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  My name is Lily. I (1)       thirteen years old. I have a nice and big family. We live in (2)       small town called Gray. Everyone here is friendly and (3)       one another (相互).
  My family has a very big house. (4)       on a big farm. It's my favorite place. There we (5)       flowers, vegetables and many fruit trees. It is nice to see green trees and beautiful flowers. There are also many places to play. I often go swimming in summer in a pool (池塘) (6)       my brothers and cousins. But we must be careful (7)       it's dangerous. At weekends I help my mother to do some housework. Then I ride my bike around the house. There are also many animals. Plunder is (8)       favorite horse. I often ride it on Sundays. In winter, it is interesting to make snowmen.
  At night my family usually sit together around the fireplace and tell (9)      . I have the greatest time together with them. (10)      do I like the house so much?I think it's best place in the world!
2.通读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后在各小愿所给的四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案, 并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑.
  Charles Rose, a 14-year-old boy, lives in the countryside with his father. There is a (1)       nearby (附近). Near the river lives a poor fisherman. The man lives by selling (2)      
  One day Charles goes out to (3)       his missing dog. He sees a little boy, Joe, drawing (4)       on the ground at the house of the fisherman. "Are you drawing pictures?" Charles asks.
  "No, I am trying to (5)      " said little Joe, "it's (6)       to read and write, but I know only two words. If I could learn (学会) them, I would be the happiest boy in the world (世界)."
  "Then I will help to make you (7)      ," says Charles.
  The next day, Charles puts his books in his bag and goes to (8)       Joe. Joe learns very (9)      . He can read well and Charles soon begins to teach him how to write.
  One morning, Charles' father can't find Charles anywhere. He is very (10)      . A friend tells him where his (11)       is. Mr. Rose goes to the fisherman's (12)       and sees the two boys reading carefully. He doesn't (13)       anything and leaves. In the afternoon he takes his son to town and (14)       some books, writing paper and pens for Charles and Joe.
  After they get home, Charles (15)       to Joe happily with the things his father buys. He thinks he is also the happiest boy in the world.
Have a special birthday!
  How do you celebrate (庆祝) your birthday? Do you want to make it different this year? Here are some meaningful (有意义的) things to do on that day.

  ☆Visit the Old Age Home
  In the Old Age Home, you can spend time with the elders, play board games ith them, talk to them and listen to their stories. HAPPY You can see the smiles on their faces because of you. And that could be the best birthday gifts for you. To know more, welcome to 404 Nanjing Road or call Mr. Zhang at 8886625.
  ☆Spend time in Children's Home
  You must be very happy when you see the kids in Children's Home love the foods that you take. You can help the children with their schoolwork. And you can play some interesting and fun games with them. They will sing a birthday song for you and cut the cake with you. For more, please call Miss Zhao at 2254867 or visit http://www. childrenhome. net.
   ☆Share your gifts
  Do you get lots of gifts from your family or friends on your birthday? You can help children in the far mountains by giving some of your gifts to them. Giving is happiness. If you are interested, we can help you with that. Please email us at info@sygcharity. org or visit http://www. sygcharity. com to know more. 
4.  Did you ever go to ocean parks and enjoy dolphin shows (海豚表演) there?
  There are about 3, 000 dolphins living in ocean parks around the world today. People love watching them very much. But the real home of dolphins is the ocean. A US company (公司) is trying hard to help them. The company has robotic (机器的) dolphins now, they are like real dolphins. They can act and make sounds. Also, they can swim for about 10 hours at a time . The company is now showing these robotic dolphins to people. It hopes they can take the place of (代替) real dolphins in ocean parks. Then the real dolphins can go back to the ocean.
  In fact, people who want to help animals are talking a lot about wild (野生的) animals in parks. And they are working hard to help them. Parks and zoos in about 20 countries do not have wild animal shows now. In France, there are no dolphin shows in ocean parks.
5.配对阅读.左栏是五个人的购买需求, 右栏是七个商店的商品信息, 请将这些人与相应的信息配对, 并将答题卡上对应的选项涂黑.
      (1)Lily is a student. Next week is her brother's tenth birthday. She plans to buy a present for him. Her brother likes model planes.
      (2)Tom's daughter is a student. Her schoolbag is too small. Tom wants to buy her a new one as a New Year gift.
      (3)Paul is going to visit his grandfather with his parents during the Spring Festival. He wants to buy a coat for his grandfather.
      (4) Anna got a pet cat from her friend as a birthday gift. But she doesn't know where she can get some food and clothes for it.
      (5) David is a sports star. He likes to eat fruit salad after dinner. But he doesn't have any fruit at home now. 
A. If you need T-shirts or trousers, come to Sun Clots Store. There are many cool T-shirts and trousers for boy and girls. They are in all colors. You can boy them at very good prices.
B. You can find different kinds of presents in Mr. King's Store, such as music CDs, cool cups. model planes and birthday cards. Many of them are on sale.
C. Mr. Smith's clothes store is on Green Street. There are many kinds of good clothes for the old people, such as sweaters, coats, dresses, trousers and socks.
D. There are many cute and lovely pets in Blue Pet Shop. Come and take them. They are very easy to take care of. And you can also buy some food for your pets. It's on the Fifth Street.
E. Eating more fruit is good for your health. Red Star Fruit Store sells different kinds of good fruit, like apples, pears, bananas and oranges. Call us at 8349234 and you will get the fruit you like.
F. Do you need notebooks or pens?Do you want to buy a new schoolbag? Do you want to have a cool pencil-box? There are many good school things in Jenny's Store. It is on Xin Hua Street near Sunny School.
G. Welcome to Happiness House. You can find nice clothes and good food for your pets. The food is healthy and its price is very low. The clothes are very cool and they are not expensive. 
6.请阅读下面这篇文章, 在所给的每个空格中填入一个形式正确、意义相符的单词, 并将答案写在答题卡上对应题目的答题位置.
Mike and John often see a man walking on the busy street. He always (1)      with a white stick (棍子) because he can't see. The man walks to the traffic light and then stops. When the light turns (2)      , he starts walking again. He does not hit (撞) anything when he walks.
"There are so many people and cars on the street. He can't see. How can he walk so well on such a (3)       street?" Mike asks.
"Yes, it's amazing. "John says.
"Hello, boys!"The man stops and says, "I hear you talking about (4)      . Do you have some (5)      to ask me?"
"Yes, how do you know when to (6)       and when to walk on the street?And we think it is safer (更安全的) for you to stay at home."
The man tells them that he listens with his (7)       when he is out. He uses his stick to help him, too. When the stick hits something, he stops and goes around it. The man says, "It is really safer to stay at home, (8)       I love the sun. I love to hear birds (9)       and people laugh (笑). There are so many beautiful things (10)       our life. How can I just stay at home and do nothing?"
"You're right." John says, "We can see and walk. And we should try to find the good things with our eyes, ears and hearts, and enjoy them."
  In many schools, students in one class have the same timetable. But in Beijing National Day school, all of the 4, 174 students can have their own class timetable (课表).
  The school started this in 2011, hoping that students can be responsible (负责任) for their own study. From that year on students don't study in the same classrooms. It has more than 400 kinds of lessons and 272 school clubs. Students choose (选择) their lessons and clubs based on (基于) their interests and abilities (能力). They like it very much. Tian Yatong, 14, says she learns to be responsible for herself.
  "It also opens a new window for students," said 13-year-old Li Zixuan. She was happy to find that she could learn cooking, making films and many other interesting things at school.
  "You're sure to find one that you like." Li said. Li has a cooking lesson this year. Now she can make different cakes at home for her parents.
  "I may become a very good cook one day. Who knows?" Li said. 
假如你是李华,你们学校英语俱乐部举办主题为 "My Favorite Timetable" 的征文活动,请你写一篇征文投稿,
1. 描述你最喜欢的某一天课表(科目及时间);
2. 阐述你享欢的理由 (至少两点)。
1. 不能照抄原文:不得在作文中出现学校真实名称和考生的真实姓名。
2. 词数60个左右。
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