15. Lee ran home almost all the way from the bus stop. His brother Jason had promised to take him to the new skate park today.
As soon as he rushed inside the house, he picked up his skate equipment quickly. He was so excited he put his elbow pads and knee guards on even though Jason wasn't home yet.
"Hey, Lee, " Jason said, walking through the door."
Are you ready to go?"
Lee held his arms out. "Ready! "
"Who's that?" Jason asked, pointing out of the window.
Lee saw Alice standing by the mailbox. "Oh!What's she doing here?I told her I'd work on the science project with her tomorrow."
"Then why is she here today?" Jason asked.
"Well, I did tell her I'd do it today, but that was before you said you'd take me to the skate park."
"So you promised her you'd work on it today but then you got a better offer and canceled on her?"
"But I'm still doing the project with her, just not today. " Jason nodded. "I'll get my car keys. Wait here."
Lee couldn't stand still as he waited. When Jason walked back into the room, he was on the phone.
"Great! I'll be right there." Jason hung up the phone. "You're never going to believe this, but Scott got tickets to a minor league baseball game for tonight."
Lee's face fell. "You're going to the ball game? What about the skate park?" "We'll go tomorrow. You don't mind, right?" Jason said carelessly.
"Well, kind of. You promised to take me skating today."
Jason's smile disappeared. "Like you promised Alice you'd work on your project today?"
Lee sighed. "Scott doesn't have tickets, does he?"
"No. I just thought you should see how Alice is feeling."
Lee looked out of the window. Alice was still standing by the mailbox. "I'll go to get her and work on the project."
"Good for you," Jason said. "And ask her if she wants to go to the skate park after you're finished."
"Really? You'd take us?"
"Of course. I promised."
Lee nodded. "And a promise is a promise."