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  • A. make
  • B. teach
  • C. today
  • A. elephants
  • B. lions
  • C. pets
  • A. card
  • B. glass
  • C. skirt
  • A. ground
  • B. between
  • C. before
  • A. thank
  • B. math
  • C. another
6.—Mrs. Smith, I'm sorry to my homework at home.
—It's OK, but don't to bring it here tomorrow.
  • A. forget; forget
  • B. leave; remember
  • C. leave; forget
7. is it from your school to you home?
—It's about ten minutes' walk.
  • A. How long
  • B. How far
  • C. How much
8.—COVID-19 (新冠肺炎) is breaking out around the world now.
—How terrible! It our chance to go back to school.
  • A. kills
  • B. breaks
  • C. leaves
9.—Hey, Dave. Do you want to watch the football match with me?
. I must do my homework.
  • A. Good idea
  • B. Thanks a lot
  • C. I'd love to, but I can't
10.—Why don't we go to the zoo on Sunday?
  • A. That's right
  • B. That's all right
  • C. All right
11.April 23rd is World Reading Day. It's for us to read all life.
  • A. terrible
  • B. strict
  • C. important
12.—Elephants are losing their homes. Do you know why?
—Yes. Because people ______ many trees.
  • A. cut up
  • B. cut down
  • C. cut off
13.—Mother's Day is coming. What do you want to buy for your mom?
—It's the thought that counts. a handmade card a beautiful flower is OK.
  • A. Both; and
  • B. Either; or
  • C. Between; and
14.—Tom's family big. There are 8 people. His family supper at home now.
  • A. is; is eating
  • B. is; are eating
  • C. are; is eating
15.—I like all animals. Let's go to see them in the zoo!
—But some of them are scary.
  • A. kinds of; kind of
  • B. kinds of; a kind of
  • C. kind of; kinds of
16.—There is no of John at home. Where is he?
—Let me call him.
  • A. sign
  • B. symbol
  • C. mark
17.—It's cold outside. your coat when you go out.
—OK, mom.
  • A. Get dressed
  • B. Put on
  • C. Take off
18.—Hey, Mike, listen to me. Mike!
—He can't hear you, Mr. Smith. He is in the music.
  • A. lost
  • B. busy
  • C. far
19.—Jeff, your English is very good.
  • A. No, I don't think so
  • B. Not good enough
  • C. Thank you
20.—I am in the USA now. I miss my friends in China .
—I know you really want to go back home.
  • A. terribly
  • B. excitedly
  • C. happily
21.  There are too many rules! At 6:00 a.m, my mom says, "Get up now and make your bed!" After breakfast, my mom always says, "Don't (1)       the dirty dishes in the kitchen!" After that, I run to school because I (2)       be late. At school, we have more rules — don't be noisy; don't eat in class… My dad says I can't play basketball after school because I (3)       do my homework. I can play only on weekends. After dinner, I can't relax (4)      . I must read a book before I can watch TV.
  But I (5)       go to bed before 10:00. Rules, rules, rules! It's terrible! What can l do?
22.NEWS www.sinhuanet.com 新华网 XINHUANET
  The eastern Chinese province of Zhejiang will gradually reopen schools, with classes for senior students in middle and high schools to resume on April 13, the provincial government said Friday. Students in Grades 4-8 and Grades 1-3 will return to school after April 20, and after April 26 respectively, while kindergartens will reopen after May 6. Colleges and universities should prepare to reopen in late April.
  Students with difficulties in returning to schools, foreign students and teachers who are still abroad can postpone the time to return to school.
  Hubei have not announced reopening dates for schools yet.
  Source: Xinhua 1 2020-04-03 19:26:29 I Editor: huaxia
23.  No matter how small the things we are doing may seem, if we do our best, just believe that what we are doing can make sense and we can make a difference eventually to the earth.
  Edwin is a seventh grader. He loves going to school because there are always some new things to learn. Today, as usual, he goes to school happily early. However, he comes back home late and he doesn't look happy. His mother is very surprised and asks him, "What's the matter, son?"
  "I am thinking about my science homework."
  "What's it?"
  "In my science class, Miss Green, our science teacher, tells us something about Earth Day and our environment (环境). She wants us to come up with some ideas to help the earth. But I am only a student. I don't know what I can do and how I can do it."  
  "Don't worry, son. Just think it over. As a student, what can you do to help with our environment in our city? You can't do big things now. But can you do some small things?"
  "Of course, I can." Edwin answers.
  Edwin's mother continues. "You can help clean the leaves on the city streets. You can write articles about Earth Day for newspapers and magazines to tell more people about it. You can also work as a cleaner on Earth Day."
  "Great! Thanks, mom. Now I know what I can do." Edwin says excitedly.
  Sometimes we think we are too young to do big things, but we can begin with small things, which can also be helpful.
exercises / tastes / dress / clean / teeth / join / sleeps / danger / because / talking on the phone / wear 
25.listening, they, CD, to, are, a
26.for, can't, late, arrive, we, class.
27.be quiet, does, she, have to, in the library
28.how, does, school, Mike, get, to
29.twenty, they, seven, at, dressed, always, get
30.We can't run in the hallways. (变为祈使句)
       in the hallways.
31.I like pandas because they are cute. (对划线部分提问)
       do        like pandas?
32.Can Tom play chess? (做否定回答)
      , he       .
33.They usually exercise on weekends. (对划线部分提问)
       they usually exercise?
34.I want to join the swimming club. (对划线部分提问)
       club        you want to join?
35.Try to find a more simple way
  Do you think there is any difference between looking at a painting from a short distance (距离) and looking at it from a long distance? And can you (1)       this difference?
  Once there was a club that only (2)       people could join. Many people wanted to join it, (3)       they would be able to spend more time with other clever people.
  One night, the club members were having a dinner party in a big room of the restaurant. They were talking (4)       as they enjoyed their food. One of them thought that his salad tasted a little (5)      , so he (6)       a salt shaker (盐罐子) and added some salt. However, it actually turned out to be (7)      . The group found that the salt on the table was in the sugar shaker, (8)       the sugar was in the salt shaker.
  The club members called for the waiter at once and told him about the problem. There were no (9)       bottles. How could the waiter solve this problem? The group suggested many ways to (10)       it right.
  After a (11)       discussion (讨论), the waiter simply looked at the (12)       and said, "It's easy." He then took of the labels (标签) of both shakers and switched (互换) them with each other. The (13)       quickly became quiet.
  Sometimes we make problems more difficult to solve than they should be. It is good to (14)       a step back and see if there's a simpler way (15)      .
36.  It's cold and windy outside now. A young man is walking on the rocky road without wearing shoes. A lady on a carriage (马车) is also from a poor family. When the lady sees the young man, she asks the driver to pick him up, and says she will pay for him. Later, the lady knows the young man is going to be a sailor (水手) at the nearest seaport.
  On a very hot day after 20 years, a captain (船长) drives a car on the same road. Suddenly, he notices an old lady walking slowly on the burning road. She must be very thirsty and tired. So the captain stops and says, "please get on, and I'll give you a ride." "Many thanks, sir," says the old lady after getting on the car.
  Yes! It's her! Her voice is still there. The captain becomes so thrilled then.
  While talking, he learns that the old lady has to live a hard life because both her husband and her son never come back after they go to sea.
  "Well," the captain says, after a silence, "I have made some money. I will give you 25 pounds a month if you need." The old lady is shocked. She doesn't know what to do.
  The captain goes on, "I remember, twenty years ago, near this very place, a young man was given a ride on a carriage along the road by a kind lady. I'm just the person you gave a hand!"
  Things have changed a lot, but the warmness in your eyes has never changed.
37.  Do you like singing? Do you have a good voice (嗓音)? Are you brave (勇敢的) enough to sing out loud?
  I love singing. But I am often laughed at for being a woman w(1)       a really deep voice. I couldn't go to the singing club as a kid. Because of this, I never sing w(2)       people are nearby. I only sing in the car if I'm alone or when I'm h(3)       alone. My husband knows that I have this hobby. He w(4)       to hear me sing. However, I never feel r(5)       doing so. So I never do it.
  One day, we were driving and it was a beautiful t(6)      . I got a bit excited and asked if I could take a longer route (路线) because I was feeling a bit brave. I finally said to my husband, "Could you put on my f(7)       CD?" He did and my true feelings came out. I couldn't help (8)      . My husband started crying. Then I could hardly say a word. It was such a fantastic day.
  Now I want to share it with anyone who would like to l(9)      . Sing out loud, people. Don't be a (10)       to be laughed at. Someone might even sing along.
1. 40岁,在一家医院工作,善于与病人相处;
2. 每天很早起床,6:30 离家上班,开车通常花费半小时,从不迟到;
3. 每天忙于工作,没有很多时间照顾你,但依然对你严格要求;
4. 现在她正在挽救病人,你很想念她;
注意:内容连贯得体,不需要逐条翻译,词数60 - 80词左右。
参考词汇:patient n. 病人; hospital n. 医院; look after v. 照顾
  My mother is a doctor (医生). ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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