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1.________ people have difficulties in moving around.
  • A. Lonely
  • B. Blind
  • C. Disabled
2.I can't go out to play without my parent's ________.
  • A. expression
  • B. permission
  • C. improve
3.He has told me his plans and he's made a good ________ on me.
  • A. message
  • B. spirits
  • C. impression
4.A ________ is a ceremony or a party to celebrate that a couple marry each other.
  • A. celebration
  • B. description
  • C. wedding
5.The new students in Grade One ________ to be interested in everything in the school.
  • A. appeared
  • B. decided
  • C. required
6.Living ________ from parents after getting married is the latest trend among young people.
  • A. separately
  • B. lonely
  • C. simply
7.—The news report says that Iran started to attack America.
—In my opinion, people in Iran are ________ the terrible war, and they don't want to live like that.
  • A. suffering from
  • B. talking about
  • C. depending on
8.Jim asked Lily ________ forget to complete her task on time.
  • A. to not
  • B. don't
  • C. not to
9.________ more about how cormorants catch fish, you can watch the video.
  • A. Knowing
  • B. Know
  • C. To know
10.The little boy couldn't help ________ when he saw his mother ________.
  • A. to cry;come
  • B. crying;coming
  • C. crying;to come
11.—What about going out for dinner?
—Actually, I prefer ________ at home to ________ .
  • A. staying;go out
  • B. to stay;go out
  • C. staying;going out
12.—The movie is so ________ that I've seen it twice.
—A good movie is worth ________ again and again.
  • A. moved, to watch
  • B. moving, watching
  • C. moving, watched
13.Jim's grandpa ________ in the village, so it is difficult for him to ________ in the city in such a short time.
  • A. used to live;used to living
  • B. are used to live;used to live
  • C. used to live;get used to living
14.Great changes __________ in my town during the last fifteen years.
  • A. take place
  • B. have taken place
  • C. have been taken place
15.—It's inconvenient ________ us to live here.
—Yes, all the shops ________ for weeks.
  • A. for, haven't been open
  • B. for, haven't been opened
  • C. of, haven't been opened
16.Mike doesn't have to be made ________. He always works hard.
  • A. learning
  • B. learn
  • C. to learn
17.Is ________ necessary to return the book tomorrow?
  • A. it
  • B. this
  • C. that
18.  How do people pass on messages?When you write a letter or make a telephone call, your words take a message. People communicate with words. Do you think you can communicate without words?A smile (1)      your face shows you are happy and friendly. Tears in your eyes tell (2)      that you are sad. When you (3)      your hand in class, the teacher knows you want to say something(4)      ask questions. You shake your head, and people know you are saying no. You nod and people know you are saying yes.
  Other things can also give some information. (5)      , a sign at the bus stop helps you to know which bus(6)      . A sign on the wall of your school helps you to find the library. Signs on doors tell you how to go in or out. (7)      you ever noticed that there are a lot of signs around you and that you receive messages from (8)      all the time?People can communicate in many other ways. An artist can use his drawings to tell about beautiful mountains, about the blue sea and many other things. Books (9)      to tell you about all wonderful things in the world and also about people and their ideas. Books, magazines, TV and radio and films all help us to communicate with other people. They all help us to know(10)      is going on in the world.
19.  Mike Myers is a teacher at Chauncey Rose High School in Terre Haute, Indiana. Last year, he taught his students about the world's rain forests. They learned that rain forests are important because the plants and animals of the rain forest give us food, wood, and medicine.
  Destruction of the world's rain forests is a serious problem. Unluckily, rain forests are disappearing at a rate of 80 acres per minute!As part of a class project, Myers' students bought three acres of rain forest in Central America. They paid $25 per acre. The students hope that the land they bought will be protected and not destroyed. The students became so interested in rain forests that they decided to get a closer look at a real rain forest.
  So last June, Myers and four of his students took a boat ride down a river. They saw alligators and crocodiles. In the middle of the week, a guide took Myers and his students into the rain forest.
  "The monkeys were not happy that we were in their forest. They broke small branches off the trees and threw them at us, " one of the students said, "It was a great learning experience for all of us, " said Myers.
  Each student chose something specific about Costa Rica to study involving the plants, animals, food, and culture. During the last few days the group had time to do fun activities. They went whitewater rafting and horseback riding, and visited Costa Rica's active volcano.
  Myers hopes to make the trip every year with a different group of kids.
20.  Many people like to learn English from Hollywood movies. Yes, you can see some friends who have watched thousands of Hollywood movies but they cannot speak a word of English!Right, the thing is that you have to have a learning purpose while watching them.
  These steps may trouble you, but if you want to learn English well, you'd better follow them. Otherwise, you may waste your time and effort without gaining anything. There are three easy steps to follow.
  ● Watch these movies with the subtitles (字幕)on for the first time. Your eyes and ears should work together at this stage. Try to understand the main idea of the movie.
  ● Watch it again, still with the subtitle on, but now try your best not to use your eyes on the subtitles. Listen as much as possible and look at the subtitles only when you really do not understand. Pay less attention to details in the beginning and slowly increase the amount of listening by decreasing the number of times you stop the movie.
  ● Watch again without subtitles. It sounds hard but believe me, after enough practice at the first two steps, you will find it much easier to watch the movie in only English.
  You may need to spend some time doing well in the first two steps. Do not go to the last step too early because it can greatly discourage you. However, if you reach it when you are ready, you may find that English is becoming a piece of cake for you.
21.  Students decide to take a job while being in university because of two reasons, on the one hand, they need money;on the other hand, they want to experience something new and they want so see what working means. It is a good chance to know about the society and realize the importance of working with others.
  But is it good to take a job while you are a university student?If we were to think about the advantages, we could mention the ones I have just discussed. Having a job at an early age helps us gain experience, which will be very useful to our later life. We may become financially independent and don't need to ask our parents for money each time we want to go downtown with our friends, or spend the holiday at the seaside or in the mountains.
  However, students who take a job might have problems in spending enough time on their study. If they work during the day, they may have to be absent from their classes, and if they work at night they will feel tired the next day. They may choose to stay at home, resting. What's worse, some students may even get bored with study.
  Well, this fact happens every now and then, but there are cases when well﹣prepared students take a part﹣time job but at the same time they make time for study, too. And they have good results. Their case is a good example to follow among the students who decide to work while being in university. Anyway, we need to keep in mind that study is the most important job for a student.
22.  Having a pen pal is fun and can be a great way to improve your writing skills. But most people have trouble knowing what to write to their pen pals. (1)      
  (2)      Break the ice by telling your pen pal a little about yourself. Start with your name, age and job. Write about what you like to do or what's on your mind that day. What you pass on will encourage your pen pal to tell you something about his. (3)      
  Ask questions(4)      This will help you get to know him and probably get you a faster answer. Make your questions into the e﹣mail by telling him something you like to do and then asking if he's ever tried it.
  Ask for advice. You may have some difficulties in your life and want to ask for advice. Your pen pal may tell you what to do. (5)      Also, discussing real﹣world questions will promote(增进) your friendship.

A. Share you information.
B. What do you think of having a pen pal?
C. And this will be helpful to start your friendship.
D. Luckily, here are some ways to get to know a pen pal.
E. Write questions for your pen pal to answer in his next e-mail.
F. You don't have to take all his advice, but it will give your something about his opinions. 
23.下面的材料分别介绍了Mike, Mary, Robert, Lily和Tom的不同需求.请从A﹣F选项中选出符合各人需求的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑.
(1)       Mike likes sports and travel. He would like something that he can take with him on his journey, especially when he is camping or hiking, because sometimes it is hard to find the directions.
(2)       Mary likes parties and discos. She likes to look smart, and she is very fond of music. She says she likes books, but she never reads any. Now, she wants to learn how to play a musical instrument.
(3)       Robert is an 80-year-old man. He likes doing exercise in the morning. But one week ago, the doctor told him that he suffered from osteoporosis(骨质疏松) in a common health examination.
(4)       Lily is a beautiful girl. She sings well and is going to perform at the New Year's party. She'd like to wear something that is attractive at the party.
(5)       Tom is a junior student. He likes reading and playing basketball. He would like to read something about adventures.
A. A scarf, a good present for ladies. In winter, in addition to keeping you warm, a scarf around your neck can help draw others' attention.
B. Guitar Beginners. Do you like music?Do you want to play the guitar well in a short time?This new book, written by guitarist Frank Jones, helps even the most basic beginner on his way to being a proper guitar player in just 20 days.
C. The Adventure of Tom Sawyer is a short novel written by Mark Twain, an American famous writer. It is very interesting and adventurous.
D. The Milk Calcium(钙), produced for the senior. More and more people have realized that to be healthy is really the most important. The milk Calcium is especially good for the ones who lack calcium.
E. The Classic Explorer's Compass, a precious instrument, will help you know wherever you are. Each comes with its own waterproof leather case.
F. Super Shoes, the sports shoes liked by all the young. Wearing Super Shoes can be attractive. It is said that Super Shoes can help you to be the winner in every sports game.
24.  There is no doubt that every parent wants(1)      (give)the best to their children, so they nurse their children very (2)      (careful). They decide everything for(3)      (they), because the parents think they are experienced and can make sure the kids won't go the wrong way. In my opinion, the children should(4)      (allow)to make their own decisions.
  On the one hand, parents can't make all the decisions for their kids. When the kids grow up, they need to be independent and think(5)       their own way. The parents' intervention will stop the children becoming mature. As (6))        adult, he can't even make his own decision, how ridiculous!
  On the other hand, it is (7)      (children)right to make mistakes. Most parents have made mistakes (8)       they are young, so they don't want their kids to go their ways. But sometimes mistakes can help the children grow up and become the strong person. They will learn(9)      (lesson)from these mistakes.
  Parents should not do all the things for the children, as the saying that growing up needs to pay the price. Don't be afraid of(10)       (make)mistakes. It's necessary for the children.
25.在日常交流中, 你喜欢使用肢体语言吗?使用肢体语言有哪些好处呢?请根据下面的要点和提示写一篇短文.
1. 能够更好地表达自己的感情, 让别人更容易理解自己;
2. 肢体语言很有趣, 它能使人们感觉轻松;
3. 使用正确的肢体语言能给人留下好印象;
4. 其它好处?(增加至少一个好处).
1. 词数80左右(短文的开头已给出, 不计入词数);
2. 不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息, 否则不予评分.

Body language is very useful in our daily life .
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