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1.Tom and Mary are very nice. ______ always help me.
  • A. You
  • B. We
  • C. They
  • D. I
2.—What a good day! Would you like to fly a kite ______ me?
—Yes, I'd love to.
  • A. with
  • B. in
  • C. on
  • D. from
3.—______ will the movie last?
—For about 2 hours.
  • A. How long
  • B. How far
  • C. How old
  • D. How often
4.I was very tired last night, ______ I went to bed earlier.
  • A. but
  • B. or
  • C. so
  • D. for
5.—______ I wash the clothes now, Mom?
—No, you needn't. You can do it after dinner.
  • A. Can
  • B. May
  • C. Must
  • D. Could
6.Debbie is growing fast. She is even ______ than her mother.
  • A. tall
  • B. taller
  • C. tallest
  • D. the tallest
7.Claire likes cooking. She ______ delicious food every weekend.
  • A. will cook
  • B. has cooked
  • C. is cooking
  • D. cooks
8.—Ellen, what were you doing at nine last night?
—I ______ NBA with my father.
  • A. watch
  • B. was watching
  • C. will watch
  • D. have watched
9.I ______ the book to the library as soon as I arrive at school tomorrow.
  • A. return
  • B. will return
  • C. returned
  • D. have returned
10.Mr. White ______ as an animal trainer since 2015.
  • A. has worked
  • B. works
  • C. will work
  • D. worked
11.Chongli Railway Station ______ in 2019.
  • A. completes
  • B. is completed
  • C. will complete
  • D. was completed
12.—Could you tell me ______?
—She is in the library.
  • A. where Linda was
  • B. where is Linda
  • C. where was Linda
  • D. where Linda is
13.  Dad just didn't know how to show love. It was Mom who held the family together. He just went to work every day and came home.
  Once when I stole a candy bar from a shop, he made me take it back and tell the shopkeeper I stole it and that I would (1)      . But it was Mom who understood I was just a kid.
  I broke my leg once one day on the playground swing and it was Mom who held me in her arms all the way to the (2)       . Dad pulled the car right up to the door of the emergency (急诊) room and when they asked him to move it saying the space was reserved (保留) for emergency vehicles. He shouted, "What do you think this is? A tour bus?"
  At my birthday parties, Dad seemed sort of out of place. He just (3)       himself blowing up balloons, setting up tables and taking photos all the time. It was Mom who carried the (4)       with the candles on it for me to blow out.
  I remembered when Mom told Dad to teach me how to (5)       a bike, I told him not to let go, but he said it was time. I fell and Mom ran to pick me up, but he waved her off. I was so (6)       and I showed him. I got right back on that bike and rode it myself. He didn't even feel embarrassed (尴尬) and just (7)       .
  When I went to college, Mom did all the writing. He just sent bills and a little note about how great his lawn looked now that I wasn't playing football on it.
  Whenever I called home, he acted like he wanted to talk, but he always said, "I'll get your mom." All my life, he said, "Where are you going? What time are you coming home? No, you can't go."
  Dad just doesn't know how to show (8)      . Is it possible he showed it and I didn't get it?
Studying Abroad 

Posted 5/15/2021 4:53 PM 
It is easier to learn a foreign language abroad. And you can enjoy the country's culture such as the food and music. Also, you can get a global eye on your subject. And there are many cultural and educational reasons to study abroad. To sum up, studying abroad opens doors. 

Posted 5/15/2021 6:25 PM 
I noticed some differences between being a student in the UK and in France when I studied abroad. First, the days were long. We had to be in class for six or eight hours every day. Second, the teacher would give us homework. Third, the atmosphere (氛围) at the university was much more relaxed. Overall, it was a fantastic experience, and it helped me to improve my French a lot. 

Posted 5/16/2021 5:20 PM 
When we stayed with British families, we were shocked by the amount of potatoes that British people ate. One classmate once said to me, "Tonight, it could be mashed (捣碎), it might be fried or it may even be boiled, whatever it is, it will be potatoes!" 
Lucy Posted 5/16/2021 7:46 PM 
Studying abroad in Spain was an amazing experience. I could get much knowledge and know more about Spain. And I got personal growth and memories during my study. I will never forget the people and the fun we shared together in Spain. 
15.Left Out
  Trish was playing basketball with her brother outside when she saw her friend Josie jump out of the car. She heard a lot of voices laughing and saying goodbye to Josie. Trish stopped passing the basketball and felt her body start to get uncomfortably warm, and her eyes started to water. Trish stormed inside and closed the door. How could Josie do that to me? Trish thought.
  Trish's mom called through the door, "Trish, are you OK?" Trish ignored (忽视) it and put her pillow (枕头) over her head. "I'll be downstairs if you want to talk later. It's a good choice to calm yourself down first," said Mom.
  Finally Trish calmed down and went to talk with her mom. Her mom always had some good ideas to help her.
  "What's going on, Trish?" Mom asked.
  "Josie went somewhere with our friends and she didn't invite me," Trish said. "Why wouldn't she invite me?I thought we were friends." "Oh, honey, I'm sorry. I'd be pretty upset too if I felt left out. Maybe Josie knew that you wouldn't like what they were going to do," Mom said.
  "Maybe…" Trish didn't sound convinced (坚定的).
  "Why don't you talk with Josie about it at school on Monday?" Mom suggested.
  "I don't want to talk to her. I'm mad!I'm just going to ignore her," answered Trish.
  "Not talking about it is just going to make it worse, and might mean you could lose Josie as a friend," replied Mom.
  "I still want Josie to be my friend, but I just want her to know what's wrong and say she's sorry," said Trish.
  "Josie might not realize that she did something wrong, so then she'll just get best way to solve the problem," said Mom.
  "OK, Mom, I'll talk to her at school. Thanks," said Trish.
  And guess what?Trish's mom was right!Josie knew Trish didn't like snakes, and she and the other girls had gone to the zoo to see the new snake exhibit. Trish was glad she'd talked to Josie to solve the problem.
16.  Most people think that the human brain is set on "automatic" — that means it learns all by itself. But this isn't always true. We need to train ourselves to be better learners — to actively take part in the learning process and to reflect (思考) on what we have learnt. I suggest doing four things to take an active role in your learning.
  Listen to the outer voice. There are two kinds of voices: the inner voice and the outer voice. Your inner voice expresses your personal opinions, while the outer voice tells you about opinions from what you hear or read. Although your inner voice can be useful, it can also get in the way of learning. If you keep paying too much attention to it, you risk missing important information. Instead, active learners are open—minded and focus on what the speaker or the writer is saying. In this way, they are in a better position to make decisions.
  Argue with your inner voice. If you find your inner voice difficult to control, you can argue with it as most active learners do. When your inner voice tells you a speaker or a writer is wrong, think about why the speaker or the writer may be right. Be flexible (灵活的) in your opinions and you might end up agreeing with the speaker or the writer after all. If not, at least you have "listened to" another point of view.
  Ask questions. Asking questions is the easiest way to promote active learning. When you get information from someone, from books or the Internet, ask two, three, even five questions about the topic. The answers will lead you to further learning, and the very act of working out questions will help you to achieve a higher level of understanding about the topic. In short: Do not stop being curious (好奇的).
  Get to the truth. Active learners do not accept everything they learn. They try to find the truth at the heart of each idea. Even when an idea sounds impossible, there may be an aspect of it that is based on truth. So if someone says that dinosaurs still exist (存在) today, think about why they believe this. If you try to find out the source of an idea, no matter how crazy it seems, you will increase your chance of learning something.
17.  Do Boys and Girls Have Different Reading Habits?
  The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is a worldwide study of 15-year-old school pupils' scholastic performance (学业成绩) in maths, science, and reading. A closer look at the reading tests, shows the interesting fact that girls are outperforming (胜过) boys in reading and that this is connected with girls' greater enjoyment of reading.
  One key area which has a main effect on reading performance, is reading for enjoyment rather than simply for study or school work purposes. Interestingly, the PISA study found that in all countries except South Korea assessed (评估) girls read for enjoyment more than boys. The study found that in all the countries assessed, just over half of boys, but almost three-quarters of girls said that they read for enjoyment.
  In countries such as Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and the Netherlands, the difference between boys and girls was most significant (显著的). What's more, in places such as Austria, very low levels of boys expressed interest in reading.
  However, in places like Japan, boys and girls read for enjoyment at almost the same level. And there were a few countries and places that scored very highly in boys reading enjoyment, for example in Albania, Indonesia, Shanghai in China and Thailand where at least 80% of boys enjoy reading. Although these positive numbers are matched and passed by girls who reported an even higher level of reading enjoyment (90%).
  An interesting area which the PISA study looked at was the types of literature that both girls and boys generally enjoy. Boys were found to enjoy reading magazines, newspapers, and comic books more than girls. Girls were found to be twice as likely to enjoy works of fiction as boys. This was clearly repeated across all countries.
  While reading in all forms is certainly beneficial and should be supported, the low numbers of boys reading for enjoyment and their limited choices when they do, is evidence of a problem that needs to be solved. Countries need to think about ways to inspire interest for boys in reading and make sure that they are exposed(接触) to a wide variety of different types of literature from young age.
  The PISA study has helped show a clear pattern in genders (性别) when it comes to reading. Low levels of interest in or enjoyment of reading can have long term effects on future success in life. For this reason, it is important that governments, teachers and parents all work to find opportunities and strategies (策略)to raise reading levels. Fortunately, studies such as PISA provide clear evidence that can be acted on to improve outcomes for all young people.
18.Henry Ford
  Henry Ford is famous for making cars easier for most people to buy. He did this by producing the cars using an assembly (装配) line.
  Henry Ford was born in 1863 in Michigan. He was the eldest of six children, and his family owned a farm. He worked on the farm when he was young, but he soon discovered that he loved taking things apart to see how they worked, then putting them back together again. He worked on watches a lot, and ended up helping many people fix their watches. In 1879, when he was 16 years old, he moved to Detroit to start working with machines, though he did come home and work on the farm a little, too.
  Ford got married to Clara Bryant in 1888, and worked on a sawmill (锯木厂). He finally became an engineer. Ford worked for the Edison Illuminating Company and even got to meet Thomas Edison!Edison encouraged him to keep working on his plans for his horseless carriage, powered by a motor. Ford's horseless carriage was called the Quadricycle (四轮环保车).
  He sold the Quadricycle and started his own company to continue his work making vehicles. He did not stay with the first company for very many years, but finally started the Ford Motor Company. He spent many years developing cars, which were made only a few at a time.
  Ford was not the first person to create a car, but he was the one who began to make them accessible (可使用的) to a lot of people in the United States. His "Model T" car, released (发布) in 1908, was easy to drive and to repair, so many people wanted one. He needed to make a lot of cars very quickly. His company, Ford Motor Company, hired skilled workers to work on an assembly line. The car would move through the line, and each worker had a job along the line. One worker might put on the steering wheel, while at a different spot on the line, another worker put on tires. Every Model T was painted black. The company could make many cars at a time this way, which made them cheaper to produce.
  In addition to using the assembly line to produce cars, Ford was also known for paying his workers fairly. Henry Ford died in 1947, but his company is still around and making cars today.

1. When and where was Henry Ford born?
2. What did Ford love doing when he was young?
3. What did Thomas Edison encourage Ford to do?
4. Why did many people want a "Model T" car?
5. What was Henry Ford famous for?
19.从下面两个题目中, 根据中文和英文提示, 完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作.文中已给出内容不计入总词数.所给提示词语仅供选用.请不要写出你的校名和姓名.
假如你是李华, 你们班将在下周开一次班会, 谈谈如何共建优秀班集体.你们班交换生Peter 给你发邮件询问相关事情.请用英语回复一封电子邮件, 告诉他开班会的时间和地点, 并分享你的打算.
提示词语: clean, help, active
● When and where are you going to have the class meeting?
● What are you going to do for your class?
Dear Peter, I'm writing to tell you some information about our class meeting.       Yours, Li Hua 

赠人玫瑰, 手留余香.我们无法帮助每个人, 但每个人都能对他人有所帮助.
某英文网站正在开展以"助人为乐"为主题的征文活动.请用英语写一篇短文投稿, 谈谈生活中你曾经帮助他人的经历, 并谈谈感悟.
提示词语:help, share, happy
● What did you do to help others?
● What did you learn from the experience?
It's believed that everyone can help others.       
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