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1.—Good evening, Tom!
—_________, Cindy!
  • A. I'm OK
  • B. Good morning
  • C. Good afternoon
  • D. Good evening
2.—Is this__________ dictionary?
—Yes, it's mine.
  • A. my
  • B. your
  • C. his
  • D. her
3.—Is this girl your sister ?
—_________. She is my cousin , Helen.
  • A. Yes, it is
  • B. Yes, She is
  • C. No, it isn't
  • D. No, she isn't
4.— ________ this jacket, Alan?
—It's good, I like it.
  • A. What about
  • B. What's
  • C. Who's
  • D. What color
5.— My brother ______ like English. What about you, Gina?
— I like it very much.
  • A. doesn't
  • B. don't
  • C. isn't
  • D. aren't
6.—Are your books on the desk?
—_________. They are on the sofa.
  • A. Yes, it is
  • B. Yes, they are
  • C. No, it isn't
  • D. No, they aren't
7.Jim likes sports, _________ he only watches them on TV.
  • A. and
  • B. but
  • C. or
  • D. with
8.—Do you have a soccer ball?
—Yes, I do. Let's _________ soccer.
  • A. play
  • B. plays
  • C. to play
  • D. playing
9.After school, I play soccer _________ my classmates _________ two hours.
  • A. and;for
  • B. and;in
  • C. with;for
  • D. with;on
10.—Why do you like Friday?
—_________ I'm free on Friday.
  • A. And
  • B. So
  • C. Because
  • D. Or
11.  Hello!I am Dale. I meet Frank and Cindy in the(1)      . I say "(2)      morning" to them. Frank has a cup. What color is the(3)      ?Oh !It's blue. Cindy says to me, "Can you(4)      "blue?"I say, "B﹣L﹣U﹣E. " Cindy has a pen. (5)      is brown. Cindy can say it in English. I have a (6)      and a key. (7)      ruler is yellow. Oh!(8)      is my key?It's(9)      . I (10)      spell "black", B﹣L﹣A﹣C﹣K.
12.  My name is Simon. I'm 13. It's (1)      , December 7th. I'm busy.
  I go to school at 7:00 in the morning. The first class is(2)      and it's at 7:40. Math is difficult, but it's very (3)      . Then I have English at 8:30. Our English teacher is Mr. Wei. He's about (4)      . After that I have history at 9:30. I don't like history. It's (5)       but boring. But at 10:20. I have music. It's (6)       favorite subject. I eat lunch at school and our (7)      for lunch is from 12:00 to 13:00. For lunch I always eat rice and chicken. In the afternoon. I have P. E. and a geography test. I like geography (8)       it's interesting. My last class (9)      at 3:30. Then I play soccer(10)       my classmates for an hour. Next day is Saturday, so I needn't go to school.
13.A:Hi, Grace. Can I ask you some questions?
B:Sure, John.
A:When do you usually get up (起床)?
B:I have eggs and milk for breakfast.
B:I usually play volleyball with my friends.
A:Do you have a volleyball game?
B:(4)      We have it every year.
B:It's on October 15th.

A. Yes, we do.
B. I usually get up at 6:30.
C. When is the volleyball game?
D. No, we don't.
E. What do you have for breakfast?
F. When is your birthday?
G. What do you usually do after school?
14.Miss Liu
  Our English teacher is our headteacher (班主任) too. She is always very busy. She works very hard and she is kind to us. She gives us a lot of help with our studies. "Try to speak English every day, " she always says.
Mr Xu
  This teacher is very clever. He can answer all the difficult math questions. He wears glasses and he is very nice. "Math is easy, " he says, "you must work hard. That's important. "
Miss Ma
  Our Chinese teacher looks quite young. She is a small lady. Her handwriting(笔迹)is very beautiful.
Mr Zhang
  This man is our P. E. teacher. He is tall and looks heavy, but he can run very fast. He is a big man, and he is also friendly. "Do exercise every day. That's important!" he says.
15.  Hi, I'm Tom. I have a pencil box. It's big and it's purple. It's my good friend. It's from my mom. What's in the pencil box?My ruler is in it. It's blue and red. That is a pencil. It is black and white. It's not my pencil. It's Cindy's. She likes black and white. You can see a green pen and an eraser in it, too. The pen isn't mine. I find(找到)it in the classroom this morning. It's Tim's. His name is on it. He isn't at school now. Tim's telephone number is 8069﹣4725. I can call(打电话)him. The nice eraser is my sister, Linda's.
16.  Mr. and Mrs. Brown are from America. They are now teaching English in Zhengzhou. Their son Jack is with them. Jack speaks English. They want him to learn some Chinese. Jack is in Grade Three in a Chinese school. He plays with Chinese children(孩子) every day. He listens to Chinese, speaks Chinese, reads books in Chinese and writes in Chinese. He is doing well in his Chinese.
17.  Tom, Jack and Eric are good friends. They are Americans(美国人). Tom is 19. Jack and Eric are 15. They all like sports very much.
  Tom likes basketball very much. He has ten basketballs. He plays it every morning. After that, he eats fast breakfast and then goes to work. He works in a restaurant(餐馆)near his home.
  Jack and Eric are in the same class. They like soccer very much. They are busy on school days, so they play soccer on the weekend(周末).
  Tom, Jack and Eric have the same hobby(业余爱好). They all like playing volleyball. On the weekend, they play volleyball, too. After that, they have dinner together(在一起). They are busy, but they are healthy and happy.
 Hi!I'm Alice. I don't play tennis. I think it's too difficult. I play volleyball. It's easy for me. I have two volleyballs. After class, I play volleyball with my classmates. 
 My name is Bob. I like sports. I have three baseballs and two baseball bats. I play baseball with my friends after school. It's relaxing. Baseball is my favorite sport. I can play it well. 
 My name is Cindy. I have two soccer balls, three volleyballs, ten ping﹣pong balls and four ping﹣pong bats. I love sports, but I don't play them. I only watch them on TV! 
19.  I'm Liu Mei. I'm a girl from China. I have a pen friend in the UK. See the girl on the bike in the photo?She is one of my pen friends. Her name is Rose. She is an English student. We are of the same age﹣﹣13 years old. She lives in London. She has two brothers. They live with their parents.
  I like Rose very much. But Rose doesn't know Chinese. But I know English. So we write letters in English. And we talk(谈话)on the phone, too. My favourite subject is Math. Her favourite subject is music. We have the same hobbies( 爱好). We like playing volleyball and eating hamburgers. It is so nice to have a pen friend.

根据短文内容, 回答下列问题.
20.His friends, Cindy and Jack, are in the f      (第一)picture.
21.Mr. Green buys some m      (模型)planes for his students.
22.I am very b      (忙碌的) on Monday.
23.All my classmates have good eating h      (习惯).
24.Can I a      (问) you a question?
25.请根据如下信息用英语写一篇短文, 介绍一下你朋友 Mike Green 的基本情况.
Name Mike Green Age 13 Birthday June 10th 
Favorite Fruit Apples /bananas and oranges   
Color Blue 
Sport Basketball 
Subjects Math &English 
Day Friday 
Reasons ( 理 由 ) to recommend 1)A basketball star in our school. 2)……(请补充至少一条理由) 

要求:1. 包含表中所有信息, 并可作适当想象和发挥;
2. 行文连贯, 条理清晰, 语句通顺, 语法正确, 书写规范;
3. 文中不得出现自己真实的姓名、班级和校名;
4. 字数:60﹣80 词;开头已经写好, 不计入总词数.
  Hello, everyone, I have a good friend. _______________
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