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1.As a result of the greenhouse effect, the earth's temperature is increasing.
  • A. In case of
  • B. Because of
  • C. Therefore
  • D. Thanks for
2.—How does Jack usually go to school?
—He ________ ride a bike, but now he _________ there to lose weight.
  • A. used to; gets used to walk
  • B. was used to; is used to walking
  • C. used to; get used to walking
  • D. used to; has got used to walking
3.—What will you say when you are _________?
  • A. out of question
  • B. taking action
  • C. making a difference
  • D. in danger
4.__________ the computer screen for too long may cause damage ______ our eyes.
  • A. Watches; on
  • B. Watching; to
  • C. To watch; of
  • D. Watching; for
5.All the guests at the party were dancing and singing happily _____ the electricity was cut off.
  • A. unless
  • B. while
  • C. when
  • D. because
6.Many big events happened this year. The missing of the flight made us especially__________.
  • A. concerned
  • B. special
  • C. proper
  • D. excited
7.He didn't speak _________ the girl, so we couldn't quite catch him.
  • A. so slowly as
  • B. as slow as
  • C. slowly than
  • D. slower as
8.The price is said to have increased _________ 2% during last month.
  • A. to
  • B. with
  • C. from
  • D. by
9.The water is clean enough to ________, but impossible to ________.
  • A. swim; drink
  • B. drink with; swim
  • C. swim in; drink
  • D. drink; swim
10.Which of the following is right?
  • A. What does the weather like tomorrow?
  • B. Since you are all here, let's begin our discussion.
  • C. My bike is the same like my brother.
  • D. We should use both side of the paper to protect the environment.
11.  Have you ever thought of your purpose in life? If you don't, you have to think about it seriously. You will lose yourself and you will (1)       to know what you really want in your life.
  Here are some (2)       about taking steps towards finding your life's purpose.
  Firstly, make a (3)       of the things you do for fun, including some jobs that you prefer, your hobbies and so on. Imagine you're a millionaire with no worries about money, how would you choose to (4)       your time? Add those things (5)       the list, even if you don't do them at present. This list is about your passions (热情) — the things that you would do (6)       for the pleasure they give you. Then (7)       the names of people you admire most, and the reasons why they attract you. You might admire an inventor for his love for creating something (8)      . Or you might admire an actress for always being true to herself. Take these admirations of others as a way for you to live in the world.
  Finally, make a list of the things you do (9)       without thinking about them. Such talents may be an eye for detail or a great sense of humor. Some people are (10)       at math or music, but there are plenty of other types of talents as well. It's better for us to use our talents for our life purpose.
12.  Jack London, one of America's writers of adventure stories, was born in California in 1876. He was one of the first American authors that were famous worldwide and made a large amount of money from writing. During his life, London did many jobs. His broad (广泛) life experiences were good for his writing.
  London loved to read. As a teenager, he spent many hours educating himself in the public library. He went to the University of California, Berkeley, but he stayed for only several months. Later, he left Berkeley. He thought Berkeley was "not lively enough", and wanted to do something more exciting.
  London wrote stories about working people and the hard times they had in order to make a living. He knew their problems first-hand. He worked as a sailor, factory worker and gold prospector (探矿者), to name just a few of his many jobs.
  Like many people of the time, London caught the Klondike Gold Rush Fever. In 1897, he headed for Alaska. He didn't find gold there, but he discovered something even more valuable. He discovered that people enjoyed listening to the stories he made up with his nice imagination. London made the workers laugh with story after story. Later, using his experiences during the Gold Rush, he created many more colorful stories.
  Once London decided to be a writer, nothing could stop him. His goal was to write at least one thousand words every day. He refused to stop even when he was sick. In eighteen years, a lot of books and hundreds of articles came out. He was one of the best-selling and highest-paid writers of his day. Many people loved his books very much and considered him to be the best writer.
13.  You and I can tell one face from another, but can computers do the same with few mistakes? At an earlier time, many people thought it was impossible, but now, the development of technology has made it come true.
  New technology like facial recognition (脸部识别) technology helps to make our lives better and more convenient in many ways. People can easily come into their office buildings and check e-mails by using it. It can also help the police to find missing kids and bad people by sending the pictures taken from video cameras on the streets to the facial recognition system. More and more shoppers use their e-wallets with the new technology to pay for things they buy in the shopping malls and many kinds of stores.
  In the fall of 2017, Apple even used this technology to open the smart-phone in no more than one second. However, what is facial recognition technology and how does the system make it?
  First, facial recognition technology checks the space between eyes, the eye color, the ear size and the lip thickness. Then the system makes a record of your face and saves it in the database (数据库). That is to say, if you want to get the right to go into some places or to do something, you just look at the camera and let your picture run through the database.
  Once the system checks your face and finds that it is correct, you can then get the right to go into the places or to do something.
  However, is there any way to fool the facial recognition system? The answer is yes. Although it is an amazing technology, it sometimes doesn't work. The following are some examples.
14.Name: Stella by Starlight
Type: Historical novel
Number of pages: 352 pages
  What's the basic storyline?
  Stella and her family were living peacefully in a small North Carolina town in 1932 until Stella and her brother saw, in the darkness of the night, a burning cross, the symbol of the Ku Klux Klan. The Ku Klux Klan is a secret organization in the United States. It is made up of white people who don't like people of other races (种族) and do harm to them. Things really started to turn bad when a neighbor's house was burned down. In her small town, Stella didn't know whom to trust. Could Stella find the courage to stand up for what's right?
  Are the characters believable?
  Some parts of the characters are not believable. The characters, for example, are either all good or all bad. I prefer characters that are more different and conflicted (矛盾的). The plot, however, is so attractive that I don't mind. And I always read it for a long time without having a rest. Overall, the writer wisely tells the story through the characters' points of view.
  I think people who enjoy reading historical novels and adventure stories will really like Stella by Starlight. People who are interested in learning the history of black and white people in America will especially enjoy this book.
  From 1 to 10, which score will you give this book?
  I will give Stella by Starlight 9 because of its amazing plot and good descriptions. I really love the book because the author often leaves the readers a cliffhanger at the end of each chapter so that the readers can't help thinking about the rest of the story and won't be able to put this book down.
15.  This year floods happened in many places. (1)       The following are some suggestions about health.
  Don't drink unboiled water. Drinking unboiled water is bad for health. After a flood, there would be a lot of sand, dead plants and animals and other things that can cause illnesses. (2)      
  Don't eat food that has gone bad. With a high temperature, food goes bad very easily. (3)       Besides, don't eat drowned or sick farm animals because they can spread infectious diseases.
  Pay attention to environmental protection. Don't throw away rubbish anywhere. (4)       Or there may be a great number of mice and flies.
  Be optimistic (乐观的). (5)       Even worse, some mental illnesses may happen. But please remember any bad thing will pass in the end.

A. Eating that kind of food can make you feel sick.
B. But do you know what people should do during floods?
C. Facing floods, people are sure to get worried, afraid and sad.
D. Try our best to help others during the flood.
E. It is dangerous for people to drink water from the natural world without boiling it.
F. After a flood, there is plenty of rubbish that should be cleaned up as soon as possible.
16.A. Milan in Italy is called the World of Shopping, especially because of its clothing. There you can buy a lot of products that you like.
B. Tokyo is one of the world's busiest cities. Living in the city is expensive. Even a bowl of noodles costs a lot!
C. Chengdu in China is called the City of Gastronomy (美食之都) with about 150,000 restaurants. You may eat almost all kinds of dishes from China and abroad there.
D. New York is America's biggest city with millions of immigrants from other countries and areas. About 800 languages are often spoken in the city.
E. Peru is an amazing country with high mountains and ancient forests. There you can try drifting (漂流), cycling and hiking to get close to nature.
F. In Chiang Mai, Thailand, even though you earn 3,000 yuan a month, you can still live a comfortable life. The food and clothes are cheap. And it's a clean and fun city.
17.  In Chiang Mai, Thailand, even though you earn 3,000 yuan a month, you can still live a comfortable life. The food and clothes are cheap. And it's a clean and fun city. I came from one of those families where you have to shout loudly at the dinner table in order to get a word. In 2019, I spent the summer (1)      (live) in South Africa. It was a very important year for me, because I learnt to listen.
  I listened to a Nigerian taxi driver recalling (回忆) memories of his (2)       (five) birthday; I listened to a German's (3)      (introduce) of Brazil's beautiful beaches; I listened to (4)       old couple sharing their love story (5)       was beautiful and very moving. I listened, and I listened. Sometimes I (6)      (speak), but mostly, I just listened to them patiently (7)       silence.
  Before that summer, I thought I knew how to listen. I could sit down with anyone and hear their stories. I nodded and responded (8)       (proper) at the right time, but most of the time I was thinking (9)       I should say next. Ever since my summer in South Africa, I've noticed that when my mouth is closed, my mind will be wide open and I will learn the most about the speaker and even (10)      (I).
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