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1.——Do you think teenagers can't have a part-time job?
—______ . They may learn from working.
  • A. Don't mention it
  • B. Hard to say
  • C. It's nothing
  • D. That's all right
2.Nowadays high-speed trains can take us to many places. So we have more ______ for holidays.
  • A. jobs
  • B. choices
  • C. surveys
  • D. services
3.On October 10th, 2020, six new record kinds of Chinese bryophytes (苔藓植物) were ______ in Meihua Mountain.
  • A. created
  • B. found
  • C. invented
  • D. discovered
4.______ professor Zhong Nanshan is more than 80 years old, he still walks as if on wings when he receives the Medal of the republic.
  • A. Although
  • B. Unless
  • C. Until
  • D. Because
5.—It is said that the data spreading speed of 6 G could be 50 times as high as that of 5 G.
—How        it is! I can't wait to have a try.
  • A. important
  • B. hard
  • C. fast
  • D. difficult

6.More and more wild animals ______ to death if the forest fire isn't put out as soon as possible.
  • A. are burnt
  • B. were burnt
  • C. have been burnt
  • D. will be burnt
7.—I think it's necessary to learn how to work in groups.
—I agree. Sometimes it's even ______ than grades.
  • A. more important
  • B. less important
  • C. the least important
  • D. the most important
8.In November 2020, the 3nd China International Import Expo was ______ held in Shanghai.
  • A. widely
  • B. quickly
  • C. successfully
  • D. quietly
9.It's impolite to ______ when other people are talking.
  • A. cut off
  • B. cut in
  • C. cut down
  • D. cut out
10.—Where did you buy that beautiful hat, from a shop or a supermarket?
—______. I am used to shopping online.
  • A. Neither
  • B. Either
  • C. None
  • D. Both
11.  Aldo Cicchinl is a very famous Italian violinist. He is playing the Chinese song Butterfly Lovers at his (1)      . "My gift for you from Milan," Aldo said on Sina Weibo to his Chinese fans. The (2)       has received more than 3 million visitors.
  Aldo is one of the best violinists of the RAI National Symphony Orchestra in Italy. While staying at home because of COVID-19, Aldo began to (3)      the violin. His playing drew attention of not only his neighbors, but also Internet users around the world.
  "In times like this, we need more music than ever (4)       it helps people stay together." Aldo said.
  When his neighbor told him that his music was quite (5)       in China, Aldo decided to have closer contact (联系) with Chinese listeners. "I asked the neighbor to (6)       me the songs that Chinese people love most. When she sent me Butterfly Lovers, I fell in love with the (7)       and its story. Spring is the season of love and it is perfect as a gift on this moment."
  After Aldo posted the video, many Chinese (8)       played along with him on other musical instruments, such as guitar, guzheng, pipa and so on. "The first time I saw a guitar player joining me, it was (9)      . I felt that we were together in this special time. Although COVID-19 is (10)       us to stay away from one another, music reminds us that we can stay in touch in other ways." said Aldo.
12.  My cousins were raised in a rich family. However, they never thought themselves (1)      , because they had special parents, The pool was a perfect (2)      , One summer, my cousins aid to Uncle John. "Dad, can we have a pool?"
  "Of course you can!" said Uncle John. Early the next morning, Uncle John (3)       everyone and said. "I have a surprise for you! Now, close your eyes. "Then he led them to the backyard. Now hold our (4)      ." he said. When they (5)       their eyes, they found each of them had been given a shovel (铁铲).
  "A look of (6)       crossed their faces." Then, Uncle John said, "You can have a pool, but you're going to have to dig it!"At first, the digging went slowly. (7)       within ten days, they had the pool completely dug out. Then, the workers (8)      . After another week, they had a pool. Best of all, my cousins had helped make it. They were so (9)      !
  Years later, one of my cousins said to me. "I (10)       asked my dad if I could borrow his car because I was afraid I'd have to build one myself!"
  My cousins have many wonderful things in their lives, but the greatest one is having very smart parents.
13.A: Hi, Jack! How is it going?
B: Terrible.
A: What's wrong?
B: You know we have to study online at home these days. (1)      
A: OK, she wants you to study hard and find a good job when you grow up.
B: (2)      
A: Yes, sometimes you should have time to relax yourself.
B: Last night, when I was watching a basketball game on TV, my mother asked me to stop to do my homework.
A: She was right. (3)      
B: After finishing my homework, I still wasn't allowed to read my basketball magazines.
A: Oh, that's kind of not fair. (4)      
B: I did. But she didn't listen to me at all, She told me that I had to go to bed early.
A: Oh, perhaps you can write a letter to explain that you don't like what she did to you.
B: (5)       I hope my mum could understand me by that way.

A. OK, thanks. I'll take your advice.
B. What should I do?
C. I'm looking forward to your reply.
D. Why don't you talk to your mother?
E. But I want to have free time to do things I like, too.
F. You should finish your homework first.
G. My mother makes me study all the time. 
Dear Readers,
Now over the years, real Chinese dishes have become more and more popular in foreign countries.
In the United States, people are eating hotpot. jianbing and roujiamo. In Russia, hundreds of tanghulu were sold out in just a few hours. Latino is even appearing in classrooms abroad. A lot of these foods are similar to Western foods. This may explain why foreigners are getting more and more interested in them and love eating them.
For example, roujiamo is similar to hamburgers. Youtiao is kind of like the "churro", a snack that is popular in Spain. And tanghulu is similar to candy apples, which are loved by children in the US and UK.
Chinese people who live abroad introduced most of these foods. Some of them are new, like latiao. Some of them have been popular in foreign countries for many years. This book will give you a better understanding of Chinese foods. Editor
The Content Hotpot
P5 — 10Hotpot, a special meal that can be shared with friends, is winning popularity abroad. Learn more here. Jianbing P11—14 This delicious breakfast food is enjoyed by people in several countries. Cheek it out here! Latiao P15 — 18Why are people so interested in this spicy stick? This special snack gets hot online.
Roujiamo P19 — 23 Did China invent the hamburger?Read this story and find out some interesting facts about roujiamo. Tanghulu P24 — 26Candied fruit is a treat that everyone can enjoy. Is it similar to some foreign foods? Find out here. You tiao P27~30 Many countries have dishes that are similar to youtiao. Fried food is tasty everywhere.
15.  Digital technology has made life easier for most people. With a smartphone, you can shop online, Watch TV show and catch a taxi. However, for many elderly people, such technology only makes their lives confusing (困惑的).
  China has about 900 million Internet users. Among them, those aged 60 and above take up nearly 7 percent. That's why elderly people are sometimes called "digital refugees (数字难民)". For example, during COVID-19, people are often asked to show a green health code (健康码). "We have made a lifelong contribution to society, but now we feel abandoned by it," a 75-year-old man told the Global Times.
  For the elderly, they mainly learn digital technology from younger family member. However, not all of these younger people have the patience to teach the elderly. In addition, aging results in many physical problems. This makes it harder to use smartphones.
  The government and some NGOs in China are trying to help. See Young, a Beijing-based NGO, aims to help China's elderly people use mobile services. College student volunteers in the organization have been providing free computer and smartphone training for elderly people in over 200 communities across the country.
  Now elderly people's situation has been changed completely.
16.Zhong Fangrong.the 18—year—old girl scored 676 out of 750 in gaokao in 2020.With such a good score,the girl was accepted into the Peking University.But she had never thought she would hit the headlines (头条).She was known to people because of her decision:she was going to study archaeology(考古学).
The decision has led to heated discussion online.Zhong comes from a poor family.Her parents have had to work far away from home since she was a baby.You are wasting your only chance to change your future,some people said. "Archaeology is so unpopular!Can you find a good job the future?How can you make lots of money for your family? "But others have supported her,saying that people should not choose their majors (专业课)based only on practical reasons.The most popular majors nowadays seem to be practical ones.That is those,majors will lead to lots of high paying jobs.
Zhong says she has loved history for years.It‘s her dream to study archaeology.She won‘t give it up.Her idol,the famous archaeologist Fan Jinshi,later wrote a letter to Zhong,and told her not to forget her dream.
Yes,we all have dreams.Have you ever wanted to be an astronaut,a nurse or a painter?Even though you may not get everyone's support.
17.  Henry is going through a very hard time. His wife has just passed away he feels that life without her is meaningless. For months. Henry sits in his house, doing nothing. His family try to encourage him to do new things and enjoy life, but they are not successful.
  Henry's neighbor, an old woman named Lisa, sees him from her yard. She has not seen him outside for days. She asks him to come closer to the fence (篱笆) next to her house.
  "Hello, Henry! Just look at this fence. It is falling apart. You are a strong man. Can you help me fix this fence?" Lisa asks.
  Henry is angry. He is the one who needs help now. He thinks the old lady is being kind of rude (无礼的). But she is too old to fix the fence herself, so he agrees.
  Henry works on the fence for days. Lisa brings him juice while he works. When he finishes, she thanks him. Henry smiles for the first time in months.
  "What a wonderful job! Could you please paint it for me?" Lisa says to him.
  Henry cannot believe she is asking for more help. Doesn't she know how sad he is? But because he respects her, he agrees. He works hard on painting the fence in the hot sun, but Lisa's juice and encouragement are helpful. As their neighbors pass by, they all tell Henry what a beautiful job he has done. Henry feels very happy.
  Henry no longer feels that life is meaningless. He finally realizes that Lisa has helped him. She knows that staying busy can help him forget sadness. He helped her, but she truly saved him.
18.  What do you do with your rubbish? Throw it out?You don't know what you're missing!
  The Santa Fe Show included more than 800 pieces of folk art from nearly 50 countries. The artists come from many different cultures. Still, they all share one thing. They take objects that are normally thrown away and make them into objects that are beautiful, useful, and fun. All the works are made from discarded (丢弃的) wood, cloth, and plastic. The artists may not think of what they do as recycling, but that's exactly what it is.
  Fine artists might work with expensive materials. On the other hand, in poor countries rubbish might be the only material folk artists and toy makers can afford. The show shows that a rich imagination makes up for poor materials.
  The objects in the show also call attention to recycling (回收). Reducing the amount of rubbish is an important idea in the modern world.
  In 2005 the United States created 243 million tons of rubbish. That's about 4. 5 pounds per person per day. Back in 1980 only 15 million tons of rubbish were recycled in the United States. Compare that with 79 million tons in 2005, thanks to the growing awareness (意识) and rules made by local government. Many products today include recycled material. So next time you throw out the rubbish, keep an eye out for treasure.
19.  Many years ago, when I was doing the dishes, my mom walked towards me and said that she was sorry that the dinner she made was awful again. I was surprised to hear this. I explained that it was great and I loved it. It was a misunderstanding. My mom thought I disliked the dinner because I just ate quietly and never said I liked it. Then she told me that I should learn to thank others if they do something nice for me. If don't, they might think I'm not thankful and stop helping me. From that day on, I often said"thank you"to people who helped me. And it soon became a habit.
  One day, when I came home and saw two boxes of chocolate on my table. I thanked my mom. But she said they weren't from her. They were from a taxi driver this morning. Guess what? He had been driving the taxi for years, but I was the first person to ever thank him as I got off. Those two words made such a big difference that he came to my home after work specially to tell my mom about it and give me the present.
  At that time I realized that saying "thank you" can make a difference both to our own life and to others'. So, let's learn to be politer.

1. Why did the mother think the writer disliked the dinner?(不超过15个词)
2. Who gave the writer the present?(不超过5个词)
3. What did the writer realize at last?(不超过15个词)
20.Many road accidents can be a            (避免) if we all follow traffic rules.
21.Just put the milk in the fridge to keep it f            (新鲜的).
22.Parents take p            (自豪) in their children's progress at school.
23.Kissing is used to g            (迎接) very close friends in Italy.
24.It's a kind of r            (尊重) for others to keep your voice down in public.
25.不论哪个时代, 哪个行业, 都会有留驻人心的英雄.你的心中也一定有一位英雄, 他也许是阅兵场上的军人, 也许是攻克难题的科学家, 也许是救死扶伤的医生, 也许是一位感动大家的普通人, 也许是你身边的家人.请以"A hero in my heart"为题, 写写你心中这位英雄的故事以及他(她)对你的影响.
注意:1. 词数80—100;2. 文中请勿提及你的真实姓名和学校名称.
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