A young man heard about the problem. He went to the boy and said that he knew how to help him. He gave him two pieces of paper with two words.
  "These are two words, my boy. Use the first before you ask others to do something, and use the second when they have done it. A smile is also necessary," the young man said.
  The boy was happy and tried to use them. When he asked people to do something, he said "Please" before his words, and "Thanks" after they had done it. People were very surprised that the boy could be polite. Soon, they became happy to do what the boy asked them to.
  The magician was surprised, and asked the young man for the reason.
  "It's not magic. When I was a child, my teacher told me that with good manners (礼仪) you could get anything you want." And he was right. The boy finally learn that he should be polite first if he wanted to get something.

1Who did the boy ask to solve his problem at first? (不超过5个词)
2What should the boy say after other people have done the things he tells them to? (不超过5个词)
3. What did the boy learn at last? (不超过15个词)
20.She always c             (携带) a book with her because she loves reading very much.
21.Without Project Hope, there is r             (风险) that many children would have an unhappy future.
22.The businessman wanted his son to realize the v             (价值) of hard work.
23.It seems that people s             (很少) eat outside now.
24.They try to make things f             (公平的) and safe for everyone.
Dear Mike,
I'm sorry to hear that you are so worried about your coming exam.

Li Hua
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