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1.阅读下面短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 从1﹣15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项.
  A (1)       Chinese grandpa's traditional skills are delighting tens of millions of viewers online as he creates woodwork without glue (胶水), screws or nails (钉子).
  The Chinese master carpenter (木匠), Wang Dewen, known as "Grandpa Amu" on YouTube, has been called as the modern day Lu Ban, thanks to his vast carpentry knowledge. His most popular video, which shows him (2)       a fantastic wooden arch bridge, went viral on the platform, gaining more than 42 million view.
  Grandpa Amu follows an ancient Chinese mortise and tenon (榫卯) technique, which means no nails or glue (3)       in the whole process of building the arch bridge.
  Grandpa Amu has also made several wooden toys (4)       his grandson using the same technique. He created (5)       folding stool (折凳). It looked like the China pavilion from the 2010 Shanghai Expo. "A block of wood transforms into a stool, Genius." a viewer said under the video.
  (6)      all the things he has made, a walking Peppa Pig and a bubble blowing toy are(7)      grandson's favorites.
  The master carpenter has attracted over 1.18 million fans on YouTube so far. Grandpa Amu insists that he is not an internet celebrity (网红)(8)      just an ordinary farmer.
  (9)       Chinese internet celebrity, Li Ziqi, who lives in a village of Sichuan Province, (10)       a name for herself by making all kinds of Chinese dishes on YouTube since 2016.
  In her videos, she gently works as a farmer, impressing viewers with her (11)       of food, nature and Chinese culture while showing the charm (魅力) of Chinese culture in every detail of daily life.
  Her traditional food preparation craft (工艺) (12)       Chinese countryside lifestyle have attracted 11. 1 million fans on YouTube. Just like Li Ziqi, Grandpa Amu is also trying to spread special Chinese techniques to the world.
  Grandpa Amu's son and daughter-in-law now work full time on his videos, hoping that the channel's popularity would help local villagers (13)       sell their farm produce.
  "We came up with the idea of making the videos (14)       we wanted to bring our culture to others and let people learn about (15)       ancient Chinese techniques." said Grandpa Amu's daughter-in-law.
2.阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从1﹣10各题所给的A、B、C和D项中, 选出最佳选项.
  I've noticed that conversations with my children have started to turn into something that I don't like. It could be my mistake. I don't always (1)       before I open my mouth.
  For example, my kids would call me to tell me about something that's been bothering them. Then, as soon as they are finished, I go into mom mode (模式). I can't (2)       it. It's my default setting (默认设置).
  "You should…", "Have you thought of…", "If I were you, I'd…"
  The meaning is clear — "Stop!"
  I am the queen of unwanted advice. When I get one of my adult kids on the phone, I become a "teacher" on everything and anything, which I'm obvious (明显的) not.
  I want to be part of their lives. More importantly, I want to (3)       them making mistakes that seem so obvious to me.
  But they just want a listening ear and an open heart.
  I'm (4)       alone in this. Over lunch the other day, a friend told me that her son almost never listened to anything she said. "It's like talking to a (5)      ." she added.
  I know that feeling all too well. But I'm (6)      very slowly — that talking at is not the same as talking with.
  Giving (7)       to children can be full of problems. Though we may see ourselves sharing the wisdom of our years, they see something else. They see a controlling parent who hasn't (8)       the fact that they are adult with their own thought and feeling.
  They are not looking for any tips. What they are hoping for is a (9)       place to talk with a person who loves and supports them no matter what.
  Because of this, I've given myself the goal of becoming a better parent by being a better (10)      . It's not an easy task for parents like me who think they're just being helpful. But I'm determined, I'm strong.
3.  Online fame Surely blogging or vlogging must be one of the easiest ways of finding fame and fortune?All you need is a computer and a hobby to talk about, don't you?Well, it looks simple, but being a success in the blogosphere is actually a lot harder than it seems.
  Kate Ross has been advising companies on how to work with bloggers and vloggers, and believes that if you start a blog or vlog just to make money, it isn't going to work. Kate says you need to be passionate (热诚的) about your topic and you need to provide your readers or viewers with interesting content (内容). If you don't, your vlog or blog isn't going to get positive feedback and attract subscribers.
  You also need to be aware that money isn't going to come rolling in overnight. Seventeen-year-old Rosie Bea, who has a YouTube fashion channel, says her blog only started attracting the attention of advertisers after she had put in months and months of unpaid word and built up a big fan base. Rosie was also combining her vlog work with her law studies, and she advises vloggers in the same position to make sure that they plan carefully so that they have time to do both thing properly.
  So, while the tabloid press (小报媒体) often talks about the instant (立即的) success of young bloggers and vloggers, it isn't really instant at all. The people who are successful have done well because they are hard﹣working and passionate about what they do, and it is this dedication and passion that attracts subscribers and advertisers to them. The press is only interested in them once they are in the public eye, but they have achieved their celebrity status by working hard.
4.  In recent years, hotter days and heavier rains have become more frequent. And so have floods and droughts. Climate change is having a wide influence on the nation's weather and economy (经济). That is what a new government report shows.
  Climate change was once thought to be a problem for the future. Now it has become a common problem in our daily life. Corn producers in Iowa, oyster growers in the State of Washington and wheat producers in the nation are all seeing changes caused by climate change. "Americans are noticing changes all around them," the report states. "Summers are longer and hotter, and unusual heat lasts longer than any living American has ever experienced. Rains have become much heavier than before."
  So what are the changes caused by climate change that we will experience?Here are the top 10 frightening changes. There will be bigger and more frequent droughts. Larger wildfires will be more often. Polar ice will melt faster. Some uncommon diseases for today will become common. There will be higher risk of heat, and air quality will descend. Some constructions (建筑物) will be damaged. For example, extreme heat has already been damaging roads, rail lines and airport runways. There will be not enough water and poor water quality will be more likely. There will not be enough food climate change harms crops and home-raised animals. Poverty (贫困) will probably become more common. More kinds of animals will disappear.
  We all should do what we can to help prevent climate change. But how?
5.  One Monday morning, Paul and his classmates were in the science laboratory for their chemistry lesson. The students were going to work in pains to do an experiment. Before they began, the teacher gave them this description of the different stages of the experiment.
Stage 1: Prepare the equipment a test tube, a crucible (坩埚), a Bunten burner (煤气灯) and tongs (钳子).
Stage 2: Weigh 5 grams of baking soda (小苏打) and put it in a crucible.
Stage 3: Heat 10 ml of hydrochloric acid (盐酸) in a test tube.
Stage 4: Pour the warm acid onto the baking soda and continue to heat the mixture.
Result: The acid reacts with the bicarbonate (碳酸氢盐) to form water, carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) gas and salt.
  The hotter the mixture, the quicker the reaction. Continue to beat the mixture until the water evaporates (蒸发), leaving the salt in the crucible.
  Paul and his partner followed the instructions and set up their equipment. Paul went to the cupboard to get a bottle of hydrochloric acid. He found that there was only one bottle in the cupboard so he took that. There was so label on the bottle and Paul didn't check with the teacher if it was the right solution (溶液).
  He measured the liquid and poured it into a test tube. Using tongs to hold the test tube, he heated it over the Bunsen burner. That's when things started to go wrong. The liquid in the test tube was not hydrochloric acid. When it was heated, it formed a thick cloud of white gas. Soon the room was full of this strong smelling white gas.
  All the students started coughing and their eyes hurt. The teacher immediately opened the windows and ordered the students to leave the laboratory at once. She realized that the liquid was acrylamide (丙烯酰胺) and that it is poisonous (有毒的).
  Fortunately, nobody was injured in the incident. However, it taught the students and the teacher a good lesson.
6.  We all want to live in good neighborhoods, but not everyone lives in a good neighborhood. How can you build a better community for yourself and your family? There are many things you can do.
  Paint your intersection (十字路口). A street intersection is not something you think of as interesting. However, in Portland people in some neighborhoods have made then really worth stopping for. Some paint, creative people and a bright design are all it takes to bring neighbors together and produce something the whole community can be proud of.
  Make a poetry box. The idea is simple, really — create a box with a glass or clear plastic front. Put this box on a post (柱子). Write your own poem or print out your favorite classic and display it in the box for all your neighbors to see. You can also set up a separate drop box and encourage neighbors to write their own poems and drop them in the box. Display the poems from you neighbors to write own poems and drop them in the box. Display the poems from your neighbors as poems come in.
  Set up a tool library. How often do you need a leaf blower? Or a chain saw? And how often do you use that electric cake mixer? Tool libraries have space where neighbors can drop their hardly used tools to share. Check with a local business, community center or church group about space that can house a tool library.
  Turn your front yard into your backyard. How often do you run into your neighbors in your backyard? Probably never. Moving your typical backyard activities to the front immediately makes you more visible (可见的). You can create front﹣yard gardens, build community benches and even just barbecue in your front yard. They are all great ways to connect with your community.
  With effort, you'll make your neighborhoods a much better place.
7.  Negative thinking is one of the biggest obstacles (障碍) we face in experiencing happiness, but here's hope. Here are two strategies to help defeat your negative thinking.
  (1)       When you're heading into a social gathering, you begin to wonder what if I don't connect with anyone. Am I even likable?Faced with this situation, do something that lifts your mood. (2)       For example, listen to a song that makes you smile or take a moment to appreciate people in your life who love you. Positive emotions literally reduce the effects of anxiety by lowering our heart rate and muscle tension.
  The other is to combat (战斗). (3)       But in reality, our minds feed us messages that range from the embellished (渲染的) truth to total lies. Imagine yourself in court. You are the prosecutor(控方律师), and your negative thought is the defendant (被告). (4)      When he shouts out "You're not good enough at your job", you need to consult the evidence you have to prove it wrong, argue back with the strongest piece of evidence you can find. Always remember your task is to get the judge to hear your side. So you can say "I am good enough because every performance review I've had has been positive. And my boss told me last week how much she enjoyed working with me."
  Both of these strategies, to distract and combat, are skills anyone can learn and get better at with practice. (5)      
A.He's guilty (有罪的), but he insists that he's not guilty and sticks to his story.
B.Remember, with each negative thought you defeat, you've successfully earned your own happiness.
C.That is, have a positive emotion.
D.We often believe that our negative thinking is true.
E.One is to distract. 

8.根据短文内容及首字母提示, 填写所缺单词.(每空限填一词)
  Mr Black was a rich businessman, but he was not satisfied with his life. He always tried his best to make more money for his company. He did not sleep well and didn't want to eat. The s(1)             lasted for some time. Finally, he decided to see his doctor.
  The doctor suggested a change of lifestyle. "Go a(1)            ," he said. "Bu I'm not good at foreign languages," said Mr Black. "It doesn't matter. It won't hurt you if you talk a little less. Go on a trip. Take plenty of exercise. A(3)            eating rich food."
  Mr. Black went to Switzerland. He did not know French or German, and had to express himself through body language.
  He took part in a physical training course. He had to lie on the ground and raise his right and left legs in turn. After some time his muscles (肌肉) grew hard. He almost put aside his financial (财政的) worries and almost forgot the importance of making more money. He even began to enjoy trees and birds. He ate and slept well.
  Finally, he r(4)            home. But his change did not last long. Soon he was a normal businessman again, worried about his money and his success. Life is not easy, but don't leave your h(5)            behind wealth.
That was            easy question      even that little boy could answer it            .
He                                                by the king.
                                    my teacher told me!
                                    some people to smoke in public.
13.去年夏天几乎没怎么下雨, 是吗?
It hardly rained at all last summer,                        ?
14.在这个达人秀中, 要保持领先地位很难.
It's hard to remain                        others in the                        .
15.显然他那次考试没有及格, 但他没有灰心.
                                    the            , he didn't lose heart.
16.这个年轻人说, 他后悔上学时没有努力学习.
The young man said he                                    hard when he was at school.
17.假设你是李华. 你的笔友Tim在数学课上回答了同学的一个问题, 老师误认为他们在聊天而批评了他们, Tim觉得不公平, 从此在数学课上紧张不安. 也不喜欢这位老师的课了. 但Tim很希望能把数学学好. 不知如何是好的他写了封邮件向你咨询意见.
请根据以下要点提示给Tim回信. 字数80左右. 信开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数, 可适当发挥.
1. 每个老师都想他的学生努力学习;
2. 我认为你应该与数学老师谈谈, 告诉他真相;
3. 他会理解你的, 并为你想学好数学感到高兴;
4. 你应该知道老师所做是为你好;
……(至少补充两点. )
Dear Tim,
  I am sorry that you are having trouble with your Maths class. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  I hope things will be better soon!
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
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