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1.—Do you feel nervous when you are singing in front of crowds?
—No, not really. I _________ everything else around me.
  • A. see
  • B. refuse
  • C. know
  • D. forget
2.After the guide gave us a short_________ to Beijing, we started our journey.
  • A. introduction
  • B. suggestion
  • C. conversation
  • D. discussion
3.—Are you going to the airport by bus?
—I'd rather take a taxi. It's _______.
  • A. quicker
  • B. cheaper
  • C. the quickest
  • D. the cheapest
4.—Excuse me, is there a box of apple juice at the moment?
—I'm not sure, but just a moment. I _________ it for you.
  • A. check
  • B. was checking
  • C. will check
  • D. checked
5.There are no buses to the beach. _______ you have a car, it's difficult to get there.
  • A. Since
  • B. After
  • C. Unless
  • D. Because
6.Bob _________to keep the secret. I'm sure he won't tell anyone even if he is asked.
  • A. promises
  • B. has promised
  • C. is promising
  • D. will promise
7.The lady said she didn't want others to take a message. She wanted to speak to the reporter _________.
  • A. angrily
  • B. directly
  • C. differently
  • D. suddenly
8.—I don't know why you've made so many mistakes in the exam.
—Sorry. If I ________ another chance, I'll do it better. .
  • A. give
  • B. will be given
  • C. will give
  • D. am given
9.  Mrs. Hammond was old and blind, but she was very independent(独立的) and (1)      to do things by herself. She would go for a long walk (2)      every day, and was able to find her way back by using her(3)      stick. She had never lost her way until this day.
  This day when she was out for a walk, she found the trees on her way (4)      because some villagers had cut them down. So she couldn't find her way back. (5)      she knew what to do, she heard the sound of water near her feet. "Water?" she said aloud to (6)      . "I must be on a bridge. I've been told that there's a (7)      nearby, but I don't know its exact location (位置). How can I get back from here?"
  At that time, she (8)      a man's friendly voice near her. It said, "Excuse me, can I help you?"
  "How (9)      of you!" Mrs. Hammond answered. "Yes, please. I'm afraid I've got (10)      . Can you please help me get home?"
  "(11)      , " the man answered. And they began (12)      . The man took Mrs. Hammond to her house and she invited him in and told the man (13)      grateful(感激的)she was that she had met him.
  "Don't (14)      me, " he answered. " I want to thank you. "
  "Thank me?" Mrs. Hammond asked. "What (15)      ?"
  "Well, " the man answered, "I was trying to throw myself into the river. But I'm not going to do it now. "
instead loneliness so lose achievement work finish they help poor progress 

  There is connection between work and health. Work is (1)       to health. It is reported that the hard﹣working people live longer than those who have no jobs. Studies show that the jobless are in (2)       health than job﹣holders. Career women are healthier than housewives. Why does work do good to health?
  First, it's because work keeps people busy, away from (3)      . The research shows that people feel unhappy and worried when (4)       have nothing to do. The loss (失去) of work means (5)       everything. It affects man's spirit and it will cause illnesses. (6)      , the happiest people are those who are busy. Many high achievers who love their careers feel they are the happiest when they are working hard. Those people usually work as a bridge between dream and reality. (7)       they are energetic every day. They can also make a lot of friends through work.
  Besides, work gives one a sense of hope and (8)      . Work makes one feel his value(价值) in society(社会). When a writer (9)       his books or a doctor saves a patient successfully or a teacher sees his students make a lot of (10)      , they are the happiest people.
  In a word, the more you (11)      , the happier and healthier you will be.
 Gaode Map is one of the most professional mobile phone maps. It's based on the location of life services and may be the most comprehensive (全面的), most informative (信息量大的) mobile phone map nowadays. 
 This software (软件) is a mobile phone camera tool. It can help people who like both taking photos and making them into a comic style. It's such an interesting application (应用程序) and is popular with the young. 
 This software is suitable (合适的) for friends who are going to take exams, or for the users to remember more words. It's designed (被设计) to be easily used by offering users pictures, sounds as well as short videos in English. 
 How many steps did you take today?This app does not just mark down the number of steps you take. Your real steps can take you on a virtual (虚拟的) journey around the world. It can really give you the power (力量) to move ahead. 
12.  We were standing at the top of a church (教堂) tower. My father had brought me to this high tower in a small town not far from our home in Rome. I wondered why.
  "Look down, Elsa. " Father said. I gathered (聚集) all my courage and looked down. I saw the square in the center of the village. And I saw several streets leading to the square. "See, my dear. " Father said gently. "There is more than one way to the square. Life is like that. If you can't get to the place where you want to go by one road, try another. "
  Now I understood why I was there. Earlier that day I had begged my mother to do something about the awful (糟糕的) lunches that were served at school. But she refused because she could not believe the lunches were as bad as I said.
  When I turned to my father for help, he would not help. Instead, he brought me to this high tower to give me a lesson. By the time we reached home, I had a plan.
  At school the next day, I poured my lunch soup into a bottle and brought it home. Then I asked our cook to serve it to Mother at dinner. The plan worked perfectly. She tried one spoonful and sputtered (喷出来). "The cook must have gone mad!Quickly I told what I had done, and Mother promised that she would take up the matter of lunches at school the next day!
  In the years that followed I often remembered the lesson Father taught me. I began to work as a fashion designer(时尚设计师) two years ago. I wouldn't stop working until I tried every possible way. Father's wise words always remind me that there is more than one way to the square.
13.  If the fashion world is a big ocean, fashion magazines are the boats that carry us across it. Vogue, one of the world's biggest fashion magazines, now has a new leader for its Chinese edition (版本)﹣﹣Margaret Zhang. At 27, she is the youngest editor﹣in﹣chief (EIC主编) at Vogue. Fashion magazines like Vogue were once very influential (有影响的). The clothes, shoes and hairstyles that they covered would often become fashionable. But with the appearance of social media (媒体), print magazines are losing their voice. That might be the reason why someone as young as Zhang was chosen to be an EIC.
  Zhang is a Chinese Australian, and works as a photographer (摄影师), stylist (造型师), writer, and model. But more importantly, she is good at connecting fashion to the internet. At the age of 16, she started a successful fashion blog. Years later, she set up a personal website where she showed her works, including photographs, videos, and brand designs (设计). She now has more than 1. 2 million Instagram followers.
  Margaret understands the rising fashion among the younger Chinese people and has rich knowledge and understanding about new digital platforms (数字平台), said Li Li from Vogue's parent company. "We look forward to her bringing world fashion to China while taking Chinese culture to the rest of the world. "
  Zhang's international experience may help her achieve this. She studied law at the University of Sydney. She likes to dye(染) her hair different colors. She also makes dumplings with her mother and hangs knots (中国节) in her room. "This new role is an unbelievable chance to connect my background, my skills, and my interests. " She said.
   It is not yet known who will appear on Zhang's first cover. But according to Zhang, it must be someone "people can look up to" and "Who is driving innovation (创新), no matter what industry they're in. "
14.  In North America, black bears walk around the wilderness (荒野) as they have done for thousands of years. These animals can weigh more than half a ton.
  Black bears are omnivores (杂食动物), meaning they eat both meat and plants. This has a problem for black bears living in the parts of North America where winter lasts for many months. The plants die off during the winter, and there isn't enough to eat.
  So, what do black bears do to survive during the winter?Strange as it may sound, they go to sleep for up to six months. How do they do it and why don' t they starve (挨饿) to death during this time?Black bears hibernate (冬眠) during the winter. They find a safe place. They crawl (爬行) inside as winter begins, and they go into a sleep.
  But there is much to do before they find a safe place. For weeks, they eat, eat, and eat. A black bear can put on weight about twenty kilograms per week during this time. The bear gets fatter and fatter as the autumn turns to winter.
  Then, the bear goes to its sleeping place. As it falls asleep, its heart rate and breathing slow down. Soon, it is fast asleep. It's able to survive(存活) during this long sleep because of its fat.
  By the end of the six months of sleep, the bear is very thin.
  The sleeping bear even gets some exercise during this long hibernation. Every day, the bear's whole body begins to shake. It shakes in a way that makes every muscle work.
   As the long northern winter ends, black bears begin to wake up. Imagine how hungry they are!Slowly, they crawl out into the spring weather. There are new plants everywhere. The bears eat to get back all the weight they lost while sleeping for six months.
15.  Over the coming weeks, I tried to get my friend Joe to go to Australia with me to go for a trip, but that didn't work. (1)      So if I wanted to travel, I would have to travel alone.
  But there are so many places I want to go, people to see, experiences to have, and food to try—and only so much time to do it all. (2)      I won't let others keep me from realizing my dreams. It can be scary for you to travel alone especially when you've never done it before. But, to me, growing old without experiencing everything you want from life is scarier.
  (3)      You wake up and it's just up to you what you want, where you want, when you want. In that freedom, you meet yourself. You hit the limits of what you like and don't like. There's no one to pull you in any one direction or deny (否决) you.
  You have to learn how to survive (生存) —who to trust, how to make friends, how to find your way around alone. That's the greatest advantage of traveling alone—the personal growth. Each time you go away, you learn to become a little more independent and confident.
  (4)      Some people return home soon, others cry for weeks before accepting it, and some just accept it right away. But you'll never learn that if you don't travel once by yourself. Whether a weekend away, a two﹣week vacation or a trip around the world, try it at least once.
  (5)      You could be waiting a long time until someone finally says "yes". There's only now and if you don't go, you'll regret it.
A. So I refuse to wait.
B. Take it easy and have fun.
C. Traveling alone is not for everyone.
D. Traveling alone gives you more freedom.
E. And none of my other friends wanted to go with me.
F. It's safe for us to wait for friends to travel abroad together.
G. Don't wait for people or hold back from living your dreams.
  What is Bollywood?
  Bollywood is the name of the Indian film industry (产业). It's nearly the same as Hollywood, but the "B" comes from Bombay, the biggest city in India, now called Mumbai (孟买). Bollywood makes nearly 800 films a year, that's twice the number of films made in Hollywood. The films are made very quickly and some actors are in three or four films at the same time.
  People made the first Bollywood film in 1899. At first, the films were silent and then in the 1930s they made films with sound. The first color film started in the 1950s, which showed the beauty of the Indian clothes and costumes (装束) often worn in Bollywood productions. Traditional Bollywood films included a lot of singing and dancing, but action films also became popular in the 1970s. At first people only watched the films in India, but since the year 2000 Bollywood films have become popular all over the world.
  Mumbai is the home of the Indian film industry. Thousands of people work there as actors, cameramen, directors and extras (临时演员). It is common now for directors to make Bollywood films in other countries, such as the US, France and China as Indian audiences (观众) are very interested in other countries. However, international cinema has also come to Bollywood.
  The future is good. Big American film companies (公司) like Warner Bros and Twentieth Century Fox are opening offices in India. This means more color, more dancing and definitely (确定地) more Bollywood.
17.请阅读下面对话, 根据对话内容从下面方框内的七个选项中选择五个填入空白处, 使对话通顺、合理, 意思完整, 一空一句.
(Linda and Paul are talking about volunteer work. L=Linda P=Paul)
L:Hello, Paul!I haven't seen you these days. Where have you been?
P:Hi, Linda. I've been to a children's hospital.
L:To a children's hospital? (1)      
P:Our school has organized a volunteer activity. And I joined it.
L: (2)      
P:My task is to cheer the sick children up.
L: (3)       So, what did you do for them there?
P:I told interesting stories and sang songs for them. What about you?What are you doing recently?
L: (4)       And I want to do something meaningful for the homeless children with my classmates.
P:That's a good idea!
L:By the way, why not take part in our yard sale?You can donate (捐赠) some old books, toys, clothes and so on.
P:Thanks for your advice. I'm glad to take part in it. And you can also join us later.
L:OK, no problem. (5)      
P:You're right. So let's do it as soon as possible. How about making it 8:00 tomorrow morning?
L:OK. See you tomorrow.
A.Sounds great!
B.It doesn't matter.
C.What has happened?
D.We have a great time.
E.What's your task there?
F.I'm organizing a big yard sale in our school.
G.Everyone should play a part in doing volunteer work.
18.近日, 为了落实国家"双减"政策, 控制中小学生的书面作业总量, 优化作业设计, 某教学研究中心正在对中学生英语作业进行调查.请你根据下面提示写一篇英语短文, 向他们介绍你做过的一次最有创意的英语作业, 包括作业的形式、内容以及你的收获, 并提出你对英语作业布置的建议.
creative English homework 
make a poster write a letter draw a mind map …… 

1. The most creative English homework you've ever done.
2. Your gain (收获) from it.
3. Your advice on English homework to your English teacher.
1. 短文应包括提示中所有的写作要点, 条理清楚, 行文连贯, 可适当发挥;
2. 短文中不能出现真实的人名和地名;
3. 词数不少于80, 短文开头已给出, 不计入总词数.
  Doing English homework helps us to practice and use what we've learned in class.
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