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1.  Hi! This is my friend. His name is Jack. Do you want to know something about him? He lives in New York. His house is near a small park. He works in a city library. Today is Sunday and here is his plan for the day.
8:00 a.m.—9:00 a.m. Get up, take some exercise in the park and have breakfast. 
9:20 a.m.—10:00 a.m. Read the book and newspaper. 
10:20 a.m.—12:20 p.m. Check (查) e-mails and make some calls. 
12:30 p.m.—1:00 p.m. Have lunch at home. 
3:00 p.m.—5:30 p.m. Watch TV and play computer games. 
6:00 p.m.—8:00 p.m. Go out for a walk and then have a dinner with his three good friends at a restaurant. 
8:20 p.m.—9:00 p.m. Go to the supermarket to buy some food and drinks. 
9:30 p.m.—10:30 p.m. Take a shower and go to bed. 
2.  My name is Becky. I went to Canada for a weekend with my father. We stayed in the mountains for 36 hours. We went climbing and walking. The weather wasn't very nice, but the mountains were beautiful. In the evening we learned how to make knots (绳结). We also learned about first aid (急救).
  One of my friends Dave also went for a school trip with his classmates last Sunday. They visited Uncle Sam's farm. They saw hundreds of cows on the farm. Uncle Sam was very friendly to them. He taught them how to feed chickens and how to milk a cow. They could also learn to ride horses on the farm. They said that horses ran quite fast. And they felt just very terrible. But they had a good time there!
3.  Last summer, Jody went on vacation with her parents and her little brother Joe. They went to the beach. The weather was fine and the children went swimming every day.
  One day, Jody and Joe went boating. It was a nice small boat. When they were having a great time near the beach, a strong (强劲的) wind came and took the boat far from the beach.
  Jody wanted to go back, but she fell (掉落) into the water. Joe was scared and he didn't know what to do. "Help! Help!" shouted Jody. She was getting down in the water. She saw water and dolphins (海豚) all around. She wanted to swim, but she couldn't. One of her legs was in the seaweed (海草) wrapped (缠绕)! And she couldn't make it come out of the seaweed. Just then a dolphin quickly came to save her. The dolphin took Jody on its mouth and took her up to the boat. After that, it swam away.
  "Did you see that? That dolphin saved your life!" shouted Joe when Jody was back in their boat. "Yes, I was really surprised when I saw it, but I can't believe (相信) it at all!" said Jody. And they went back to the beach quickly. At this time, Jody said with a smile, "We are lucky today!"
4.  It was morning, and that was a nice Saturday morning. I woke up early and went outside. It was a beautiful and sunny day. I felt hot in the sun. (1)       Mrs. Brown was a teacher.
  "A nurse in the hospital called me. My mother is ill," Mrs. Brown said. (2)"       Today is a test day. My students can't take the test. And I can't go to the library with you this afternoon, either."
  Later Mrs. Brown called back. "I went to the hospital. My mother wasn't there," she said. (3)"       She is fine. She is not ill. Someone tricked (欺骗) me!"
  Mrs. Brown was sure one of her students gave that call. (4)       She needed help. I went to the school. There were three students with Mrs. Brown.
  The students said they didn't call Mrs. Brown.
  Bill said, "I didn't call. I slept until school time."
  Betty said, (5)"       I can't call before school."
  Sandy said, "I helped my grandfather sweep wet leaves (湿叶子) in the morning."
  "Sandy," I said. "You are lying (撒谎)."
A. But which student?
B. I called my mother.
C. My mother has my phone.
D. Now, I have to go to the hospital.
E. Just then, my friend, Mrs. Brown, called me.  

5.  Many young people would like to eat a lot of fruits and desserts (甜食). In America and England, they usually eat them after dinner.
  Do you like desserts? Do you enjoy (1)       with your friends? If you do, I have a good place to (2)       you.
  Dessert House is not big, (3)       it is a great place for you to eat. There are six waiters (服务员) (4)       it. They're (5)      . The chairs and (6)       there are all green. The color (7)       people relaxed. You can listen to (8)       when you're in Dessert House. If you don't like to eat dessert, you can eat some other (9)       like dumplings, noodles, mutton, beef, soup, potatoes and so on.
  There is a great (10)       every day at Dessert House: sometimes fruit ice-cream with apples or (11)      , sometimes other desserts. Special fruit ice-cream is only one yuan (12)       two. Also, they usually (13)       a small dumpling in some ice-cream. If you have this kind of ice-cream, you can (14)       another free ice-cream. I think it's very (15)      .
ride, read, people, flower, floor, we, two, brother, listen, room 

  Hello, everyone! I'm from Australia. I want to come to China for learning Chinese and Chinese culture. And I'll come with my family. Do you want to know something about me, my house and family?
  I'm Susan. I'm fourteen. I like Chinese kung fu and Chinese food. And I also like Chinese film.
  I have a big family. There are six (1)             in my family. Look! Here are some photos of my family. The new building with a garden is my house. There are some (2)             in the garden. They're very beautiful. My house has two (3)            . I live on the (4)             floor. My favorite (5)             is the study (书房). When I'm free, I like (6)             to music and playing on the computer there. There is a balcony (阳台) next to the living room. It's a good place for (7)            . There is a book shelf there. Some books are on it. We often sit at the shelf and (8)             them.
  There is a black bike in the garden. It's my (9)            . It's his birthday gift. He likes the bike very much and he often (10)             it to the zoo on Sundays. Now he is cleaning his bike.
  I like my house and love my family very much.
7.  My father has a young friend. His name is Liu Guo. My father lets me call him Uncle Liu. Uncle Liu works in a hospital, and he is a good doctor. But he lives far (1)             the hospital. Every day, he gets up early (2)             eats breakfast quickly at home. Then he goes to the bus station by bike. There he takes a bus to the River Stop. (3)             is no bridge across the river. So he takes a boat (4)             cross the river. He gets off the boat and then walks to the hospital. Every weekday, he does (5)             same thing. His dream is to have a bridge. I hope his dream can come true one day. All the people can cross the river from the bridge.
8.A: Hello, Johnny! We didn't see each other for a long time. (1)      ?
B: I went to Africa for my vacation.
A: Really? (2)      ?
B: I went there with my parents.
A: (3)      ?
B: We went to visit the big farm, seeing many kinds of animals like koalas, giraffes, elephants and so on. And we also went climbing, and went shopping before coming back.
A: That sounds great! (4)      ?
B: I bought some gifts for my friends. (5)      ?
A: Not bad. I went to the forest with my uncle last weekend.
B: Oh? How was your trip then?
A: It was exciting. I saw a lot of trees, flowers, and animals.
B: Any photos? Let me have a look?
A: Sure! I'll bring them tomorrow.
B: Thank you!
9.同学们,端午节刚刚过去,请你以"My Dragon Boat Festival"为主题,写一篇英语短文,根据提示,描述一下端午节活动。
1. 第一天早上,先是跟妈妈一起学包粽子,然后独自包粽子。下午跟爸爸一起在电视上观看端午龙船比赛 (dragon boat race)。
2. 第二天早上先是看望爷爷奶奶 (或姥爷姥姥),下午陪爷爷游泳,这一天过得真有趣,晚上我感觉真累。
3. 第三天上午在家做家庭作业,不过,我只花了两个小时就完成了。之后,又跟两个朋友看了一场电影。这个假期过得真愉快!
1. 短文必须包括提示要点,中间可以适当发挥 (比如粽子味道、比赛动人等)。
2. 语言表述顺畅,意思连贯,书写规范。
3. 不得出现真实校名、人名等信息。
4. 短文开头已给出,词数约80 — 90.
My Dragon Boat Festival
  I had a three-day holiday on the Dragon Boat Festival. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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