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1.— Where did Mr. Smith go last week?
—______ went to Tian'anmen Square with some friends.
  • A. She
  • B. Her
  • C. He
  • D. His
2.I heard you went skating ______ Friday evening. Did you have a good time?
  • A. on
  • B. of
  • C. at
  • D. in
3.—______ does your sister play sports?
—About three times a week.
  • A. How many
  • B. How much
  • C. How often
  • D. How long
4.Is there ______ in today's newspaper?'
  • A. interesting something
  • B. interesting anything
  • C. something interesting
  • D. anything interesting
5.The Yangtze River is ______ than the Yellow River.
  • A. long
  • B. longer
  • C. longest
  • D. the longest
6.She never______ up late because she knows it's bad for her health.
  • A. stay
  • B. stays
  • C. is staying
  • D. to stay
7.Lucy went shopping yesterday and ______ a gift for her mother.
  • A. buy
  • B. buys
  • C. bought
  • D. is buying
8.Larry is funny and outgoing. He always makes his friends ______
  • A. laugh
  • B. laughs
  • C. laughing
  • D. to laugh
9.—What a great day! Let's go to the park.
  • A. Don't worry
  • B. Thanks for your help
  • C. You are welcome
  • D. Sounds like a good idea
10.Who Did Jeffery's Homework?
  Jeffery loves outdoor games like hockey and basketball. He is a good sports player but he is not interested in studies. He never does homework. "Too boring," he says. His teachers tell him, "Jeffery!Do your homework, or you can't learn a thing." But what can he do? He (1)       homework.
  One day, he found his cat playing with a little doll and he took it away. When he looked at it closely, he found that it wasn't a doll at all but a man of the smallest size. It was a little elf (精灵)!
  The elf shouted, "Save me! Don't give me back to the cat. You can make a (2)      if you save me."
  "How (3)      I am!" Jeffery thought. Here was the answer to all of his problems. So he said,
  "Please do all my homework till the end of this term and make sure I can get A's. If you make my wish come true, I'll let you go then." The little elf agreed.
  And true to his word, the little elf began to do Jeffery's homework. But there was one problem — the elf didn't always know how to do the homework and needed (4)      . When doing reading, the elf asked Jeffery to (5)       new words in the dictionary. When doing history, the elf needed Jeffery to go to the (6)      to borrow books and read to him.
  Jeffery was working harder than ever! He stayed up late at night and got up early in the morning. That little elf was driving him crazy! He never felt so (7)      . Finally the last day of school arrived and the elf was free to go. As for homework, Jeffery didn't hate to do it anymore.
  He got his A's. His classmates and teachers were all surprised. They (8)      what had happened to Jeffery. Do you know who really helped Jeffery?
11.Best for Kids Events
  The Kids House Center offers many great activities for kids in November. Let's take a look!
Painting Outdoors
Time:10:00 a. m. — 1:00 p. m. , Nov. 5
Place:Wave Hill HouseBring your brushes and follow creative painters Eliza, Susie and Harriet. They will take you on a wonderful trip to draw and play!
Farm Exploration Day
Time:10:00 a. m. — 5:00 p. m. , Nov. 16
Place:Urban Farm Explore a great variety of fruits and vegetables and ask our farmers about all that's growing! You can also see chickens, ducksand cows here.
The Princess, The Emperor and The Duck
Time:11:00 am. — 1:00 p. m. , Nov. 21
Place: Marionette TheatreThe Princess, The Emperor;and The Duck is a great movie that retells one of Andersen's world-famous fairy tales. I'm sure you will enjoy watching it!
Learn to Ride
Time:11:00 a. m. — 3:00 p. m. , Nov. 25
Place: Jackson Pond PlaygroundBring a bike and a helmet for this free fun event! Our teachers will show you how to ride a two-wheeler. It will be easy and fun!
Tel: 538—9864 
12.The Judge Monkey
  A long long time ago, there were two cats who lived in the countryside. One day, they were playing along the riverside. Suddenly they saw a loaf of bread lying under a tree. Both jumped upon it and caught the bread at the same time. "It is mine. I saw it first," said one cat. While the other said, "I got it first, so it belongs to me" After having quarreled for some time, one cat said, "Let's divide it into two and take one piece each." "A good idea," said the other cat. "But how do we divide it now?"
  A monkey sitting on the tree watched what happened between the two cats. "That loaf of bread looks good. I could eat it myself" he thought. Slowly he came down from the tee and walked up to the two cats.
  "My dear friends! Can I help you?" asked the monkey. The cats told the monkey what the problem was and said, "Why don't you be the judge between us" When the monkey nodded, the cats said, "Please divide this loaf of bread for us."
  The clever monkey broke the bread into two pieces. But one piece was a little bigger than the other. "Oh no! I will take a little bite of this bigger piece to make both equal" said the monkey. But he took a big bite. "Uh oh! Now it has become smaller than. the other piece. I will just have to take a little bite from that one, too," said the monkey.
  The Judge Monkey took another bite. The two cats sat in front of the monkey, seeing the loaf of bread getting smaller and smaller. When the whole loaf was eaten by the monkey, the monkey said, "I am sorry. It was really difficult to divide the bread. I must be going now." And the monkey jumped onto the tee and was gone. "If only we had not quarreled among ourselves, we would have remained united and we don't need to go to the monkey and become hungry now," said the two cats.
13.  Feelings are difficult to deal with, especially for a 4-year-old who doesn't know why his mum won't let him eat another cookie and an 8-year-old who is unhappy that his dad got called into work and has to leave the playground early.
  For parents, it's very important to begin teaching kids about their feelings as early as possible because their feelings affect every choice they make. Kids who understand their feelings are less likely to act. out by getting angry or fighting with others. They can use clear sentences to express their feelings. A child who can say, " I'm a little angry with you about what you did," is less likely to get into fights.
  A good way to help kids deal with feelings is to set an example for them. Parents should take opportunities to share their feelings with kids in their daily life. A parent could say to the kid, "I feel sad that you don't want to share your toys with your sister. Can we talk about this a little bit?" Kids can learn to deal with unpleasant feelings from conversations like this.
  Another great way to help kids learn about feelings is o discuss how different roles in TV series may feel. When watching TV a parent could stop and ask the kid, "How do you think he feels right now?" Then, discuss the feelings that person may be experiencing and the reasons.
  Doing so also teaches empathy. Young children think the world centers around them, so it can be an eye-opening experience for them to learn other people have feelings too. When young children can understand other people's feelings, they are less likely to do bad tings to them. For example, if a child knows that pushing his friend to the ground may make his friend mad and sad, he will be less likely to do so.
  Teaching a kid about feelings will help him become mentally (精神上) strong. Kids who have the skills to deal with their feelings will be so confident that they can handle whatever life throws their way.
14.Are You Distracted (注意力分散的) by Technology?
  According to Daily Mail, people spend 8 hours and 41 minutes on electronic devices (电子设备) on average every day. There is no doubt that people are getting more dependent on technology as time goes by. The only question is: are you too distracted by it?
  Well technology can be a distraction only when people fail to use it responsibly. When a responsible person uses cellphones, tablets (平板电脑), laptops and other devices, technology has brought many positive effects to the daily life.
  For starters, technology has greatly increased the efficiency of our daily life. We use computers to shop, code, buy tickets, and do many other things. We can check our emails from any place. It makes us keep in touch with family and friends without any trouble.
  Technology also serves as a useful tool to get information. It can help us find out almost every piece of information we need. A survey by Pew Research Center showed that 62% of smartphone owners in the U. S. have used their devices to find information about health conditions; 57% relied on their phones to do online banking; and 30% of them have taken a class on a smartphone during 2019.
  However, there are people who hold different opinions. They think using technology can be addictive. Some children keep playing computer games and don't know when to stop. Also, young people are turned into slaves of consumerism (消费主义的奴隶) because they are flooded with topics about fitness, fashion models, make-up, movie stars, etc. These topics can serve as a distraction from studying. But think about it, didn't children in the past have their own distraction? Before the age of technology, the street was a distraction. Parents were worried about how long children spent playing outside. Young people always find their ways to get their minds off schoolwork. It's not the fault of modern technology.
  In conclusion, we cannot even imagine living without our smartphones, tablets and laptops.
  We need technology to connect to the rest of the world and get useful information. Whether we allow ourselves to be controlled by technology or we stay strong to fight against the addiction to it — that's something we should all decide for ourselves.
15.Some Ideas to Start Your Day Off Right
  Having success and being able to meet one's goals require knowledge, a sense of direction, hard work and resources. That sounds like a very difficult task. However, research shows that successful people have similar habits in their everyday life. For example, starting a day on the right foot is very important to them. Here are some ideas on how to start your day off right.
1. Get up an hour early.
  Getting up an hour early is a good way to start the day. Studies show that your attention span (注意力的持续时间) is the strongest in the morning. In fact, the morning may be the most productive part of your day. Benjamin Franklin would probably agree. He once said, "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."
2. Drink a glass of water with lemon juice.
  After brushing your teeth, drink a glass of water with lemon juice. Why? Health experts say that this drink jump-starts the body's metabolism (新陈代谢). Not only does it jump-start your body's cells, it also keeps them moving throughout the day.
3. Don't jump into social media as soon as you wake up.
  You wake up in the morning. You decide to open up your Weibo account. Well, don't. It's a waste of time and may bring unhealthy emotions. We've all done it. You see a Weibo post about some society problems and the heated discussion pulls you in. Before you know it, an hour has passed, and you're angry with people you don't even know.
4. Exercise!
  Physical fitness trainers often suggest some form of exercise in the morning because the middle of the day is a busy time for most people. By the end of the day, you may not have the time or energy to exercise. Exercising in the morning prevents that from happening.
  Isabel Smith, one of the experts on the research team, said, "In order to feel better during the day, I tried the healthy morning routines for a month. The result was amazing." She also added that she would keeping doing so in the future.

1. Is starting a day on the right foot important to successful people?
2. When is your attention span the strongest according to studies?
3. What should you drink after you brush your teeth?
4. Why shouldn't you jump into social media as soon as you wake up?
5. What did Isabel Smith do to feel better during the day?
Not            is good at            friends.
Lucy often            her mother do            .
The seats in Jinyi Cinema are                         than those in Haidian Theatre.
They both like to play basketball. They have one thing                        .
I go to the book club                        four times a month.
21.从下面两个题目中任选一题, 根据中文和英文提示, 完成一篇不少于 50 词的文段写作.文中已给出内容不计入总词数.请不要写出你的校名和姓名.
   假如你是李华, 你们班最近组织了参观首都博物馆的活动, 你的英国笔友 Peter 对此很感兴趣, 在邮件中向你了解相关情况, 请你根据他的问题回复邮件, 说说你们是什么时候到达博物馆的, 你们在那儿做了什么, 以及你的感受.
提示词语:t he Capital Museum( 首都博物馆), Chinese paintings, history of Beijing, proud
When did you arrive at the Capital Museum?
●What did you do there?
●How did you feel?
Dear Peter, How is it going? I'm glad to share my experience at the Capital Museum with you._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Yours, Li Hua. 
  "榜样的力量是无穷的."好的榜样, 激发我们的学习潜能, 引领我们进步.学校正在开展"身边的榜样 (Role Model Around Me)" 评选活动, 学校的英文校刊也正在开展以 "榜样" 为主题的征文活动.假如你是李华, 请你用英文写一篇短文投稿, 谈谈你们班级评选出来的"身边的榜样"是谁, 他/她有哪些好习惯, 以及你能从他/她身上学到什么.请不要写出真实姓名.
提示词语: study hard, help others, exercise, a healthy lifestyle, hard—working
●Who is the Role Model Around Me in your class?
●What are his or her good habits?
●What can you hear from him or her?
It's very important to have a role model in our life.
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