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1.  A river is a flowing(流动的), moving stream of water. Usually a river provides water for an ocean, lake, pond, or even another river. Rivers can differ in size and there is no strict rule on how big a flow of water must be. Here are the five longest rivers in the world.
The Nile River The Nile River is 4, 135 miles long. It lies (位于) in the continent of Africa, mostly in the countries of Egypt and Sudan. It flows north into the Mediterranean Sea. 
The Amazon River The Amazon River is 3, 980 miles long. It lies in the continent of South America and flows through several countries including Brazil, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Ecuador. It ends at the Atlantic Ocean. 
The Yangtze River  Lies in China, the Yangtze River is 3, 917 miles long and flows into the East China Sea. 
The Mississippi Riverand the Missouri River The river system of the Mississippi River and the Missouri River is the longest river system in North America at 3, 902 miles. It flows south into the Gulf of Mexico. 
The Yenisei River The Yenisei River starts in Mongolia and flows through Russia to the Kara Sea in the Arctic Ocean. It's 3, 445 miles long. 

  There are 76 rivers in the world over 1, 000 miles long. A lot of people think that rivers always flow south, but 4 of the 10 longest rivers in the world flow north. The United States alone has around 3. 5 million miles of rivers. Four of the top 10 longest rivers flow through China sometime.
2.  Spending almost a full day in the car with a 70﹣year﹣old woman could be boring. However, for a 15﹣year﹣old girl, it was a great memory for many reasons. During the trip, we discussed something we had wondered about in life. And I learned a lot I had never expected to.
  I learned that we shouldn't take ourselves seriously and not everyone has to get "old and boring". She is probably one of the coolest, funniest and most down﹣to﹣earth people I've ever met. In boring moments, she never fails to tell one of her famous jokes. But when you need a shoulder to cry on, she is there to comfort you. She taught me that "Laughter is the best medicine".
  She never brings her phone, and she is okay with it. That hasn't stopped her from shopping and talking with her family online.
  From now on, I plan on accepting the fact that I don't need to stay connected with social media(社交媒体)all the time. Even though I don't use a mobile phone, I can also be better at communicating with people.
There are so many things you can learn from someone older and wiser than you. You don't need to ask for advice, just slow down and enjoy the conversation. You'll be surprised at how amazing it is.
3.  Everyone knows that Spain is home to some crazy festivals. From throwing tomatoes at one another to burning dolls made of cardboard, wood or plastic, the Spanish festivals are quite amazing. You may not have heard of the Haro Wine Festival, but it is full of fun, too.
  The wine festival is actually a battle(战斗)of the wine, held from the 28th to the 30th of June each year in Haro﹣﹣one of the most important wine﹣producing towns in northern Spain. The Haro Wine Festival was only called as a festival of both national and touristic interest in 1965, but its origins(起源) could go back much further in the early part of the 13th century. At that time, Haro had a land dispute(纠纷) with its neighbor in a nearby region. One day, people from the two sides started throwing wine at each other to solve the dispute. That day the tradition started and got the name "War of Wine".
  During the festival, the wine fight begins early in the morning on the outskirts(郊区)of Haro. People are armed with buckets, water guns and anything that can be filled with red wine, and they pour the wine onto their friends or strangers. Everyone is supposed to wear a white shirt during the "fight", because it is easily stained(染色). The"fight" will last for several hours until everyone's shirt becomes bright purple. They will then return to the center of the town to enjoy delicious food and drinks.
  Each year, thousands of people, locals and visitors, celebrate the festival. Maybe you can become a member of them one day. The only problem is that you will smell like wine for days after the"fight"!
4.  Many of us read news every day. (1)      Today we can get news from TV or the Internet, but how did ancient people get news?
  At the very beginning, information spread by word of mouth. People living in tribes (部落), got news from neighbors or travelers. (2)      They posted a list of daily happenings at public squares in the cities. Ancient Chinese people did it in another way. The government had news sheets sent to officials in the whole country so people could know what was going on in the capital.
  (3)      The progress brought a sudden rise of news business. Printers sold whatever people loved to read. In the sixteenth century, the first real newspaper appeared. People started to form the habit of reading newspapers. They liked to share their opinions on newspapers. The invention of telegraph (电报) machines led to another big step in history. (4)      
  Now we get news in seconds from all over the world. We can become some kind of reporters by posting online what happens around us.

根据短文内容, 从下列选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项, 选项中有一项为多余选项.
A. The fifteenth century saw big progress in printing technology in the west.
B. News stories were sent to the papers in minutes instead of weeks.
C. The development of newspaper made our daily life more and more convenient.
D. Ancient Romans changed the way people knew about their communities(团队).
E. It is probably because we'd like to know what's happening in the world. 
5.阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.
  Do you know this year's Tokyo 2020 Olympics?We have seen quite(1)      young athletes win an Olympic medal and make history. Let's take a look at some Chinese young athletes who bring the phrase "youthful excellence" to a whole new level.
  Chinese diver(跳水运动员) Quan Hongchan, only 14, won her first gold medal in the women's 10 m platform event. Quan, who was(2)      in her first Olympics, collected full marks in her three out of five dives, and led all the way to the end. She(3)      became the second﹣youngest Chinese diver to win a gold medal.
  Finishing sixth in skateboarding's Olympic debut, China's women's street skater Zeng Wenhui achieved(4)      result ever of any Chinese athlete in the event.
  In her eyes, skateboarding is a cool sport that represents boldness(代表着勇气) and makes her(5)      . In fact, the teenager, born in Guangdong Province, (6)      her sporting career with wushu.
  10. 8 ring!
  In the final shot of the men's 10 m air rifle(步枪), Sheng Lihao scored a near﹣perfect result. He won a silver medal and(7)      his own legend(传奇) at the age of 16.
  When(8)      the gun for the first time, this young boy showed great talent. For shooting, Sheng has the(9)      to focus and solve problems beyond his age.
  After the game, Sheng was recognized as the youngest shooting medalist in the history of the Olympic Games, breaking the historical(10)       that had been held for nearly a hundred years.
6.  On June 17, the Shenzhou XII manned spacecraft went into space. It took three Chinese astronauts Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo to China's Tiangong space station. They worked outside the station(1)      (set) up equipment. They did a number of scientific experiments and tests.
  Now, the astronauts(2)      (come) back to Earth in a return capsule (舱). How about the trip home?Let's see how it went.
  "Real gold fears no fire"
  It was a hot journey!When the spacecraft entered Earth's atmosphere, its surface temperature(3)      (rise) to more than 2, 000 degrees!How could the astronauts stay safe?A special material is used(4)      (stop) the heat from getting inside. "Real gold fears no fire, " Nie joked.
  Losing contact
  Radio blackouts (黑障) happen when there(5)      (be) too much heat. This means the astronauts could not talk with the ground. During this time, with the help of radar, scientists on Earth still knew where the spacecraft was.
  When the spacecraft was about 10 kilometers above the ground, it prepared to land . It moved at 200 meters per second. That's(6)      (two) the speed of high﹣speed trains!It was too fast to land(7)      (direct) .
  Parachutes (降落伞) were used to slow down the landing. If a chute is too big, it might turn over. Therefore, the spacecraft first opened a small chute. Then the main chute worked. As big as 1, 200 square meters, it could stretch (伸展) about 70 meters long ﹣ the(8)      (wide) of a soccer field. It slowed the speed down to about 7 meters a second. These special parachutes(9)      (make) in China.
  Caring for their health
  The astronauts sat in wheelchairs after(10)      (land). In fact, space life had a big influence on their muscles (肌肉) and bones. They must get used to the gravity (重力) of Earth. If they walk too soon, it might be bad for their bodies.
7.作为学生, 我们还不能做惊天动地、轰轰烈烈的事情, 但我们可以做一些力所能及的小事来帮助身边的人.请回顾过往, 把你做过的那些温暖的、善意的事情分享一下.
要点:1. 描述事情的起因、经过和结果;
2. 谈谈这件事对你的启发.
3. 词数80﹣100.
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