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1.As we know, Germany is ______ European country and China is Asian country.
  • A. an; an
  • B. an; a
  • C. a; a
  • D. a; an
2.— Are these ______ crayons?
— No, they aren't ______.
  • A. your; mine
  • B. his; her
  • C. yours; mine
  • D. your; my
3.Tom isn't ______. He is ______.
  • A. at the home; at the work
  • B. at home; in work
  • C. at home; at work
  • D. in home; at work
4.There ______ some milk and bread on the table. You can have them ______ breakfast.
  • A. is; for
  • B. is; in
  • C. are; for
  • D. are; in
5.—Mum, can I eat ______ cakes?
—Sorry. There aren't ______ at home.
  • A. some; some
  • B. any; any
  • C. some; any
  • D. any; some
6.Giraffes like to eat ______ and ______.
  • A. grass; leaf
  • B. grasses; leaf
  • C. grass; leaves
  • D. grass; leafs
7.People all over China like Dali. It's a ______ place to take a holiday.
  • A. strange
  • B. difficult
  • C. interesting
  • D. wonderful
8.Diana ______ goes to school at 7:00, and she is ______ late for it.
  • A. always; often
  • B. never; always
  • C. never; never
  • D. always; never
9.If you want to listen to music. Please ______ the radio first.
  • A. look after
  • B. look at
  • C. turn off
  • D. turn on
10.—______ do I print my homework?
—Click "print" here and ______ here.
  • A. How; No
  • B. Where; Yes
  • C. Why; No
  • D. How; OK
11.Bill's mother likes ______ and she always ______ at home.
  • A. read; reads
  • B. reading; read
  • C. reading; reads
  • D. read; read
12.—Are there any chairs in the room?
—______ Look! Those two chairs are next to the best.
  • A. Yes, they are.
  • B. No, there aren't.
  • C. Yes, there are.
  • D. No, they aren't.
13.It's five in the afternoon and people ______ work.
  • A. are leaving
  • B. is leaving
  • C. leaving
  • D. leave
14.—I have to (不得不) ______ a computer with my brother. What about you?
—I have ______ brothers, so I can use it every day.
  • A. play; some
  • B. use; any
  • C. share; no
  • D. learn; many
15.—Would you like to come to my party this evening?
—______. I like parties.
  • A. No, thank you
  • B. Yes, I'd love to
  • C. I'm sorry
  • D. Have a good time
16.  Jason, a 16-year-old boy, is the PE monitor in our class. He is from Africa. He often (1)       basketball with other boys after school. When we can't (2)       him, he must be in the playground. He is the best basketball player and runner (跑步的人) (3)       our school team. That's (4)       he becomes our PE monitor.
  Jason is strong and his hands are (5)      . He can hold a basketball with one hand. He is (6)       and he often helps other students. He gets on (相处) well with everybody and we (7)       like him. There is a basketball (8)       tomorrow. Let's go and cheer Jason!
17.  A young man is sitting by the road eating something. A policeman is coming over. At once the man gets up quickly and runs down the road. The policeman runs after him. The man runs very fast, but the policeman runs faster. After a few minutes, the policeman catches him. "Where are you going?" says the policeman. "You must be a criminal (罪犯) if you run like that when you see a policeman." "No, no," says the man. "I'm not a criminal. I'm just too fat. You see, the doctor says to me I must always run fast after eating." "I see," says the policeman. "You are running to help to lose some weight (减肥)."
18.  Every day Tom goes to the market to buy food and other things. He puts them in a big basket but he is old and weak, so he always pays another man to carry the basket home for him. But one Saturday, while he was walking home in front of the man with the basket, the man ran away with it.
  The next Saturday, when Tom went to the market again, a friend of his said.
  "Look, there he is! The man stole (偷) your things last week."
  Tom at once hid behind a shop and stayed there until the man left the market.
  His friend was very surprised. "Why did you do that?" he asked. "Well," said Tom. "That man was carrying my basket when he left me a week ago. He will want me to pay him for seven days work, and that will cost me more than a basket full of things!"
19.  The Chongyang Festival is on the ninth day of the ninth month every year. Do you know how it comes? Here is the story about it.
  Once there is a man called Heng Jing. He learns from his teacher Fei Changfang. One day, Fei Changfang tells Heng Jing, "On the ninth day of the ninth month, your parents are going to be ill. You must go home now. Make two red bags for your parents and put some dogwood (山茱萸) on the door. Then take the red bags in your hands, and climb the mountain near your house. You can stay on the mountain until (直到) the next day. Then your parents can be OK."
  Heng Jing listens to his teacher and goes home. He asks his family to do all those things. This saves his parents. Heng Jing is very happy. Many people hear of it. They also do those things on this day. Then it becomes a tradition now.
20.A: Hello, Lily. (1)      
B: Hello, Jack. It's Thursday.
A: Oh, it's Daming's birthday today. Let's send him a birthday card.
B: OK. Let's write "Happy Birthday"on it.
A: OK. (2)      
B: Good idea. He loves cakes.
A: (3)      
B: He likes listening to music. (4)      
A: OK. And he likes playing football too. Let's invite him to go to a football match on Saturday.
B: (5)      
A. That's a great idea.
B. Happy birthday to you.
C. Let's give him a CD.
D. How many presents do you get?
E. And we can also make a birthday cake for him.
F. What about a birthday present?
G. What day is it today? 
21.I know the boy              (call) Li Lei.
22.There are a lot of              (mouse) in the house.
23.She is making             . (灯笼)
24.They are              (庆祝) Jenny's birthday.
25.It's one o'clock at night, so              (大多数) people are sleeping.
They are                          buses or train.
Tony wants to come to the party                         .
Your pet cat is                        .
                        ! It's time for breakfast.
He often                          information and check emails on the Internet.
31.  Today more and more students like going shopping on the Internet. Do you have any ideas about it? Here are four girls' ideas.
  Sandy, twelve
  I like new skirts and jeans. I usually go to the shops on the Internet. When I see favourite thing. I can pay for them by my credit card (信用卡)
  Kitty, thirteen
  I think it is very easy and cheap to buy things on the Internet. I only need to stay at home and choose the things I like. I can get them quickly without going out. It doesn't take too much time.
  Wendy, eleven
  I'm not good at computers. I never do the shopping on the Internet. I don't think it is interesting When I want something. I ask my parents to buy it for me in the shopping mall.
  Shirley, twelve
  Shopping on the Internet is not good I can only see some pictures about the things. I don't believe the notes near the pictures.

根据短文内容, 补全所缺信息.(每空一词)
Name Age Ideas about shopping on the Internet. 
Sandy 12 At the weekend she usually goes shopping on the Internet. She(1)            
by her credit card. 
Kitty 13 She thinks it is very easy and (2)             to buy things on the Internet.
She doesn't need to go out and then gets the things she likes. 
Wendy 11 She (3)             goes shopping on the Internet. Her (4)            
usually help her buy things in the shopping mall. 
Shirley 12 She thinks shopping on the Internet is not good. She doesn't (5)            
the notes near the pictures. 
32.  Most people (1)w             to work, but it has become more difficult in today's world to find work for everybody. The economics (经济) of the world need to grow by 4% each (2)y             just to keep the number of the jobs for people. Often this (3)i             not possible, and so more people are (4)o             of work. Some people have no jobs now (5)b             new machines can do the work of many people in shorter time. Also, machines do not ask for more (6)m             and longer holidays. In all of the countries of the world, (7)m             are taking work from people, not only in factories but (8)a             on the farms. One machine (9)c             often do the work of forty people. About 75, 000 people are moving to the cities a day to look for jobs, but only 70% of (10)t             can find jobs.
33.假如你是Toy, 请根据以下提示, 以 My computer为标题写一篇60﹣80词左右的短文, 向大家描述你的电脑, 可适当发挥.
1. 电脑和键盘都是黑色的, 很漂亮;
2. 你经常用电脑做作业和画画;
3. 你喜欢音乐, 所以也在电脑上听音乐;星期大也玩游戏、看电影等;
4. 你有一个美国朋友, 每逢周六晚上你都和他在网上聊天.
My computer
期末试卷 最新试卷 天津试卷 河西区试卷 2021年试卷 初中试卷 七年级上学期试卷 英语试卷
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