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1.—_______ is the train station to your home?
—It's about thirty minutes' bus ride.
  • A. How
  • B. How many
  • C. How far
  • D. How long
2.—Jack is good at sports and he can ______ baseball very well.
—Look! He is ________ baseball now.
  • A. plays; play
  • B. play; playing
  • C. play; plays
  • D. plays; playing
3.— Could you please help me with my English after school?
— ______. Let's meet at your home.
  • A. Yes, I could
  • B. No, I can't
  • C. Sorry
  • D. No problem
4.Be patient, John. Don't give up. Have _______ try. I'm sure you can do it.
  • A. other
  • B. another
  • C. the other
  • D. others
5.He can find no time to do exercise at all. He _______ goes to volleyball with us.
  • A. never
  • B. often
  • C. usually
  • D. sometimes
6.The 400-meter _______ will begin in about five minutes and everyone is nervous.
  • A. game
  • B. match
  • C. race
  • D. activity
7.—When do you have a sports meeting?
—We have it _______. The weather is great!
  • A. at Monday night
  • B. in Monday morning
  • C. on Monday night
  • D. on Monday morning
8.The rain is so heavy that it ________ people three hours to find Jenny.
  • A. spends
  • B. pays
  • C. takes
  • D. gets
9.Don't worry. It's _____ two o'clock. We have one hour left.
  • A. also
  • B. just
  • C. already
  • D. hardly
10.Mr. John is not as ______ as before, so he walks across the road ______.
  • A. young; slowly
  • B. old; slow
  • C. old; slowly
  • D. young; slow
11.As long as all the Chinese people are together, our China dream will ______.
  • A. come over
  • B. come out
  • C. come true
  • D. come up
12.Their teacher often _______ them a funny story ______ his class lovely and interesting.
  • A. tells; makes
  • B. talks; to make
  • C. tells; to make
  • D. says; makes
13.—What do you usually do in your free time?
—My mother always _______ me to practice _______the piano.
  • A. asks; to play
  • B. tells; to play
  • C. tell; playing
  • D. asks; playing
14.—Where are you going to stay when you get to the town?
—I may live _____ in a hotel _____ in a friend's house.
  • A. both; and
  • B. either; or
  • C. neither; nor
  • D. between; and
15.—Hello, this is Alice. May I speak to Lucy?
—_________ I can take a message for you.
  • A. Sorry, she isn't in.
  • B. Yes, I am.
  • C. This is Lucy speaking.
  • D. Who is that?
16.  Tom and Matt cleaned their house last night, because their parents are (1)       for a visit the next day.
  However, when they come home from (2)       today, the house is very untidy. The books and magazines they left on the sofa are now on the floor, and the shoes are in pieces! (3)      , Tom and Matt think a thief (小偷) breaks into their house when they are at work. They go to their bedroom to see if (4)       is stolen, but nothing is (5)      . Matt's money is (6)       on his desk, and Tom's (7)       watches are in his bookcase.
  They can't understand (8)       nothing is missing and the house is so untidy. Tom and Matt (9)       calling the police, but they don't (10)       nothing is missing. They walk around the house one more time to (11)       everything is there. Then Tom looks closely (12)       the floor — there are four muddy paw prints (泥爪印)! The paw prints are headed towards the balcony (阳台). When they(13)       them, they see an open door and a very (14)       dog hiding (藏) in the corner. Tom realizes that he forgets (15)       the balcony door before he leaves for work in the morning. The mystery (秘密) of the untidy house is solved!
17.  Do you want to travel in London? You may have a nice trip in London with the help of the following information.
  Getting around in London
By subway The subway is fast and convenient. The underground trains run from 5:30 a.m. to 12:00 midnight. You can get to any place easily. 
By bus Travelling by bus is a good way to see the city, especially from the top of a double-decker bus. There is always a bus stop nearby. There are special tickets (票) for children under the age of 12. 
By train Take a train to go to places outside London, like Hampton Court. You can use a travel card on the subways, buses and most trains. 
By taxi London's black taxis are famous. Many visitors to London know they are good and comfortable. They will cost you a few pounds (英镑), though. Take a taxi once, for the experience. 
By   The "river bus" leaves from Westminster Pier. A good way to see the city from the River Thames. 
On foot The best way to visit the city! But look right and left before you cross a street. There are many beautiful sights waiting for you. 

18.  Hello, everyone! Welcome to the world famous Night Safari in Singapore (新加坡). It's the first of its kind. Before you start your unbelievable journey (旅程) this evening, I would like to introduce you to our unusual zoo.
  It opened on May 26, 1994 at a cost of 63 million Singapore dollars. Today, this "theme zoo" is home to more than a thousand animals from 120 species (物种) that are active at night. We have Indian rhinos, Malaysian tigers, Nile hippos, Asian elephants and much more! About 1.1 million people visit us every year.
  Night Safari's location in the tropical forest (热带雨林) of Singapore is perfect, because it's similar to the animals' natural environment (自然环境) in Africa and Asia. To give the animals as much freedom as possible, moats (沟) and glass walls, not cages (笼子), keep them apart. The moats look very natural, like small rivers! Do not fear — animals are safe from each other, and you are safe from the animals!
  There are a couple of things we ask of all visitors. First, bright light (亮光) may scare the animals, so please turn your camera flash off. Secondly, these animals don't like loud noises. Please help us keep the experience quiet and speak in a low voice.
  Are you ready? Whether you ride on our tram (电车) or simply walk on the path (小路), we know you will love the Night Safari.
19.  Tiffany, a 16-year-old girl, is very shy. In September, her best friend, Sophie, moves abroad with her family because she has to study in America. She even says she will not come back for a few years. Tiffany becomes lonely and helpless. "I am really sad when I hear the bad news and I don't know what to do," Tiffany recalls (回忆). "I stays in my room for a whole week. Then my aunt takes me to a sports club one Saturday and I see so many young people playing sports there. I sign up (报名) for the beginner's classes in volleyball and from that day on I often play this sport. Now I practice twice a week there. It is wonderful playing sports in this club and I make lots of friends as well. What's more, I feel I am much healthier than before."
  For most people, that is one of the attractions (吸引人之处) of joining a sports club. You can get to know other young people who have the same interests. You don't have to sit down and talk to strangers (陌生人). You go in for sports and it is easier to understand your partners on the same team. Now Tiffany gets on very well with her friends, and now she is not a shy girl any more. She also gets more confidence.
  Try to do regular (规律的) sports. The mind needs exercise as well as the body.
wash a lot leave needs on time runs 
21.  Nowadays, more and more people (1)l       their hometown (家乡) to study or work abroad (在国外). Tom Li is one of those overseas (2)C      . He (3)l       in Canada now, and he (4)n       goes back to China. He has no time to go back to his hometown, but he (5)m       his hometown terribly. He often deals with his homesickness (乡愁) by (6)l       for the information of his hometown on the Internet. His hometown used to be (过去是) a backward place. There were just (7)o       buildings (建筑物). But these years, his hometown is (8)c       a lot. The environment (环境) becomes (9)m       beautiful. Many people have their own cars. They live a good life. Tom is happy to see the changes of his hometown. He (10)w       to see it by himself one day.
1. 他今年十三岁,会说汉语,擅长打篮球和弹钢琴。
2. 他的家离学校约六千米,他通常乘公汽上学,大约花半个小时,有时也乘地铁。
3. 在学校每天上课不得迟到,必须穿校服。
4. 他非常喜欢中国,正在学习中国功夫。
5. 熊猫是他最喜欢的动物,因为很可爱。他希望能到中国来看熊猫。
提示词:kilometer 千米 school uniform 校服 kung fu 功夫
  Nick is my new friend. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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