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1.My brother often plays ________ football with his classmates after school.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. /
  • D. the
2.________ spring, the days are often windy and bright. It's a perfect time to fly a kite.
  • A. On
  • B. In
  • C. At
  • D. With
3.—Good news! The Shenzhou XIV manned spacecraft has been sent into space successfully.
—That ________ exciting and encouraging!
  • A. turns
  • B. tastes
  • C. sounds
  • D. smells
4.________ clever girl Kitty is! She can come up with some creative ways to finish the project.
  • A. What
  • B. How a
  • C. How
  • D. What a
5.—People in our town planted ________ trees on Tree Planting Day.
—Good job! Everyone can do something to make our town greener.
  • A. hundred
  • B. hundred of
  • C. hundreds
  • D. hundreds of
6.Yesterday, Lin Tao's speech on how to be a good volunteer was ________ wonderful that we couldn't stop cheering for him.
  • A. so
  • B. very
  • C. too
  • D. quite
7.—All of us ________ follow the traffic rules when going out.
—Exactly! Safety comes first.
  • A. might
  • B. must
  • C. may
  • D. could
8.—Miss Li, can you tell me how to improve my writing skills?
—Certainly. I advise you ________ a diary in English every day.
  • A. to keep
  • B. keeping
  • C. kept
  • D. keep
9.—Andy, what were you doing at this time yesterday afternoon?
—I ________ the film The Battle at Lake Changjin with my sister.
  • A. watch
  • B. watched
  • C. was watching
  • D. am watching
10.Amy did very well in her report. She is ________ to pay attention to every detail.
  • A. enough careful
  • B. careful enough
  • C. enough careless
  • D. careless enough
11.Each of us in our group wants to make friends with Gary, because he is modest and never ________.
  • A. shows off
  • B. takes off
  • C. puts off
  • D. gives off
12.My grandma is good at paper-cutting. She can cut out pictures in the ________ of cartoon characters.
  • A. ability
  • B. weight
  • C. shape
  • D. quality
13.—Would you like to go to the youth centre with me tomorrow?
—________ I can't wait for the robot show there.
  • A. Yes, that's right.
  • B. Sure, I'd love to.
  • C. Of course not.
  • D. Not at all.
14.—Jenny, do you know ________ ?
—Er, next Tuesday.
  • A. when the sports meeting will take place
  • B. when will the sports meeting take place
  • C. where the sports meeting will take place
  • D. where will the sports meeting take place
15.Jack always gives his friends help when they need it, because he knows "________."
  • A. It's never too old to learn
  • B. It never rains but it pours
  • C. Actions speak louder than words
  • D. A friend in need is a friend indeed
16.  "What's this?" Bob asked, pointing at a wooden box on the sidewalk (人行道). The sign on it said Little Free Library.
  "I've heard of those." Bob's elder sister Lily said. "People make them and put books (1)      . Other people take away the books they want and add the (2)       they've already read."
  "I want to make something like that,"said Bob. "For kids to exchange books."
  "What if (要是……会怎么样) it doesn't work?" Lily asked.
  "Why wouldn't it (3)      ?" asked Bob. Lily shrugged (耸肩), "Maybe kids won't notice it, or maybe they won't want to (4)       their books."
  "I'd like to try anyway." Bob said, "Will you help me make one?" "Sure," Lily said. "I'll also ask Dad for (5)      ."
  Bob ran inside to collect books while Lily talked to Dad. With Dad's help, they (6)       a wooden box. They put a door on it and attached (固定) the box to post (桩). Then they dug a hole in their front yard and lifted the post into the hole.
  Bob put the books inside the box and closed the (7)      . "Now I just have to wait." he said. Three times that day, Bob ran outside to check. (8)       each time, his books were the only ones inside.
  For the next few days, Bob (9)       the box again and again. However, his books were still there. "I guess you were right, Lily," Bob said. "No kids want to exchange books," "I know you really wanted your (10)       work, Bob," Lily said. "I'm sorry it didn't."
  The next two days, Bob didn't check the box. "Aren't you going to check your little (11)      , Bob?" Lily asked. "Maybe (12)       decided to exchange. You can go and have a look."
  Bob walked slowly to the box. He opened the door. His books were gone. Instead, the box was (13)       with new books. "Wow, it worked!" Bob shouted excitedly.
  Indeed, it was Lily who helped her brother Bob. She called all the (14)       kids in the neighborhood and asked them to tell their younger sisters and brothers.
  Bob's idea worked (15)      . He was very lucky to have new books to read and a very good sister.
17.The following is part of real time flight information of Hongqiao Airport and Pudong International Airport in Shanghai on June 1, 2022.
Scheduled Departure (预定离开) Time Flight Airline Terminal(T) (机场大楼) Destination (目的地) Scheduled Arrivals (预定抵达) Arrivals Phones 
8:45 FM9245 Shanghai Airlines Hongqiao (T2) Nanchang 10:15 95530 
12:30 HU7320 Hainan Airlines Hongqiao (T2) Haikou 15:04 95339 
12:30 HO1165 Juneyao Airlines Pudong (T2) Dalian 14:30 021-95520 
13:00 9 C8759 Spring Airlines Pudong (T2) Baotou 16:00 021-95524 
18.  The oil paper umbrella is a traditional Chinese handicraft (手工艺品). It has a history of over 1,000 years in China. In early Tang Dynasty, it was introduced to Japan and Korea, so it was called the "Tang Umbrella". Later oil paper umbrellas were spread to other Asian countries, such as Vietnam, Thailand and Laos, and each had its own style. However, as steel-ribbed (钢骨的) umbrellas appeared in the last century, the hand-made oil paper umbrellas became less used in daily life. They were turned into decorative artifacts (装饰性工艺品).
  Yuhang in Hangzhou is known for making oil paper umbrellas for more than 230 years. They are mainly made of skin paper (皮纸), bamboo, a coating of Tung oil (桐油). They need to take more than 70 steps to make, including making bamboo ribs, pasting papers (糊纸) and painting patterns (图案). It takes at least a week to make per umbrella. In 2008, these umbrellas were added to Intangible Cultural Heritage List (非物质文化遗产名录) of China.
  A young man called Liu Weixue learned the traditional art of making Yuhang oil paper umbrellas from his grandfather. "I want to bring the art to life." Liu said. He improved the umbrellas to win the hearts of young people. As the traditional paper was easy to break, he started to use a kind of thicker paper. In a test, his umbrellas were opened and closed for 1,000 times without breaking. He used a kind of lighter bamboo to make the umbrellas weigh less.
  Now Liu hopes the art can be passed on. He goes to local schools to teach students. He also goes to events in different places to promote (推广) the art.

19.  Recently, China has announced the list of the first five national parks.
  Each of them is divided into two parts — the core (核心) protection area and the general control area. In the core protection area, only research and surveillance (监视) in science are allowed. And the general control area is open to the public, allowing travel activities such as camping and hiking. In the future, national parks are expected to be natural classrooms. People can learn about different kinds of animals and plants through eco-friendly (环保的) travel activities.
  The national parks can also be helpful to local people. The building of these national parks provides many jobs for local people. People living in or around the parks can work as park rangers (护林员) and guides. They can also sell some eco-friendly things with local color. So their yearly incomes (收入) will grow a lot.
  Then let's take a look at the five national parks.
 Three River-Source National Park on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (青藏高原), is the largest national park in China. Because it is home to the sources of the Yangtze, Yellow and Lancang rivers, people call it "China's water tower". 
 Northeast China Tiger and Leopard (豹) National Park is in Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces. It covers an area of 14,100 square kilometres. It is our country's biggest and only place for wild Siberian tigers and Amur leopards to live in. 
 Wuyi Mountain National Park in Fujian Province is a UNESCO natural and cultural heritage site (遗址). The forest makes up over 96 percent of the park. The park is the paradise of birds, kingdom (王国) of snakes and world of insects. You can also see the Danxia landform (地貌) there. 
 Giant Panda National Park connects panda habitats (栖息地) in Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu provinces. Inside the park are more than 1,600 wild giant pandas. They make up over 70 percent of the pandas in China. 
 Hainan Tropical (热带的) Rainforest National Park is the largest tropical forest in China. There are more than 400 kinds of plants that can only be found in Hainan. The world's only 35 Hainan gibbons (长臂猿) live there. 
20.  One day, Helen shouts, "Roger, come and look at the egg! It's cracking (裂开)." Slowly a long beak (喙) appears. They are unsure what it is.
  Dad checks on the computer, "Hey, look! It's a pterodactyl (翼手龙)." "A pterodactyl?" shout the children. "Yes, it's a type of dinosaur. Pterodactyls can fly," says Dad.
  Then Helen names it Dacty.
  A month later, he grows up. But there is something wrong with his wings. "My room is too small and Dacty keeps banging (碰撞) his wings on the walls. I feel sorry for him," says Helen. Finally, they take Dacty to a vet (兽医).
  Two weeks later, Dacty's wings are better. However, he isn't willing to fly. They phone Aunt Elizabeth. Soon she arrives. "My office is very big. It's perfect for Dacty during the day. And at night, when the museum is empty, Dacty can fly around happily." Then she takes them to the museum. On arriving, they take Dacty out of the basket. He stretches (伸展) his wings, flies high up and lands on a stone statue.
  "Look, he likes here," shouts Helen. "Can he see in the dark?" asks Roger. "Yes, they see clearly in the dark, just like owls (猫头鹰)," says Aunt Elizabeth.
  Six months passes and Dacty is very big now. One night, Dacty sees lights moving inside the museum. Two men — Bert and Eric come in with torches (手电筒). They are wearing masks and trying to open a case (箱子). Inside it is a mummy (木乃 伊). Suddenly Eric looks up and sees Dacty. He is very scared. "Look, Bert, there is a huge bird up there." Bert looks up. Dacty doesn't move, "Eric, don't be silly. It's only a statue," says Bert. "Come on. I will open the case. You look for the gold medallions (大奖章)." At the moment, Dacty flies down and catches Eric. The thief is very scared and he can't say anything. Dacty flies up and lifts him on top of a statue. He's stuck. At once, Dacty flies down again and catches Bert, too. Both of them are stuck there.
  The next morning, when Aunt Elizabeth comes in, she sees the broken mummy case and the two men. They are shouting loudly.
  Dacty flies down to her. "Here you are, Dacty," she says and pets (爱抚) his head. "Thank you, you did a great job." Then she phones the police.
  The mayor (市长) shakes Dacty's wing and puts a big shiny medal over his head. "Congratulations, you did a great job." Then he turns to Aunt Elizabeth, "It's great to have a big bird as a guard!"
  "Dacty is a pterodactyl!" Roger says.
  "Dacty is a hero now," says Aunt Elizabeth.
  "A pterodactyl?" shouts another man. "Wow! They love warm weather and jungles (丛林). I work in the Botanical Gardens (植物园). We have a wonderful palm (棕榈) house, big and warm, just like a jungle. He will love there. You can come to visit it anytime."
  So now Dacty is living in the Botanical Gardens. Roger and Helen visit him every day.
(Adapted from The Surprise)
21.  When you do DIY, you make, repair or decorate things yourself instead of paying someone to do it. For one thing, it's a wonderful time to enjoy yourself when you make something. (1)       Today, I will show you how to make a fruit salad.
  First, choose your favourite fruit. Use fruit in season. (2)       Next, wash the fruit. (3)       For example, mixing red apples, green pears and purple grapes can make your salad look very colorful.
  Then, cut some of the larger fruit into small pieces. (4)      
  Finally, mix them together and add some salad cream if you like.
  (5)       Just prepare it before you are going to eat it, because some of the fruit will quickly turn brown when you leave it in the air for some time.

A. Make sure that it is fresh.
B. Please take care when you use a knife.
C. You'd better use fruit of different colors.
D. It will take you a lot of time to do DIY.
E. Try not to prepare the fruit salad too early.
F. For another thing, it can save your money.
G. DIY stands for "do-it-yourself".
22.In the twelve Chinese animal signs, the Tiger is the       (第三) in order.
23.The children have learnt about the       (事实)that light travels faster than sound.
24.—What are you going to be when you grow up?
—A       (飞行员).
25.Teamwork is based on       (信任). We understand each other and work together for the same goal.
26.—Many students in our class like James because he never gets angry easily.
—I agree with you. He is very       (有耐心的).
27.Natural resources are important for us, so we should use them       (明智地).
28.Though Judy has a real g       for Physics, she still works hard on it.
29.When I have difficulty in making a choice. Mr Wu will o       me some suggestions.
30.The charity is trying to help those who can't       (have enough money to pay for something) medical treatment.
31.While Tan Dun was young, he once made music with       (not special) objects like stones and paper.
32.  Zhang Yugun is head of Heihumiao Primary School in Henan Province. He (1)      (be) a person full of love and responsibility (责任).
  After graduation in 2001, Zhang chose to work in the poor countryside. Over the past 21 years, he (2)      (see) many teachers come and go because of the poor conditions in the village. However, he has stayed on and made every effort to help the children deal with their (3)      (problem).
  One winter, travelling on the mountain road was much (4)      (difficult) than usual. The school was about to start, but those (5)      (student) books were still in a town outside the village. Then Zhang and another teacher left early in the morning with a shoulder pole (扁担). They carried back kilos of books. When they (6)      (get) to the school, they were both covered in mud (泥), but the books were protected (7)      (good). In 2006, a cement road (水泥路) (8)      (build) in the village. So Zhang started to carry the books with a motorbike. Although four motorbikes broke down, he never (9)      (stop).
  In order to provide better care for the students whose parents had left the village to find work in the city, Zhang asked his wife to give up her job to help (10)      (cook) and clean for the students. Thanks to the teachers like Zhang, the students in Heihumiao Primary School are able to learn at school and hope for a brighter future.
33.实施“双减”政策,推行“阳光作业”,我们同学可以从繁重的课业负担中解放出来,有更多的时间培养兴趣爱好,陪伴家人、朋友。学校请你与学弟、学妹们分享如何合理安排课余生活,请根据下表提示完成一篇题为Enjoy study, enjoy life的英语短文。
Enjoy study, enjoy life 
校园 1. 参加各种活动,如:绘画、舞蹈等;2. 多做运动,有益健康;3. ……(补充一点) 
家庭 1. 畅说梦想,倾诉烦恼;2. 帮做家务,学会一些生活技能;3. ……(补充一点) 

1. 词数90左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;
2. 文中不得出现真实的地名、校名、人名等信息。
Enjoy study, enjoy life
  Because of the "double reduction" policy, we have more time to do what we like to enjoy study and life. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  In a word, if we spend our free time properly, we will get a lot in both body and mind.
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