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2.  Zhang Guimei was born in Heilongjiang Province(省) in June 1957. She joined the communist Party of China (CPC) in April 1998.
  Zhang Guimei had dreamed of building a free school. Between 2003 and 2007, Zhang spent her spare time to raise money for the school. However, the money she got was far from enough. Her behaviors were reported by the media, the government promised to help her with the project(工程, 项目). Finally, she went through difficult situations.
  In 2009, Zhang Guimei founded the Huaping High School for Girls in Lijiang, Yunnan Province. This is a special high school which didn't ask for tuition fees(学费) from girls in
  Zhang carries on strict school rules. She plans every minute of her students, timetable. At 5:20 a. m. she wakes up all the girls. Girls are only allowed three hours a week outside of the school. They can't have long hair.
  Eleven years later, over 1, 600 girl students have graduated from the school and received higher education. When people asked her why she made so many efforts to help the girls in mountains receive better education, she just said, " It is the faith(信仰) of communists(共产党员). It is also the greatest comfort to me. "
   Zhang Guimei devotes(奉献) herself to education. She not only encourages students to change their fate with knowledge, but also creates more chances for them.
3.  Last summer I went to one of the world's most famous historical places, the Forbidden City in Beijing, China. It was the home of the emperors of the last two dynasties in China, the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
  The Forbidden City was built in 1420. The palace has over 10, 000 rooms. It was where the emperors dealt with the official business with their ministers.
  In Mandarin, The Forbidden City is called the Purple Forbidden City. However, the color of the palace itself is not purple. The color purple stands for power of the great emperors of China. It was so sacred(神圣的) that the commoners could not even dream of ever going in.
  The emperors also had some of the largest festival celebrations at the Forbidden City. During Chinese New Year, the emperor would invite all the members of his family and his officials to a banquet. The banquet had a hundred and eight Chinese dishes. It was such an expensive banquet that it could feed a commoner's family for three generations(代).
  Right now The Forbidden City is known as a historical site for tourists from all over the world. Everyone can go in there. It is a museum with priceless Chinese antiques (古董) and treasures in it.
  I really learned a lot about the Chinese culture and its history from this trip to The Forbidden City. It was like a dream come true to go on the trip and see the things that I have always wanted to see.
4.  Too much screen time is bad for eyes. That's a big problem a lot of people are faced with nowadays, especially those who work on computers, So how to protect eyes from screens?
  ◆ Give your eyes space
  (1)       If this makes it hard for you to read, consider increasing the size of the next rather than moving the screen closer.
  ◆ Take a break
  If you spend a lot of time using a computer, you may forget to blink(眨) your eyes for yes must get tired, (2)      Every 20 minutes, look away about 20 feet in front of you for 20 seconds.
  ◆ Use a hot towel
  Putting a hot towel on your eyes can help to make your eyes really relaxing. (3)      
  ◆ Eat well
  Eye health starts with the food on your plate. Some great foods for eyes health include vegetables, fish and fruit. These foods can help to improve your eyes. (4)      
   ◆ Get exercise
  Exercise may help to prevent or control diabetes (糖尿病) and high blood pressure. (5)       You can get up early every day and run with your parents around a park. So if you exercise often, you can reduce the risk of getting these disease

A. You had better take exercise more often.
B. There is a 20﹣20﹣20 rule you can follow.
C. It's important for you to have enough sleep.
D. Screens should be more than 20 cm from your face.
E. They can also help to protect your eyes from diseases.
F. You can use hot water or heat a wet towel up quickly in the kitchen. 
5.  One day, several young people went for a picnic. They walked in the open air with joy.
  As soon as they came to a river, they were (1)       by the clear and calm water. They played with cool water excitedly. Suddenly, a lovely (2)       passed by Tom. He tried to catch it, (3)       the fish was just swimming a few feet ahead of him. He ran after it, hoping to catch it.
  Gradually, Tom came to the water with waist deep. He felt(4)      , so he wanted to jump out of the water. (5)      up and down in the water, he went farther and farther away from the bank. Just at that time, Barry saw this, he offered (6)      help to Tom at once. Tom saw someone swimming to him, he caught the person who was close to him. Unfortunately, Barry was dragged into the water. The two struggled in the water (7)      . Amy, on the bank, noticed that, and she(8)      others near the bank.
  Hearing their cries, two farmers near the river took a long rope there. They threw one end of the rope to both of them in the water. Together, all the people on the bank pulled(9)      end. Finally, the two boys were saved.
  The experience has told us (10)       we should do something to help others correctly.
6.  Once upon a time there was a man called Yue Yangzi in Henan who had (1)      kind wife.
  One day, Yue (2)      (pick) up a piece of gold. Gladly, he rushed back home to show it (3)       his wife. However, his wife said, "I hear that a good man doesn't drink the water of Dao Spring(盗泉)and wouldn't pick up the things others lost. He would rather die than eat food given by the people who disrespect him. Yue was very ashamed after(4)      (hear) wife's words and (5)      (throw) the gold off into the fields and went to study in a far place.
  One year later, Yue came back home. His wife asked him the reason(6)      his return.
  Yue said, "I was homesick and missed you very much. "
  Hearing this, his wife took up a pair of scissors and walked to the loom (织布机), saying, "To make cloth, I weave (织)the cloth with one after another silk thread inch by inch. (7)       I cut the cloth with the scissors, all my efforts will be (8)       (waste). Studying is also like this. you should get knowledge every day without stopping.
  Yue Yangzi was(9)      (deep) moved by his wife's words. Then he went back to his studies. This story reminds us never(10)      (give) up halfway.
7.Mr.Smith is very      (耐心的) with students and we all like him.
8.Wu Yusen is one of the most famous       (导演).
9.Mr.Wang is very       (幽默).He makes us feel that learning knowledge is a happy thing.
10.He has      (翻译) the book into different languages by now.
People who learn       (明智地) and well will achieve their dreams more easily.
He had to      every      to find books to read.
Everyone is       with the       to learn.
She       of school at the age of 12.
In order to      resources,we must recycle them as much as possible.
Good learners often       what they need to learn with something      .
17.  The Double Ninth Festival (重阳节)is a special day for older people in China. On this holiday, younger people usually show love and respect for older people.
  Respect older people is a tradition in China. There are many ways in which Chinese people express their respect. When an older person       a room, everyone stands up. People are introduced from the oldest to the youngest. When we present a book to an older person, two hands are used. Young people always offer their seats to older people on a crowded subway or bus.
  In western countries, however, older people seldom think they are old. They are called"senior"instead of"old people". They'd rather do everything themselves. Even after retirement (退休) they take on hobbies, part﹣time jobs and new activities to keep their bodies working well.
  Westerners respect their old people, too. Seniors usually take trains and buses for free. They are given discount(折扣) in stores and restaurants.
But western seniors don't often live with their children﹣they live             For holidays, the family usually gather at the grandparents'homes. A great smile and a warm hug for their parents are enough for children to show their respect.
参考词汇:冬奥会 the Winter Olympics
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Li Hua
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