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1.  Today let's meet China's excellent diplomats.

Liu Xiaoming 
Liu Xiaoming is China's ambassador to the UK. An ambassador is a country's highest representative (代表) sent to another country. Liu speaks fluent English and knows British culture well. 

Hua Chunying 
Hua Chunying is a Foreign Ministry Spokesperson. Spokespersons hold press conferences (记者会) from Monday to Friday, where they answer questions from both Chinese and foreign media (媒体). Hua is good at answering harsh questions. China now has three spokespersons and Hua is the only woman. 

Wang Yi 
Wang Yi is the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He often visits foreign countries and represents China at international meetings. He also writes articles on newspapers explaining China's foreign policies (政策). Wang learned Japanese in college and was once the ambassador to Japan. 
2.  "The delivery (派送) driver has your food and is on his way." This is a message you might receive after placing a takeout order. But in the near future, a self-driving car may bring food to your door instead of a human driver.
  Baidu and Meituan are now working together to use self-driving technology to send food. They will be glad to try this in the Xiongan New Area.
  The self-driving cars will mainly be used to send group orders which is different from the single orders. For example, if a company orders food for its workers, a self-driving car will bring all the orders to the company.
  Sina Tech noted that using self-driving cars will be a revolution (革命) in the food delivery industry, because it will reduce the cost of labor.
  Online food delivery services have developed rapidly in China. Almost 300 million users have used online services to order food. In 2016, MeituanWaimai ranked highest among all food delivery companies according to the total orders. Ele.me was second.
  Self-driving delivery services will improve the development of the industry. But that doesn't mean that delivery drivers will lose their jobs. There are still some problems, for example, self-driving cars can drive smoothly on cement (水泥) roads, but have problems driving on dirt roads. There are other safety problems that must also be solved before self-driving cars can be used.
3.  Many Chinese people were moved by an eight-year-old girl, Zhang Xiaoxiao. She said she would give shrimps (虾) from her school lunch to her mother who was in poor health and unable to do heavy work. "She said she couldn't eat them all, but I know she is worried about me," her mother said.
  The headmaster of the school played an important part in educating such a loving girl. The headmaster said, "In our school, there are more than 180 students, and most of them are left-behind children. Some of them can meet their parents only once a year." Some children live in the school. Because some of them were too young to live alone, he and his wife lived with boys and girls separately. The headmaster tried his best to help the students. Though born in 1982, his hair had turned white and his students called him "headmaster papa" or "headmaster grandpa".
  Besides the government subsidies (补贴), the headmaster also spent his own money buying food, such as shrimps and beef. The school lunch had become the best meal for the children. He wanted the left-behind children to have good education even in villages. He worked as an English teacher, Chinese teacher, purchaser (采购员), electrician (电工) and even a cook. With his effort, there were more students in the school than before. But what worried him most was that students didn't have special sports, music and art lessons. He expected to have art and sports teachers in his school.
  When Zhang Xiaoxiao's story was reported, many people paid attention to the school and volunteers came. Now, the school has a full-time English teacher and three volunteer teachers giving children music and physical classes.
  I remembered the first carnival (狂欢节). (1)      . My parents came from Jamaica and they helped to start carnival. We had very little money, but we made costumes from old bits of material and feathers, and colourful masks. We decorated old lorries, so that we could ride on them through the streets. It took us six months to get ready.
  But on the big day, all our hard work had been worth it. People of all ages, from babies to grandparents, black and white, danced together in the street. (2)      . The music was played on anything made of metal. It was very noisy.
  There were people watching from the windows of every house. We ate all our favourite Jamaican food, washed down with beer. (3)       — but carnival helped you forget the weather!
  When the carnival got too big, those old streets became too narrow for such big crowds (人群). Some people said they felt frightened by the large crowds and the noise. We were worried that carnival would be banned(禁止). Then we found an answer — everything was moved to a wider and safer street. (4)      .

A. It was in the 1960s.
B. The weather was wet.
C. The policemen danced, too.
D. But sometimes it was too crazy.
E. So carnival should continue for years. 
5.  As a young boy, I listened to my father telling his childhood stories. The picture of him climbing to the top of a tree to fetch a bird's nest (鸟巢) was in my mind for quite a while. I (1)       of fetching a bird's nest, like my father did when he was a boy.
  But that was almost (2)      .
  First, youngsters today are not allowed to climb trees. People think it's too dangerous. Second, we don't have so many birds' nests around any more. The (3)       of birds becomes smaller every year, and some even disappear forever.
  (4)      , early one spring day, my dream came true.
  On a Saturday morning, my dad's best friend Uncle Ben invited us to visit his business. He sold used cars at his shop outside the city.
  It was a large parking lot, which had about one hundred cars parked on it. All around it were a lot of (5)      .
  Uncle Ben (6)       us through the parking lot, pointing out all kinds of different cars — different makes (品牌), models, years and prices. As we walked across the lot, we suddenly found something (7)       — a bird's nest on top of the rear wheel (后轮) of a big truck!
  I was quite excited and looked at the nest in surprise. It was real — a real bird's nest with eggs setting (8)      . "One, two, three, four." Four little green eggs!
  The nest was made of fine tree branches and feather (羽毛). It looked strong and (9)      . It was beautiful! How smart the little bird was to make such a delicate nest! And how creative it was to build the nest on the wheel for shelter in this cold Canadian weather!
  To (10)       the nest from being destroyed, we moved it to a tree beside the parking lot.
6.  Have you read the book Treasure Island? It is one of the most popular novels (1)      (write) by the famous writer Robert Louis Stevenson. It (2)      (make) into films and loved by the people all over the world.
  Jim Hawkins is one of the main (3)      (character) in the story. He finds a map showing where the pirate (海盗) (4)      (hide) his treasure. Jim joins Squire Trelawney and Dr. Livesey (5)      (find) the treasure with the pirates. At the (6)      (begin) of the story, Jim is a 10-year-old child. He (7)      (live) in a safe world with his parents. When his father dies, Jim goes to search for treasure. This adventure tests his courage. Finally, Jim finds the treasure. His search for treasure is like his search for (8)      (he).
  Treasure Island has greatly influenced our idea of pirates and has introduced many images into our culture: treasure maps marked with an "X", one-legged sailors with parrots and so on. So far, Jim Hawkins and Long John Silver with his pet parrot (9)      (become) famous all over the world.
  No one knows where Treasure Island (10)      (real) is, but some people think it may be Norman Island in The British Virgin Islands. They think it is a lonely island with a lot of treasure but nobody lives in.
7.任何有发烧症状的人必须尽快与其他人彻底隔离。(be separated)
8.你知道他的第一部小说是什么时候出版的吗?(come out)
9.如果你吃不完这些食物,记得把他们带走。(eat up)
10.  When your friend has a bad day, what will you do to make him or her feel better? "Hugging can help them feel better," Time reported.
  According to scientists from Carnegie Mellon University in the US, hugs can be good for a person's feelings and stress levels. Hugging can make good feelings, criticism (批评) may bring bad feelings.
  Researchers talked to about 400 people. They asked them about their feelings, whether they had any arguments with others and if they had a hug that day. They found that when people experienced arguments but didn't get any hugs, they had more negative feelings. But when people had both on the same day, they had more good feelings and fewer bad feelings.
  When you receive a hug, your body produces a certain hormone (荷尔蒙). "This hormone can lower blood pressure, as well as stress." Michael Murphy said.
  Of course, hugging is not the only way to comfort others. People sometimes give advice or just try to solve other people's problems directly. However, doing these things might make people feel like they're being criticized. "But hugging makes people feel like they are cared about and have someone who is there for them," Murphy said. "And that doesn't make them feel being criticized."
  Scientists are still studying this effect. They want to know if it matters who the hug is from, or whether the person in question actually needs a hug. But Murphy said hugging is always a simple and helpful way to give support to someone you care about.
11.某地遭遇了洪水(flood) 袭击,为帮助受灾的人们,你们学校打算发起一次捐赠 (donate动词;donation名词) 活动。如果你是学校广播站的播音员,请你将这次活动的相关事项通知大家。
时间 本周五下午 3:00—5:00 
地点 学校操场 
捐赠物品 1. 书籍、衣物;
2. 不要食物,因不便保存。 
其他 通知家人和朋友,一起来帮助受灾的人们。 

1. 结构完整,表达通顺,语言规范,书写清晰,
2. 80—100词。
Boys and girls,
  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Thank you for your attention and kindness!
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