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1.I usually have ________ breakfast at 7:00. But this morning I ate ________ quick breakfast because I got up later than usual.
  • A. a; 不填
  • B. 不填; an
  • C. the; a
  • D. 不填; a
2.—Would you please provide us ____ some information about the accident?
—Sure. It happened ____ the morning of June 5th.
  • A. to; on
  • B. for; in
  • C. with; in
  • D. with; on
3.Now people have realized clear water and green mountains are as ______ as mountains of gold and silver.
  • A. perfect
  • B. valuable
  • C. common
  • D. peaceful
4.—Did you have a welcome party for Laura last night?
—No, we didn't. It was ______ because Laura was in hospital.
  • A. put off
  • B. taken off
  • C. cut off
  • D. turned off
5.—Are those books ________?
—No, they are not mine. They belong to ________.
  • A. yours; her
  • B. yours; hers
  • C. your; hers
  • D. yours; she
6.The medical workers are ______ considered as the most beautiful angels by the public for their great efforts.
  • A. hardly
  • B. generally
  • C. probably
  • D. especially
7.—I saw Alice walk into that building just now.
—Oh, it's our new city museum. It _______ to the public for a month.
  • A. has been opened
  • B. has been open
  • C. has opened
  • D. opened
8.—China's National Women's Football Team won the AFC Women's Asian Cup final on February 3rd, 2022.
—________ news!
  • A. What an exciting
  • B. How an exciting
  • C. What exciting
  • D. How exciting
9.—I went to your office at 9:00 yesterday morning, but you were not in.
—Sorry, I ________ with the manager in the meeting room at that time.
  • A. am talking
  • B. was talking
  • C. were talking
  • D. have talked
10.—Do you know ________?
—I don't know. But I think it won't take too long.
  • A. how soon we will get back to school
  • B. who will get back to school
  • C. when will we get back to school
  • D. where we will go
11.  Shanghai is the first city to carry out strict regulations (规章) on rubbish sorting and recycling on July 1, 2019. Shanghai requires its residents (居民) to sort rubbish (1)       four categories (类别), namely recyclable, (2)      , dry and wet waste. If people (3)       to sort their rubbish properly, they can be fined up to 200 yuan.
  Since the regulation took effect, the amount of total daily waste in Shanghai has been reduced by an average (平均) of 15,500 tons, dropping 26 percent from the end of 2018, (4)       the average daily weight of recyclables hits 4,500 tons, five times higher than the end of 2018, according to the Shanghai Landscaping and City Appearance Administrative Bureau.
  The city also (5)       21,000 waste-sorting stations and more than 40,000 waste bins have been dated (更新). The city's waste collection and transportation system is complete, according to the bureau.
  "Proper waste sorting protects the environment and saves natural resources," said Deng Jianping, director of the bureau. "Led by the central government, Shanghai is making efforts to develop long-term (6)       to rubbish management."
  However, there have also been some problems. Some people complained that it is difficult to (7)       wet garbage, as they are asked to remove wet garbage from its bag when (8)      .
  According to the sorting rules, the wet garbage must go in the wet waste bin and the bag must go in the dry waste bin.
  This separation is (9)      , as it ensures that the wet garbage will decompose (分解) properly and become useful organic (有机的) waste, the bureau said.
  Plastic bags can affect this process. Some people in Shanghai are instead using paper bags that can biodegrade (生物降解) or plastic containers (容器) that can be (10)       and reused according to Xinhua.
12.  Have you ever bought Genki Forest (元气森林) sparkling water because it's advertised as "sugar-free"? The company recently said that they were sorry for a misleading advertisement.
  The company said the drinks are "sucrose-free (零蔗糖)", but this is not the same as "sugar-free". Now the company has changed the words "sugar-free" to "low sugar" on the bottles.
  In fact, there are many kinds of sugar. Sucrose is just one of them. Other kinds of sugar, such as fructose (果糖) and sugar alcohol (糖醇), are still in Genki Forest drinks. These types of sugar are used as sweeteners (甜味剂). They offer little energy, but a small amount of them can make drinks taste sweet. That's why low-sugar drinks like Genki Forest are popular among people who want to lose weight. They believe that they can not only enjoy sweet drinks but also avoid taking in too much sugar.
  However, studies find that the sweeteners might make people eat more. When you eat sweet-tasting things, they send your brain a "sweet signal". Then your brain tells your body to prepare itself to take in energy. But since the low-sugar soft drink has little energy, the brain will not receive what it is expecting. At this time, you will feel hungry and start getting energy by eating more food.
  According to China Daily, drinking too many low-sugar drinks might lead to fatness and many other diseases. It's time for you to think twice when you want to keep up with the fashion.
根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。正确的用 "A" 表示,不正确的用 "B" 表示。
13.  The 24th Winter Olympics were held successfully in Beijing this year. There were many great moments during the competitions. What impressed you most?
  "Welcome to China!" This simple greeting from volunteer Sun Zeyu warmed the heart of US snowboarder (单板滑雪运动员) Tessa Maud at the Olympics opening ceremony (开幕式).
  "That guy who had said 'Welcome to China' really just makes me tear up every time because they are so nice. We feel so welcomed," said Maud in the video she shared on Tik Tok.
  Sun, a junior student from Tsinghua University, is an example of how Generation Z (people born between 1995 and 2010) promoted cultural and people-to-people exchanges at the Beijing Winter Games. Active and open-minded, they bridge gaps in their own ways. Their pleasant personalities, global vision (视野) and new-age thinking made the Games even more fantastic.
  Gen Z athletes (运动员) shared their China travels on social media. Some became big fans of Chinese food. Maud shared what she ate every day on Tik Tok — fried rice, Kung Pao chicken and Peking duck. What to eat each day was a hard choice for her. "Everything is so good," she said.
  Jenise Spiteri is a snowboarder from Malta. She became known as the "red bean bun girl" in China after she took a big bite while waiting for her score. "Goodbye to the amazing workers who served our food every day," she wrote on social media when she left the Olympic Village. In the picture, she holds a big red bean bun.
  Gen Z volunteers served the event with heart and soul (灵魂). Alexandra Pozhidaeva, 23, from Russia, had a heart-warming moment with her Chinese peers (同龄人). When the stadium was very cold, they lent her their gloves. She said it was touching as they didn't know each other.
  Another volunteer, Yang Jinhe, 18, started to work on COVID-related matters in mid-December. He will also work at the Paralympic Games. Back in 2008, he was impressed by the song You and Me. Now he said he really understands the meaning of "you and me" as well as the Olympic spirit of togetherness. "Even though the pandemic (流行病) is going on, we are standing here at Beijing 2022," he said on the show Youth Power(《少年会客厅》).
14.  Notice on the first Round of City-wide Nucleic Acid Testing (核酸检测). In order to guard the lives and health of the people, Zhuhai has decided to launch the first round of city-wide nucleic acid testing that includes all the people in Zhuhai. The notice is as follows.
Testing time 9:00 — 12:00 a.m., 13:30 — 21:00 p.m., March 17 (Thursday), 18 (Friday) 
Testing Places:
a. Schools where the students study (for students and teachers)
b. Designated hospitals in different areas of Zhuhai (for adults outside schools) 
Ways of making an appointment (预约):
a. No need for making an appointment, teachers will tell you the time for Nucleic Acid testing. (for students and teachers)
b. Make an appointment before you go for the nucleic acid testing through the following link or QR code (二维码) before 12:00 on March 16(for adults outside schools)
Link: https://linshuju.net/f/Vx41M6
QR code:  
Testing guides
a. Bring your ID card when going to the testing station and voluntarily (主动地) show your "Yuekang Code" and "sample collection QR code" to the volunteers.
b. Wear a mask at all times and keep a distance of at least 1 meter away from others.
c. No talking or gathering.
d. Follow the instructions of the volunteers on site and never fight with others or you will get punishment from the government for your behavior.
e. Leave the testing station as soon as possible after finishing your testing. 
Results Query
Check the nucleic acid test: report by yourself in "Yueshengshi" on the next day after the testing. 

Zhuhai Command Center for COVID-19 Control and Prevention
March 16, 2022
15.  The epidemic (疫情) is horrible. But it's not all bad. In fact, we can learn some lessons from it.
  You might feel nervous and worried in face of the terrible virus, COVID-19. When there are unexpected changes, it's easy for people to feel frightened. At this moment, try to accept them calmly. (2)      
  Learn to be responsible
  When facing the epidemic, everyone has to be ready and carry out his own duty.
  Besides taking nucleic acid tests (做核酸检测), doctors fight in the hospital to treat patients. Police officers walk in the street to keep us safe. Delivery men (快递员) deliver daily things to us. (3)      
  Learn to tell right from wrong
  If you want to learn about something, you can easily find a lot of information about it online. But is all of it correct? (4)       Think twice before making a judge. You can also ask your parents or teachers if necessary.
  Learn to be alone
  The epidemic keeps us staying at home. You might feel bored and miss your friends. But being alone isn't a bad thing. (5)       Also, you can learn to be independent.
A. Don't get lost in the sea of information.
B. Learn to be calm.
C. It can help you get used to those changes more quickly and find ways out.
D. As students, we must follow our teachers' instructions and have online classes.
E. You have time to do things that you didn't have time to do before.
F. Don't believe unhealthy websites.
fold, drop, increase, dig, sell out 
17.       (狼) look for food mainly by smelling and listening.
18.The music teacher is sitting        (在……中间) the children.
19.My friends came here to celebrate my        (二十) birthday yesterday.
20.When I arrive        (某处), I often take photos and then send them to my friends.
21.The more exercise you take, the        (健康的) you will be.
  Who is the most popular top star in 2022? There is no doubt that The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games' mascot Bing Dwen Dwen is the winner. As we all know, it has gained great popularity among players and Olympic fans. It has become the most popular image around the world this year.
  Bing Dwen Dwen is a cute little panda wearing a full-body (A) "shell" made of ice, which appears to be like a spacesuit. Panda does not act as a mascot for the ①_________ time. You can see it in the 1990 Beijing Asian Games and 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Why do Chinese people favor pandas a lot? Panda is not only cute, but also is our national treasure. According to the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games organizing committee, Bing Dwen Dwen is also a panda with a high sense of science and technology. Bing Dwen Dwen's design is used to express the information that we Chinese are glad to hug new technologies for a future with endless possibilities.
  Maybe you have a doubt in your mind: why the mascot is ②__________ Bing Dwen Dwen instead of Bing Dun Dun. This is because according to English pronunciation rules, "dun" in English sounds like "deng" in Chinese. If you don't understand it clearly, just pronounce the English words "sun" and "run".
  The mascot has already been sold out in the Beijing Winter Olympic Games' store on Tmall. Many were bought by customers in foreign markets such as Japan and Australia. If you have huge interest in having one, take actions at once!
23.  Nowadays, many people try very hard to look good. They use apps like Meitu Xiuxiu to edit photos before posting them on social media. Some teenagers who don't like the way they look may even ask for a plastic surgery (整容) to get satisfied with their bodies.
  As teenagers' bodies grow and change, they may pay attention to the smallest flaw (缺陷) in their looks. They are worried about it and feel down. Then they may develop some bad eating habits. This can have a bad influence on their health.
  According to a report, over 60% of the girls have ever refused to take part in some daily activities, because they feel bad about their looks. As much as 31% of teenagers do not want to speak up in class because they worry that others will notice their looks.
  The main causes are advertising, TV shows and social media. Pictures of "perfect" faces and bodies are everywhere. They suggest that having large eyes, pale skin and skinny bodies is the only way to be beautiful. Magazines give advice about how to lose weight "in days". Advertisements suggest that you should whiten your skin using certain products. And TV shows often make fun (A) ________ overweight characters. Seeing all these things can make people believe that they should change their bodies.
  So what should we do? According to Nancy Etcoff of the Harvard Media School, "We need to help young people in many ways. These ways can include educating students (B)________ body confidence in school, as well as encouraging parents to talk to their kids about this topic. After all, beauty comes in all shapes and sizes." Etcoff said.
24.青少年是国家和民族的希望,是建设祖国社会主义现代化的未来栋梁。拥有一个有意义、有价值的人生,对青少年自己和整个民族都具有重要意义。某英文网站正在开展以"Live a more meaningful life"为主题的征文活动,假如你是李华,请根据下面图表、写作提示和要求,用英语写一篇短文投稿。
Live a more meaningful life 
be caring and responsible be hard-working 
have many hobbies be healthy... 

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