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1.—Why do Chinese people like red?
—Because the color red is the ________ of good luck in China.
  • A. reason
  • B. hope
  • C. dream
  • D. symbol
2.—Amazing! Tom got the best grade in the test last week.
—________ is impossible. He studies really hard online this term.
  • A. Anything
  • B. Nothing
  • C. Everything
  • D. Something
3.—Have you found your lost book yet?
—No. Someone has ________ taken it away by mistake.
  • A. quickly
  • B. rapidly
  • C. especially
  • D. probably
4.—Bob, you have to finish your school project today.
—Don't worry, mum. I won't ________ today's work till tomorrow.
  • A. put off
  • B. take off
  • C. give up
  • D. set up
5.I knocked at the door but ________ answered. Maybe they went to the concert.
  • A. nobody
  • B. somebody
  • C. everybody
  • D. anybody
6.—Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?
—Either. ________ tea ________ coffee are my favorite.
  • A. Not only; but also
  • B. Both; and
  • C. Neither; nor
  • D. Either; or
7.—Jerry has a strong mind.
—Yes. ________ he made a decision, almost nothing can change him.
  • A. Though
  • B. Once
  • C. While
  • D. Because
8.—Do you know ________?
—Yes. They'll go there by train at 8:30 tomorrow morning.
  • A. how would they leave for Beijing
  • B. how will they leave for Beijing
  • C. how they would leave for Beijing
  • D. how they will leave for Beijing
9.—________ he ________ Little Prince to the library yet?
—No. I ________ it on his desk when I came to his home.
  • A. Has; returned; have seen
  • B. Did; return; saw
  • C. Did; return; have seen
  • D. Has; returned; saw
10.—Do you know Li Ziqi?
—Of course. She is a beautiful girl ________ has made many videos to show a traditional Chinese way of life.
  • A. whose
  • B. where
  • C. which
  • D. who
11.  Once, there was a large stone in the vegetable garden of the Smiths. Anyone (1)       went to the vegetable garden said the stone was in their way. That was very inconvenient. The (2)       Alan asked, "Dad, why don't we move that stone away?" Dad Mike replied, "From your grandfather's time, the stone has been there. It is too big to (3)      ." After a number of years, Alan (4)       and became a father. And the big (5)       was still there.
  One day, Alan's wife Gina said (6)       to Mike, "Dad, I want to move away the stone. I planned to water the vegetables in the garden this morning, but it was (7)       that I fell over the big stone." Mike answered, "The big stone is too heavy to move. (8)       you could take it away, then do it. I would do it when I was a child. What I leave it there for on earth?" After hearing what Mike said, Gina was still thinking about how to move it away by (9)      .
  The next morning, Gina decided to move the stone with all her efforts and she spent several (10)       digging the soil around the big stone. In fact, Gina prepared to dig it (11)       a few days. But it didn't cost her much time and energy to move it. Actually, they were certainly (12)       by its huge size. When Gina told this good news to Mike and Alan, both of them couldn't (13)       it.
  In our life, there are so many things that are like the big stone, which seems too heavy but is (14)       to take away. So don't be cheated by the outside of things. We should be (15)       to try and practice. We will find that things may not be as difficult as we think.
12.  In Jiaxing, Zhejiang, everyone is proud of a red boat in Nanhu Lake. It was the starting point of the CPC (中国共产党).
  In July 1921, the First National Congress (代表大会) opened in Shanghai. Then the delegates (代表) moved to a boat on Nanhu Lake in Jiaxing. There, the meeting meant the official founding of the CPC. After 100 years, the CPC has grown from a small party of around 50 members into the world's largest party, with more than 91 million members. And now the red boat and Nanhu Lake have become part of a museum and a symbol of the CPC's spirit. More than 8.92 million tourists visited it over the past five years.
  Teenagers in Jiaxing have also grown up with stories of people like Mao Zedong and Dong Biwu. "In our school, we have the Red Boat and Moral Course, make red boat models in STEAM class and read poems about the Party's history." said Hu Tianyi, 14, a student at Peking University Experimental School in Jiaxing. "These Party education programs are like seeds (种子) that encourage us to inherit the spirit and make contribution (贡献) to build a great motherland."
  "The red boat symbolizes the Party's spirit of bravery in taking the lead and its devotion (贡献) to the people," said President Xi Jinping when he visited Nanhu Lake in 2017.
13.  The second live class from China's space station was held in the afternoon of Mar, 23, delivered by Shenzhou-13 crew (机组) members Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu to students on Earth. Wang performed several scientific experiments. In one experiment, Wang used a toy of Bing Dwen Dwen, the popular mascot (吉祥物) of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, to show how objects fly in a weightless (失重的) environment. They also showed students two pieces of cutting-edge scientific equipment inside the space station. Hundreds of students in Beijing, Lhasa and Urumqi watched the event.
  Before ending the class, the astronauts answered questions taken from members of the public and raised by students. The questions covered various facets of life and work in space, such as how to take care of their skin, whether hot water is available, if the moon looks different from the Tiangong station, and how tears move in a microgravitational (微重力) environment.
  Pang Zhihao, a retired spaceflight researcher from the China Academy of Space Technology and author of several space-themed books, said the class will be an "eye-opener" for youngsters, especially students, by implanting the love of science and creativity in them. "Many well-known scientists were created by their interest and curiosity about 'strange things'. The experiments done by the astronauts will put 'question marks' in our students' mind, and the youngsters will then move to find answers and explore more places unknown to humankind," he said.
14.  Zou Bin was considered as a bit of a strange child when he began building walls with bricks (砖) at the age of 16. While others tried to build walls as quickly as possible because they were paid according to the number of bricks they laid, Zou had high standards and pulled his walls down if he thought they weren't good enough. That effort of trying to be perfect may explain why he became the first Chinese person to win a prize in bricklaying at World Skills in 2015.
  Born in a village in Central China's Hunan Province in 1995, he chose a job different from most of people of his age. Zou decided to do the same job as his father and work as a construction worker. When he was working, he paid attention to improving his skills and practiced again and again. The work at the construction place was quite hard for a teenager, but Zou carried on and pushed himself to get over all the difficulties. Zou also remembers that he only stayed at any place for three months at most before moving on to the next, taking buses for hours and carrying all of his daily things.
  Nowadays, when he passes the places where he worked, he sees many tall city buildings and feels a sense of pride when he thinks of the walls and roads he has built. His efforts and love for work helped him to get bricklaying skills and achieve success. "I will continue to work in the construction industry, learn to improve myself, know about industrial development, and help workers get more chances for better development." Zou said. Zou has set a great example for all the people.
15.  Have you ever woken up and felt like you couldn't move? Many people maybe have this experience. It is called sleep paralysis (睡眠麻痹). (1)       It really troubles the one who experiences it. In fact, there are some ways to keep away from such an uncomfortable feeling.
  Set an alarm before you fall asleep. (2)       Therefore, it is hard for you to stay in sleeping state when the alarm rings. Both your body and your mind can wake up once the alarm rings.
  (3)       In other words, you need to value sleep and have a good rest every day, which does good to a normal and healthy life. If you lack sleep, it is possible to experience sleep paralysis. Besides, if you have low-quality sleep, the painful feeling may also show up. So sleep well to avoid sleep paralysis.
  Try not to change your sleep schedule (时间表). Both our bodies and minds have got used to our daily activities at a certain time. (4)       For example, staying up late and then going to bed increases the chance to meet with sleep paralysis. Sleep time has a great influence on our sleep quality.
  Sleep paralysis is just a trick that your mind is playing on your body. (5)       By following the above advice, you will say goodbye to it. Hope you have a better sleep.

A. Make sure you have enough and good sleep.
B. Once it is broken, something may go wrong.
C. It makes sure you can wake up at a certain time.
D. There is no need to worry about it too much.
E. A good sleep schedule can bring more happiness in daily life.
F. Sleep paralysis happens when a person is falling asleep or waking up. 
16.  What is art? According to the Collins Cobuild Dictionary, "Art is made up of paintings, sculptures (雕塑) or goods that (1)       (create) for people to look at and admire or think about." (2)       I don't agree with its opinion.
  First, I don't think art is always "created for people to look at". (3)       (recent), I was in a museum where I saw a vase (花瓶) that was over five thousand years old. The vase was used (4)       (hold) water from the river. When the people made it, they weren't thinking about "art". Second, I think it isn't complete because it doesn't mention anything about (5)       (skill).
  There is one part of the opinion that I do agree (6)      . I think art should make you think much (7)       (deep). When you look at art, something would catch your eyes and make you stop and wonder.
  Leonardo da Vinci was a (8)       (talent) artist who studied for many years to learn his skill. His Mona Lisa is a true work of art. It looks like (9)       ordinary painting, but then something (10)       (make) you stop and wonder. What could she be smiling about? It isn't clear and it makes you think.
It is hard        those whom you have spent so much time with for the past three years.
It makes me sick that Mom always        my test scores.
Everyone should        saving the earth.
The students        the leaflets to people over there to call on them to protect environment.
However, Cindy often helps        the best in me.
22.到现在为止, 我们已学了六本Go for it教材。(learn)
We        six textbooks with the name Go for it so far.
Students are all        having a relaxing summer holiday.
24.校园处处都是美,校刊的英文专栏Sharing Beauty以“校园最美之地”为主题征稿,请你根据以下提示,用英语写一篇短文投稿。
1. 你认为校园的哪一个地方最美?
2. 这个地方在校园的哪个位置?
3. 你觉得这个地方很美的两个理由。
1. 内容必须积极向上,并包含所有要点;
2. 结构完整,语句流畅,意思清楚、连贯;
3. 使用正确和较丰富的词汇和语法结构,书写规范;
4. 文中不得透露个人信息, 否则不予评分;
5. 词数80左右(短文首句已给出, 不计入总词数)。
The Most Beautiful Place in My School
  My school looks beautiful everywhere. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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