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1.  Every Friday, the hosts and guests on Pop Culture Happy Hour share movies, TV, music, and books that brought them joy that week. They suggest some for you to enjoy this weekend. Here's the list.

Linda Holmes
Mythic Quest, Apple TV
I just discovered it. An ad (广告) appeared on my screen — "This is a great workplace comedy." Then I said, "Let me check that out!" So the ad worked. It's about a video game development company and the relationships between these characters. In this comedy, there were just some touching moments that made me actually cry. 
Sam Sanders

Jean of the Joneses, Amazon Prime
At the Toronto International Film Festival in 2016, I saw a family comedy called Jean of the Joneses. It's about a family and their secrets. For years, it wasn't possible to search for it on the Internet. Now, it's on Amazon Prime. Enjoy the movie that kept me waiting for five years to watch it again! 
Aisha Harris
Dream Girl: A Novel by Laura Lippman
This is the story of a writer who, while lying in a hospital bed after a terrible accident, begins receiving calls from the lead character in the writer's most famous book. It's full of surprises, and I can honestly tell you I had no idea where it was going. 
Ayesha Rascoe The Little Prince(ss), Disney+
It's a short film about two young Chinese American kids: one takes ballet (芭蕾舞) and the other plays basketball — and they become really dear friends. But what the film is really about is the way their parents love them; You'll realize what it means when parents say they love you and that they're there for you. 

2.  When Ariel Cordova-Rojas rode her bike to the Wildlife Park, she planned to go hiking and bird-watching. A mile into her walk, she saw a swan in the grass. Ariel, who had worked at the Wild Bird Aid (援助) Center, knew that swans can be fierce (凶猛的). But as she got close to this one, it didn't move.
  She was certain that the bird needed help. Ariel covered her jacket over the bird's head to keep it calm (镇静), carefully picked it up, and held it in her arms. She made the decision to send it to the aid center. But the center was across the East River on the other side of town. She didn't know how to carry the swan there. Luckily, some strangers driving by offered her, her bike, and the swan a lift to a nearby subway station.
  On the subway, no one seemed surprised by the unusual passenger. Ariel called the center on the way, and Higginbotham, an animal-care manager, picked her up at the subway station and drove them to the center. There, doctors found that the swan was poisoned (中毒), caused by eating weights used on fishing lines.
  The swan was carefully treated at the center. She even made a friend — another wounded swan. People all expected good news from her. But sadly, she died two months later, because of too much poison in her body.
  "It's a sad story, but the real story is just how far some people would go to save a swan in the big city. In all, Ariel travelled two hours," says Higginbotham. "That's the spirit we want in everyone."
3.  Tim Cook gets up at 3:45 a.m. Pepsi CEO Indra Nooyi gets up at 4 a.m. Disney CEO Bob Iger is a 4:30 guy. Jack Dorsey sleeps in until 5:30. So does Sir Richard... It seems successful people wake up early. Well, at least some of them do.
  As Adam Grant says, "The world's most successful people aren't worried about what time others wake up. They wake and work on the schedule (日程安排) that works for them."
  Science agrees. Studies show most early birds are born to be early birds, and most night owls (夜猫子) are naturally night owls.
  Look at people's sleep-wake cycle. On average (平均), our body clocks run on a 24.2-hour cycle. But some people have body clocks that run longer than 24.2 hours — which means, over time, they naturally fall asleep later and get up later.
  These people are called night owls. Oppositely, those whose body clocks run shorter than 24.2 hours are early birds.
  While studies show that early birds are probably more persistent (坚持的), self-directed and are better planners, night owls perform better in tests on memory and are more creative.
  So stop trying to be an early bird or a night owl. Just be who you are. Successful people who are early birds aren't successful as a result of waking up early. They're successful because their body clocks back their schedules. So they can easily work better than others.
  When you start working doesn't matter. What matters is what you get done in the hours at work. Success is all about what you achieve. Not the time of day you do it.
4.  The traditional Chinese skill of turning thick bamboo into beautiful pieces achieved fame on the short video platform (平台) Tik Tok. (1)       Skilled bamboo weavers (编织工人) are recording the producing process of their work — cutting, weaving, burning and boiling. (2)      
  "That's amazing," A Tik Tok user from America wrote in her video after watching the whole process. (3)       Pan Yunfeng, 51, from Lin'an in Zhejiang Province, makes pot brushes and bamboo umbrellas on Tik Tok. (4)       With over 5 million followers on Douyin, he has become popular among netizens (网民) abroad.
  Bamboo weaving art began 2,000 years ago. (5)       In 2008, it was listed as a national intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产). Now, the popularity of bamboo art on Tik Tok has opened a window for foreign netizens to better understand Chinese culture.
根据材料内容, 从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项, 使短文意思通顺、内容完整。
A. He started learning the skills at an early age.
B. It has enjoyed hundreds of thousands of likes.
C. What's more amazing is that workers do it simply by hand.
D. It has become an important part of traditional Chinese culture.
E. These skills are seen as a magic Chinese power in foreigners' eyes. 
5.  My name is Arthur Hankins. The first fourteen years of my life were nearly perfect until my parents told me some terrible (1)       that would change my life forever. But before I tell you the bad news, let me tell you about a (2)       day in my life.
  Every morning, my mom wakes me up softly and takes time to listen to my (3)      . She laughs at the strange ones and pretends (假装) to be afraid when I (4)       her the scary ones. Then the (5)       of breakfast carries me downstairs. During the drive to school, I choose the music we listen to. Mom, Dad, and I sing along (6)      . At dinner, we eat and tell stories about our day happily.
  Well, it's the time for me to tell you the (7)       news. A few months ago, my parents told me that soon I'm going to (8)       a little sister. Ugh! For fourteen years, I have been the center of (9)      . I haven't had to share my parents with anybody. One more person will make our house too (10)      . I will have to share my room with the baby. Mom won't have time to listen to my dreams anymore.
  Today, Mom and Dad are coming home from the hospital with my new sister, and I've decided to tell them they should just (11)      .
  Well, here they are. Suddenly, Mom hugs (12)       and kisses the top of my head. (13)       I know it, Dad puts the baby in my lap (大腿部). My baby sister (14)       out and grabs (抓) my finger! I think she knows that I'm her big brother and she likes me (15)      .
  Hey, maybe having a little sister won't be so bad. I believe Mom and Dad have enough love for both of us.
minute carry good what hospital nothing lie but knock correct 

  Bill Evans was a professional baseball player. Before every game, his wife would tell him (1)       was going to happen. She made predictions many times in the past and those predictions were always (2)      .
  One day, on the eve of an important game, he asked his wife again.
  His wife thought for a few (3)      . Then she said, "I see a man wearing a white coat."
  "Do you see anything else?" Bill asked.
  "Yes. I see you (4)       on a stretcher (担架)."
  This really worried Bill. There were often injuries (损伤) during a game, (5)       they were hardly serious enough for the player to be carried off on a stretcher.
  "Then I won't play tomorrow," he thought.
  The boss of Bill's team was not pleased when Bill told him that he was not going to play. Bill was one of the (6)       players on the team. However, there was (7)       he could say to make Bill change his mind.
  Bill decided not to watch the game, but to go to the (8)       and visit his teammate who had bad injuries a few weeks before.
  As he was walking into the hospital, a doctor wearing a white coat ran out of the door. Not seeing Bill, the doctor (9)       him down.
  Bill hit his head hard on the ground.
  Within a few seconds, he was (10)       into the hospital on a stretcher.
7.第二节 阅读短文, 根据语篇要求填空, 使短文通顺、意思完整.每空限填一词.
  Many of us love taking selfies (自拍). In the past, we took selfies (1)       lifting mobile phones. But sometimes we couldn't get a perfect shot.
  That's why the selfie stick was invented. This stick reaches one meter long in order to get more people into a picture. So it's much easier (2)       take selfies. Selfie sticks can be easily folded up and taken with you. But they also come with safety risks. People (3)       try to use them when riding a bike could get hurt. In crowded places, the sticks would get in (4)       way of other people's pictures. Recently, many people have given up using them. Some think selfie sticks shouldn't (5)       allowed in public places.
8.根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子, 使对话的意思连贯、完整。
A: Li Hua, you look fresh and full of energy. Your dark eye circles are gone.
B: Ah, yes! (1)      .
A: How can you do that? I remember you couldn't have enough sleep.
B: That's because of my homework. (2)      . But now I can finish my homework earlier.
A: Good news! (3)      ?
B: Of course not. I have the same teachers as before. The difference is that the government has made rules to cut down homework.
A: So you can have more free time! There will be a Chinese art and culture show in the art museum. Would you like to go with me?
B: What can we expect to see on the show?
A: (4)      .
B: That sounds interesting. (5)      ?
A: How about 9:00 on Saturday morning at the museum?
B: OK! See you then.
9.回首过去,你一定有很多变化。你最大的变化是什么?请以"How I've changed!"为题,用英语写一篇演讲稿,参加班级英语演讲比赛。
1. What is the biggest change in your life?
2. How did it happen?
1. 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;
2. 词数100左右 (开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。
How I've changed!
  Hello, everyone! How time flies! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  Thanks for listening!
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