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1.—Mom, __________ I invite my friend, Jack, to our home on Sunday?
—Of course, you _________. Hope you will have a good time.
  • A. must; can't
  • B. can; could
  • C. may; must
  • D. could; can
2.I don't know if Nancy ______ to the mountains tomorrow. If she doesn't, ______.
  • A. goes; neither I will
  • B. will go; neither will I
  • C. goes; neither I do
  • D. will go; neither do I
3.—Online payment has made a difference ____________ people's life.
—Exactly. Almost everyone goes out _____________ money.
  • A. to; without
  • B. with; with
  • C. for; with
  • D. in; without
4.Diana used to _______ to work, but now she is used to _______ because the road is crowded and she wants to keep fit.
  • A. drive; walking
  • B. drive; walk
  • C. driving; walk
  • D. driving; walking
5.—There are some new restaurants around here. What should we do?
—We can't _______ with them on the price, but we can ________ them on the service.
  • A. fight; win
  • B. argue; win
  • C. compare; beat
  • D. compete; beat
6.If you __________ something from someone, please remember ________ it to him in time.
  • A. lend; returning
  • B. borrow; giving
  • C. borrow; to return
  • D. lend; to give
7.He _________ lots of money to the people in trouble _________.
  • A. gave out; help them out
  • B. gave away; to help them out
  • C. put out; to help them out
  • D. put out; help them out
8.There's no need for kids to have _________ pressure. It's best to cut out ________ after-school lessons.
  • A. too many; few
  • B. too many; little
  • C. too much; a few
  • D. too much; little
9.—I don't know _______ this summer.
—Why not _______ Linda for help? She knows many places.
  • A. when to travel; ask
  • B. where to travel; ask
  • C. when to travel; asking
  • D. where to travel; asking
10.—Jenny, can you buy some magazines online for me?
—________. My computer doesn't work.
  • A. I don't agree
  • B. I think so
  • C. I'm afraid I can't
  • D. I'd love to
11.  Once upon a time, a boy went to play in the forest near his home. While he (1)       through the forest, he found a big blackboard hanging on an old tree. There was also a box of chalk beside the blackboard. He didn't know (2)       there, but he took a piece of chalk and started to draw on the board: first a tree, then a rabbit, then a flower and so on. To his (3)      , whenever he finished drawing a picture, it came to life and jumped out of the blackboard. The place became (4)       wonderful green forest, full of animals playing happily.
  The boy also drew his parents, brothers and sisters. They were enjoying (5)       in a picnic, with their sandwiches and meat. He then drew some paper plates and empty bottles. They were thrown by his family when they had a picnic before. However, when the rubbish came to life, (6)       happened. Around every paper plate and every empty bottle, the forest (7)       turned gray, and the grass, the flowers, the animals also turned gray. Then the boy realized it was all (8)       the rubbish, so he ran through the forest and cleaned the blackboard. The forest turned green again, and the animals played together for the rest of the day. The boy never saw that blackboard again. But now each time he goes for a picnic with his family, he is the first (9)       up the rubbish. And he always tells others his story in the forest. Now he is thinking of setting up an organization in his school (10)       more students can take action to protect the environment.
12.  In the middle of a forest, there lives an owl (猫头鹰). All the animals know that he is the (1)       of all. So they often go to him and tell him their (2)      . Then the owl always teaches them what they should do.
  One day, a little bird goes up to the owl. She is (3)      . "What's wrong with you?" asks the owl. "I am not happy at all. I don't want to be a bird," the bird says. "Why don't you want to be a bird?" asks the owl. "I am so small, (4)       and useless," she cries. "I want to be big and strong like the (5)      . As the king of the forest, he is so important, but I am not."
  Then the owl whispers (低声说) (6)       in her ear. At once the bird dries her tears and goes away. One week later, the bird comes back. "Oh, thank you very much. You are a very clever owl," she says to the owl. "I am very happy and (7)       with myself. Every day, I sit on the top of the tallest (8)       and watch for tigers. When they come near, I shout at the top of my (9)      . Then all of my friends run and (10)      . I am useful and important now. They are very thankful to me."
  The wise owl smiles and says, "No one in the world is useless."
13.  Greek myths are a set of stories about gods, goddesses and heroes in ancient Greece. They are created (创作) to explain anything people couldn't understand in nature. Greek myths have always been a crucial (关键的) part of Greek culture. It also plays an important role in western countries.
  Zeus (宙斯)一the god of thunder, law, order, fate and more. Zeus is the youngest son of Cronus and Rhea. He took his father's place and became the king. Zeus is the father of gods and men. In artwork, he is a serious middle-aged man with a strong body and dark beard (胡须). 
  Hermes (赫耳墨斯)—the god of travel, transportation, sports and more. Hermes is the son of Zeus. He sends messages between gods and men. In artwork, he is a handsome young man without beard. 
 Artemis (阿尔特弥斯)一the goddess of animals, young girls, child birth and more. Artemis is the daughter of Zeus and the twin sister of Apollg. In artwork, she is a young woman dressed in a short knee-length dress. Artemis likes living a free and independent life. She likes outdoor activities, especially hunting. She doesn't like being married. 
 Apollo (阿波罗)—the god of light, truth, music and more. Apollo is the son of Zeus, and the twin brother of Artemis. Apollo is the most handsome god. In artwork, he is a young man with long hair. Apollo is a great god. He never tells lies and many goddesses love him. 
14.  Life has changed quickly since COVID-19 broke out worldwide. Many people find themselves isolated (隔绝的) at home, bored and lonely. But if we look at history, we see many great people produced their best work when they were alone.
  Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, and James Clerk Maxwell, three of the greatest physicists in history, worked by themselves most of the time. They learned from others not by working with them directly, but by reading their papers and books. Here is another example. In 1606, when an epidemic (流行病) hit London, all the theaters in the city were closed. At that time, English play writer William Shakespeare worked as an actor at The King Men Theater. After finding himself without a steady (固定的) job, but lots of spare time, Shakespeare began writing. He wrote King Lear, Macbeth, and Antony and Cleopatra before the year was over.
  Coming back to the present, do you know "the Reader in Fang Cang"? The picture of him reading in bed in the newly-built makeshift (临时) hospital in Wuhan really touched people. "When you feel worried and sad, reading is a way to help you feel relaxed and comfortable. This picture of him reading in bed gives me courage and hope," said one Weibo user.
  2020 is a special year. People all over the world have to fight against COVID-19. This special period helps us think more deeply about ourselves and our environment, which leads to even greater creativity.
15.  Being teenagers can be hard because they have to face a lot of difficult problems. A new program called NFusion is working hard to help teenagers with mental health (精神健康) problems. NFusion gives teenagers classes so that they can study or discuss their problems.
  17-year-old Judy thought the program was very helpful. She said the program really changed her life. The girl once had trouble with her attitude (态度) to others. By joining the NFusion Program, she understood a bad attitude was of no use. "It doesn't matter if other people treat (对待) me wrong; I just need to treat others how I want to be treated," she said.
  Judy is just one of the teenagers who have gone through the program successfully and learned a lot from it. Now, thanks to NFusion, Judy says she is looking forward to a bright future. "After I finish college, I want to work at a primary school and be a teacher," said the girl.
  "Teenagers are still growing and developing, and there are a lot of problems they don't know how to address. So this is a good program for them to be a part of." said Laura, who worked for the NFusion Program.
16.  Since the beginning of 2020, COVID-19 (新型冠状病毒) has spread across the world. Just at the moment, many people around the world are suffering from the horrible disease.
  So, what is such a terrible COVID-19? Let's get to know some information about it. First, COVID-19 is a common cause of colds and other respiratory (呼吸的) infections (感染). It can infect humans and certain other mammals like tigers. In fact, COVID-19 gets its name because the virus is like the sharp spikes (尖) on the crown. It first exists (存在) in some wild animals. It can spread from one animal to another. For this time, the coronavirus (冠状病毒) in animals may change suddenly and it can easily spread to people. It has never been met before and we have no experience, so it is quite hard for doctors to cure it.
  The symptoms (症状) of COVID-19 are similar to those when people get a flu. The patients have a fever, cough and bad headache. They feel tired and can't breathe. Some also have muscle pain. So if you have such symptoms, you must pay more attention to yourself and see a doctor soon.
  COVID-19 mainly passes by droplets (飞沫). So scientists suggest wearing masks, washing hands with soap and avoiding (避免) touching the eyes, noses, or mouths with hands. When coughing and sneezing, we should cover our noses and mouths with tissue. Also, we should stay away from people with flu-like symptoms. Everyone, please stay away from any public place which might risk infecting you.
17.  Almost everyone knows the story of Cinderella—a servant (仆人) girl who wears a glass slipper (玻璃鞋) and wins the heart of a prince. Disney has remade the classic fairy tale into a new movie.
  We are first introduced to a beautiful girl named Ella. (1)       Ella then welcomes her stepmother (继母) and her daughters. But when Ella's father unexpectedly dies, she finds herself living with a terrible new family. (2)       They even rename her Cinderella because she is often covered in cinders because she often sleeps by the fireplace.
  Most people might become disappointed and angry in such a situation. But Ella doesn't. (3)      
One day, Ella meets a charming stranger in the woods. She doesn't know he is a prince. Soon an invitation to a palace ball (舞会) comes. Ella might see the young man again. (4)       As in all good fairy tales, a beggar (乞丐) appears. She uses her magic to help Ella and changes her life forever.
  Cinderella is certainly placed in a hard situation, but she chooses not to be the girl in distress (痛苦) and we see her make her strong and positive choices," Kenneth Branagh, director of the movie, told Glamour Magazine. "(5)      "
A. She tells herself to stay strong and be kind.
B. She is the master of her own destiny (命运).
C. However, her stepmother won't let her go.
D. Many girls want to change their destiny.
E. Her stepmother and stepsisters make her into a servant girl.
F. Whatever she wishes, she will see her dream come true.
G. Her mother dies and her father remarries. 
John, eating too much cold food is bad for your             .
We plan to take grandma to the theater       .
Medical workers' hard work        to save his life.
When I was taking the exam, I             .
You can be             your life as long as you want it enough.
hard luck brother depend report decide break leave young he 

  A boy lost his arms in an accident and his father lost his life. Since then, he had to be looked after by his brother although his brother was two years (1)             than him. Except for writing with his toes (脚趾头), he could hardly do anything in his life. He couldn't live by (2)            . As the two brothers grew up together, they often argued with each other. Then one day, his brother (3)             him. So he was very sad and didn't know what to do. That was the (4)             time in his life.
  A girl lost her hands because of a fire. Though her elder sister wanted to take care of her, she made her (5)             to do everything. At school, she always studied hard. Once she wrote the following in her article, "Though I lost my hands, I am (6)            . I still have my legs. Though my wings (翅膀) are (7)            , my heart can still fly."
  One day, a (8)             interviewed both of the boy and the girl and invited them to a television program. He asked them to write something on a piece of paper with their toes. The boy wrote "My (9)             arms are my arms." But the girl wrote " (10)             on others means breaking the wings. If so, you will never know the joy of flying."
24.  Air plants can grow without soil. They can get all the water and nutrients (营养) through their leaves. They use their roots only for fixing themselves to rocks, trees or the ground. Air plants originally come from the southern United States, Mexico, Central America and South America. They love warm weather. There are more than 650 types of air plants.
  People can grow air plants easily. If you have little time to care for your house plants, they are perfect for you. They are also good choices for you if you consider soil too dirty. However, although air plants are easy to care for, there are still a few rules to follow when you are growing them. One of the most important things is air! Fresh and clean air keeps your air plant healthy and happy. While they are called air plants, they still need water, fertilizer (肥料) and light. Air plants need to be watered two or three times a week. They need fertilizer weekly. Sufficient sunlight is important, too. Although they love warm weather, most air plants need protection from strong sunlight. If they are taken good care of, air plants will live for many years.
  Many people make air plants part of their home decorations (装饰). The plants can grow almost everywhere except in soil or in water. You can pin (钉住) them on your curtains, make a wreath, stick them on your mirror or put them in a pot. Many people place air plants in glass vases and hang them up in their rooms. Each air plant will flower once in its lifetime. Flowers can last from several days to many months.
25.A: Hi, Mary. I called you last night but no one answered. I need help. (1)      ?
B: Oh, I was exercising with my parents in the park. (2)      ?
A: Last week I had a fight with Tina.
B: (3)      ?
A: Because she forgot to do her homework and asked me if she could copy my homework. Then I refused.
B: You did nothing wrong. She should understand you. It's good for her.
A: Yes, but she was still angry with me.
B: Maybe she is only too shy to say sorry. (4)      ?
A: Yes, I tried. But she didn't talk to me.
B: (5)      ?
A: Writing a letter? Good idea! I'll try. Thank you.
B: You are welcome. Only true friendship can stand the test of time.
26.良好的家庭关系对青少年的健康成长很重要。但现实生活中不少孩子与父母缺乏必要的沟通。作为晚辈,我们应该如何和父母相处?请根据下面的提示,以How to get on with parents? 为题,写一篇文章。
提示语:spend time together, offer help, feeling, communicate
1. 参考提示语,可适当发挥;
2. 语句通顺,意思连贯,写工整;
3. 文中不得出现真实姓名和地名;
4. 词数不少于70词。(开头已给出,但不计入总词数。 )
How to get on with parents?
  For teenagers, it's important to get on well with parents. What should we do? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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