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1.—We all enjoy being with our English teacher.
—That's right.
  • A. He is great fun.
  • B. He is reading.
  • C. He doesn't like us.
  • D. He is from America.
2. are these jackets?
—They're $30.
  • A. How many
  • B. How much
  • C. How old
  • D. How long
3.Our teacher always tells us something about what happened (发生) in the past.
  • A. geography
  • B. math
  • C. P.E
  • D. history
4.John to watch the soccer game last night, so he feels tired now.
  • A. staying up late
  • B. stays up late
  • C. stay up late
  • D. stayed up late
5.The cake good, so I want to have another one.
  • A. eats
  • B. sounds
  • C. tastes
  • D. keeps
6.August comes before .
  • A. July
  • B. October
  • C. September
  • D. November
7.It's very to play near the river because you may (可能) fall into it.
  • A. important
  • B. dangerous
  • C. interesting
  • D. difficult
8.Susan, you are here!Jane you!She wants to talk with you about yesterday's movie .
  • A. looks for
  • B. is looking for
  • C. looked for
  • D. look for
9.Chinese people don't the long noodles on their birthday because long noodles mean long life.
  • A. take
  • B. cut down
  • C. cut up
  • D. eat
10.A quarter of 48 is .
  • A. 15
  • B. 12
  • C. 24
  • D. 36
11.  A railway station is a very (1)       place. Now, I am at Beijing Railway Station to (2)       my uncle. There is a great rush outside the railway station.
  Cars, buses, taxis and bikes are (3)      . There are people of all ages outside the ticket window. I buy a platform ticket and go inside .
  I'm in the (4)       room now. The benches are full of people. Some are reading, some are looking at their phones and some are talking. Then there is an announcement (通知), My uncle's train will be two hours' (5)      .
  It is difficult (6)       the time. First, I go the tea shop and have a cup of (7)      . Then I buy a magazine and read it. (8)       the train arrives, many people rush to get on the train and some people get off (9)      .
  I see my uncle. We (10)       a taxi and go home happily.
12.  High mountains, green trees, colorful flowers, clear rivers, singing birds, and kind people. .. .. All of these come to our mind when we picture beautiful villages .
  Treasure-Like Villages is a TV show on Zhejiang TV. It is about some nice villages. In the show, the host Hu Qiaohua(better known as Hua Shao)leads a group of young stars to find the treasures in these villages. They stay for two days in every village. When they stay, they learn about the environment, history and culture of the village. They also take part in some fun folk activities. By doing these, they can have a better understanding of people's lives there.      .
  The young stars said that the trips to the villages were enjoyable. There are truly treasures everywhere. And they hope that this show will help people know more about Chinese villages and bring more visitors to them.
  Are you ready to find the treasures out with the stars?
13.  My name is Dan and I'm a 7th grader in a key middle school .
  Every morning, as soon as my alarm goes off, I climb out of bed. I put on my sports clothes and go running. I like running, because it makes both my body and mind healthy. After running, I eat a big breakfast and ride to school.
  School starts at 8 o'clock. There are four classes in the morning. I have lunch at school, because my parents are too busy to make lunch for me. The food at school is OK. In the afternoon, I have two classes. After school, I practice playing soccer. I must practice hard so that I can join the soccer team this September .
  When I get home, I do my homework first and then have dinner. After dinner, I go on to do my homework. I usually read for half an hour before I go to bed. Reading calms my mind and helps me sleep better.
  My school days are busy, but I like them.
14.  Smartphones are really helpful. With smartphones, you cannot only call people, but you can also shop, play games and listen to music. They tell the weather, the time of day, answer our questions, etc. Most people have smartphones today .
  People use their phones a lot these days, especially when they are waiting. People do not like to be bored. So they go on their phones. A lot of news reports are saying that people are looking at their phones too much. People look at their phones when they are with others, walking, or even driving. That is bad and sometimes dangerous.
  When you go into a restaurant and look at other customers (顾客), most of them have phones in their hands. They may send messages, play a game, or read news, but they don't talk to the people around them. They even don't enjoy the food. It makes the restaurant unhappy. People also use their phones a lot before they go to sleep. This is bad for them, because it makes it difficult for them to fall asleep.
15.  World Smile Day (世界微笑日) is on the first Friday of October every year. It is a day to make others smile, and to make sure you have a smile on your face, too. In 1963, an artist from the USA, Harvey, made a smiley face. He wanted to make people happy. It began as a bright yellow circle (圈) with two dots and a curved (弯曲的) black line. The two dots are eyes and the curved black line is a smiling mouth. In1999, Harvey had the idea of the smiley face for World Smile Day. He thought that all of us should give one day each year to smiles and kind acts (行为).
  There are many things you can do on World Smile Day to make a difference. You can just make people around you smile. You can do little acts of kindness, like buying a stranger (陌生人) a coffee, giving your seat up to someone on the bus, etc. Or you can surprise someone in your family with a gift, cook a meal for them, or do something special for them.
  It's easy to make the world better with a smile. World Smile Day encourages you to do something to bring smiles into the world.
16.  It's 5:00 p. m. Mike is driving his new car to his sister's factory (工厂). (1)      But he doesn't know the way. He stops in front of a bank. At this time he sees an old man near his car. (2)      "Excuse me. Where is the factory?"The old man says, "Yes, I know the way to the factory. I can go there with you. "(3)       Soon they come to a small house and the old man says, "Stop here, please!" Mike stops the car and says, "But this isn't a factory at all. ""No." says the old man, "This is my house. (4)      Thank you for taking me home. The factory is behind the bank. So go back to the bank and then turn left. You'll see the factory. (5)      " After half an hour, Mike gets to his sister's factory. It's just behind the bank!

A. I want to get home before dinner.
B. You can't miss it .
C. He wants to pick up (接) his sister.
D. The old man is now sitting in Mike's car.
E. Mike comes out of the car and asks the old man.

  In North America and Europe, most students go to school (1)       the school bus, although some students also walk or (2)       bikes to school. In Japan, most students take the train or subway to school. Things are (3)       in China. It depends on where you live. There (4)      few school buses. In big cities, students (5)       the bus or ride on their bikes. Some walk to school. In the countryside, there are few ways of transportation. Most students have to walk. Some students have to walk several kilometers every day. Some (6)      homes are too far from school, (7)      they have to live and eat at school. In the grassland, many students ride (8)      horse to go to school. And in places where there are rivers and lakes, students go to school by boat. (9)      the school is just on the boat. Is it very (10)      ?
18.  Olivia is a girl. She lives with her parents and her brother. She loves animals. And she keeps two pet dogs.
Every morning, Olivia brushes her teeth, washes her face and has breakfast after she gets up. Then she goes out to play. She likes to go to the beach.
  After a nice shower and a good dinner. It's time for bed. But Olivia likes to read before sleep.
  "Only five books this evening, Mommy." she says.
  "No, Olivia, just one."
  "How about four?"
  "Oh, all right, three. But that's it!"
  When they finish reading, Olivia's mother gives her a kiss and says, "You know, you really make me tired. But I love you. "And Olivia gives her a kiss back and says, "I love you, too."
19.假如小明是你同学, 英语老师让你用英语描述他一年的变化, 请根据下列表格中的提示, 写一篇关于他变化的文章.
一年前 现在 
上学常常迟到 每天准时上学 
不喜欢运动 喜欢打篮球 
喜欢垃圾食品 喜欢健康食品 
只喜欢语文 英语学得很好, 其他学科也不错 

注意:1. 用英语写;2. 不要逐字翻译;3. 可适当发挥;4. 80词左右;5. 不透露个人信息.
Xiao Ming is my classmate. .
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