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1. do you exercise?
—Hardly ever.
  • A. How many times
  • B. How often
  • C. When
  • D. How
2.Tom's very friendly. He's always ________ help others, so everybody likes him.
  • A. glad to
  • B. afraid to
  • C. sure to
  • D. ready to
3.I ________the sitcom. It's too long.
  • A. like
  • B. don't mind
  • C. can't stand
  • D. love
4.To be healthy, you should eat ______ meat and do ________ exercise.
  • A. more; less
  • B. less; more
  • C. more; more
  • D. less; less
5.—Do you have your winter plan, Bill?
—Well, I want to go to relax with my family.
  • A. interesting somewhere
  • B. somewhere interesting
  • C. anywhere interesting
  • D. interesting anywhere
6.I expect ______ more ______ about the competition.
  • A. to get; information
  • B. getting; informations
  • C. to get; informations
  • D. get; information
7.— Which is ______, the Sun, the Moon or the Earth?
— The sun.
  • A. biggest
  • B. the biggest
  • C. smallest
  • D. the smallest
8.—We all think your friend Dennis is as _______ as you.
—In fact, he is _______ than me.
  • A. careful; more careful
  • B. careful; careful
  • C. more careful; careful
  • D. more careful; more careful
9. he is very young, he can do many things.
  • A. Though, but
  • B. Though, /
  • C. /, though
  • D. But, though
10.—Why don't you help your little daughter?
—Because I think she is ________ to dress herself.
  • A. young enough
  • B. enough young
  • C. old enough
  • D. enough old
11.—Home is ___ place wherever you go.
—Yes. There's no place like home.
  • A. warm
  • B. warmer
  • C. warmest
  • D. the warmest
12.—What do you think is important for the players on a team?
—It's to play together and the best in each other.
  • A. bring out
  • B. look for
  • C. look at
  • D. blow out
13.I asked ____ to do _____ schoolwork by _____.
  • A. him; his; himself
  • B. her; her; itself
  • C. her; his; myself
  • D. him; her; herself
14.Only six of the students here from China and they are very hard-working.
  • A. percent; is
  • B. hundred; is
  • C. percent; are
  • D. hundreds; are
15.—How do you like your new job, Sam?
—It's so _________. I don't like it at all.
  • A. boring
  • B. interesting
  • C. exciting
  • D. relaxing
Never too late to realize your dream
  When I was a small boy, my family was very poor. I didn't have a chance (机会) to read or (1)       like other kids, but I learned how to grow crops and sell vegetables. I got lots of (2)       from these experiences, but I still didn't know how to read or write. (3)       I grew older, I knew that I must do something to get some education.
  I went to the city to look for a job. There I first (4)       Mr. Brown, the owner of a restaurant. After knowing my dream, he said he would gave me $30 a week, and that he would help find a (5)       to teach me. Then I started to learn to read and write. When I was 22 years old, I felt better about myself (6)       I could read and write. And I believed I could make more dreams come true.
  It's always not (7)       to make your dream come true, but it doesn't mean you can't make it. (8)       should you do? Just work hard for your dream. As time goes by, you will see the (9)       in your life. Remember, it's never too (10)       to start. Don't miss any chance to make your dream come true.
17. Once, a woman went on a trip by plane. She sat next to a lawyer (律师). The lawyer asked her if she wanted to play a game of questions with him.
The woman didn't want to play, so the lawyer said to her, "If I can't answer your question, I will give you 50 dollars. If you can't answer my question, you will give me 5 dollars." The lawyer thought that he couldn't lose and after some time the woman said, "Yes."
The lawyer asked first, "How long is it between our planet (行星) and the nearest star?" With no word, the woman gave him 5 dollars. Then the woman asked, "What goes up a hill with 3 legs and comes back down the hill with 4 legs?"
The lawyer didn't know the answer. He thought hard for a long time and even called his friends for help. But they didn't know the answer, either. So he paid the woman 50 dollars.
  The woman took the 50 dollars with no word, but the lawyer wanted to know the answer, "What is the answer to your question?"
  With no word, the woman gave him 5 dollars.
Come and Adopt (收养) Tess
Breed (品种): Domestic Short Hair
Age: 2 years old
Color: Brown
Sex: Female
Hi, I'm Tess. I arrived at Best Friends two weeks ago. I'm from Chicago. My former (先前的) owner abandoned me because his wife didn't like me.
I'm good with children. I'm very quiet and shy. I hate to live in a noisy place. I need a quiet home. Would you like to take me home?
If you want to know more about me,
please email adoptions @bestfriends. org.
Thank you for adopting! 
19.  Homework is your teachers' way of evaluating (评估) how much students understand the lessons in class. As a student, you always have too much homework, but you have to finish it. Here are a few tips to make homework easier to do.
  ★Make a homework plan. First, write all the tasks down in your notebook. If you forget them, please ask the teachers again. Second, use any extra (额外的) time in school to do your homework.
  ★Watch where you work. Find a place at home which doesn't need to be very large, just big enough to put your school things on it. You'd better not do it before a computer or on your comfortable bed. It's hard for you to concentrate on (集中精力于) your homework.
  ★Get to work. When you start your homework at home, do the hardest problem first. Later, when you feel tired, you can do the simple ones. Don't spend too much time on a difficult problem. You can ask an adult (成人) for help, or call or e-mail a classmate for advice.
  ★Have a rest. Having a 15-minute rest every hour is good for you. After you finish your homework, check it over first. Be sure to put it away in your backpack. Now you're free to play outside.
20.  When we cross the street, we wait for a sign(信号) that shows a green man. In an Australian city, there will be some new traffic lights. On the new traffic lights, the green man will disappear and a green woman will appear. What funny news!The city will change a man into a woman on some traffic lights.
  A lady from Melbourne has the idea of changing a man into a woman on some traffic lights. She says, "It is not OK when we see only a green man on the traffic lights. "She thinks that they also need a green woman. That is a way to show that women are equal(平等的) to men.
  Some of Melbourne's men do not think so. One of them says that it is only a light. He does not care if it is a man or a woman.
  The mayor(市长) of Melbourne is a man. He is not sure about the change. He doesn't know if the change will make women feel better or not.
21.A: Hi! I'm a reporter. Can I ask you some questions?
B: Of course.
A: (1)      
B: Yes, very much. And I watch them once a week.
A: (2)      
B: Rose Cinema, I think.
A: (3)      
B: Because it has the biggest screens and the best sound.
A: Well, what do you think of Town Cinema?
B: (4)      
A: What about Movie Palace?
B: It is the cheapest, but the movies there are always boring.
A: I see. (5)      
B: I often take the subway.
A: Thank you very much.
B: You're welcome.
A. It's popular, but it is the most expensive.
B. How do you often go to the movies?
C. Do you often go to the movies on weekends?
D. Why do you think so?
E. What kind of movies do you like?
F. Do you like watching movies?
G. What do you think is the best cinema in town? 
bad; share; education; your; good 
23.Jenny was so       (饿)that she ate a bowl of noodles in one go .
24.Mr. Smith will take his son to the      (牙医) to clean his teeth.
25.It's       (必要的) to wash the apples before we eat them.
26.To our surprise, he       (赢得)the first prize in the 100﹣meter race last week.
27.After the discussion, the students went back to their        (座位).
28.  Hello, boys and girls!Running for (竞选) monitor (1)      (make) me feel very excited. If I become a monitor, I would like (2)      (do) these things. First, communicate(交流) better with others, I plan (3)      ( have) a student meeting every week. Then we can talk about different (4)      (idea )and work out problems together. At the same time, I (5)      (put) a small blackboard in our classroom. You can write your ideas on it. I think it is good for us (6)      (tell) our ideas to other classmates. And I am going to make a new kind of English newspaper for our class. All of you can write for this kind of newspaper. In that way, you can practice(7)      (write) in English. It's not easy to be a good monitor, I know. However, I believe I can do it. I am going to study (8)      (hard )than before and try to be one of the best (9)      ( student )in our class. Now, I need (10)      (you)help!Come on!
29.A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.
30.When people watch the show, they usually play a role in deciding the winner.
32.然而, 他总是准备好去尽其所能。
34.因为不好的天气, 我看不见下面的任何东西。
36.你能坐得最舒适, 因为他们有最大的座位。
39.  When we think of Hollywood, we think of movies and famous movie stars. They are part of Hollywood's history. Today people make movies in other places too. Not all famous movie stars live in Hollywood. But Hollywood is still a very special city in Los Angeles, California.
  You can easily see where Hollywood is in Los Angles. There is a big sign on the hills. It says "HOLLYWOOD". The white letters are fifty feet tall. You can see the sign from far away. The Hollywood sign is a famous landmark in Los Angeles. Many postcards show this famous Hollywood landmark.
  There is also a big open﹣air theater. It has seventeen thousand seats and a very special stage. You can listen to all kinds of concerts in it.
根据短文内容, 回答下列问题.
40.根据表格中提供的信息, 写一篇短文介绍你和你的好朋友约翰的相同之处和不同之处, 并表达自己对朋友的观点.不少于80个词.
 不同点 相同点 
John 1. 比我高, 比我重, 更强健, 更外向;2. 喜欢去看电影, 万达影院是他最喜爱的, 他认为它有最大的屏幕和最好的音效;3. 每天锻炼, 喜欢散步. 1. 都留着短发, 都喜欢运动和听音乐;2. 各门功课都学得好;3. 喜欢阅读, 通常在周末一起去图书馆. 
1. 我喜欢看电视, 最喜爱的节目是才艺节目.2. 每周锻炼三四次. 
我对朋友的观点 我认为朋友应该热爱运动, 活泼开朗, 乐于助人, 努力学习…… 

1. 必须包含表格中所有的内容.
2. 将省略号部分补充完整.
(3)卷面要保持整洁, 不少于80词.

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