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1.— Mary, do you know that girl over there?
— Yes, I know ______, but I can't remember ______ name.
  • A. her; hers
  • B. she; her
  • C. her; her
  • D. hers; she
2.—These books are Betty's and ______ are those?
—Ah, they are mine. Thank you, Mr. Lin.
  • A. who
  • B. what
  • C. whom
  • D. whose
3.— Can I help you?
— I'd like a kilo of ______ and a glass of ______.
  • A. strawberries; orange
  • B. strawberry; orange
  • C. strawberries; oranges
  • D. strawberry; oranges
4.I'm going to get up late and then read a book ______ the morning of 1st May.
  • A. on
  • B. at
  • C. in
  • D. during
5.Working hours will be short ______ people will have long holidays.
  • A. so
  • B. or
  • C. but
  • D. because
6.Don't spend much time ______ computer games. It is bad for your eyes.
  • A. to play
  • B. playing
  • C. play
  • D. plays
7.—Linda wants to join the music club and she ______ sing really well.
—Yes. She is fantastic!
  • A. has to
  • B. must
  • C. can
  • D. may
8.— Do you have any plans this afternoon?
— Yes. I ______ my lessons for the coming exam.
  • A. always go over
  • B. will go over
  • C. am going to go over
  • D. am going over
9.Could you please keep quiet? We ______ books at the moment.
  • A. read
  • B. reads
  • C. is reading
  • D. are reading
10.Go along the street and you ______ an underground station.
  • A. see
  • B. will see
  • C. are going to see
  • D. are seeing
11.Frank is so polite and friendly that he can ______ everyone.
  • A. be careful with
  • B. help with
  • C. get on well with
  • D. do well in
12.—Excuse me. I want to buy a guidebook about Beijing. ______?
—There is a big one over there, on the right of the bank.
  • A. How far is the bookstore
  • B. Where is the bookstore
  • C. Is there a bookstore near here
  • D. Do you want to go with me
13.  Today, people are trying to help the whales. There are not many places left in the world where whales can live safely. The oceans are dirty. There are (1)       bad things in the oceans. Whales are getting sick. That's (2)       people are helping them.
  What can you do to help the whales? Tell people how special whales are. Tell people not to put garbage in the oceans.
14.  I belong to a travel club. We meet once a month. It is fun to hear about others' travel stories. We talk about different (1)       we went to as well as the delicious food we tried. We also discuss places we'd like (2)       to. Yesterday a new boy joined the club. His name is Li Hua, and he said that he traveled a lot. He told us that he had been to 20 countries. He even lived in Australia for a year!
compare(v. ); popular(adj. ); advantages(n. ); receive(v. ) 

  Online shopping is quite (1)            . You can buy almost everything on the Internet, and it's very easy. First, you choose something and pay for it. Then you (2)             it a few days later by post. Online shopping has several (3)            . You can shop at any time. The shops are always open. Second, shopping usually takes a lot of time. But to shop on the Internet you only need a computer and a mouse! You can also (4)             the prices of the same product and spend less.
relax(v. ); successful(adj.); time(n. ); lose(v. ); finish(v. ); plan(n. ) 

  Have you ever heard someone say, "You can get money back with time but you can't be (1)             back with money?" Basically, this is saying that if you (2)             money, you will have a chance to earn it back. However, if you waste an hour, you can't get it back. The key to valuing (珍视) time is to make a plan for each day. If you don't spend time on your (3)            , you will always find yourself wasting time.
  Sit down with a piece of paper and list out what you need to (4)             that day. Then create a timetable for yourself and work out at what time you should be done with each activity. It is also important to take a moment to review how productive (富有成效的) you were. Give yourself a minute to reset — close your eyes and (5)             and you will be able to effectively move on. Finally, when you have finished what you planned, reflect (认真思考) on how (6)             you were at sticking to (坚持) your plan.
Cape Town, South Africa
*In spring and summer (September — March), it's warm.
*The autumn and winter months (April — August), are chilly, and it rains.
*This coastal city has beautiful mountains and lovely beaches.
*They are great for hiking, surfing, swimming, relaxing and waterskiing.
*You can visit beautiful mountains for hiking. 
Las Vegas, USA
*Most days are sunny and hot, but in the evening, it's often cool. In summer, it's 100 F/38℃ .
*There are casinos, great nightlife clubs and restaurants.
*Swimming pools and golf courses are available.
*You can visit beautiful mountains for hiking, and for skiing and snowboarding in winter. 
Hokkaido, Japan
*There is low humidity all year. Winter are cold. July and August are dry and beautiful.
*Skiing is popular in winter.
*Summer is great for camping and mountain biking.
*The popular Sapporo Snow Festival is held in February. 
Sanya, China
*It is hot in summer and warm in other three seasons. It rains a lot.
*Sightseeing is popular. Seaside and beach views are beautiful.
*Swimming, diving, relaxing are all great. You can go swimming nearly all year round.
*Mountains and temples there are another attractions, and they are great for hiking. 
18.  A little boy named John lives in a beautiful home with his parents. One day, his father finds him crying and asks if something is wrong. John says sadly, "I have so many problems in life," and talks about his 'problems'.
  John's father patiently listen to him. Then he brings a bowl and places a potato, an egg and some coffee beans in it. He asks John to touch and feel each of them in the bowl, and tell what he feels about them. John describes how he feels about each of them on touching.
  The father smiles and asks John to place them all in three different bowls and pour water in them. He then boils them all. After a few minutes, the father turns off the stove and places all the bowls on the counter to cool them down.
  When they have cooled down, John's father asks him to touch them once again and feel the egg, potato, and coffee beans. John has a different answer this time. And he says, "the potato's skin easier to peel as it has turned very soft, the egg has hardened, and there is a fresh coffee aroma (芳香) coming from the beans. "
  Listening to John, his father smiles and tells him how the potato, egg, and coffee beans react to (反应) bad situations. The potato has become soft, the egg has turned very strong, and the coffee beans have changed their form (形式) completely during their testing time in the boiling water.
19.  On a sunny day last January, people rushed to a parking lot in Las Vegas to see "smart cars" that looked more like colorful eggs than common cars. They were electric, with only two wheels instead of four and they held only two passengers. Thanks to their tiny size, you wouldn't worry about parking the cars. Actually, these cars can park themselves.
  They are called the EN-V. It is built by the General Motors, or GM, car company and points to what future cars will be like. One day, such small, electric cars might safely make people travel around, especially in crowded cities.
  But somebody may worry about the safety of those self-driving cars. Please don't worry about it because the researchers in Google show us that they have safety in mind, and the computer programs behind these cars are designed to turn roads into safer places. A computerized car, they say, won't be distracted (分心) by phone calls or iPods. Using video cameras, radar sensors (传感器) and lasers, the cars detect (识别) other cars, which can help avoid crashes. Around the world each year, traffic accidents kill more than one million people and injure 50 million others. But they believe that their technology can make driving safer and cut down on traffic accidents.
  Also, the cars in the future will be smarter because companies like Google are making future cars get to know the people who ride inside. For example, Ford Motor Co. wants to let cars help out with a person's health. The car's onboard computer will communicate with medical devices (装置) worn by a person. Soon, Ford's cars might help you keep informed of your body chemistry or keep track of your health by reminding you to take medicine. If it's electric, your car send you a text reminding you to plug it in Cars will talk to other cars, your computer, your phone and almost any other device. They'll help drivers save energy, watch out for other drivers and avoid people walking on the street.
  Andre Platzer, a computer scientist at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, says that piece by piece, driverless technology is arriving. "We need to gain some experience and build in some safety technology and make sure people — can rely on (依赖) this," he says. "If I want to sit in the car and read my newspaper and drink my coffee and not watch the road, then that's something I can do only if I have enough trust in the system to deal with all of the different-situations in a reliable and safe way."
  This is the future of cars: safer, smarter and more energy-saving. The cars might even drive themselves down the highway or through a city. You can sit back and enjoy the ride.
20.  In 1969, a man walked on the Moon for the first time. After this, many people thought that space travel would become true by the year 2000 and that we should all be space tourists. However, here we are in 2021 and space travel is still a dream for most of us . It is a reality for only a very few, very rich, people.
  In the future there may be hotels in space for all the tourists. It wouldn't take long for the space shuttle to get out of the Earth's atmosphere. Then, without Earth's gravity, you would become weightless. Arrival at the hotel would be like an aeroplane parking at an airport but you would leave the cabin (座舱) floating along the access tube, holding on to a cable.
  Once in the hotel, you can enjoy the views of Earth and space and different activities of being weightless and you can also do a space-walk.
  In 2006, Anousheh Ansari became the first female space tourist when she made the trip from Russia to the International Space Station (ISS). Anousheh stayed on the ISS for eight days and kept a blog (an online diary). Parts of blog are shown here.

September 25th
  Everyone wants to know: how do you take a shower in space? How do you brush your teeth? Well, my friends, I must admit keeping clean in space is not easy! There is no shower with running water. Water does not 'flow' here, it floats' — which makes it a challenging act to clean yourself. September 27th
  Being weightless has some wonderful advantages. You can lift a really heavy object with one hand and move it around with one finger. You can fly or float around instead of walking. Everything is effortless. If you want somebody to pass a book at the other side of the spaceship to you, he just pushes it very gently towards you, and here it is — your book is flying to you all the way. 
21.Why do we have to go to bed so             ['ɜːli]?
22.Susan always keeps her room clean and             ['taidi].
23.I hope our team can get the best score and             [win] the game.
24.China plans to build a             ['reilwei] of 120, 000 kilometers by 2025.
25.People always lose things when they are in a             ['hʌri].
26.From here             [krɒs] the bridge and then turn right.
27.大明总是乐于助人。( be ready to)
28.我期待着明天的足球赛。(look forward to)
30.他将不会再花很多时间在电脑游戏上。(not. .. any more)
31.我每天花两小时弹钢琴。(it takes sb. .. .)
32.你能告诉我怎么去这家邮局吗?(Could you tell me. .. ?)
学校广播电台午间英文节目正在招募主持人( host for the School Radio Station),要求是:性格开朗,有很好的沟通能力,擅长英语口语表达爱好广泛,多才多艺;擅长时间管理,经常做计划,能安排好自己的学业和工作。假如你是李华,请给 Miss Liu写一封申请信,说明你申请的理由。
1. 信的内容不少于50字;
2. 可参考下列提示词语:bright and cheerful, good communication skills, enjoy, be interested in, make plans, do homework。
*What are you like?
*What hobbies do you have?
*What are you good at?
remind; clean; build; expect; finish; use; few; convenient 

  Skyscrapers (摩天大楼) and traffic jams are often seen in today's big cities. But what will the cities of the future look like?
  They will look "smarter", for one thing. A smart city is a city that uses digital (电子的) technology, such as 5 G networks and the "Internet of things". These technologies can improve urban planning, save money and resources (资源) and bring more (1)             to our life.
  For example, by using sensors and 5 G networks to check the usage of water, gas and electricity, we can find out how to use these resources more efficiently. Imagine if water and gas pipes (管道) could (2)            repair workers when there is a problem, won't that be a great thing?
  Some cities around the world are already using smart technology to improve peoples lives. In Baltimore, US, smart trash bins can sense how full they are and tell workers when they need to be (3)            . In Amsterdam, there is real-time traffic data collected from sensors around the city. There are (4)             traffic jams than before.
  In the city of Songdo in South Korea, people's homes, government (政府) buildings and streets are all "online". By simply swiping a smart card, people can open doors, pay bills and check their health records.
  Of course, it will take time (5)             the smart cities of the future. But it won't be long until more cities join in. It is (6)             that more than 60 percent of the world's population will live in smart cities by 2050, according to Tech Republic.
35.  Forget the lessons that children have learned from stories of the tortoise and the hare. Children's writer Aesop would have had a greater effect with his fables (寓言) if he had used human characters. At least that is what a new study found.
  The University of Toronto's Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) did the study. It was done in Canada. The study was led by Patricia Ganea, who is a professor at OISE. In the study, scientists read to almost 100 children between 4 and 6 years old. Scientists read one of three stories. One was Mary Packards Little Raccoon Learns to Share, in which human-like animals learn that sharing makes you feel good. In another version of the story, the animal drawings were replaced with humans. The third story was a book about seeds. It was used as a control in the study.
  Before they heard the story, the children chose 10 stickers to take home. They were told that one child would not have any stickers to take home. It was suggested to the children that they could share their stickers with the other child by putting them in an envelope when the adult was not looking. After they had been read the story, the children were allowed to choose more stickers. They were again asked to donate to the stickerless child.
  The study was just published in a science journal. It found that children who were read the book with human characters became more generous with their stickers. But there was no difference in generosity between children who read the book with animals and the control book, the study said. Both groups showed a decrease in sharing behavior, it said.
  There have been existing studies using the same method, which showed that before they are 6 years old, children share hardly any stickers with their friends. The studies showed that even after age 6, children, keep most of the stickers for themselves, they said. So there was room for children to change their sharing behavior after hearing the story.
  "Hearing a book about sharing changed children's behavior," an expert from Ganea's research team said. The type of characters affected whether children became more or less likely to share. "After hearing the story with human characters, the children became more generous," they said. "However, after hearing the same story but with animals or a control story, children became more selfish," they said.
  Ganea said that studies show that young children pick up more from stories that are realistic. But, "this is the first time we found something similar for social behaviors. The finding is surprising given at many stories for young children have human-like animals," said Ganea. She thought that children's writers should know about the study. "We tell stories to children for many reasons," she said. "If the goal is to teach them a moral (品德) lesson about doing what is right, one way is to write about humans," she said.
  Chris Haughton is a writer and illustrator of animal picture books including Oh No, George!He felt that the stories that have a greater effect are the ones that children keep thinking about. Haughton read the book Charlotte 's Web when he was a child. It made a "big impression" on him. He thought about it so much that he turned into a lifelong vegetarian because of the story.
  Writer Tracey Corderoy said that when the main characters of a tale are animals instead of humans, it works well. "The slight distance that this allows the child does a number of important things," she said. "It softens the message a little, making it easier to accept," she said. "Using animals keeps children interested," she said.
  Kes Gray is the writer of the rhyming animal series Oi Frog and Friends. He was not bothered (烦扰) by the study's findings. "Writers and artists just need to keep the main animal characters in their stories cuddly(惹人喜爱的)," he said.
  Things may not come this way in writers' mind. However, the studies can also play an inspiring part to help the children become the better selves.
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