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1.从A、B、C三个选项中, 找出其划线部分发音与所给单词划线部分发音相同的选项.health
  • A. theater
  • B. cheaply
  • C. ready
2.Mary is going to study in ______ university and she wants to be ______ engineer.
  • A. a; a
  • B. a; an
  • C. the; an
3.______ Square Dancing is good exercise for the old, sometimes it makes a lot of noise.
  • A. If
  • B. Although
  • C. Until
  • D. Because
4.Be quiet, I have ______ to tell you.
  • A. important something
  • B. something important
  • C. anything important
5.There ______ a basketball match between Grade I and Grade 2 ______ Friday afternoon.
  • A. is going to have; on
  • B. is going to be; on
  • C. is going to be; in
6.—Look at the flowers I gave you last month. They are dying! ______ do you water them?
—Sorry, I forgot to water them.
  • A. How long
  • B. How often
  • C. How soon
  • D. How much
7.—These days teenagers have more and more worries.
—It helps a lot to ______ a relaxing hobby, such as running.
  • A. cut up
  • B. make up
  • C. take up
  • D. dress up
8.The volunteer spoke as ______ as she could to make the visitors understand her.
  • A. clearly
  • B. more clearly
  • C. most clearly
9.—Do you practice ______ English every day?
—Sure, I hope ______ good grades in English this term.
  • A. speak; to gel
  • B. speaking; getting
  • C. speaking; to get
10.—What do you think of talk shows ?
—______. And I often watch the talk show Roast (吐槽大会).
  • A. I like them very much
  • B. I can't stand them
  • C. I don't mind them
A. everything B. friendly C. nothing D. sometimes E. reasons F. choose 

  "I don't like my parents. They always tell me I should do this, and should not do that. " It (1)       makes me angry," said Zhang Hua, a middle school student. Do you have the same problem?Why do some parents seem not so (2)       in their children's eyes?
  One of the main (3)       is that they care about you and worry about you. When someone becomes a parent, he or she likes worrying about things. They worry about (4)      . They worry about the friends you (5)      , the food you eat, your work at school, and so on.
A. a B. sure C. though D. with E. relationships F. Help with 

  Your parents do a lot for you, (1)       something would make you angry. They just want you to grow up healthily and happily. So you should try to understand them. You can improve your (2)       if you do these things:
  Let your parents know your friends. Make (3)       they know what you're doing and where you are. Talk about your ideas (4)       them. Say sorry to them when you do something wrong. Take responsibility (责任) for what you did. (5)       housework. Study hard to get good grades.
13.  A little girl thought she was not as beautiful as other girls, and nobody liked her, so she was always unhappy and didn't like to talk to others. However, one day, her mother gave her a beautiful hair clip (发夹). When she wore it, she looked much more beautiful than before. She decided to wear it to school.
  On her way to school, she found that everyone who saw her smiled at her. Most of her schoolmates said "hello" to her, but this never happened before. She thought that the beautiful hair clip had brought her them all. She was so happy about all of the wonderful things. Although she didn't tell her classmates about her beautiful hair clip, they all wanted to know what had happened to her.
  When she went back home after school, her mother asked her, "Did you know you dropped your hair clip?I found it by the door this morning."
  She understood that she hadn't worn the hair clip to school at all.
  It is not important what we wear or how we look. The most important is how we think about ourselves.
14.  Once there were some goats (山羊) in a field. Next to the field there was a large river, with a bridge over it. No one crossed the bridge because there lived a big ugly and hungry monster (怪物) under the bridge. As soon as he heard anyone on the bridge , he jumped out and ate them.
  Every day the goats looked across the river. The grass on the other side of the river looked sweet and green. "Why don't we go across to the other side of the river and eat the sweet green grass?" thought the smallest goat.
  One day, the smallest goat decided to cross the bridge. He heard a terrible voice when he just stepped onto the bridge. "Who's going across my bridge?"
  The smallest goat was scared. His brothers were too far away to save him. He had to save himself.
  "It's me, the smallest goat," he said.
  "Then I'm coming to eat you." said the monster.
  "Oh, no, please don't do that," said the smallest goat. "Wait for my brother. He is coming this way. He's fatter than me."
  When one of his brother goats went across the bridge, the monster wanted to eat it. But the goat was big and he knocked (敲打) the monster down with his big horns. The monster fell into the river and the water carried (带走) him far away.
15.  Do you make a resolution on New Year's Day? How to make a good resolution? (1)      
  ★Plan for the resolution.
  It is not enough to have a goal. You need to think out some right steps for the resolution. So make your plan. (2)       And it'll also tell you how to make the goal come true at last. Make a plan is very important.
  If you make your plan later, you may forget your resolution gradually (逐渐地). It's important that you start making your plan right now.
  ★(4)       You should write your resolution and plan in some places, such as a notebook or your diary.
  ★Think"year around", not just "New Year's".
  You can't finish anything in one day. You make a resolution in one day. (5)       It may need a hundred small steps. New Year's resolution should be a starting point. You must keep a habit for making your resolution come true gradually.
A. Make your plan right now.
B. Maybe the following can help you.
C. It doesn't mean you must finish it in one day.
D. A good plan will tell you what to do next.
E. Write down your resolution and plan.
F. New Year's resolution helps people a lot.
G. Making a plan is very important. 

16.Students needs to exercise for half an hour             a day to keep healthy. (two)
17.At the beginning of the year, people make the resolutions to make              better persons. (they)
18.There are some d             between Britain English and American English.
19.Edison was interested in science when he was young and he became a great              later. (science)
20.My father can't stand soap operas. He thinks they are              (毫无意义的).
21.102.1 FM plays the              (bad) music of all the radio stations. I don't like it at all.
22.Micky often takes the plane to travel. He thinks traveling by air is really              (enjoy).
23.Mary has a big house and she lives              with her children. (comfortable)
24.  It was a Saturday afternoon. The weather (1)            (be) sunny and nobody wanted to stay at home. Timmy decided (2)            (go) swimming in the river. His little brother Bob wanted to go with him. "(3)             (take) your brother with you , Timmy." said their father, "and you can look after him well."
  When they got to the river, they saw a lot of people (4)            (swim) in it. Some people had great fun playing in the water. Bob ask: "What are they doing in the river?" Timmy said: "They (5)            (catch)fish." He told Bob to stay on the bank (岸边), then he jumped into the water. About an hour later, Timmy(6)            (swim) back to the bank with a fish in his hand. Bob was very happy. He found a bottle and put the fish into it. Bob said happily: "I (7)            (look) after it in the future." When they got home , Bob didn' t do anything else that evening. He just watched the fish in his own room.
25.  Peter is a young boy from Puerto Rico. Five months ago, he came to New York with his family. He would never forget their first day in this city. His parents' eyes were full of hope, and they wondered what good jobs they would get. His elder sister and brother looked at the people, streets, buildings. etc. Everything was exciting for them. Grandmother and Grandfather discussed their wonderful new life here. New York was the dream city of everyone in the family except (除. . 之外) Peter. He hated it. The city looked big, cold and dirty to him. He missed his home in the countryside in Puerto Rico. He loved the fresh air, the hot sun and the lovely beaches.
  Peter didn't want to go to school because it made him think of his friends at home. He began to go to the dock (码头) because this made him feel closer to Puerto Rico. He often saw a man here looking al the sea. The man saw Peter, too, and felt his sadness (悲伤). The man's name is Eric. One day Eric said, "Yes, it's hard to leave your hometown. I left Norway 15 years ago and began to drive a bus in this city. At the beginning I feel the same as you. I know it's hard to start a new life in a new place, but let's face it. I did it, and you can do it, too."
  After that the man and the young boy became close friends.
26.你(David) 是一位正在中国学习的学生,请根据下列要点,告知你的祖父母关于你和新同学刘林 (Liu Lin) 的情况。
1. 刘林比你高,比你更外向。他总是给你讲有趣的故事。
2. 你们都喜欢运动,你们每周锻炼四次,放学后,你们还一起打篮球。
3. 你们都喜欢听音乐,看动作片,但刘林还喜欢看新闻,因为...
4. 你们的理想职业分别是…, 如何实现?
5. 上周末,你们去Town Cinema看了电影,电影很精彩。你觉得这家影院是最好的一家影院,因为它有最舒适的座位和最好的音效。
1. 内容必须包含以上信息,并可根据需要适当添加。
2. 书写规范,条理清楚,行文连贯,段落分明。
3. 词数80词左右,且不能透漏具体学校和真实姓名,否则不予评分。
Dear grandparents,
  How's everything going?Now I'm studying in China. I have a new good friend, Liu Lin. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Best wishes!
期中试卷 最新试卷 山东试卷 临沂市试卷 2021年试卷 初中试卷 八年级上学期试卷 英语试卷
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