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1.  This is a story about a mountaineer named Phillip. Phillip was a member of a mountaineering team (1)       planned to climb a mountain. In order to enjoy the glory (荣耀) of being (2)       person to reach the top of the mountaintop, Phillip went to climb the mountain alone one night while the other mountaineers (3)      .
  Obviously, climbing at night wasn't a smart decision. But he still wanted to give it a try. He was nearly to the top (4)       he suddenly slipped and started to fall. At that moment, (5)       entire life flashed before him. While thinking about how close he was to death, he felt the rope around his waist (腰) suddenly tighten around him. His body was hanging in mid-air. He (6)       shouted, "Somebody help me!" Suddenly, a low voice came from the valley, "Cut the rope!"
  "What?" He couldn't believe (7)       he heard .
  "Cut the rope around your waist!"
  It was dark all around, so he couldn't see his surroundings (周围). He refused (8)       the rope, choosing to hold onto it as tightly as he could.
  The next day, when his fellow mountaineers found him, they discovered that he had died (9)       exposing (暴露) to the cold, holding the rope tightly in his hands. But he was only ten feet (10)       a big rock! If he had cut the rope and allowed himself to fall, he might have been able to land in a safe place, build a fire and wait for someone to save him. Sometimes giving up is the way forward.
2.  I used to hate being called upon in class mainly because I didn't like my classmates to pay attention to me. I always (1)       to sit at the back of the classroom.
  All this (2)       after I joined a sports team. It began when a teacher suggested I should (3)       for the basketball team. At first, I thought it was a crazy idea because I didn't have a good sense of balance, nor did I have the (4)       to get along well with the others on the team and they would laugh at me. (5)       the teacher kept cheering me for it, I decided to give a try.
  Getting up the courage to go to the tryouts was only the half of it! When I first started (6)       the practice class, I didn't even know the rules of the game. I really felt (7)       when I took a shot at the wrong direction. (8)      , I wasn't the only one "new" at the game, so I decided to do my best at each practice class, and not be too hard on myself for the things I didn't know yet.
  I practiced and practiced. Soon I knew the (9)       and the "moves". Being part of a team was fun and motivating (激励人的). As time went by, I learned how to play and made friends﹣friends who respect my efforts to work hard and be a team player. I never had so much fun!
  I improved selfconfidence , and with it comes more praise from teachers and classmates. I have gone from hiding in the back of the classroom and not wanting to call attention to myself. I raised my hand even when I sometimes wasn't 100% (10)       I had the right answer. Now I have more selfconfidence in myself.
International Day of Families
The International Day of Families is celebrated on May 15th every year. Its purpose is to raise people's attention to promote the harmony (和谐), happiness and progress of the family.
To celebrate the 26th International Day of Families this year, Family Centre will hold some family activities.
Activities for the family
★Family sports
★Reading a letter for your families.
★A cooking competition among families
Time: 9:00 am — 5:00 pm , on May 15th.
Place: On the South International Square
Prize : 1st Prize — a five-day foreign tour;
2nd Prize — a seven-day domestic (国内的) tour;
3rd Prize — a four-day domestic tour.
Rules: Each family can choose two of three kinds of activities .
When you sign up, you should make a decision .
All the letters must be written by families themselves. They won't be returned , so please keep a copy.
Don't be late, or you'll not be allowed to take part in these activities.
Families who want to take part in these activities must hand in their application forms (报名表) before May 5th or you can call 2877﹣2197 to sign up before May 10th . And we will provide breakfast and lunch.
For further information:visit https://FamilyCentre. so. com . 
4.  Whether you play e-sports (电子竞技) or not, you might have heard of IG (Invictus Gaming) , a Chinese e﹣sports club. On the night of Nov. 3, IG beat Europe's Fanatic Team and won the 2018 League of Legends (LOL) World Championship (冠军) in South Korea. It was the first time in the event's eight-year history that a Chinese club won.
  The long-awaited victory showed how e-sports has progressed in China in recent years. A growing number of e-sports clubs have been founded in China in the last 10 years, and more young gamers are working as e-sports players.
  However, becoming a skillful e-sports player is not all fun and games. An e-sports player must be quick in action and able to bear hardship. They must also have a high APM which means how many actions they can do in a game within one minute. Skillful players can have an APM as high as 400.
  There is a limit to how long they can play this well. Skillful players' ages are mostly from 17 to 25. After a certain age, they become slower.
  E-sports players have to work hard every day. "We start to practice right after we get up in the morning and usually last until midnight," said Huang Fuquan, a player from IG. "There is at least 12 hours of work every day."
  Many players practice so much that they get pains and arthritis (关节炎). They also face lots of problems. Some e﹣sports clubs even invite doctors to help their players.
  So if you want to turn your love for gaming into a full-time job, ask yourself this first:Are you really prepared?
(1)       Jane likes shopping online. She bought an iPhone last week. She would like to find a new way to pay online.
(2)       John goes to work by subway every day. His company is about half a kilometer away from the station. So he wants to find a way to solve it.
(3)       Linda has just bought a car. She wants to drive to visit her parents in Shenzhen. She is afraid she will get lost in the city. Now she is looking for an app to help her.
(4)       Tom is busy preparing for the English exam. He has trouble in learning all the words. He wants to find a way to help him remember the new words.
(5)       Kate likes taking photos. She wants to have a trip with her friend next month. She is looking for an app to take beautiful photos during their trip. 
A. Baicizhan This app tells you how many English words you need to learn every day. It can also be fun. The learning is like playing a guessing game. And you can practice remembering the new words in different ways.
B. Douban FM A radio app like Douban FM might be the right music app for you. You can use the button to mark the songs you like. Those marked with a heart will be kept.
C. Apple Pay It came to China on Feb 18th, 2016. People who have cards from 19 banks can use it with Apple products, like iphone or Apple Watch.
D. Moment Camera Many people like this app because of its continuous shooting and different-sized frames (边框). The photos are clear and the app is easy to use.
E. Flipboard It's one of the hottest news apps. Open the app, choose whatever interests you, and click the "+"button. You'll have your own magazine with news, articles and information.
F. Mobike It is a bike-sharing app. It's a good way of solving the "last mile" problem. Download this app and you can find the nearest bike. You don't need to walk for a long way to the place you would like to go.
G. Baidu Map It can provide you with an online map searching service. It covers nearly 400 cities in China. With the app, you can search the streets, restaurant and so on. When you want a guide in a new city, it's the best choice. 
6.  It was (1)       lovely spring afternoon. My classmates and I were playing games on the playground when I let out a cry, "Ow! Ow! Something in my shoe is biting me."
  Everyone was shocked by the cry. They took me into a (2)       and were going to take off my shoe. "Which foot is it?" one asked. "Let me have a look."
  Suddenly, I remembered the holes in my socks. My family was (3)       poor during those years that my parents couldn't buy me good socks. Instead, I wore welfare (福利的) socks, which cost only a little, but those cheap socks didn't last long. They soon had (4)       at the bottom. I refused to take off my shoes. I couldn't stand others seeing the holes in my socks. I tried to hold back my tears. Yet, each time the thing in my shoes bit me, tears raced down my face.
  My teacher, Miss Diane, hurried into the classroom. "What's (5)      ?" She asked. "Something is biting her right foot, but she doesn't allow anyone to take off her shoe," one of my classmates (6)      . Miss Diane lived next door to me. She knew everything about my family. She put her hands on my shaking shoulders and looked into my painful and hopeless eyes.
  "Oh, yes, it must be a sock-eating (7)      ," she said, as if she had already seen the thing inside the shoe. "I remember that I had a bite from one of those ants. By the time I took off my shoes, (8)       had eaten almost the whole bottom off my sock." My classmates nodded while they were listening to the teacher carefully, (9)       they looked a little puzzled (迷茫).
  Miss Diane took off my right shoe and sock and threw them over the dustbin. Two red ants fell into it. "Just what I thought. The ants have eaten part of her sock." When she stroke an alcohol (酒精) cotton ball on the bites, she added, "You are such a brave girl to take so many bites." The alcohol felt cool on the bites and a little girl's pride (10)       saved by the "sock-eating ant" story.
7.  If you are a student, you may be probably required by your teacher to read quickly in class. You have been taught to skim or scan, to look for key words so as to understand the main idea of the article and the important points in the article. Skimming and scanning is a good strategy when you are pressed for time, such as when you are taking an exam, but today, many people skim and scan everything and they have lost the ability to enjoy reading.
  In response to this, something called the "slow reading movement" has become popular. The idea is that people should shut off their computers and mobile phones for half an hour or forty﹣five minutes each day and enjoy the pleasure of reading a good book slowly!In many cities there are even slow reading clubs where members go to a cafe, not to discuss books, but to sit quietly with each other, drinking coffee and just reading.
  Researchers have found that reading slowly, especially books of fiction, helps people concentrate, relax and think about what they are reading. It also helps people empathize (产生共鸣). This last point is important. When you read a novel slowly, you get to understand the character emotions and to see the world through their eyes
  In your classroom, you have learned to read fast. Outside of the classroom, you should try to learn to read slowly. You may be surprised at how much you enjoy it.
8.亲爱的同学, 你喜欢阅读吗?每年的 4 月 23 日是世界读书日.为响应读书号召, 我校设定 5 月份为全校读书月, 请你为我校拟定一则倡议书, 宣传读书.
1. 阅读很容易, 不受时间、地点限制.
2. 阅读能给我们带来快乐, 例如:男生读航天旅行, 女生读最喜欢的卡通.
3. 阅读有助于开阔思想, 能使人增长知识….
4. 有关阅读的倡议和计划(1﹣2 点即可).
参考词汇:open up one's mind;increase one's knowledge
1. 书写规范、工整, 条理清晰.
2. 不逐字翻译, 可适当发挥.
3. 文中不得出现真实人名、地名、校名等.
4. 字数:80词, 文章开头已给出, 不计入总词数.
Dear students,
  Reading is not only a good habit but also an enjoyable thing.
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