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1.  Once there was a wise and rich man. But his son had no (1)      . in life and wasn't happy.
  As the years passed, the man was more and more (2)      . One day, he handed his son a map and said, "I want you to go to the marked place and find a treasure."
  The son (3)      eagerly (急切地). He travelled really far, across forests and mountains. Finally, he reached the place and began to dig. He dug and dug, but (4)      was found. Tired and sad, he decided to go back home.
  On his way back, he noticed dancing birds and beautiful flowers. He met the farmers who
were working (5)      in the fields. He found everything nice!
  He got home and his father asked, "(6)      was your journey there ?Did you enjoy it?" Of course not! (7)      I was worried that someone else would find the treasure. I did. But I really enjoyed the journey back home and almost forgot the pain of not finding the (8)      . "The son continued to tell is father what he notice on his way back."
  "Nice things are (9)       there," the father smiled, "My son, I want you to have a goal. If you don't have a goal, you wont set out. But if the goal is the only thing in your mind, you'll (10)      something nice and won't be happy. So remember:Its important to have a goal in life and enjoy the journey as well."
2.阅读下面的短文, 判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符, 符合的写(A), 不符合的写(B).
  Many of us read news every day. Its probably because we'd like to know what's happening in the world. Today we can get news from TV or the internet, but how did ancient people get news?
  At the very beginning, information spread by word of mouth. People living in groups got news from neighbors or travelers. Ancient Romans (罗马人) changed the way people knew about their communities. They posted a list of daily happenings at public squares in the cities.
  The 15th century saw big progress in printing (印刷) technology in the West. The progress brought sudden rise of news business. In the 16th century, the first real newspapers appeared. People stated to develop the habit of reading newspapers. They liked to share their opinions in newspapers. The invention of telegraph (电报) machines led to another big step in history. News stories were sent to the papers in minutes instead of weeks.
  Now we get news in seconds from all over the world. We can become some kind of reporters by posting online what happens around us.
3.Stacked (使成叠) chairs reach new heights
  A restaurant manager in Manchester, England, has broken the Guiness World Record (吉尼斯纪录) for chair stacking. In April this year, Jay Ehsan carefully stacked chairs on top of each other to a height of 5. 2 meters. The stacking took 45 minutes. Not only did he win the record but his efforts also raised more than $1, 500 to help homeless people.
  A bottle travels over 2, 000 miles
  During a beach walk on the Isle of Lewis, in Scotland, Andrew Eaton saw a glass bottle. His first thought was to recycle it, but then he saw a note inside. It was written in French and dated January 26, 2020. Andre Huet, from Canada, had written it and the bottle had carried it about 2, 200 miles across the Atlantic.
  A couple tries to float their dream house across the bay (海湾)
  A couple from Toronto, Canada, saw their dream house right on the beach. They bought it and then they used several motor boats to push it more than I, 000 meters across Newfoundland's Bay of Islands. Sadly, four hours later, the boats lost control, and Daniele and Kirk watched their dream house go down under the waves.
4.  Over the past 6 years, Zhang Chaofan has given away 1. 35 million yuan and raised 5. 2 million yuan from the public to help more than 400 people with health problems — including teachers with cancer (癌症) and disabled children in poor families — learn traditional Chinese culture.
  Zhang, 29, was born without a left arm in Changchun, Jilin, but her hard work to become stronger has encouraged many people. She was chosen along with 67 other honorees (领奖人) to receive the Eighth National Ethical Role Model award(第八届全国道德模范提名奖) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on November 5th, 2021.
  In 2015, Zhang set up a handwriting and painting school in Changchun. When she found that some parents were unable to pay for their children's education, she made the and began providing 300, 000 yuan every year to help them.
  In early 2020, her school was made to suspend all courses because of COVID-19 (新冠肺炎), but t didn't stop her from helping the poor families. She raised more than 8. 9 million yuan and gave them away to Hubei hospitals.
  "Women in the new times should have the courage to create value and also have a sense of social duty, " she said. "It is my great honor to be chosen as a model. This will become a driving force for me to move ahead and keep helping the poor and the disabled."
5.  In my opinion, China's"Double Reduction"Policy ("双减"政策) aimed at easing (减轻) education-related pressure on parents and children is effective (有效的). Now take my home as an example to show how it works.
  "Dad!Get up!You promised to take us to the zoo today!" My two daughters shouted together one recent Saturday morning. The clock had just struck seven, but our apartment had already gotten noisier than the Monkey Jungle in the zoo!
  For families with children, weekends have become very different. In the past, my wife and I could at least sleep in (睡懒觉). Then at 9 o'clock, we had to wake up the kids. After throwing them into a tutoring class (辅导班), we could enjoy several hours to ourselves. But now, these classes are gone altogether. Kids, of course, are happy about this. Every Tuesday or Wednesday evening, my girls would ask me, "Where are we going to spend this coming Saturday?"
  Fortunately, there are still some classes for them to attend. On Sundays, my girls go to learn ballet and chess. They really enjoy their time there. My elder daughter is old enough to read quietly on her own. On lucky days, we can get her to read together with her sister. Still, a quiet "competition" is on. My girls sometimes talk about how their classmates have spent an exciting weekend. It's their way of complaining about my laziness.
  Weekends are more tiring now for parents, but I think they are good for kids. After all, childhood should be more than just studying school subjects. It should be more colorful!
6.  On September 30, the eighth Martyrs' Day (烈士纪念日) in China, a touching and patriotic (爱国的) film — The Battle at Lake Changjin was on. (1)      
  More than 70 years ago, the Chinese people's volunteer army moved across the Yalu River. (2)      The battle (战斗) at Lake Changjin was one of the most important battles in the war.
  The movie centers on the actions of the heroic Company Seven(七连)and its brave soldiers. (3)      It also shows the course of the historical battle. (4)      In the film, many soldiers ran forward with empty guns for running out of bullets (子弹).
  More than 70 years ago, many common Chinese stepped onto the battle field to fight for our homeland in the war and over 197, 000 soldiers lost their lives. (5)      And most of them were left directly on the spot (在原地) for burials.
A. It shows how China is becoming a stronger nation.
B. They fought against the US army in the terrible cold of -40 ℃.
C. In that great age. more than 300. 000 young heroes lost their lives.
D. After nearly 3 years' difficult fighting they finally won a great victory.
E. It show the fighting spirit and moving stories of the ordinary volunteers.
F. The film has offered a chance for young Chinese to remember history and heroes.
7.阅读下面的材料, 在空白处填入一个适当的词, 或填入括号内所给单词的正确形式(每空最多不超过三个单词).
  Do you know anyone born in the Year of the Tiger?What's (1)      (they) personality like? Are they brave and strong?If so , they are a typical"tiger. I'm one of them and I'm 24 years old this year. They year of the Tiger is my life year. My aunt makes me (2)      (wear)red shorts to ward off evils (避邪). And my parents also tell me things (3)      must pay attention to in the Year of the Tiger.
  In Chinese culture, tigers (4)      (see) as the king of all animals. They are considered to be the bravest of all the animals, and you can see pictures of tigers on the walls of temples and houses to ward off disasters(避灾)and danger in China. Tigers have (5)      important cultural meaning not just in China, but across Asia. For example, in South Korea, the animal is a symbol of fairness and honesty
  Instead (6)       tigers, lions are considered the king of all animals in the west. Soldiers are named "the lions"if they fight (7)      . (brave) in the war. In Europe, the lion is a national symbol of England as well s for Norway, Spain, Belgium and 13 other (8)      (country).
  However, in the West tigers are also considered to be the (9)      (powerful) of all the animals In English, there's a famous phrase "eye of the tiger", which (10)      (mean)to have fierceness (凶猛) and strength.
8.通读下列对话, 然后根据上下文补全对话内容.
(A:Victor B:Kelly)
A:Good morning, Kelly!Long time no see. (1)      
B:Good morning, Victor!I've been to Beijing for a volunteer of Beijing Winter Olympics.
A:Wow!You're great!What do you think of being a volunteer of it?
B:(2)      I got to know many foreign friends.
A:Sounds good. I hope to get such a lucky chance to be a volunteer, too.
B:I hear there will be the 19th Asian Games(亚运会) in Hang Zhou.
B:It will be held from September 10th to 25th, in 2022.
A:Oh, (4)      
B:Yes, its theme is "Heart to Heart, @Future". And it will recruit(招募)volunteers by August 31th.
A:Great. Ill sign up for it then. Thanks a lot.
9.  A young man, John, went for a job interview in a big company. The boss found that John's college grades were excellent. (4)Then he asked John who paid for his education. John told the boss that his parents did and they worked as laundry(洗衣店)workers.
  The boss noticed that John's hands were smooth and perfect. He asked, "Have you ever helped your parents wash clothes?"
   "No. My parents always make me study. Besides, they wash clothes faster than I do. "The boss asked John to go back home and wash his parents' hands. When he got home, he told his parents that the wanted to wash their hands. (5)他们的父母感到很吃惊但很高兴。Then John began to wash their hands slowly.
  He was in tears. He found his parents' hands were so rough (粗糙的) and pale because of washing a lot of clothes in the cold water. There were also many injuries (伤口) in their hands. After washing his parents' hands, the young man quietly washed all the remaining clothes.
  The next morning, John went to the boss's office. The boss noticed John's pale hands and told him that he was employed (雇用).
10.从"深海一号"能源站到太空空间站的搭建.从"人造太阳"新突破到淀粉的全人工合成, 中国科技发展日新月异, 我们祖国日益繁荣昌盛.而祖国未来的强大则在于我们青少年的锐意进取.假如《二十一世纪英文报》就青少年怎样让自己变得更优秀开展征文活动, 请根据以下要点, 用英语写一篇征文稿.
1. 树立崇高理想, 坚持不懈;
2. 拥有良好品质, 助人为乐;
3. 培养良好习惯, 强健体魄.
1. 文中不能出现真实的校名和姓名等;
2. 语言要通顺, 表达要正确;
3. 要求包含所有要点提示, 为了行文需要, 可适当拓展和增加要点;
4. 词数不少于60个英语单词, 开头已给出, 不计入总词数.
崇高理想 lofty ideals 投身于 devote oneself to
How to Make Ourselves More Excellent?
  As teenagers, how can we make ourselves more excellent?Here is my advice. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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