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1.—What's this in English?
—It is ______ apple.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
  • D. /
2.—How ______ you?
—I ______ fine, thanks.
  • A. is; are
  • B. are; are
  • C. is; am
  • D. are; am
3.—______ do you do?
—I'm a driver.
  • A. How
  • B. Where
  • C. Why
  • D. What
4.This is ______ room.
  • A. Lucy's and Lily
  • B. Lucy and Lily's
  • C. Lucy's and Lily's
  • D. Lucy and Lily
5.There ______ a girl and three boys in the room.
  • A. am
  • B. is
  • C. be
  • D. are
6.There is a playground ______ the school.
  • A. in the front of
  • B. in front of
  • C. in front
  • D. front of
7.—______ is my coat?
—It's on the bed.
  • A. What
  • B. How
  • C. Why
  • D. Where
8.He is an English student. ______ name is Tom.
  • A. His
  • B. Her
  • C. My
  • D. Its
9.Is his mother a teacher ______ a doctor?
  • A. or
  • B. and
  • C. with
  • D. but
10.I haven't got ______.
  • A. some brothers
  • B. any brothers
  • C. brother
  • D. sister
11.Mike and Tom are good ______.
  • A. friends
  • B. friend
  • C. student
  • D. a friend
12.Let ______ help ______.
  • A. I, you
  • B. me, your
  • C. we, your
  • D. us, you
13.Most children like sports, so they like having ______ classes.
  • A. geography
  • B. art
  • C. P. E.
  • D. history
14.Jenny hasn't got ______ brothers or sisters.
  • A. some
  • B. any
  • C. much
  • D. a little
15.—What's your father?
  • A. A manager
  • B. About forty
  • C. He's old
  • D. He's at home
16.Do you like ______ books?
  • A. readed
  • B. reads
  • C. read
  • D. reading
17.—Nice to meet you.
  • A. And you.
  • B. Thank you!
  • C. Nice to meet you, too.
  • D. Fine, thank you.
18.My car is ______ John's.
  • A. same as
  • B. the same as
  • C. the same
  • D. the same like
19.There are many ______ on the table.
  • A. tomato
  • B. tomatoes
  • C. tomatos
  • D. beef
20.Our school sports meeting will start ______ Saturday morning.
  • A. on
  • B. at
  • C. in
  • D. to
forest, train, England, yellow, wind 

  People travel to see autumn's colourful leaves. Many people visit the Northeastern United States, Canada, Japan and (1)            . People especially enjoy (2)             tours in autumn. The train takes them through the (3)            . They can see the bright fall colours from the train.
  People write poems to describe autumn. Here is one:
  Leaves are falling all around.
  Red and gold, (4)             and brown.
  A chilly wind blows them here and there.
  The feeling of autumn is in the air.
22.The Tradition
  Luis's whole family meet every June to celebrate Grandpa's birthday. Before everyone sits down to eat, each person has to tell a personal story they have about (1)      . Some family members tell the same story year after year. Luis, for example, had his usual story about the time Grandpa taught him how to take care of a vegetable garden.
  The stories are a tradition. And now that most of the grandchildren are old enough to (2)      , the tradition could go on for quite a while. Last year, it took three hours. Luis tried hard not to yawn (打哈欠) as he listened to all the same old stories.
  This year, Uncle Frank and Aunt Teresa have dinner ready early and call everyone to eat.
  "What about the (3)      ?" Luis asks.
  "There's just not enough time this year, with so many people." Uncle Frank says.
  After hearing this, Luis feels relieved (如释重负). But he also feels a little (4)       as he sits down at the long dining table. Without the tradition, Grandpa's birthday feels like any other holiday the family share.
  Luis looks at the plate of vegetable salad. "You know, I wouldn't know how to pick a tomato right if it wasn't for Grandpa," he says softly.
  "I wouldn't know how to drive a car," says Aunt Teresa.
  "I wouldn't know how to turn a paperclip into a safety pin," adds Uncle Felix. "That sure saved the day at Edna's wedding (婚礼)!" Everyone laughs and smiles at each other at the reminder of that well-known family story.
  It was a (5)       birthday. Conversations run like water, and the food is wonderful. But something tells Luis that next year, the tradition of telling stories will (6)      .
Do you have healthy habits? 
Mary White Yeah! I think my habits are very healthy. Every day I get up early and go to bed early. Every morning I eat breakfast and eat well. I eat fruit and vegetables every day. And every day I play soccer for two hours with my friends. 
Alan Green No, I don't. I get up late, so I have no time to eat breakfast. For lunch, I usually eat lots of hamburgers. I know they are not good for me but I like them. I never play sports. In the evening, after I finish my homework, I usually play computer games. I go to bed late at about eleven o'clock. 
Helen Hand Yes. My habits are very good. I never eat unhealthy food. Ice cream tastes good but I never eat it. It's unhealthy. Every day I get up at six o'clock and go to bed at eight thirty. I eat well and play sports every day. I run with my father for half an hour in the morning. So I'm very healthy. 
24.  On the Career Day, parents of students came into the classroom to talk about their jobs. Jane brought her dad. Jane's father was a bus driver. He did not like his job when he was first starting out. After five years, he liked it. He liked it because he could talk to people.
  Jane's dad talked about what he had to do as a bus driver in front of Jane's classmates. "Is anyone interested in becoming a bus driver?" Jane's dad asked. No one put up their hands. The next parent going up was Julia's dad. Julia's dad was a firefighter. He wore his firefighter clothes. He talked about the terrible fires he had to put out in the past.
  The students loved Julia's dad. They asked him many questions. Jane's dad felt bad. He left the classroom before the day ended. Jane's teacher ran out of the room to talk to him. "Mr. Lowell, I just want to tell you that I have so much respect for what you do." Jane's dad smiled.
25.  Now I' m studying in the US. I find there are some differences between schools in the US and in China.
  One big difference is the clothes students wear at school and how they look. In my country, all the students should wear uniforms (制服) when they go to school. Boys aren't allowed to have long hair. Girls aren't allowed to have long or colored nails (指甲). But American students always wear casual clothes (便装) and jewelries (首饰). A British student tells me that students in England can also dress casually in the school.
  Another difference is about the rules for parents. When we begin a new year in my school, our parents have to go to a meeting in our class. If they don't go to that meeting, their children won't have a grade or a report card (成绩单) from school. However, in the US, there aren't such strict rules above (以上).
  In the US, many students work after school, but students can't go to work in my school because they can't find a job if they're under 18. I think American students' part-time jobs help them make money. More importantly, taking part-time jobs helps them become more independent. They're able to do things by themselves in their own way, without asking other people for help.
              Ballet is a type of dance. It is a kind of art that can express a feeling, tell a story, or interpret a song. The first ballet began in the 15th century. Ballet dancers may be men and women-ballet is not just for girls! They are strong, pretty, and flexible (柔韧的).
  Many movements in ballet are unusual for the human body. Dancers turn their legs out, instead of having their knees and feet straight forward. They also point their feet and may even dance on the tips of their toes.
  Dancers must go through a lot of training. Many take classes almost daily if they'd like to be professional (职业的) ballet dancers. They need to practice often to keep up their strength. That also means that dancers need to take very good care of their bodies, so their bodies can keep up with the dancing! Dancers need to be well rested and eat healthy meals. They also should drink plenty of water and listen to their bodies by resting if that's what their bodies need.
  In ballet class, most teachers ask dancers to warm up their bodies at first. After that, dancers come to the center to practice other movements. They should start slowly when learning new steps, so their bodies have time to get used to the steps and don't get injured.
  In fact, it is not easy to become good ballet dancers. Not only do dancers need to control their bodies well, but they need to have a good understanding of music.
  Ballet looks soft, but it is really an athletic activity. If you love to move your body and use it to tell stories, ballet might be a great activity for you to try!

(1) When did the first ballet begin?
(2) Is ballet just for girls?
(3) Why do professional ballet dancers need to practice often?
(4) What do most teachers do at first in ballet class?
(5) How can people become good ballet dancers?
27.Is there a(n)              [kəmˈpjuːtə(r)] in your room?
28.She and my mother are at the same              [ˈhɒspɪtl].
29.             [ˈvɛdʒtəb(ə)lz] are important in our daily life, so we should have more.
30.I like English very much, but it's too              ['dɪfɪk∂lt] for me.
31.我们班有40名学生。 (there be)
32.那是我的父母。 (parents)
33.胡萝卜对你的眼睛有好处。 (carrots, be good)
34.我们周一早上有数学课。 (maths)
35.你的英国朋友Tony作为交换生来到你校学习. 为帮助他熟悉校园环境, 请根据下面这张地图向Tony介绍一下你的学校,不少于40词。
1. What buildings are there in your school?
2. What do you often do at school?
3. What do you think of your school?

Our School
impossible (adj.) wonderful (adj.) history (n.) want (v.) painting (n.) artist (n.) 

  Do you like to visit museums? You can see so many interesting exhibits. You can go to an art museum and see famous (1)             and statues. You can go to a natural history museum and learn about animals and plants. At some, you can even learn about dinosaurs! Go to a (2)             museum and learn about things in the past. Science museums are very popular, too. Science centers have hands-on exhibits. It is almost(3)             to go to a museum and not learn something new.
  There are many great museums in the world. They contain (4)             art. The British Museum in London has a collection of around 8 million objects. They keep human history, culture and art that stretch across 2 million years. The Louvre in Paris displays 380,000 pieces of art! The most famous is the Mona Lisa. Everyone (5)             to admire her. At the Metropolitan Museum in New York City, you can see many famous paintings by world famous (6)            . You can also see interesting clothing from around the world and many, many other things.
37.  Have you ever wondered why it seems that some people can have enough time to do everything they want, but others can't? Is it that the first type of people has less to do? No, it's much more possible that they are practicing good time management skills.
  Time management is hard to practice well. But once done, you will manage time much better. With minor tweaks and little efforts, you can do all you need to do in an effective (有效率的) way.
  The key to good time management is to understand the difference between the urgent and the important. "Urgent" tasks need your immediate (立即的) attention, but whether you give that immediate attention may or may not matter (要紧).  "Important" tasks matter, because not doing them may have serious or even bad results.
  For example, answering the phone is urgent. If you don't do it, you may miss something important. However, it may be a stranger who just wants to sell you a phone you don't need at all. That's not important.
  Going to the dentist is important. If you don't, you may get gum disease. But it's not urgent. If you leave it too long, however, it may become urgent, because you may get a toothache.
  Helping to pick up your brother or sister from school is both urgent and important. If you are not there at the right time, they will keep waiting and worry too much. Seeing Wechat moments (朋友圈) is neither urgent nor important. So why do you put it first?
  Knowing the difference between the urgent and the important is the key to managing time well. Try to put your tasks into their right groups. Remember that your health is important. You should pay enough attention to your health even though there are many urgent things to do.
  Although it's not easy to group your tasks properly, try to be a good time manager so that you can have time to spend with the people you love and on the activities you like. The better you manage your time, the more successful you can be.

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