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1.  For many Americans, travelling abroad is part of their life. (1)       for those students from poor families, it (2)       still a dream.
  But this summer ten lucky students from California got (3)       chance to travel to China for free. They were lucky to look into the life of (4)       Chinese peers (同龄人) and get a taste of traditional Chinese lifestyle.
  The ten students (5)       from forty applicants (申请者). They visited five different cities in China-Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Suzhou and Hangzhou.
  "This is my first time (6)      China. I had been to the Forbidden City before we went to the Great Wall this morning. They are really nice. I feel (7)      . I wish to experience first-band Chinese culture and history," Bryan said.
  As Bryan expected, the organizers planned many activities for these students. For example, they would learn (8)       to make dumplings and enjoy the performances of traditional Chinese instruments. Also, Chinese students felt they had learned a lot.
  "Such a chance to stay (9)       American students is very helpful. It helps improve our communication (10)       and spoken English. I's a good way for us to know more about our American peers," Zhu Longfei, a Chinese boy, said.
2.  With the Tokyo Summer Olympics behind us, people are turning their (1)       to the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games, which will start in five months. Freestyle skier (自由式滑雪运动员) Gu Ailing, 18, looks to be (2)       of the superstars of the event.
  Born to an American father and a Chinese mother, Gu (3)       to compete for China in the 2022 Winter Olympics in June 2019. Just two months (4)      , she bagged her first gold medal (金牌) for China at the Australia New Zealand Cup. Her strength continued to grow as she won one bronze (铜牌) and two gold (5)       at the International Ski Federation (FIS) Snowboard and Freeski World Championships in March.
  People say she is (6)       . But Gu says that talent counted for (占据) "only one (7)      " of her wins, adding that her hard work is (8)      . counts. While going to school in San Francisco, Gu (9)       only practice on weekends. She (10)       eight hours going to the ski hill and back, doing her homework on the way and making full (11)       of her time at the hill to practice skiing.
  Gu said she wants to (12)       more girls in China to try skiing and other extreme sports (极限运动), many of which have only been known there for 20 years, (13)       the Olympics website. She said skiing gives her freedom and creativity", especially when she (14)       controls her body and does ticks (技巧) that others cannot do.
  Now she is (15)       for the Winter Olympics as a full-time athlete. "Of course I want to win medals and even golds," Gu said. "But what's more important is to bring out my own style, enjoy the game and love the sport."
If a flood (洪水) happens where you live, you need to be prepared. Here's how to do it.
•Make an emergency kit (应急包). Keep it in an easy-to-reach place. It should include things such as water, canned (罐装的) food, a flashlight and first﹣aid kit. •Prepare waterproof (防水的) clothing and a life vest (救生衣).
•Put your valuables (贵重物品) in waterproof bags and keep them somewhere safe. 
Follow these tips to stay out of danger during a flood.
•Look out for flood warnings (预警).
•Head to higher ground and stay there.
• Do not attempt (尝试) to walk or drive through flooded areas, as they can be deeper thanyou realize.
•Leave your car. It won't help you if it gets stuck in the water. 
Even after the flood ends, it might not be safe to return home quite yet.
•Keep following the latest local news.
•Don't use electronics until they are fully dry.
•Do not use or touch anything that the water touched, including food.
•Don't forget that viruses (病毒) can spread after a flood. 
4.  Six hours of walking in space! On August 20, Chinese astronauts Liu Boming and Nie Haisheng did the second spacewalk of the Shenzhou XII mission (任务). They set up equipment (设备) and lifted a camera outside the Tiangong space station.
  Spacewalks can be dangerous. There is no air in space, of course. And it's filled with harmful radiation (辐射). But the spacesuits, although they are bulky (臃肿的), can protect astronauts. A spacesuit is like a small space station. It has everything astronauts need when they carry out a spacewalk. For example, China's Feitian (飞天) spacesuits have six layers (层). The innermost (最里面的)layer collects astronauts' urine (尿液). Then there are four layers that help control the temperature and air pressure inside the suit. Spacesuits are filled with air, so they look like they're puffed up. The sixth layer is made of special fibers (纤维) that protect astronauts from radiation.
  Astronauts are connected to the space station with safety ropes. The suit has headphones and speakers for astronauts to communicate. There is also a mirror on the wrist (手腕). Astronauts can check their suits by looking at it.
  Each suit costs around 30 million yuan and it takes four months to make just one!The first Feitian suit was made in 2008. Zhai Zhigang wore it to carry out China's first spacewalk for about 19 minutes. The suits Chinese astronauts wear today are the second generation (代) of Feitian. It can support walks as long as eight hours and can be used more often. The first generation could only be used five times within two years, while the second generation can be used 15 times within three years.
(1)       Julie is an American a boy, he is interested in Chinese culture, in the winter vacation, he wants to go to somewhere that is full of Chinese elements.
(2)       Andy is a lovely middle school student, she is Crazy about movies. She wants to experience the special effect in films. That is her dream!
(3)      Marin likes reading novels very much. Her favorite. writer is JK. Rowling. He dreams that one day he can go to somewhere to experiencethe magical world.
(4)       Sandy is an out-going girl, she likes something that is very exciting. In this wintervacation, she wants to ride roller coaster with her good friends.
(5)        Erica likes the movie Waterworld very much. She wants to enjoy something that the movie tells. And she thinks that water shows can make her relaxed. 
A. The Wizarding Word of Harry PotterThe Wizarding Word of Harry Potter is full of creative scenic spots, stores, restaurants and entertainmeat projects. It makes a pretension to a magical world.
B. Transformers Metrobase Transformers Metrobase the first scenic area that is based onthe movie Transformes. In this area, you can have a talk with Megatron.
C. Kung Fu Panda Land of AwesomenessKung Fu Panda Land of Awesomeness is the scenic area that is based on the movie Kung Fu Panda. In this area, you will see many Elements of Chinese style.
D. HoHywoodThe Hollywood area presents a world of Hollywood in Los Angeles. In this area, you will experience the special effect in films and the charm of movies.
E. WaterworldWaterworld is the scenic area that is based on the movie Waterworld. In this area, you can enjoy all kinds of water shows?! What's more, there are many bangs waiting for you .
F. Minion LandMinion Land is the scenic area that is based on the movie Despicable Me. There are all kinds of rides here.: You can enjoy the special roller coaster
G. Jurassic World Isla NublarJurassic World Isla Nublar is the scenic area that is based on the movie Jurassic World. In this area, you can see the tropical rainforest, waterfall and the mysterious lakes. What's more, you can see many kinds of dinosaurs. 
6.  Jessica William used to be in a rich family and she once dreamed of becoming a writer but everything (1)       when she was 15 years old. Her father experiences (2)       business failure. Their house, car and savings were all gone. Her father suddenly fell ill and died a month later. Her mother (3)      the ability to stand up. Jessica and her brother John had to drop out of school (辍学).
  To make a living, she had to find a job. One day, Jessica came to a restaurant and begged the owner to give her a job. "I can wash the dishes in the kitchen as (4)       as you allow me to work here," she said. But the owner refused as it was (5)      the law to hire a 15-year-old girl. She was very (6)       and full of worry. As she was walking along the street, Jessica kicked a drink bottle. Looking at the bottle, the idea came to her that she could collect and sell garbage (垃圾) to earn (7)       for her family. She quickly took action and worked very (8)      . As a result, she was able to support the whole family.
  Also, she did not give up her dream of becoming a (9)      . She learned typewriting (打字) from a book on computer she found in a garbage bin. At night she kept writing for 4 years and finished a 40,000-word novel with (10)       own experiences. It soon came out and became famous. She earned a lot of money and became rich again.
7.  After a long day at work I drove a car to the local drugstore (药店) in my neighborhood. As I got out of my car, I noticed an old man with worn clothes, looking tired outside the store. I parked my car and asked if there was anything I could do for him. He looked at me in surprise and said, "Could you buy me a sandwich if the store has one?" It had everything but a sandwich. I asked if he could wait for a moment. I ran to the local market to get him a sandwich. It took me ten minutes to buy a sandwich.
  As I was walking back, the rain started pouring down and I could see him getting his backpack on, possibly heading somewhere else to get some shelter. I called out and gave him the sandwich. He reached out his hand and said, "You don't know how much this means lo me. I was staring to lose hope but you appeared and cared about me."
  His words touched my soul (灵魂) and it's a moment that I'll never forget. Something that is so small to me could mean the world to someone else. In order to make a better world, I think we should do what we can to help people in need.
8.爱老敬老是我国优秀的传统文化之一,在庆祝建党100周年之际,你校将举办以“献礼建党百年” 讲好中国故事,弘扬中国文化”为主题的英语演讲比赛。假设你是李华,请从我国传统节日 (例如Spring festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Double Ninth Day, Mid-autumn Festival等)中选择一个节日作为你的演讲内容进行介绍。
(2)可适当增加细节, 使行文连贯,80 词左右。
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