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1.  Last summer holiday, a fourteen-year-old boy, Liu Chong and his father had a special trip. They became famous on the Internet (1)       their trip. Liu Chong and his father (2)       their bikes along the Sichuan﹣Tibet Road. They (3)       twenty-four days riding 2, 200 kilometers along the road. It was such a difficult job that not everyone could finish it.
  They made the plan (4)      . They thought it would be a wonderful trip. Liu Chong felt (5)      when they began the trip. Days later, Liu Chong wanted to give up(放弃) when he felt very tired, but his father always told (6)       to keep on riding.
  They had to solve some (7)      along the way. Sometimes they couldn't find (8)      on their way, so they had to eat instant noodles(便面) for most of their meals. They also had to face high mountains and bad weather. Riding bikes along Sichuan-Tibet Road was not easy, but Liu Chong and his father (9)       the trip well.
  Liu Chong's father hopes that his (10)      can be patient(有耐心的) and brave. He believes that it's better to travel 10, 000 miles than to read 10, 000 books. Do you agree with Liu Chong's father?
2.  New York, London, Paris and other big cities are exciting places to live in. Some people enjoy living in big cities, but some people don't. In big cities, there are many interesting things to see and do. You can see many kinds of museums, plays and films. You can also buy things from all over the world. But there are many problems in big cities, too. It's expensive to live there. The population of the big cities is getting larger and larger. Many people study at good schools or universities, but sometimes these people can't find good jobs or good places to live in. Also, it is hard to keep the cities safe and clean. Those are big problems.
根据材料所提供的信息, 判断下列句子正误.
3.  Neil is a taxi driver. He is busy carrying passengers (乘客) every day. Some of his passengers are forgetful(健忘的). An old lady is one of them.
  One day, Neil picked up an old lady in front of a restaurant. The old lady said that she had to arrive at the airport at three o'clock. On the way to the airport, the old lady said to Neil, "Sir, I left my glasses on the restaurant table. I must get them back "
  Neil had to drive back to the restaurant. The lady was very old, so Neil went into the restaurant and helped her to get back her glasses. He saw the glasses on the table. He took them back and gave them to the old lady. She said thanks to Neil.
  They got to the airport at 2:40 pm. When the old lady got out of the taxi, she suddenly asked again, "Did you see my scarf in the restaurant?"
A Football Game Attention, please!There is a football game between Class 2 and Class 9 in the playground from 5:00 pm﹣6:30 pm this Friday. Please come and watch it. 
Stamp (邮票) Show Do you want to see different kinds of stamps?Come to the Stamp Show in the school hall 9:00 am ﹣ 5:00 pm every Saturday. 
Movie Night Place: School Hall
Day: This Friday
Movies: Green Book 5:00 pm﹣8:00 pmThe Sound of Music 8:15 pm﹣11:10 pm 
Enjoy Delicious Food Time: 11:00 am﹣5:00 pm this Sunday
Place: In the playground of Beijing International (国际的) School Help Free the Children raise money to build a new school in Kenya. Let's make the dream come true! Welcome to our International Food Festival! 
5.  If you like reading fairy tales (童话故事), don't miss the book The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane(《爱德华的奇妙之旅》). It's a famous story by an American writer Kate DiCamillo in 2006.
  People, the young and the old, love this book. And it's so popular that it's one of the "Top 100 Books for Children " in the US.
  The story is about a journey of a china rabbit( 瓷兔子) called Edward. He lives with his ten﹣year﹣old owner(主人)named Abilene. Abilene loves him very much but Edward doesn't love her. During a holiday on a ship, Edward is lost. After spending 297 days in the sea, he reaches a beach and a man takes him home. Then Edward travels from one place to another, meeting many people. His name keeps changing, such as Susie and Maloney. Soon he begins to miss Abilene and wait for her. One day Edward falls into pieces. Someone repairs(修理)it and sells(卖) it in the market. Many years later, Abilene and her daughter come to the market and take Edward home. Finally, Edward is with his owner again.
  There are many pictures in the book, so we can follow Edward's journey easily.
  You can learn that Edward learns to love and never stops waiting for Abilene. This is why they meet each other at the end of the story. The warm and sweet story will make you know more about love.
6.阅读下面短文, 在空白处按要求填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式.
  Last year, I did not like my English class. The teacher spoke so (1)      (quick) that I didn't understand her most of the time. I was afraid to ask questions (问题) because of my poor (2)      (pronounce). Then one day I watched (3)      (冠词) English movie (4)      (call) Tony Story. I fell in love with this (5)      (excite) and funny movie!So I began to watch more English movies. (6)      (连词) I could not understand everything the actors said, their body languages and the expressions (表情) on their faces helped me (7)      (get) the main ideas. (8)      (watch) movies made my English much (9)      (good) than before. I learned many interesting sentences like "It's a piece of cake. " "It serves you right. " and so on. I met many new words in the movies. In order to understand the story, I looked them up in the dictionary. Through this, I learned more new words. (10)      (介词) short, it helps me a lot. If you have the same problem as me, just try my way!
7.请根据以下提示, 介绍你的朋友刘阳.
1. 他住在聊城. 聊城被誉为水城. 它尤其是因为东昌湖而闻名. 聊城的人口大约 570 万. 聊城热情的欢迎来自世界各地的人们.
2. 他住的离学校最远, 所以他经常坐出租车上学. 这是最舒服的方式, 但它也是最贵的.
3. 他最喜欢熊猫. 熊猫生活在中国西南部的森林和大山里. 每只熊猫每天需要吃大量的竹子. 竹林正在不断地减少, 所以大熊猫正要失去他们的家园. 为了保护野生熊猫, 政府正在建立自然公园和制定其它的计划.
水城:Water city东昌湖:Dongchang Lake
要求: 1. 要点齐全、书写规范、语句通顺、意思连贯.
2. 卷面整洁.
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