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1.To my surprise ______ hero in this cartoon story is ______ ugly duck.
  • A. a; an
  • B. the; a
  • C. 不填; a
  • D. the; an
2.The little boy has many toy cars and they ______ much space of his bedroom.
  • A. take back
  • B. take away
  • C. take off
  • D. take up
3.The story The Farmer and the Snake teaches us an important ______: Never show pity to bad people.
  • A. surprise
  • B. joke
  • C. lesson
  • D. report
4.My grandmother ______ dinner when I got home yesterday.
  • A. was cooking
  • B. will cook
  • C. has cooked
  • D. cooks
5.—What are you going to do this weekend?
—I ______ yet.
  • A. won't decide
  • B. haven't decided
  • C. have decided
  • D. didn't decide
6.Last Sunday was Andy's ______ birthday. We had a birthday party.
  • A. twelve
  • B. the twelfth
  • C. twelfth
  • D. the twelve
7.—Hello, may I speak to Mr. Wang?
—Oh, sorry! He ______ to Beijing. He will come back in two days.
  • A. goes
  • B. has been
  • C. went
  • D. has gone
8.Hurry up! The play ______ for ten minutes.
  • A. has been on
  • B. has begun
  • C. had begun
  • D. began
9.The teacher encouraged the children ______ loudly in front of the people.
  • A. spoke
  • B. to speak
  • C. speaking
  • D. speak
10.Mary is an______ student. She answers the teachers' questions ______ in class.
  • A. active; active
  • B. actively; active
  • C. active; actively
  • D. actively; actively
11.—I'm sorry I ______ my exercise book at home this morning.
—It doesn't matter. Don't forget ______ it here this afternoon.
  • A. left; to bring
  • B. forgot; bringing
  • C. left; to take
  • D. forgot; to bring
12.—What's the matter______ your brother?
—He has a cold.
  • A. on
  • B. at
  • C. with
  • D. for
13.Today I will meet my best friend. We ______ each other since I left school.
  • A. don't see
  • B. haven't seen
  • C. won't see
  • D. didn't see
14.Let's enjoy the song You Are My Sunshine. It sounds ______.
  • A. bad
  • B. badly
  • C. beautifully
  • D. beautiful
15.My cousin is ______ heavy because he often eats ______ fast food.
  • A. much too; too much
  • B. too much; too much
  • C. much too; too many
  • D. too much; too many
16.The boy has learned English ______.
  • A. for five years
  • B. for five years ago
  • C. since five years
  • D. five years ago
17.I ______ Shanghai twice. I ______ there last summer and this winter.
  • A. have been to; have gone to
  • B. have been to; went
  • C. have gone to; went
  • D. have been to; will go
18.—Mom, I got a big box from express (快递). What is it?
—I'm not sure. It ______ be a present from your grandmother.
  • A. must
  • B. might
  • C. can
  • D. will
19.— ______?
—He is naughty but friendly.
  • A. What does your brother like
  • B. What is your brother like
  • C. What does your brother look like
  • D. How does your brother like it
20.—It's kind of you to help me carry the heavy box.
— ______.
  • A. Have a try
  • B. Not really
  • C. It's my pleasure
  • D. It doesn't matter
21.  Griffing is 91 years old now, but she is working in a hospital. She has been at the same job (1)       71 years. She says that being part of the medical field when she started to work at the (2)       of 20 is "just magic".
  The (3)       and nurses regard (看作;认为) Griffing as "the heart and soul of the hospital.”
  Griffing was (4)       at the age of 19, and lived in the hospital where she would work in the end. She (5)       there for four months.
  One day, some doctors were complaining that a nurse didn't come in, and that they were too busy. Griffing says that one of them asked her, "Are you a nurse?You should go to work." Then she (6)       in that hospital.
  Now, Griffing is the hospital's goodwill ambassador (亲善大使). Griffing always (7)       at her patients because she understands how (8)       a smile in her work can be to others.
  It's no wonder that Griffing has been off sick for only four days in her 71 years in the job.
  "I don't have time to be upset. I refuse to be (9)      . I don't have time to be sad, because I'm having too much fun being happy. I work every day. I have to think and (10)       problems every day. I will retired when they push me out of the door or carry me out in a box," she says.
22.  An old woman was playing a good game of bridge (打桥牌) with her friends one evening. "Oh, sorry! I have to go back home and make dinner for my husband! He is going to be really angry if it's not ready on time!" she said suddenly.
  When she got home, she realized that she didn't have enough time to go to the supermarket, and all she had in the cupboard was a lettuce leaf, an egg, and a can of cat food. In a hurry she opened the can, mixed in the egg, and put the lettuce leaf on it just as her husband came back.
  She watched nervously as her husband sat down to have his dinner. To her surprise, her husband really enjoyed his dinner. "My dear, this is the best dinner you have made for me in forty years of marriage. You can make this for me every day."
  So every bridge night from then on, the woman made her husband the same dish. She told her bridge friends about it and they were all surprised.
  "You're going to kill him!" they shouted at her.
  Two months later, her husband really died.
  The women were sitting around the table playing bridge when one of the friends said, "You killed him! We told you that feeding him that cat food every week would do him in! How can you just sit there so calmly and play bridge knowing you killed your husband?"
  The wife calmly replied, "I didn't kill him. He fell off a tall tree while he was trying to catch a bird."
23.  Do you yawn (打哈欠) sometimes when you are tired and sleepy? Maybe your answer is yes. Here is an interesting story. Let's have a look at it together!
  One morning, Betty was not able to do her work. She felt too tired. She put down all of her books, yawned and felt much better. Betty looked up. Had the teacher seen her? To her surprise, the teacher was yawning, too. He took a deep breath and opened his mouth wide. He closed his eyes a bit and let out his breath in a big, slow yawn. Then Betty heard other yawns. The teacher said, "Betty yawned because our doors and windows are closed. And the room is warm. Her body needed more air. Maybe she yawned because she was tired. Or she just needed to move a bit. Do you feel better now, Betty?" he asked. "Yes," said Betty. "Yawns wake us up," the teacher said. "When you yawn, you can stretch (伸展) many parts of your body. That stretching makes you feel good."
  There were more yawns in the classroom. "People do not know why they yawn," the teacher said. "But if you see a yawn, hear one, or even read about one, you may yawn too. And once your yawn starts, you can't stop it at all. You may close your mouth to stop it. But the yawn will still come at once." The teacher stood up and said, "Let's open the windows and let fresh air in. You may also go out for a drink. A cold drink or water on your face helps to stop yawns. Betty may go first."
  How do you feel now after you have read this story? Did you yawn?Watch a friend read this. See if your friend starts to yawn. If you see a yawn, you will know why! But if you keep yawning all the time, you must see the doctor!
24.  Hobbies are an important part of life. A great hobby will help you feel relaxed, will allow you to learn more about yourself, and will help you in developing life skills and in learning lessons that will make you live a better life. From painting to reading, there are a large number of hobbies you can take up. If you're choosing a new hobby, the following suggestions can help you.
  When looking for a new hobby, you can think about the subjects you like to learn about, or the thing you enjoy doing. For example, if you're a woman, you can take up hobbies like cooking, gardening, and some others. If you're a man, you can consider hobbies like hunting, fishing, sports, etc.
  Are you a good writer, speaker, painter, or an expert at something else? Think hard about it by going over this question. You'll certainly find your passion (激情), and this will guide you to choose a hobby that suits you.
  Pay attention to your talks. What do you enjoy talking about? What can you go on talking about easily? You may ask others about the topics you talk about the most. Your conversations can show a lot about your passion which can be developed into a hobby.
  Anyhow, picking a new hobby is a big decision, as this is an activity that you'll spend much time and money on. But remember: It's just a hobby.You can always consider something different if you find that the activity you chose isn't as satisfying as you thought it would be.
A. Do you have breakfast?
B. Where do you work?
C. Stand up and do some exercise from time to time.
D. Well, I've got a pain in my back.
E. What's wrong with me?
F. I want to buy some story books.
G. I usually play computer games late at night. 

A: Can I help you?
B: (1)      
A: How long have you been like this?
B: Since two weeks ago.
A: Let me have a look. (2)      
B: I work in an office.
A: Do you play computer games?
B: Yes, a lot. (3)      
A:Mm, that's it.
A:Nothing serious. You spend too much time in front of the computer.
B:What can I do?
A: (5)      Don't play computer games too much.
B: OK, I'll take your advice. Thank you.
We are                          to the new term.
The manager asked us to                          the office.
28.经过许多年的努力, 他终于获得了一等奖.
After many years of hard work, he won the              in the end.
29.如果有必要, 你可以编造一个借口.
You can                          an excuse if necessary.
Wang Li's new book                          last week.
31.  Do you often see ants? If the weather is warm, you may see them under the stones. If it is cold, many ants will be in their house under the ground.
  Most of the ants are workers. They have lots of work to do. They look for food and take care of the young ants. Each family of ants has a queen ant. The queen doesn't work at all. She is important because she lays eggs. These eggs will become new ants.
  There are many kinds of ants in America. One kind of these is very strong. They can kill and eat elephants. They move in groups. They eat all the animals they meet while moving on their way.
When these ants come near, people leave their homes.
1. People can see ants under the stone on       days.
2. Most of the ants are workers. They have      .
3. The workers are always busy searching for food and      .
4. The queen ant       works but she is important to the ant family.
5. One kind of ants in America can kill and      .
32.  One day in class, a teacher on the platform (讲台) (1)h             up an apple and said, "Please smell the smell in the air!"
  One student raised his (2)h             and answered, "I have smelled it. It is the smell of an apple."
  The teacher stepped (走) (3)o             the platform, passed by each of the students and said, "Please smell again to see (4)i             the smell of the apple is still in the air."
  Half of the students raised their hands to (5)s             that they could smell it. The teacher returned to the front of the classroom and asked again if the students could smell the apple. Everyone raised their hands (6)e             one student. The teacher came to the student and asked, you (7)r             can't smell the apple?"
  The student answered, "No, I can't smell it. I don't think it's a real apple."
  The teacher smiled at the student and said to the class, "He is (8)r            ! This is not a real apple."
  All of the other students were tricked (欺骗). They might have thought that perhaps the apple was not real, but they didn't have the self-confidence (自信) to speak up. They (9)j             "followed the leader" and went along with the first student.
  Please remember: Believe in yourself first, and then others will (10)b            you.
33.假如你是王明, 准备向同学介绍一下你的爱好, 请你根据表格里的提示信息, 写一篇英语短文.
爱好 原因 
1. 旅游:已经去过很多有名的地方. 增长见识、结交朋友 
2. 收集车票:已经收集了几百张车票. 看到它们, 想起一些美好的地方. 
3. 看卡通片:尤其是幽默的卡通片. 放松自我、让人开心. 

提示词汇:增长见识 open one's mind
1. 词数:80 词左右. 文章开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数.
2. 必须包括全部要点, 但不能逐词翻译, 可适当发挥.
My hobbies
Different people have different hobbies. I have a lot of hobbies, such as
My hobbies are important for me because they make my life colourful.
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