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1.—Tony, what's ______ matter with you?
—I have______ toothache.
  • A. a;the
  • B. the;a
  • C. /;the
  • D. the; /
2.China ______ many Confucius Institutes in the world to help foreigners learn Chinese culture.
  • A. cleaned up
  • B. set up
  • C. fixed up
  • D. cheered up
3.My father ______ TV in the living room when I ______ home yesterday.
  • A. watched; got
  • B. was watching; got
  • C. watched; was getting
  • D. was watching; was getting
4.—It's ten years since we came here.
—How time flies!We ______ in China for so long.
  • A. work
  • B. worked
  • C. will work
  • D. have worked
5.What a nice day! We should go climbing ______ watching TV at home.
  • A. because of
  • B. instead of
  • C. take the place of
  • D. out of
6.A better future is the goal of the Chinese people, ______ it's also the common interest of the world.
  • A. so
  • B. and
  • C. or
  • D. but
7.—Which country has ______ population, China, Japan or the US?
—China, of course.
  • A. the smallest
  • B. the least
  • C. the most
  • D. the largest
8.His brother ______ for three months.
  • A. has joined the army
  • B. has been in the army
  • C. has become a soldier
  • D. joined the army
9.Neither of the two boys ______ from Australia.
  • A. come
  • B. don't come
  • C. comes
  • D. doesn't come
10.—May I speak to Dave, please?
—Sorry. He's ______ England.
  • A. gone to
  • B. gone in
  • C. been to
  • D. been in
11.  Yuan Longping is a Chinese agricultural scientist and educator, known for developing the (1)       hybrid rice (杂交水稻) varieties in the 1970s. He is called "The Father of Hybrid Rice". By his achievement, the earth is able to produce extra rice to feed (2)       of population.
  Mr Yuan was born in Beijing, China in 1930. He loves (3)       erhu, swimming and motorcycling. He (4)       from the Southwest Agriculture Institute in 1953. Then Yuan began teaching (5)       an agriculture school in Anjiang, Hunan Province.
  He (6)       up with an idea for hybridizing rice in the 1960s. Since then, he has devoted(奉献)(7)      to the research . In 1973, in cooperation with (8)      , he was able to cultivate a new type. Because of his hard(9)      , China's total rice output rose quite a lot. The "Super Rice" is testing yields 30 percent (10)       than those of common rice.
12.  Once upon a time, there were two little ducks, Quick and Quack. They were (1)       and they lived with their mother. The two little ducks always competed against each other.
  One day, when they were on their way home (2)       they visited their uncle, they saw a river. They decided (3)       a race. The two ducks swam quickly into the river. Both of them knew the (4)       to swim quickly, but Quack wanted to try a (5)       way. He knew that current (水流) in the middle of the river was faster and it would (6)       him. But their mother had told them never to swim in the middle of a river, because it was (7)      . Quack thought about it for a few seconds, but he decided to have a try. Quick also knew about the current. But he always (8)       his mother's words.
  Quack became the faster one. However, the current in the middle of the (9)       became stronger and Quack was caught by a big whirlpool (漩涡). He was not strong enough to get out of it. Luckily, a swan (天鹅) passed by and (10)       him.
  After that, Quack realized that he shouldn't do anything dangerous to get quick success.
13.A: Lucy, how long have you been in China?
B: (1)      
A: Wow! That's a long time.
B: Yes, and I'm going to stay longer to see how the Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated here.
A: (2)      
B: Can I? That's very kind of you!
A: (3)       We'll celebrate it in the countryside.
B: (4)      
A: Yes, I'm sure you'll learn a lot about Chinese traditions there.
B: Sounds great! (5)      
A: Looking forward to your coming.

A. That's not true.
B. For about three months.
C. How do you celebrate it?
D. I believe you will love it.
E. You mean in your hometown?
F. I can't wait for the coming of that day.
G. If so, you can come to celebrate it with my family. 
Mary Sports Center
Would you like to play sports that can make you keep fit? Come to Mary Sports Center and have a great time here.
Price: ¥50 each time, 15% off for one month, 20% for one year
Time: 9:00 a. m. — 9:30 p. m. every day except Tuesday
Tel: 938 — 0514 or e-mail at marysc@126. com 
Relaxing Time Theater
When you are down, you must enjoy some films that can cheer you up. Then welcome to the biggest theater in our city, which has the most comfortable seats and the biggest screens. Usually, most films that are exciting and have good endings are shown in it.
Opening Time: 7:50 a. m. — 10:00 p. m. every weekend
Address: No. 18, Red Star RoadBook your ticket online
Website: www. relaxing time theater. com 
Environmental Protection Club
We need more than one hundred and forty teenagers to join us. Would you volunteer to do something good for our environment? If so, please join us.
Members:Young students aged 13 — 16
Activities: Put up signs;hand out notices; clean up the city parks
Time: 2:00 p. m. — 5:00 p. m. on weekends
Tel: 807 — 9593 
15.Talking about the future
  What will the future be like? There may be many new achievements in science and technology. Maybe our planet will become difficult to live on. Maybe human life will become very convenient. As for future life, everyone has his own ideas. Here are some of my ideas about the future.
  I think three things can sum up my ideas. The first is clean energy. We will have more and more clean energy. The pollution will be reduced. The second is artificial intelligence. Robots have already played an important part in our life. In the future, robots will take the place of many workers. But everything has two sides. If robots take the place of many workers, many people will be jobless. It's not good. And the third is traffic. We will have fast transportation. The traffic will be quicker. I hope there will be more ways to deal with current traffic problems.
  I have my own ideas about my future life. I think I will have a simpler life. I believe that I will live in a comfortable and quiet house with my family. What's more, I will not need to worry about my parents' health because everyone can live long.
16.  A young couple moved into a new neighborhood. The next morning, while they were eating breakfast, the young wife saw her neighbor hang the wash outside.
  "That laundry (洗好的衣服) isn't very clean," she said to her husband. "The neighbor doesn't know how to wash correctly. Perhaps she needs better laundry soap."
  Her husband looked on, but said nothing.
  Every time her neighbor hung her laundry to dry, the young woman would make the same comments (评论).
  About one month later, the young woman was surprised to see nice clean laundry on her neighbor's clothes line and said to her husband, "Look! She has learned how to wash correctly. I wonder who taught her this!"
  The husband said, "I got up early this morning and cleaned our windows!"
  When we see others through the window, we should make sure that our window is clean and clear. Or our opinions may be wrong. Before we criticize (批评) others, we should think about their advantages instead of looking for their disadvantages.
17.  How green are you?Do you know how to be green?Here are some ideas for you.
  Reduce means "use less". Don't waste things. This saves money and reduces pollution and waste going into the environment. Before we buy something new, think whether it is really necessary — or maybe the old one will be just as good! When we buy things, choose local products if possible, and try not to buy too many things from abroad.
  Reuse means "use again". Use things for as long as possible. When we buy things, make sure that they last a long time. We should look after them so that they will last, and we should repair them if we can instead of throwing them away and buying new ones. Don't use a paper cup or a paper bag. It's better to use a china cup and a lunch box because you can use them again.
  Recycle means "change things into something else". Find out what can be recycled in your neighborhood and take part in recycling programmes. We should also buy products made from recycled materials, such as recycled paper, to help save trees.
  So please remember these three words:reduce, reuse and recycle.
18.  Last summer, I didn't want to go to school any more because I was disappointed with my test scores. I found a job during my summer vacation. Since I didn't have many work skills, the manager just asked me to send newspapers.
  At the beginning, I took it for granted (认为……理所应当) that it would be a piece of cake. However, to my surprise, when I went to people's houses, they started to look me up and down. I could feel that they looked down on me. I was deeply hurt and felt sad. Then I went to one house where a black dog jumped out at me. I was so afraid that I shouted, but no one came to my help. At that time, I realized that delivering (投递) newspapers was a lot more difficult than reading a book in a classroom. I thought about giving up, but I didn't. I tried my best to do the job better. Although I was very tired, I got better at the job after some time.
  From this experience, I have learned that if we put our heart into what we are doing, nothing is impossible.
  Now, I am sitting in a classroom and working harder than ever before. But I trust myself and feel happier. As long as I don't lose heart and work harder, I will make more progress.
19.  In an English class, a teacher took a very big bottle and put a few big stones into it. He asked the students, "Is the bottle full?"
  They all answered, "Yes!"
  The teacher then put some small stones into the bottle. The small stones were between the big stones. He then asked, "Is it full now?"
  Some students gave no answer, but most answered, "Yes!"
  The teacher then started to put some sand into the bottle. For the third time, the teacher asked, "Is it full?"
  Now most students gave no answer, but some still answered, "Yes!"
  Then the teacher poured a cup of water into the bottle, "What does it tell us?" asked the teacher.
  One smart student answered, "No matter how busy you are, you can always find time to do some more thing."
  "No," said the teacher. "If you don't put the big stones into the bottle first, you can never get them in. The big stones are the most important things in your life. If you fill your life with small things like small stones, sand and water, you'll never have the time for the most important things. "

1. What subject did the teacher teach? (不超过5个词)
2. What does the teacher compare the big stones to? (不超过10个词)
3. What's the main idea of the passage? (不超过15个词)
20.Most children dream of growing up soon and becoming a            (成年人).
21.There are some differences between a tiger in the zoo and a w            (野生的)tiger.
22.Our g             (政府) works for the people.
23.Many doctors continue to r             (研究) the Corona Virus Disease 2019(新型冠状病毒).
24.It was the b             (出生) of his grandchildren that gave him the greatest pleasure.
25.假设你是 Peter,你来自英国。这个假期你和父母到北京游玩,你已经在北京游玩了几天。请你根据下面的提示,用英语写一篇日记,记述你这几天在北京度过的快乐假期。
提示:1.What have you done in Beijing?
2.What do you think of the holiday?
3.What are you going to do next?
要求:1.词数 80 左右;
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