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1.  Here is an interesting and moving story. John Smith is 60 years old, from New Zealand. He has been (1)       with a sheepshead wrasse(瘤鲷鱼)for over 30 years.
  John's meeting with the big fish (2)      when he was working underwater. He found it got hurt and it couldn't feed (3)      . It was going to die. For more than ten days, John took good care of it. He fed it five crabs (螃蟹) a day. That was the beginning of a long and (4)      friendship. Since then, John (5)       to visit his friend from time to time. He calls it " Good Friend".
  Every time they see each other, John greets Good Friend with a kiss. Good Friend seems to enjoy being with John (6)      other fish may be afraid of people and swim away quickly. It lets him touch its body and kisses John back (7)       the head. "Good Friend's face looks like a man's face from the front. I'm sure it knows I saved its life. (8)      amazing it is!" John said. In fact, John's words may be true. A study from the University of London shows(9)       some fish are really able to recognize human faces. This finding makes the friendship between the old man and the fish even (10)       and more moving.
2.  My band (乐队) once rode all night half a day through the heavy snowstorm to go to a concert in a small town. However, when we arrived, we (1)       our concert had been canceled (取消) because of the weather. A few fans hadn't heard the news, and they also (2)      the concert hall.
  We were (3)      , tired and hungry. But something in the eyes of the fans told us how badly they wanted to listen to the music. There was certainly no place else for us to go. Why not drink some coffee and play some country music for them?
  That is exactly what we did. When our show was over, (4)       came to the stage (舞台) where I was standing. "You don't know how much this evening has meant to (5)      ," she said, looking deeply into my eyes.
  "Well, we have (6)      it, too . We are so happy to stay with all of you here," I replied.
  "My husband (7)      because of cancer (癌症) last year," she said sadly. "I haven't been out of the house since he died last year except to go to the market. I didn't really want to come here today, (8)      my daughter talked to me and brought me here. My husband and I had lots of your records. I'm so glad to get to meet you . Thank you for playing and singing for such a small crowd of fans. Today is the first time I've smiled since my husband died. Your music has helped me forget my problems for (9)      ."
  I opened my arms and hugged her. Well, we (10)      don't cure (治愈) illnesses like cancer and so on, but we can cure some other things that are almost as important.
3.Monday, 6th April
  We had a PE class today. First, we did some warm-up exercise with Mr. Smith. Then, we were divided into several teams to play different sports like football, basketball, volleyball and tennis. I chose to play tennis, as it's my favorite sport and Jack, my best friend, was in the same team.
Tuesday, 7th April
  In Maths class, we went over what we had learned to prepare for the exam on Friday. Some students asked each other questions they didn't understand, and some asked Miss Green. Then Miss Green asked us to do some exercises together.
Wednesday, 8th April
  We finished studying the second lesson of American History in history class today. We watched a part of the TV program American Today. I like it very much. After class, I talked about it with other classmates , but I found that most of them were not interested in this TV program.
Thursday, 9th April
  I learned something about natural disasters in Geography class today. Mrs. Brown showed us a video about natural disasters, and we watched it with great interest. Natural disasters are so terrible that I never want to experience one.
4.  Need to kill a few minutes while waiting for a bus or train alone? What will you do? " Playing with my smart phone, "you may say. But what if your smart phone dies?
  Short Edition, a French publishing company, may have a way out. In the French city of Grenoble, there are unusual vending machines (自动售货机) that don't sell food or drinks, they print out short stories. They were built by Short Edition and can be found near the city's town hall, train station and some other popular places. By using them, people can choose a story that will take either one, three or five minutes to read. The machines will then print stories on paper, with topics from children's stories to poems. All the stories and poems are free. They were written by members of the Short Edition company.
  Christophe Sibieude, one of the founders (创始人) of Short Edition said his team came up with the idea while in front of a traditional vending machine. "We said to ourselves that we could do the same thing with short stories or poems to occupy these waiting moments."
  These story-telling machines worked out well. More and more people in Grenoble got into the habit of reading short stories in their waiting time. So Short Edition decided to move forward — to build more such machines all over the country. Now the unusual machines have really walked out of Grenoble.
5.请把左栏的信息和右栏目的信息进行合适的配对, 并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑.
(1)      How much do you know about the first black president of South Africa?Have you ever read about him?Can you tell me something about him?
(2)      Chinese Kung Fu is famous in the world. Are you interested in Kung Fu?Can you play Kung Fu?Who is your favorite Kun Fu star?
(3)      Many people like singing. Singing songs can make people happy. Can you sing ?Can you tell me something about your favorite singer?
(4)      Reading is pretty important to us. Do you like reading?Do you have favorite books?Would you like to tell me something about the writer you like best?
(5)      What do you know about scientists?Do you want to be a famous scientist?Who is your favorite scientist?Can you tell me something about him/ her"? 
A. Celine Dion, born in Canada in 1968, is a great singer. She became famous for her song My Heart Will Go On for the film Titanic in 1997. I can sing this song well.
B. Mark Twain, a famous American writer, was born in 1835. He died in 1910. One of his famous books is called The Adventure of Tom Sawyer. He is one of my favorite writers. I love reading his works.
C. Norman Bethune was born in 1890 in Canada. He was a famous doctor. When he was 48 years old, he came to China and helped Chinese people.
D. Bill Gates was born in 1955 and grew up in Seattle, the US, with his two sisters. In 1976 Bill and his friends Paul Allen built Microsoft Corporation.
E. Qian Xuesen, a famous scientist in modern China, was a member of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He was born in Hangzhou City of Zhejiang Province in December 1911. I want to be a great scientist like him in the future.
F. Jackie Chan was born in Hong Kong in April, 1954. He and Li Lianjie are famous all over the world for Chinese Kung Fu. They are all my favorite Kung Fu stars. I like their Kung Fu films very much though I can't play Kung Fu.
G. I have read something about Nelson Mandala, who was born in 1918. He was the president of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. He was called " Father of South Africa", He received Nobel Prize in 1993. 
6.  Walk in the streets of almost any country and you will probably see police officers. They stop crimes. (1)       help people and keep them safe. They direct the traffic. And they (2)       lost children find their parents.
  Becoming a Police Officer
  If you want to be a police officer, you need to (3)       about people. You have to be ready to help people. You have to solve (4)       . And you have to stay calm in difficult situations.
  In many countries, police officers get training at police academies(警官学校). They learn things (5)       help them do their jobs. They learn about laws. They learn safe (6)       of weapons (武器). And they learn how to help people who are hurt.
  Police Uniforms
  In different countries, police officers wear different uniforms. The most common (7)       for police uniforms is dark blue. But in some countries, the uniforms are green or other colors.
  How Police Officers Get Around
  (8)      do their jobs, most police officers have to move from place to place. Some police officers walk the streets. Others ride around in cars. Traffic police officers often (9)       motorcycles. Police officers in some places ride horses. Some get around on bicycles. Some even go around places (10)       flying in helicopter(直升机).
7.They Cross the Finish Line Together
  It's easy for us to understand why every runner wants to run faster than others in running races. But you will be surprised to know a runner named Peter Green has won many people's hearts because of his slowing down to help another runner in a race.
  The race, the Beach to Hobart 15 K, was held in Melbourne, Australia. About 7, 300 runners took part in it and one of them was John Smith. He had a good chance of winning.
  The race was held on a hot Sunday morning. At first, everything was going well and John was ahead of all the other runners. However, when he was less than 150 meters from the finish line, he suddenly fell down because of heat stroke (中署). John thought the race was over for him until he felt someone pick him up. It was Peter Green, John's top competitor.
  Peter helped John to his feet, and together they ran to the finish line. After that, John fell down again. Both men finished the race in 40 minutes and 40 seconds. Commonly, a runner will be disqualified (取消资格) for receiving physical help or providing help to another runner. However, neither Peter nor John was disqualified. Both of them got medals for their sportsmanship (运动员精神).
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