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1.Which "ed" has a different pronunciation (发音)?
  • A. picked  
  • B. shouted
  • C. jumped
2.— You look so happy!Is there something good?
— Yes. I get a good ________.
  • A. news
  • B. job
  • C. work
3.— What kind of noodles do you have?
— We have ________.
  • A. chickens, mutton, cabbage
  • B. beef, fish, potatoes
  • C. mutton, beef, tomato
4.— Who found the lost sheep?
— Tim and Tom ________.
  • A. did
  • B. found
  • C. find
5.My grandma ________ read or write. She didn't go to school when she was young.
  • A. can
  • B. must
  • C. can't
6.Judy, remember to brush your teeth ________ you go to bed.
  • A. before
  • B. after
  • C. because
7.— Is your cousin tall or short?
— ________. He's of medium height.
  • A. Yes, he is
  • B. No, he isn't
  • C. He isn't tall or short
8.Julie and Tina always ________. They don't like cooking.
  • A. blow out
  • B. eat out
  • C. stay up
A. but B. started C. them D. quiet E. it 

  Yesterday was my birthday so my family had dinner in a restaurant in town. It's an English restaurant, (1)       they do all kinds of different food there. There weren't a lot of people in the restaurant, so it was very (2)      .
  The dinner was really nice. We (3)       with tomato soup —— it was delicious. Then I ordered beef with onions and salad. My parents ordered fish with carrots and rice. They like fish very much and they always order (4)       when they eatout.
A. joined in B. enjoyed C. some D. any E. with 

  After that, we had ice﹣cream, my favorite. The food was really good —— I (1)      my meal (一顿饭) a lot. We don't often eat in restaurants so it was a special evening.
  When we finished the dinner, a waiter (服务员) came over (2)       a birthday cake. It had 13 candles on it (of course!). The waiters and my parents started to sing "Happy Birthday to You" and the other people in the restaurant (3)      , too. At the end of the song, everyone clapped (拍手)!There was enough (足够的) cake for us and for the other people in the restaurant, and there's (4)       in our kitchen now.
  So, dinner tonight at our house is rice and salad —— and birthday cake.
11.  Irene Redmond and her husband (丈夫) Ken live in Australia. They have a son named Jeff.
  Irene gets up at six o'clock and tries to do all the housework by eight. Ken makes breakfast. At eight o'clock, Ken goes to work. Then Irene washes the clothes. At ten o'clock, Irene teaches Jeff math and English. Irene makes lunch and she eats with Jeff at twelve. In the afternoon, she usually reads to Jeff. In the evening, Irene plays computer games, reads or plays cards with Ken. Usually Ken loses. They don't have a TV.
  Irene and Ken live in the countryside, far away from others. The nearest (最近的) town is Tibooburra. It's 100 miles (英里) away. Irene isn't lonely, but she misses her parents. Every Saturday evening she drives to Tibooburra to see her parents. The nearest neighbor (邻居) Johnny lives 35 miles away. She asks him to have dinner every Sunday.
  Irene likes living in the countryside. Ken loves it too and wishes to live there for the rest (其余) of his life, but Irene isn't sure.
根据短文内容, 选择最佳答案.
12.  My name is Kate. I want to introduce (介绍) my community (社区) to you.
  There is a road in front of our community. There are many big trees on the two sides (侧) of the road. I often take a walk on the road in the evening. The birds often sing in the green trees and the air here is fresh.
  In the center of our community, there is a sports center. People in our community like to do some sports there. After a day's work, parents often take their children to the sports center to play. At the corner of the sports center, there are some ping﹣pong tables. I like playing ping﹣pong with my father on weekends. There are also many trees around the sports center. We always play hide﹣and﹣seek (捉迷藏) in the woods (树林). You can always see our happy faces and hear a lot of laughter (笑声) there.
  Where are the apartment buildings (住宅楼) in our community?Look!The apartment buildings are on the right or the left of our community. My home is on the right of the community. I live on the thirteenth floor.
   My community is very beautiful. We all feel happy to live here.
根据短文内容, 选择最佳答案.
13.  Sherlock Holmes (福尔摩斯) and Dr. Watson (华生) are good friends. They are in the books by the writer Arthur Conan Doyle (阿瑟•柯南•道尔). (1)       After they meet, they move into a house at 221 B Baker Street.
  Holmes and Watson are about the same age, but they don't look like each other. (2)       Watson isn't tall and he isn't thin. He has a moustache (小胡子). Also, the two men are different in character (性格). Holmes doesn't talk much. Watson is friendly and open.
  At first, Watson doesn't know that Holmes is a detective (侦探). When a lot of people begin to visit their house, Watson asks Holmes about them. (3)      
  Mrs. Hudson, a nice woman, helps the two men do the housework. Holmes spends most of his time doing detective work. (4)       He isn't smart like Holmes. But he knows a lot about medicine (医学) and Holmes doesn't.
根据短文内容, 从方框中选出四个句子填入文中空缺处, 使短文内容通顺完整.
A. Holmes is tall and thin.
B. Watson likes Holmes very much.
C. Holmes tells him about his work.
D. Watson works as a doctor, but he helps Holmes in his free time.
E. Watson first meets Holmes when they each want to find a roommate (室友). 
14.The young        are playing soccer happily in the park. (child)
15.All of these birthday foods may bring good        to the birthday person. (lucky)
16.Jane is        in history and she reads history books every day. (interest)
17.Would you like        candy?I have quite a lot. (other)
18.His sister wants to be an        when she grows up. (act)
19.It's five        walk from here to my school. (minutes)
20.Sam does well in math. I think he can find the answer       . (easy)
21.It's important to learn a        language. (two)
22.根据短文内容, 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空, 必要时可加助动词或情态动词.
  Mary is a Grade 7 student. She doesn't have good looks and she is short and heavy. Because of that, she was not happy. But after going to a place, she now (1)       (not feel) that way. Where did she go?
  Last Saturday, Mary visited an old people's home with her mother. She had fun there. An old woman (2)       (sit) in a chair in the hallway. Her shoe dropped (掉下来). Mary picked it up and said, "Grandma, let me (3)       (help) you put it back on your foot. " "Thank you, my girl. You are so beautiful, " the old woman said to her.
  Then Mary (4)       (meet) an old man with no legs, and he said hello to Mary. Mary stopped to talk with him. And she listened to his stories. Mary (5)       (not think) the stories were funny, but she smiled (微笑) all the time. "Thanks for your listening, my girl. You are so beautiful, " he said to Mary.
  They said Mary (6)       (be) beautiful. This made Mary happy. She didn't do any special things in that old people's home, but she felt she (7)       (get) something special.
  Give your love to others, and you will feel you are born to sparkle (自带光芒).
23.根据短文内容, 回答下列问题.
  Delaney Clements was an 11-year-old girl. She had long blonde hair. Her best friend was Kamryn. They were in the same class. One day Delaney didn't feel well. Her parents took her to hospital. The doctors checked (检查) the girl. They said that Delaney had a health problem.
  Delaney was in hospital for months. It was a very difficult time for her, but she often smiled. The doctors and nurses liked her a lot, because they thought she was a very strong girl. Because of her health problem, Delaney lost all of her hair. She felt different from her classmates. Kamryn wanted to help Delaney. She shaved (剃) her head so that she looked like her friend. When Delaney saw Kamryn with no hair, she was very moved (感动的).
  But there was a terrible surprise for Kamryn the next day at school. Her teachers said it was not OK to have a shaved head. They didn't want Kamryn to come to school. Kamryn's parents told the school Kamryn and Delaney's story. At last, Kamryn went back to school.
24.下图是你的好朋友Mary上周六的全天安排, 请用英语记叙她的一日活动并针对活动中不利于身体健康的做法给出你的一点建议.
(1)短文中必须包含图片所给要点, 可以适当发挥;
(2)短文中不得出现任何真实人名、校名及其它相关信息, 否则不予评分;
(3)不少于60词, 首段已给出, 不计入总词数.
Jenny is my good friend. Do you know how she spent her Saturday last week?Let me tell you something about it.
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