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Dare to Be You
By Matthew Syed
Following the best selling You Are Awesome, this book shows that there's no such thing as normal. It celebrates difference and tells stories of amazing people such as Malala Yousafzai. The book encourages you to follow your own road and love what makes you stand out from the crowd.
Price: $15.99 
Be Amazing!
By Chris Hoy
Chris Hoy tells his own fascinating story of becoming a six time Olympic champion (奥运会冠军) in this book. There are lots of practical suggestions to help you build confidence and deal with difficulties in life.
Price: $15.82 
Be Your Own Superhero
By Laura Meek
We're all superheroes. Sometimes we just need a bit of help in finding our powers. With this practical guide, Dr. Laura Meek is here, to help you find yours. From developing powers like listening skills to controlling anger, this fun book will help you feel in control of your life, happy and confident — and you will feel like a superhero.
Price: $14.58 

2.  I came home from work that afternoon and Breton, my five-year-old son, welcomed me at the door with a wide smile. "Dad, I am a hard-working man!" Puzzled (困惑的), I asked my wife about this. She shared with me that Breton had emptied two bottles of water from the fridge, most of it on the floor. My wife's first reaction (反应) had been to shout and beat him.
  However, she did not. She just asked him, "Breton, what were you trying to do?" "To help you wash the dishes, mom!" he replied loudly.
  Sure enough, she saw some dishes that had been washed on the kitchen table. "Well, son, why did you use the water from the fridge?" she further asked. "Because I couldn't reach the sink (洗涤槽)," Breton said.
  My wife's anger soon disappeared. "What do you think you can do next time to make less of a mess?"
  Breton's face lit up as he replied, "I could wash them in the bathroom." "Well, the dishes might break in the bathroom," my wife explained, "and you should call for help instead." She then went on to clean up the mess that Breton had created.
  As she finished describing the incident (事情) to me, she added, "How important it is to make a correct choice!" Right! If she had gone ahead with her first reaction, she would not have been able to understand what our son was trying to do and would have missed a great teachable moment. In both situations, she had to clean up the mess, but with this method, she was able to connect with him more effectively (有效地). More importantly, if she had shouted and beaten him, he would have greeted me at the door with a sad look and said, "Dad, I am a bad boy!"
3.When girls play with cars, they're serious.
  It was at primary school that Gu Huijing first became interested in auto-robots and cars after watching some movies about cars. Born in 2004 in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, Gu decided to study automobile (汽车业) when she was in junior high school.
  She's driven by passion (热情), but she is also a realist. "I think the future of the automobile industry (行业) is bright because we cannot live without it." she said. In April, she won first prize at a competition for vehicle maintenance (汽车维修) in Dongguan City, which drew 33 teams from different cities across the province.
  It caused heated discussions over gender and job choices on Sina Weibo. "Women should not be influenced by old-fashioned thinking, and should do whatever it takes to discover their interests. There are more possibilities out there." one reporter wrote.
  Gu said, "Many people think vehicle maintenance is a job for men. I don't think gender has anything to do with job choices."
  When she told her parents that she wanted to study automobiles, they were surprised. "They thought I was joking. But they supported my decision and gave me advice. I should take responsibility for ( 对……负责) my decisions, no matter how hard things will be in the future," she added.
  Tangping or "lying flat" — a Chinese youth trend (趋势) about working less, or not at all — is becoming a hot word. But for Gu, that's not her way.
  "I have a goal and I will work harder to make it come true," she said, "I will be responsible for my choices."
4.  As one of the oldest castles (城堡) in Ireland, Blarney Castle was built in 1644. It's so fantastic that more than 450,000 visitors come to visit it every year.
  (1)       It was built into the wall at the top of Blarney Castle. The tradition of kissing the Blarney Stone dates back more than 200 years. (2)       So, it's not only a wizardly (神奇的) place for a visit but a true window into the Irish culture.
  However, you can't achieve this freely. (3)       For visitors' safety, a worker from Blarney Castle is there to help with the process. Though there is no recorded history about the origins of the stone, there is a story which has long been spread there. (4)       After the owner of the Castle saved a witch (女巫) from a nearby lake, she gave the stone to him as a gift in return. (5)      
  We'll never know for sure if the story is true or not, but it does add to the mystery and excite the interest of tourists from around the world.

A. She told him that if he kissed it, he would become good at speaking.
B. It's said that if you kiss the stone, you will get great speaking skills.
C. Some people believe that the stone was brought over from the Holy Land.
D. When we talk about Blarney Castle, we must mention the magic Blarney Stone.
E. To kiss the Blarney Stone, one must lie on his back and hang upside down while holding onto the metal bars.
5.  My parents had gone out of town on business in the morning and they told me that they would be coming back the next day in the evening. Time (1)      , and it was night. As I was (2)       of dark, I decided to have dinner fast and go to sleep (3)       so that I wouldn't feel afraid. It was 8:00 p.m. I (4)       the door and went to bed but I couldn't sleep. Being (5)      , I could not sleep peacefully. I could hear strange noises coming but I knew it was just the fear from my (6)      , and nothing else! But the (7)       you get when you are alone is really frightening, so I decided to call my friends to my home. But I had to (8)       the permission (准许) of my parents. I got my phone, called them and asked them (9)       I could call my friends for a night out at home. They said OK, but they (10)       me not to make any noise as it might trouble the neighbors.
  My friends came. We watched movies, played games, slept for some time, read books, ate (11)       and it totally took my fearful mood (心情) away! I was very happy with my friends. My friends saved me from the (12)       night and cheered me up! The next day we (13)       late in the morning, and then made some sandwiches to eat for brunch. Cooking together and playing (14)       friends was a great thing! My day was great.
  My parents came home at night and I shared my (15)       with them! They also felt good for me.
before how at cousin late ride come she clothes bad 

  Nikki felt worried as her aunt drove on the driveway (车道). Her (1)       Bella was coming to visit. Nikki was afraid. Bella would embarrass (2)       in front of her friends. Bella wasn't like most kids of their age. She wore strange (3)      , and she was always singing. But the (4)       part was that Bella didn't think she was different at all.
  Nikki watched as Bella walked toward the front door. She was already singing a song about animals. Who sang about animals?
  "Hey, Nikki," Bella said. "Hi." Nikki wanted to pull Bella inside the house, (5)       any of the neighbors saw her, but it was too (6)      .
  Mandy was already coming. Bella borrowed Nikki's elder sister's bike, and the three (7)       to the park. Bella sang, the whole way. She sang about everything from trees to telephone poles (杆).
  Mandy slowed down to join Nikki who was behind her. "Your cousin is so funny. She can make up songs about anything. Come on, let's sing along with her," Mandy said. "(8)      ?" Nikki asked.
  Bella stopped and said, "Easy. Think of a song you like and just change the words to whatever (9)       into your head. It's fun. I'm going to be a song writer one day."
  Nikki thought about her favorite song as she looked (10)       Bella, and before she knew it, she was singing about her crazy, fun cousin.
7.  If you look around your city, you may see girls wearing hanfu on buses or people wearing T-shirts with Chinese characters on the streets. (1)       new trend (趋势) is coming in China — "Guochao" or "China-chic".
  According (2)       a recent report, searches connected with "Guochao" on dianping have risen by 170% since last year, and reviews have risen by near 40%. China-chic is happening, but (3)       is it?
  The word "Guochao" has appeared along (4)       the development of the idea of "Made in China." China has recently seen a surge (激增) in young people's interest in Chinese brands (品牌) and products that include Chinese traditional style and culture, a trend known (5)      " Guochao."
8.A: Hi, Frank! I want to have a class party before we leave junior high school.
B: That's cool.
A: (1)      ?
B: Yes, I will. Linda can also come and help. (2)      ?
A: Let's have it on June 30. After a 5-day holiday, we'll come back to school on that day for our report cards.
B: (3)      ! What can we do at the party?
A: (4)      .
B: That sounds exciting.
A: Linda and I can do things for the basketball match. So would you like to invite our teachers to the party?
B: (5)      . I can't wait.
9.教材是否该循环使用?近几年,这个话题一直被大家关注。假如在上周五的英语活动课上你们班以"Should we recycle textbooks?"为话题,展开了一场辩论,请你根据下面所给出的提示和要求,简述这次辩论,并阐述自己的观点。
1. 赞同循环使用的原因;
2. 反对循环使用的原因;
3. 你个人的观点。
1. 语句通顺,语法正确,句式多样;
2. 可适当发挥,以使行文连贯;
3. 100词左右(开头已给出, 不计入总词数)。
Should we recycle textbooks?
  Last Friday, our class discussed whether we should recycle textbooks. Now let me tell you our ideas. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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