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1.  Hello, my name is Bing dundun (冰墩墩). You can also call (1)       ice pier. I'm a panda in 3 D. I'm (2)       interesting and fat panda. Panda is friendly (3)       funny. (4)       all over the world love me very much. I'm the mascot (吉祥物) (5)      the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games.
  Dundun (6)       healthy and lovely. I look (7)       a space panda. The idea (8)       from a designer in Guangzhou. I'm wearing the ice and snow sports helmet (头盔). I (9)       a strong body and I'm different from other animals. I represent the ice and snow sports. Look, I'm (10)       hello and giving a warm welcome to friends all over the world.
2.  On Sunday morning, I usually get up very late. I wash my face, and then go out to do morning exercises. It is about 8:30 a. m. After I have my (1)      , I often go to a shopping centre (2)       my mother. The shopping centre is (3)       our home, so we walk there. It (4)       us about 20 minutes to get there. The shopping centre has a good (5)      . It is called "Fenghuang Shopping Center". It is new and big. There are many things there, (6)       TVs, fridges, computers, clothes, food and drinks. There are many (7)       there every day. There are men and women, the old and the (8)      . Do you know why so many people come here to buy things?Let me tell you. The workers there are always nice and (9)      . The things there are usually good but not (10)      . If you come to my home, I can take you there and have a look.
3.Canton Tower (广州塔)
Address: 222 Yue jiang. St. Haizhu District. Guangzhou
Phone : 020—89338225
Email: guangzhouta@cantower. com
Opening Hours: 9:00 a. m. to 11:00 p. m.
(ticket office: 9:00 a. m. to 10:30 p. m. )
Ticket price: ¥150 (for an adult (成人))
¥120 (for a student or an older)
¥75 (for a child between 1. 2 m and 1. 5 m)
Website: www. cantontower. com
How to get there:by buses: No. 121, 121 A, 204, 131 A or 131 B
by underground (地铁): Exit B, Chigang Pagoda Station.
How to book tickets:in the ticket office, by phone or through the website
Attraction:Canton Tower takes you to the tallest point above Guangzhou for exciting 360° views of our beautiful city.

4.  Hello, everyone! I'm Bob. This is a photo of my family. My grandparents are sleeping under the sun. They often come on holiday with us in summer. Mum is reading a book. She looks so happy. The book must be interesting. Mum likes reading. She buys two books every week. My brother Tom likes doing sports, like playing football, swimming and running. But now he is in the swimming club, so you can't see him in the photo. My sister Alice doesn't like swimming. She is sitting next to mum and listening to the radio. My dad is drinking coffee. He thinks drinking coffee is good for his health. So he has three cups of coffee every day. Where am I? Aha, I'm not in the photo. I'm taking photos for my family.
5.配对阅读: 左栏是五个人求职者的爱好和特长介绍, 右栏是一些工作职位的提供, 请将求职者与职位进行匹配, 并将答题卡上对应的选项涂黑.
(1)      Jim enjoys cooking and he can cook many kinds of food. He wants to get a part-time job in the evening.
(2)       Li Gang, a strong and kind young man, loves and is good at sports. His English and Japanese are good.
(3)      Fang Fang is good at English. She wants to work in a foreign (外国的) country.
(4)      Ann likes to wear white uniforms. She hopes to help patients (病人) and doctors.
(5)       Mike likes to travel all over the world. He can speak English and Spanish very well. He wants to be a tourist guide. 
A. Good English needed (需要). Work in Vinci Language School in Australia, Write to Bob White , Box 131, Rome, Australia .
B. Part-time (兼职) job at Asian Garden Restaurant. Cook Chinese and American food. Work evenings. Call Mr. White at 6855-3288.
C. Full-time (全职) job in Baiyun Hotel. To help with games and to teach tennis, swimming and basketball. Good English needed.
D. Full-time job in International Travel Service. Take tourists on bus tours in Canada and the U. S. Good English needed. Phone Miss White at 233-8688.
E. Part-time or full-time job in doctor's office. Greet patients and answer the phone. Work mornings and afternoons. Call Doctor Lt. 3524-7500.
F. Full-time job for a magazine. Interested in writing stories. Please call Mr. Green at 6651-88113.
G. Full-time job for an English teacher. Be good with children. Call Miss Li at 3765-7804. 
6.请用适当的词完成下面的短文, 并把所缺单词填写在答题卡指定的位置上.每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词.
  (1)      you know Thanksgiving Day (感恩节)? There are many (2)       of Thanksgiving Day in the world. People think that god (上帝) brings everything for (3)      . In America, Thanksgiving Day is (4)       important and traditional festival. It falls (5)       the 4th Thursday of November every year. All the Americans (6)       ready for the day. On that day, all the families gather together (7)       give thanks for good things that they have. They (8)       a big dinner and eat turkeys (火鸡). Some people say that there should be a Thanksgiving Day in China (9)       it can teach everyone to be thankful and learn to share (10)       others.
7.阅读下面这篇短文, 根据短文内容, 回答五个问题, 并将答案写在答题卡指定的位置上.
  Can you make your own clothes?Look!Some English children are having a fashion show (时装秀) now. Do you like these ideas about clothes?
  The children come from a school in London. They first should have an idea about what to make. Then they can make the clothes with the help of their parents and teachers. They use paper, CDs, leaves and other things to make the clothes. The clothes are very beautiful. The children are like real models because they want to tell people to take care of the earth.
  Many children, teachers and parents are watching the show in the playground. They all enjoy the fashion show very much. They want to have more activities like this.
8.根据下面的信息, 以Do It Yourself为题, 完成一篇小短文, 自己组织语言, 适当增加连接词, 使上下文流畅.词数60词.
  DIY意思是"Do It Yourself(自己动手制作)", 为了爱护我们的地球, 人们常常变废为宝(turn waste into treasure).让我们一起用旧纸箱制作一个小房子.首先, 找个大纸箱, 打开, 剪出两个三角形屋顶(triangular roof).然后, 剪个门, 再剪个窗.最后, 用胶水粘好屋顶(stick the roof with glue), 这样, 纸房子就做好了, 里面就可以放东西了.
Do It Yourself
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