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1.With the development of 5G, students can learn more conveniently and the classes also interest ______ more easily.
  • A. us
  • B. you
  • C. them
2.Through Beijing Winter Olympics, the young generation like Gu Ailing and Su Yiming shows their attitude — they take sports as a way to have ______ and enjoy life.
  • A. fun
  • B. practice
  • C. way
3.Whatever we do, we must be ______. As the saying goes, "Rome wasn't built in a day."
  • A. confident
  • B. patient
  • C. helpful
4.Since the Double Reduction Policy, all the schools have been trying to ______ the quality of the class.
  • A. continue
  • B. stop
  • C. improve
5.—I want to try out for the school basketball team but my classmates think I'm too short for it. What should I do?
—Just do what you love. Don't give up and success will ______ come.
  • A. heavily
  • B. completely
  • C. naturally
6.Reading means everything for me. ______ I have to live my life without books, the days would all be empty.
  • A. Until
  • B. Though
  • C. If
7.As teenagers, we ______ knowledge and try to study to get more.
  • A. are thirsty for
  • B. are worried about
  • C. are hopeful for
8.The 31st World University Games will be held on June 26, 2022 in Chengdu, which will push the society to pay more attention to students' ______.
  • A. happiness
  • B. health
  • C. grade
9.As we know, being careful and brave can help ______ many problems in life.
  • A. take off
  • B. look up
  • C. work out
10.—Mr. King, could you tell me ______?
—You have to set a goal and work hard for it until you succeed.
  • A. when I can get a good grade
  • B. whether I can get a good grade
  • C. how I can get into my dream school
11.(Gina and Mario are talking in the hallway at school before the graduation exams.)
A: Hello, Mario!
B: Hi, Gina! We are saying goodbye to our school after the exams. I feel very sad.
A: Me, too.
B: (1)      
A: You're welcome.
B: (2)       They gave us too much.
A: Yes. It's hard for us to say goodbye. Our school life was unforgettable.
B: You're right. (3)      
A: I hope to pass the exams to get into the senior high school.
B: (4)       But I'm going to an art school.
A: Your plan is pretty good. I think you'll be successful. By the way, we will have a party the next day after the exams. (5)      
B: Sure. That's great. It's the moment we have a get-together.

A. Would you like to come?
B. Who has helped you most?
C. I'll miss our teachers and classmates.
D. Thanks for your help while staying here.
E. My time in junior high school was enjoyable.
F. What do you hope to do after you graduate, Gina?
G. I trust you because you're the most excellent in our class. 
12.  When I was a young adult, I was at a dance club. It was a very cold night. As my friend and I were walking to my car, a man walked up to us. Behind him was a woman pushing a stroller with a child inside. The child had a (1)       on but it wasn't zipped. The man began to tell us that he wanted to (2)       some money for the night to get his wife and kid into a hotel out of the cold. He had a job but no place to live and was waiting for his first paycheck. He said he could get our mailing (3)       and mail the money back to us.
  My friend reached into his pocket to give this man a $20 bill. (4)       the man was holding his hand out to take the money, I put my hand on my friend's hand and said, "Can I talk to you for a minute?"
  I told him about how my mother works in Seattle and every day people ask her for money. She said they make (5)       money than she does, simply by begging for money. These people were scamming those with soft hearts. And if they were (6)       worried about their child, they would have at least zipped his jacket or covered him with his blanket.
  My friend said, "Micelle, I know there are people that (7)       others. I also know there are people that are one paycheck away from being homeless. If I give money to 10 people and only one of them really needs it and uses it for the right thing, it is (8)       it."
  I am now 37 years old. But I do remember that the experience changed the way I look at different situations.
13.  What's the best time in a person's life? Of course, it's the teenage years. Yet it is also challenging. Have you ever wanted to know how you could succeed in both your study and your life? Here are four tips. Let's take a look!
Use a calendar or chart. Write down special tasks, events and activities on a calendar. This helps you remember things you need to do. You can also make a chart. Then, use colorful stickers or fun stamps to mark off the completion of homework, reading tasks and other activities. By using a chart, you'll learn how to plan your studies. 
Books bring you pleasure. Visit the bookstore or library every few weeks to find a new book to read. The more you are interested in reading, the more confident you will be. The books are treasures because they bring us knowledge. Knowledge is valuable because it enriches our life and brings us happiness. Books enable us to see through the past and to see into the future. 
Join organized clubs or sports. It's very important to make friends with others. Joining clubs or after-school activities is a good way to help you learn how to make friends. You can also learn problem-solving skills and respect for others. 
Ask for help. You are never too old to ask for help. You can go to teachers when you have problems about homework, projects or relationships with classmates. They are there to help solve problems and also listen to everyone in the school. 
14.  "Hello, everyone! Welcome to Tiangong Class." With this greeting, a special class began on Tiangong space station about 400 kilometers above Earth on Dec 9.
  Lasting for about an hour, the space class was broadcast live to millions of students. Three astronauts from the Shenzhou XIII crew hosted the class, demonstrating how they live and work on the space station and guiding some interesting experiments that can only be done in space.
  Because of technological development, the quality of space to ground interaction and communication is much improved. The space class eight years ago sometimes faced the challenges of the video freezing and an unclear picture, but this year's class is different. With the help of China's Tianlian relay satellites, the transmission speed has been highly increased and the whole live broadcast has run smoothly.
  This year's space class discussed more rules of science. Eight years ago, Wang showed students the rules of physics and focused on the interesting phenomenon of weightlessness in space. But this year, biology was added. The astronauts compared the growth and shape of cell (细胞) in artificial gravity (人造重力) and zero gravity, so as to study their changing rules.
  Though these space classes showed different topics, the aim behind the classes has never changed. The space classes aim to spread knowledge about manned spaceflights and build dream for science among young people.
  "The spirit of science in the youth is an important driver of the progress of mankind," Zhou Jianping, designer-in-chief of China's manned space program, added. "Space activities can help them build the spirit of pursuing science and facing challenges."
15.  Making mistakes is unavoidable, but you will not be forgiven if some mistakes happen. Careless mistakes can make you feel worse than big mistakes. (1)       And that's very common. However, there are some ways to get yourself back on track after you make mistakes.
  (2)       Usually, someone will do the following after making mistakes — considering what happened and why or shutting down the brain and noticing the inactive feedback, and then avoiding thinking about it completely. Smart people are good at finding out what caused these careless mistakes. Ask yourself why you have made a certain type of mistakes. (3)       Allow more time to do that. Start that earlier, and stay more focused on what you are doing, etc.
  Next, stick to a regular sleeping and eating time. It's amazing how fast lack of sleep can make people forgetful and cause them to feel stressed, which easily leads to careless mistakes. (4)      
Last but not least, tell yourself you will do better next time. Don't let a mistake wear you down. Everyone makes mistakes. (5)       But don't make excuses for your mistakes. It's how you deal with mistakes that is important. Simply think about how you can solve the problem and move on.

A. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time.
B. There's also no need to be completely perfect.
C. So it's important for you to go back to normal.
D. Write down how you could have avoided making them.
E. First of all, realize that making mistakes is a part of life.
F. People are more likely to learn from their mistakes to change themselves. 
16.  It happens to all of us. It is the end of the term and your teacher gives you your report card. You look at it and your heart stops because you realize that your parents are going to be very angry.
  Grades are how most schools evaluate (评价) students and they are pretty important. The problem is that we do not always get the satisfied grades. After a bad report card, it is important to know what to do next. Here is some advice for you.
  The first thing to do is to talk to your teacher. Find out what caused your bad grades. Was the problem a bad test, being not active in class, or a failure to complete homework? Next, if the problem is something you can solve on your own, such as not doing your homework, promise to change your behavior! However, if you have been studying hard and still got a bad grade, you probably need some help with your classes. Talk to your teacher and explain your situation. He or she will tell you the exact place where you can receive the help you need. Then, plan to use some useful ways to improve your grades. Write down the plan and have it ready when you take the report card to your parents. That's a good way to make your parents less angry.
  While all parents want their children to get good grades, most understand that not every report card will be perfect. The important thing is that you show your parents you have made full preparations to improve your grades for the next time. Learn from your failures, and you will make progress!

As students, grades are sometimes factors that may influence the relationship between us and our parents. Grades are how most schools evaluate students. However, the problem is that they don't always (1)       us. We must try to improve grades, so we need to find out the (2)       resulting in bad grades. If you can solve the problems (3)      , change your behavior. But if you can't, ask someone else for help. What's more, we should work out (4)       methods to help us do better in our study. In short, a report card is a way to measure our learning progress. What our parents care about is not just our grades but also our attitude, as long as we have (5)       prepared for what we should do, they will understand us in the end. 
17.  The world is changing greatly and the lifestyle is very different from the past. With the development of the times and the progress of society, computers are becoming more and more popular. We can quickly type beautiful Chinese characters (汉字) through them. So people write less and less by hand. Many people even have forgotten how to write Chinese characters. What's worse, students are paying little attention to it. So, should we spend time in practicing writing? Some people say that with computers we can write without a pen. Some people say that practicing writing is a traditional virtue (美德) of the Chinese nation and it should be carried forward. According to a recent survey in a middle school, more than half of the students have poor handwriting.
However, when the students were asked if they would like to improve their handwriting, most of them answered "no", which is very upset. Here are their reasons.
 Percentage Reasons 
51% They can type on computers. 
29% They are too busy to practice it. 
14% It is useless. 
6% Others. 

Chart Ⅰ Chart Ⅱ
  Actually, handwriting is necessary and important because we need it in our daily life. To have a good handwriting, you need to follow these suggestions.
√ Experiment (实验) ●You can try using different styles of pens until you find the right one. 
√ Comfort ●You need to sit up straight and relaxed with your arms on the table. 
____________ ●You should practice as long as you are free. 

Chart Ⅲ
succeed; because; perfect; create; different; strong; promise; consider; realize; chance; pleasant; who 

  When I was in my ninth grade, I was on a stage-design (舞台设计) team for a play and Mrs. Reagan was my director. Almost immediately I loved her. She had an (1)       voice and a direct way of speaking, but she always encouraged us. For some reasons, she made a (2)       to my work and me.
  Mrs. Reagan would ask me for my opinion. She wanted to know how I thought we should deal with things. At first I had no idea how to answer (3)       I knew nothing about stage design! But I slowly tried to answer her questions. It was cause and effect — she believed I had opinions, so I began to make them and I completed them (4)      . She believed in me, so I began to believe in myself. Mrs. Reagan's motto (格言) was, "Try it. We can achieve it later!" I began to take the (5)      . I had been so afraid of failing but suddenly there was no failing. I learned (6)       something confidently.
  The shy, quiet freshman achieved success that year. I (7)       in the program "Student Art Assistant" because of the time and effort I'd put in. It was that year that I (8)       I wanted to spend the rest of my life doing stage design.
  Being on that stage-design team with Mrs. Reagan changed me completely. Not only was I (9)       and more experienced than I had thought, but also I developed a great interest in a world I hadn't known. She taught me not to care what people think I should do. She taught me not to be afraid. Mrs. Reagan was the person (10)       gave me confidence when I was upset. Her trust in me has encouraged me to do things that I never imagined possible.
19.在我们的成长过程中,有时会面临困惑、经历变化、感受挫败、遭遇逆境..... 此时来自内心的坚持、他人的帮助、社会的关爱和科技的发展等,总能让人心怀希望,万物朝阳。

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