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1.  On Feb. 24, 18﹣year﹣old Su Yiming received (1)       very special letter from President Xi Jinping. He couldn't believe it at first. (2)       excited he was!
  In the letter, President Xi congratulated Su and other players on their wonderful (3)      at the Beijing Winter Olympics.
  Su still remembered XI's visit to the National Winter Sports Training Center in Beijing , (4)       2019. President Xi Jinping told the athletes and coaches to aim high and to show the new generation of Chinese youth on the world stage. Xi also hoped that young Chinese people should always (5)       the motherland in their hearts and stay grounded(脚踏实地的). Su Yiming(6)       by Xi's encouragement. He decided to believe in (7)      . He knew he must give his all to realize his dream.
  After Su Yiming won the gold medal, he couldn't help (8)       a letter to President Xi. He really wanted to thank President Xi Jinping from the bottom of his heart. In his letter to Xi, Su said he would work even (9)       and serve the nation better in the future.
  Let's learn from Su Yiming (10)       is Olympic snowboarding(单板滑雪) gold medalist (奖牌得主).
2.  This winter Bing Dwen Dwen became one of the most(1)       toys in the world. It's a panda in an ice shell.
  Two years ago, Bing Dwen Dwen was (2)       as the mascot (吉祥物)for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. The design was chosen from 5, 816 works from 38 areas and(3)       around the world. Cao Xue is the chief designer of Bing Dwen Dwen. He said the idea (4)       came from the traditional Chinese snack bingtanghulu. But a simple snack couldn't stand (5)       a country by itself. Cao's team tried many animals and plants and finally decided on a (6)       . "We don't need to explain (7)       to have it understood across different cultures, " said Cao.
  However, there were already too many cartoon characters of pandas. The mascot needed to be original and(8)       . Cao first decided that it should be a baby panda instead of an adult (9)       . This decided the body shape of Bing Dwen Dwen — its body has the same length as its head.
  Cao's team looked all around the world to collect all the pandas they could find. They wanted to make sure their panda looked different. Through their hard work, they(10)       in winning people's hearts.
3.  Notice on the first Round of City-wide Nucleic Acid Testing (核酸检测)
  In order to safeguard the lives and health of the people, Zhuhai has decided to launch the first round of city﹣wide nucleic acid testing that includes all the people in Zhuhai. The notice is as follows:
Testing time: 9:00﹣12:00 am, 13:30﹣21:00 pm, March 17 (Thursday), 18 (Friday) 
Testing Places: 1 Schools where the students study (for students and teachers )2 Designated hospitals in different districts of Zhuhai (for adults outside schools) 
Ways of making an appointment (预约);
1 No need for making an appointment, teachers will tell you the time for Nucleic Acid testing. (for students and teachers)
2 Make an appointment before you go for the nucleic acid test through the following link or QR code (二维码) before 12:00 on March 16. (for adults outside schools )Link:https://iinshuju. net/f/Vx41 M6QR code:
Testing guides1 Bring your ID when going to the testing station and voluntarily show your "Yuekang Code" and "sample collection QR code" to the volunteers. 2 Wear a mask at all times and keep a distance of at least 1 meter away from others. 3 No talking or gathering. 4 Follow the instructions of the volunteers on site and never fight with others or your will get punishment from the government for your behavior. 5 Leave the testing station as soon as possible after finishing your testing. 
Results Query
Check the nucleic acid test report by yourself in "Yueshengshi " on the next day after the testing. 

Zhuhai Command Center for COVID-19 Control and Prevention
March 16, 2022
  Three Chinese astronauts Wang Yaping, Zhai Zhigang and Ye Guangfu gave a space lecture on Dec. 9th 2021.
  "Hello, everyone!Welcome to Tiangong Class. " With this greeting, a special lecture began on Tiangong space station about 400 kilometers above Earth on Dec. 9th , 2021.
  Lasting for about an hour, the space lecture was broadcast live to millions of students. Three astronauts from the Shenzhou XIII crew hosted the lecture, introducing how they live and work on the space station and doing some interesting experiments that can only be done in space.
  This is the second live space lecture in China. In 2013, with the assistance of two other Shenzhou X crew members, Wang hosted the country's first live space lecture to over 60 million schoolchildren across China.
  More space to teach
  Compared with the class eight years ago, this year's space lecture is greatly different. The" classroom"is bigger. Instead of Tiangong I experimental module(实验舱), this year Wang had the space lecture in the Tianhe spac  e core module (核心舱) , which is the biggest spacecraft developed by China.
  Technological development
  The quality of space to ground communication is also much improved.
  The space lecture eight years ago sometimes faced the challenges of the video freezing and an unclear picture, but this year's lecture is different.
  With the help of China's Tianlian satellites, the transmission(传 输) speed has been highly increased and the whole live broadcast has run smoothly. These changes show that Chinese aerospace industry has made great progress In the past eight years.
  More courses
  Along with the technological progress, this year's space lecture discussed more areas in science. Eight years ago, students could watch the interesting phenomenon of weightlessness in space on TV. But this year, biology was added.
  Though these space lectures showed various topics, the aim behind the lectures has never changed. The space lectures aim to "spread knowledge about manned spaceflights and light up the interests for science among young people". The spirit of science in the youth is an important driver of the progress of mankind. The space lecture makes young Chinese people take pride in our country as they see the rapid development of our space technology.
5.配对阅读.左栏是五位学生存在的问题与困惑, 右栏介绍了七个双减形势下, 学生问题与困惑的解决方案.请为左栏的每位学生选择一个合适的方案.
(1)      John has so much homework to do that he has to study hard until 12 o'clock in the evening.
(2)       Some students can finish their homework earlier than before because of the double reduction policy . They have more spare time to play, some of them lose themselves in computer games.
(3)       Exams push all the students to study hard. To get good grades, some students have lots of after﹣school courses on weekends.
(4)       To beat most of the classmates in exams, some students spend all their time studying . They are weak in sports and arts.
(5)      After﹣school subject courses cost a lot. It is difficult for parents to pay for all of the after﹣school courses that their children have. 
A. When students have more free time because of less homework than before , improving the ability of self﹣control becomes the most important.
B. According to the guideline of the double reduction policy , no subject courses can be taught on weekends or all holidays.
C. The teachers are required to reduce the amount and the difficulty of homework.
D. In order to reduce educational cost for parents, the government provide guide price for after﹣school subject courses.
E. Teachers now teach at a much slower pace under the double reduction policy, so students can understand knowledge better .
F. According to the guideline of the double reduction policy, primary and middle schools are asked to provide the students with homework tutoring.
G. The double reduction policy guides the educational training industry to focus on improving students' all﹣round quality, such as arts and sports . 
6.  Do you often wonder why we need to go to school?
  In September 2009, as US schoolchildren began a new school year, the US president Barack Obama made a back-to-school (1)      at Wakefield High School in Arlington, Virginia. In the speech, he encouraged the students to (2)      hard, set goals and take responsibility for their education.
  Barack Obama started(3)      the responsibility that students had to themselves.
  Everyone has something that he is good at. Everyone has something to offer. Each student is supposed to be responsible for (4)      . That's the opportunity an education can provide. And no matter (5)      we want to do with our life, we 'll need an education to do it. If we want to(6)      a doctor, or a teacher or a police officer, we're going to need a good education. We (7)      not give up being educated and just drop into a job. We've got to train for It, work for it and learn for it.
  And this is (8)      for our own life and our own future. Education will decide the future of our country. Education will help us accept the challenges (9)      we will face in the future. The society needs each of you to develop your talents, sills, then you can help the country achieve all goals(10)      .
7.请阅读一篇关于学习雷锋的短文, 根据短文内容, 回答问题.
  March 5 is a special day for Chinese people because of the name — Lei Feng. Lei Feng was an ordinary young soldier whose only goal was to serve the people. He was born in 1940 and died at the age of 22 because of an unfortunate accident while he was working. In 1963, Chairman Mao Zedong designated the day as "Learn From Lei Feng Day".
  Most People born in the 1960s or 1970s keep the strong admiration for the spirit of Lei Feng. What about young people today?Do they still believe in Lei Feng and follow his spirit?The following examples may answer the question.
  In 2011, 27-year-old Zhang Liangliang and his friends made a movie where an ordinary guy tries to become a superhero by emulating Lei Feng. The movie named Lei Feng Xia has been seen by millions of people on line .
  "Some people these days are only interested in success, fame, and money, which means they're not really well-grounded (脚踏实地). They need to go back to a good starting point. " said Wang Wei, a young teacher from Zhuhai.
  "We can see great things from what Lei Feng did, even though they were just small things. It's just like the reflection of the sun in a drop of water. It's our duty to learn from him. " said Li Huanyue, a student from Wen Yuan Middle School.
  And with the development of society, learning from Lei Feng should be more realistic and modern than before. In order to do this, Guangdong government announced the new slogan "do each other a favor". And in Changsha, Hunan, the hometown of Lei Feng, the slogan was also updated from "devote yourself to benefit others" to"do my duty".
8.习近平总书记强调:雷锋是时代的楷模, 雷锋精神是永恒的.三月是学雷锋月, 你的学校开展了一系列轰轰烈烈的学雷锋活动.请你写一篇通讯稿, 简要介绍你校的学雷锋活动情况, 并号召大家践行雷锋精神、弘扬社会止气.
a. 简单介绍你们学校具体开展了哪些学雷锋活动.(至少两项)
b. 你们从中学到了什么?感想如何?
c. 青少年应该如何在学习生活中践行雷锋精神? (至少两点)
d. 号召同学们在今后的学习生活中继续践行雷锋精神.
1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名.
2. 语句连贯, 词数在80个左右.作文的开头已经给出, 不计入总词数.
(参考词汇:做好事情:do good deeds弘扬:carry forward高尚的:noble 美德:virtue )
The Spirit of Lei Feng Goes on
   In order to remember Lei Feng, our school organized all kinds of activities in March. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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