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1.That girl is from England. ______ name is Mary.
  • A. His
  • B. Her
  • C. Your
  • D. Its
2.—What's wrong ______ you, Tom?
—I stayed up late last night.
  • A. with
  • B. about
  • C. of
  • D. at
3.—Where did you watch the basketball game?
—I ______ it in the Capital Stadium.
  • A. will watch
  • B. watched
  • C. watches
  • D. am watching
4.Lucy wanted to buy the dress, _______ it was too expensive and she didn't have enough money.
  • A. so
  • B. and
  • C. or
  • D. but
5.—Tony, where's your mum?
—Oh, she ______ in the kitchen.
  • A. cooks
  • B. is cooking
  • C. cooked
  • D. will cook
6.—______ books are there on the table?
—There are 50 books on the table.
  • A. How long
  • B. How much
  • C. How many
  • D. How far
7.Daming is ______ boy in our class and he also runs very fast.
  • A. tall
  • B. taller
  • C. the taller
  • D. the tallest
8.My friends and I ______ the zoo next weekend.
  • A. visit
  • B. visited
  • C. to visit
  • D. will visit
9.The teacher told the students ______ any food and drinks into the reading room.
  • A. not to bring
  • B. not bring
  • C. doesn't bring
  • D. bring not
10.We should listen to the teacher ______ in class.
  • A. careful
  • B. carefully
  • C. careless
  • D. carelessly
11.  Sally was feeling very nervous before her interview (面试) at her new school. All her friends said it was a very good school. Many of her friends wanted to go there, too.
  "I'm afraid that I' ll be too shy I don't feel (1)      ," Sally told her parents.
  Her parents encouraged (鼓励) her, "Don't be shy. I'm sure you'll do well," said her mother.
  "I'll help you (2)       some possible questions and answers," said her father .
  In the days before the interview, her parents were patient and kind. They gave Sally (3)       about what to do and say at the interview.
  On the day of the interview, Sally's parents went with her. When they were (4)       outside the head teacher's office, they told her, "Just take a deep breath and do your best. "As Sally knocked on the door, she gave her parents a brave (勇敢的) smile.
  The head teacher started the interview by asking, "What school activities do you like?"
  For a moment Sally could not think of anything to say She couldn't (5)       what she had practiced with her parents. Then she thought of her mother's words: Just be yourself. So she relaxed and said, I like drama and art. To be honest, I'm not good at sport. After that Sally had no (6)       answering the other questions.
  At the (7)       of the interview, the head teacher shook hands with Sally and said, "I look forward to seeing you again, Sally."
  Sally looked (8)       and confident when she came out of the head teacher's office. Her parents asked how she thought what she had done at the interview. Sally simply said, "I've done my best."
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13.  This past holiday season, I drove with my parents to Boston to visit my cousin. On my way back home, we stopped at a service area for food.
  As we stopped there, there was this old lady who was busy cleaning all the tables and chairs as people were leaving, making sure everything was tidy and clean. I just thought of gifting her with five dollars and a chocolate in my pocket. I wrote on a paper napkin (纸巾): Thank you and Merry Christmas."
  I had wanted to leave it there for her but decided to walk up to her and give her.
  She asked me, "Is it a gift? Only then will I take it."
  I nodded, "Yes," and smiled at her.
  "Thank you, young man." she replied, and I left to buy some food from the store inside. On my way back to the car, the woman stopped me.
  "I made a lot of cookies and candies on Christmas for people," she explained. "Would you like to have some?"
  A bit taken aback, I replied, "Yes".
  She asked me to wait, and came back carrying a four-inch plate filled with different cookies and chocolates!My first expression was a big smile.
  "That's a lot," I said, a bit surprised.
  She smiled and told me that she made eighty to ninety of these plates every year, to gift to friends and others.
  I had no words or thoughts in my brain. Finally, I asked if I could hug her. We hugged, wishing each other a happy and healthy holiday season. Then, as we parted, I felt as if I had met a new friend with whom I exchanged the gift of a smile and some happiness. I really enjoyed this trip.
14.  Do you know that more than half of the people living in Copenhagen (哥本哈根), the Danish capital, ride a bike to school or work every day?The city has set a goal (目标) to become the world's first carbon neutral (碳中立) capital by 2025.
  Cycling (骑行) is actually a faster and more time-saving way to travel in Copenhagen. That's why you'll find more bikes than people and more than 5 times as many bikes than cars in this city!
  Copenhagen is a cycling paradise (天堂). The city has done its best to encourage people to ride bikes — it has built more than 1,000 km of cycling roads. The city planners have made plans to help park bikes and repair bikes for free — wow!
  Copenhagen's cyclists hardly break traffic rules. Several of the city's main streets are only used for bike lanes (车道). Bike lanes along major roads are wide. Copenhagen is building 38 highways along the main city roads. The city's subways also allow cyclists to bring their bikes in the train, free of cost
  The city planners are working hard to make cyclists feel safe . So when cyclists get closer to a main crossing, sensors (传感器) down the streets 'tell' the traffic lights to give them a 'green' light, which means cyclists don't have to worry about the heavy traffic. Isn't that cool? One smooth journey from home to school!Even in the cold winters, the workers clean snow on the cycling lanes before car lanes.
  Lately, however, the city is facing a new problem — there are not enough parking lots for cyclists. Some people now start leaving their bikes just about anywhere. Perhaps the best way is to make more space for bikes or build underground parking lots.
  At the same time, other big cities are following Copenhagen's example, such as London, Paris, New York, Beijing and San Francisco They are all taking actions to encourage cyclists.
15.  We often reach a point in our life when we should be ready for change that will help us unlock (解锁) our self-improvement power. However, there's always something staring at us right under our nose but we don't see it. The only time we think of unlocking our self-improvement power is when everything gets worst.
  When do we realize that we need to change diets?When none of our shirts and jeans would fit us . When do we stop eating candies and chocolates? When all of our teeth have fallen off. When do we realize that we need to stop smoking? When our lungs (肺) have gone bad. We see the warning signs and signals when things get rough and difficult.
  The only time most of us ever learn about unlocking our self-improvement power is when the whole world is falling apart. We think and feel this way because it is not easy to change, but change becomes more painful when we ignore (忽视) it.
  Change will happen, like it or hate it. At one point or another, we are all going to finally unlock our self-improvement power not because the world says so. But because we realize it's for our own good.
  Happy people don't just accept change;they embrace (拥抱) it. Unlocking our self-improvement power means unlocking ourselves out of the box of thought that is just the way we are. It is such a poor excuse for people who fear change.
  Jane always tells everyone that she doesn't have the courage (勇气) to be around groups of people . She heard her family tell the same things about her to other people. Over the years, that is what Jane has believed. Every time a great crowd comes, she steps back and locks herself up in a room. Jane not only believes in her story, but lives it!
  Self-improvement may not be everybody's favorite word, but if we look at things in a different way, we might have greater chances of enjoying the whole process (过程) instead of counting the days until we are fully improved . Three sessions in a week at the gym would result in a healthier life . Reading books every day would build up knowledge. And only when we are enjoying the whole process of unlocking our self-improvement power will we realize that were beginning to take things light and become happy.
16.  When I opened the box at my 12th birthday party, I couldn't believe my eyes. I really got a cell phone! As soon as I got to my school the next morning I showed off my phone and asked everyone for their number. I wouldn't listen to the teachers because I was too busy on my phone.
  A week later we took a test and I got Grade d for the first time. To make matters worse, my mom had to sign the test. It was hard to show my mom the paper. She never saw "D" on my tests . Well, finally, I showed her and she couldn't believe it. She was angry but most of all, she was disappointed (失望).
  Weeks passed and my parents started to dislike the fact that I had a phone. They would say, "We have noticed that you never talk to us. It's like you have your own little world now and your phone is more important than anything else. First I thought hey were wrong, but then I got to know that I was spending too much time on the phone.
  A week later I tried going a whole day without a cell phone and it didn't go that badly I had so much fun because I was actually spending time with my family and caring about them. From that day, I had a different idea towards cell phones.
  Phones really take you away from the rest of the world. I'm not saying that phones are bad and not to use them but you do have to spend some time with your family and not play with your phone all day, My phone took away time from my homework and from my family. That, s why I didn't do well in the test.
  So, I will keep using my phone, but I will have it under better control (控制).
17.Have a good rest and I'm sure you'll be        ['betə(r)] soon.
18.Could you please       [pa:s] me the bread?
19.Who is going to look after the      ['beɪbi] when you go out?
20.Remember to      [bʊk] the ticket and hotel before you travel.
21.Xinjiang is a very beautiful place and it's in the       [west] of China.
22.北京因长城而闻名。( famous)
23.在我们班我每天和大明到校一样早。 (as. as, in our class)
24.我爸爸每天早上开车上班用半个小时的时间。(take, drive, every morning)
25.现在从网上查旅游信息非常容易。( it is adj. to do, information about traveling)
26.为了保护动物, 政府计划建立更多的自然公园。( protect, the government)
27.根据中文和英文提示, 完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作. 文中已给出内容不计入总词数. 所给提示词语仅供选用. 请不要写出你的校名和姓名.
假如你是李华, 你的美国朋友 David下周要来北京学习中国传统文化. 请你给他写一封邮件, 对他的到来表示欢迎, 简单介绍中国传统文化的相关内容, 并就怎样学习中国传统文化或者去哪可以了解中国传统文化给他提一些建议.
提示词语: Beijing Opera, traditional music, read, talk about, Lao she Teahouse
• What is Chinese traditional culture (文化) about?
What do you advise him to do to learn Chinese traditional culture?

Dear David,
  I' m so glad that you will come to Beijing. There are many things about Chinese traditional culture to learn ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  Looking forward to seeing you.
Li Hua
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