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1.Taiwan is a beautiful place. It is ________ the southeast of China.
  • A. in
  • B. on
  • C. to
  • D. from
2.Dear kids, take it easy!It's just________ usual exam. To me, you are ________best.
  • A. a, the
  • B. /, the
  • C. a; /
  • D. an, the
3.Lily moved to the city 3 years ago. Now she can get used to ________ there.
  • A. lives
  • B. living
  • C. live
  • D. lived
4.I like watching CCTV News________ they can help me learn more about the world.
  • A. because
  • B. though
  • C. until
  • D. till
5.China is ________ beautiful country ________ many foreigners want to visit it.
  • A. so;that
  • B. such;that
  • C. such a;that
  • D. so a;that
6.Yesterday Mr. Wang told us the earth always ________ around the sun.
  • A. going
  • B. go
  • C. went
  • D. goes
7.Remember:different ________ , different________. If you are very fat , you'd better not wear tight clothes.
  • A. occasions, clothes
  • B. clothes, countries
  • C. shapes, clothes
  • D. occasions, hats
8.He spoke very fast and very ________ people understood what he said.
  • A. little
  • B. few
  • C. a few
  • D. a little
9.—What are you going to do this weekend?
—I'm going to climb the mountain if it ________.
  • A. won't rain
  • B. isn't raining
  • C. doesn't rain
  • D. isn't going to rain
10.—Linda, I'm worried about the coming exam.
— ________.
  • A. That's too bad
  • B. Be careful
  • C. Don't be nervous
  • D. That's OK
11.  Darren and Tim are good friends. They like(1)      . Last summer they had a seven﹣day holiday. They were on vacation in a(2)      . They wanted to cross the sea in the a(3)      for a week.
  They saw many blue whales during the trip. These blue whales were large. They(4)      the small sea animals. At first Darren and Tim were very excited because they(5)      saw so large ones. But soon something terrible happened. They were watching them(6)      the whales hit the boat. Suddenly, (7)      started coming into the boat and they were in trouble. They had to jump into their lifeboats(救生艇)(8)      before the boat went down into the sea. (9)      terrible!
  They were lucky. The blue whales left them. They were out of danger. They had enough food (10)      water for about twenty days. They(11)       a small machine (机器). The machine could change sea water into drinking water. They also had a fishing line. These two things could help them to(12)      .
  They(13)      fishes and ate them for the next sixteen days. They saw some ships during those days. They(14)      when they were passing , but no one heard. Just when they were(15)      , the persons in a fishing boat found them and saved them.
  No matter what difficulty we meet, face it bravely and never give up.
12.  Clothes play an important role in our daily lives. They protect us from the strong wind in cold winter and keep us from the high heat in hot summer. Nowadays, clothes have much more uses. They can even make men handsome and women beautiful. They also tell people about their jobs. For example, we can tell people's jobs from their uniforms.
  Clothes can show many things about a person. They can stand for a person's hobbies, hopes, dreams and so on. For example, a quiet person might like to wear dark clothes while an easy﹣going person might prefer to wear bright colored ones. Old people like to wear traditional clothes but young people might like to choose fashionable(时尚的) ones. When you see a little boy putting on a policeman uniform, he may want to show that he wishes to become a policeman when he grows up.
  Clothes are always changing to meet the personal tastes of different people. No matter how they change, they will become more comfortable, colorful and fashionable. People will have more choices to show their wishes.
Expo Food Guangzhou 2021
The Expo Hall covers an area of 28, 770 square meters. There will be more than 2, 000 exhibitors(展商) in it. Date:June 24—26, 2021Address:No. 1000, Xingang East Road, Haizhu District, GuangzhouMr. Chen 
Taian Cooking Camp
If you are interested in cooking delicious meals, you'd better join a cooking camp. We will have a good time. Date:June 5th to 10thTime:9:00 a. m. —4:00 p. m. Place:No. 68 Yucai RoadTel:11923361905Mrs. Yang  
Fashion Design Training Center
Training purpose:Educating people first, enjoying happiness. If you like fashion design, please join us quickly. Don't miss the chance!Days:Every Saturday and SundayTime:1:00 p. m. —3:30 p. m. Place:Art roomTel:9123﹣6621Mrs. Lin 
Yongkang Club
Taiji is one of China's traditional programs. It is now more about helping people to keep fit. Place:East side of People's SquareTime:7:00 to 8:30 every morningMr. Ma 

14.  Online eating shows are very popular. They are well-known all over the world. Because many people like watching this kind of shows, some hosts became popular for their ability (才能) to eat lots of food. Some people don't like this show. While some hosts can eat so much food, but some maybe fake it. They just show eating a lot of food, but in fact they threw it away later.
  Someone calls on people to stop wasting food. They guessed that the world is facing the worst food shortage (短缺) in 50 years. Many videos stopped showing food waste to call for an end to waste food, too. A research shows that people waste about 1. 3 billion tons of food every year in the world. In China, people waste about 35 million tons of food every year.
  Nowadays, some people are carrying out activities against wasting food. Some people call on people to eat safe food and stop wasting food. The owners of most large restaurants began to control the number of dishes for their customers. In some places, the owners of the restaurants ask customers to take the "N﹣1 mode". For example, a group of 10 people should only order enough for nine people at first. More food is only brought to the table if they really need it.
15.  Do you like milk? Do you drink it every day?Most of us believe that milk is good for our health. (1)      
  Let's talk about it together.
  (2)       It has a lot of nutrients (营养物质) to help us keep healthy. (3)       For example, it is good for our teeth and heart. What's more, a glass of warm milk helps us get a good night's sleep.
  However, a survey shows that milk may cause some health problems. For example, drinking too much milk may make us fat. (4)       Scientists found that some people often drank milk, but they also had broken bones.
  Should we still drink milk?Of course we should. (5)       But it does give us a lot of nutrients. You can drink it if you like milk, but you should not think that it is the best drink for your health.
A. Milk may not be the best food.
B. Is that the whole truth?
C. Most people believe that milk has many advantages.
D. Also, milk might not make our bones stronger.
E. Milk might be one of the best things. 
nervous before light two care 

  In Japan, when you are walking on the street, you must be very (1)      . The vehicles always drive on the left. Their traffic lights are blue instead of green. It is different from China. If you come to Japan for the first time, you may feel crazy. But don't be (2)      . The following information is helpful for you. You must look at the right side and then the left side (3)       you cross the street. If the traffic lights are red, the vehicles must stop. People can cross the road carefully. If the traffic (4)       are blue, the vehicles can drive.
  When people go to work in the morning and go home in the evening, the traffic is very busy. It is the most dangerous for children at this time.
  When you take a bus in Japan, you should be careful, too. You must always remember the vehicles move on the left, or you will go the wrong way.
  The vehicles have many advantages in Japan. There are many big buses with two floors there. You can sit on the first or the (5)       floor. They can take you anywhere.
17.  My name is Susan. My mother is (1)       art teacher. Her name is Kelly. She is good (2)       costume design. She often teaches me how (3)       design fashion in her free time. I am very interested in fashion design. I studied fashion design for three months. With (4)       help, I learned how to design fashion. Yesterday my teacher asked me to design school uniform. I was very happy when I heard the news. I will do my best to do it (5)      .
18.A: May I ask you some question?
B: Sure, go ahead.
A: (1)      ?
B: I usually come to school on foot.
A: (2)      ?
B: Li Jian comes the earliest in my class.
A: (3)      ?
B: I have six classes every day.
A: (4)      ?
B: Yes, we have a cooking class every week.
A: (5)      ?
B: I think the cooking class is every interesting.
1. 你向人们倡议节约粮食,拒绝浪费和提倡健康饮食。
2. 你打算做些什么工作来说明拒绝浪费从我做起这个理念。
1. 不能照抄原文:不得在作文中出现真实的校名和个人的真实姓名。
2. 语句连贯,词数80个左右。
提示:government 政府 waste 浪费
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