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1.  An old man sat on a train. He was on his way home after he (1)       his son working in a big city. He was looking at the new shoes happily because his son bought them for him. Suddenly, one of the shoes fell out of the window of the(2)      by accident. The people around him all were (3)       for him and they said to him, "Don't worry!It's only a shoe. You still have a shoe. " But to their surprise, the old man threw the other (4)       out of the window. A woman asked, "Why?It's new. " The old man said with a smile, "Only one shoe is no use for me. But if anyone finds that pair of shoes, he can (5)       them happily. "
2.  Helen was sitting in the garden reading her favorite book. Some time later, her old(1)      sat beside her. Suddenly, she pointed at something and asked Helen what it was. Helen looked at it and told her it was a sparrow(麻雀). Helen was(2)      by the simple question.
  Helen went on reading. Several (3)       later, her old mother asked her the same question and Helen found it was the same bird. After a little while, the old woman again asked the question about the sparrow. This time Helen got(4)      . She shouted at her mother for asking the question again and again. The old woman(5)       stood up and entered the house. Helen continued reading her book. A few minutes passed and her old mother(6)      beside her again. She opened an old diary and put it in front of Helen. Helen picked up the diary and began to read it. It said, "Today, while I was (7)       in the garden, my little Helen came to me. Looking at a sparrow on a tree, my child asked me what it was. I (8)      at her, said it was a sparrow and kissed her. After a while, little Helen asked the question again. This went on until she went back into the house with me after I finished my work. Little Helen asked me at least ten times and I kept on answering her and(9)      her. "
  Tears came into Helen's eyes. She closed the (10)       and felt very sorry for what she did. She realized that she should treat her mother the way her mother treated her.
Xiangyang Hotel
•A room with two single(单人的)beds: 510 yuan
A room with one big bed: 388 yuan
Big and clean rooms with TV sets, telephones and computers
•Four different restaurants and three swimming pools
•In the city center
Hongxing Hotel
•A room with two single beds:220 yuan
A room with one big bed: 150 yuan
Big and clean rooms with TV sets and telephones
•Two different restaurants
•A short bus ride from the city cente
r•Tel: 028﹣4763251 
Jixiang Hotel
•A room with two single beds:120 yuan
A room with one big bed:80 yuan
Clean rooms with TV sets and telephones
•A restaurant
•A 17﹣minute bus ride from the train station
Huayuan Youth Hotel
•40 yuan each person each night
Clean beds, television rooms, bathrooms
•Restaurants and travel advice
•In the city center
4.  There was a big lake in the forest. A crocodile(鳄鱼)with his wife lived in the lake. They ate fishes. By the lake stood a big tree. A monkey lived in it. He ate fruits. The monkey and the crocodile met every day and often played together.
  One day, the crocodile's wife saw the monkey and she wanted to eat the monkey's heart. She said to her husband, "I don't want to eat fishes in the lake any more. I think the monkey's heart must be delicious. Go and get it for me!" The crocodile didn't agree. But his wife added, "Don't worry. Just bring him here and try to push him down into the water. "After thinking for a long time, the crocodile agreed.
  The next day the crocodile invited the monkey to play by the lake. While they were playing, the crocodile pushed the monkey down into the water. The monkey asked the crocodile why he did that. The crocodile said, "My wife wants to eat your heart. "The monkey was shocked but he said, "I left my heart in the tree. Let's go to take it. "The crocodile agreed. When they reached the tree, the monkey climbed up the tree quickly and said, "My heart is in my body. "
5.  One Monday morning, the students were talking about their homework in the classroom. Last weekend, their homework was to sell something. They would use the money they made to buy school things for the children in poor areas. Now it was time for them to show how successful they were.
  Liu Ling was the first one to speak. "I made some cakes and sold them. I made 40 yuan, "she said happily. "My friendly words and smiles helped me. At the same time, the cakes were really delicious. ""Good, " said the teacher.
  Yang Mei said, "I sold newspapers. I made 55 yuan and I told everyone that newspapers can tell us what is happening around the world. ""Very good, Yang Mei, " said the teacher.
  Li Hang said, "I sold my toys and I made 62 yuan. I told everyone they were much cheaper than new toys. ""Great!" said the teacher.
  Then it was Zhou Yi's turn. Everyone looked at him. Zhou Yi walked to the front of the classroom and put a box of money on the teacher's desk.
  "1, 242 yuan," he said.
  "1, 242 yuan!" said the teacher. "What did you sell?" "Toothbrushes, " said Zhou Yi.
  "Toothbrushes?"the teacher asked. "How did you do it?How many toothbrushes did you sell to make that much money?"
  "I found the busiest street in town, " said Zhou Yi, "I set up a chocolate stand(货摊)and invited everybody who walked by to taste my chocolate for free. They all said, 'Your chocolate tastes good but it makes my teeth black!'Then I said, 'It is. Do you want to buy a toothbrush?'"
6.  Have you ever imagined your simple T﹣shirt could act as an air conditioner(空调)on those hot summer days?Thanks to a discovery, that possibility is getting closer and the T﹣shirt may soon be found among your favorite clothing brands.
  Two inventors took a completely new method. They designed a special textile(纺织品)that can take in body heat and then send out the energy. This new textile cools both the objects and things around them through a technology. This means that a T﹣shirt made of this textile looks like a normal T﹣shirt, but actually it is a device(设备)that works like a mirror.
  Although the technology is not new and has been used for years to design plastic films and special paints, its use in the textile industry for the good of wearers is very special and exciting. That is because, in the past, the methods we used to deal with heat through clothes were only the suggestions on wearing light colors and choosing breathable textiles. But even when these suggestions can actually help you feel cool, they are simply not enough in the hottest season. The new textile, however, can reflect all kinds of light, and this can contribute to the cooling process. So this discovery is a real advance.
  Right now, researchers still need to test the new method to know how effectively(有效)the new textile works while the wearers are standing or walking, and not directly facing the sky. They also need to test how well it works when T﹣shirts are not close to the skin. But it's still a great success.
  The two inventors are now looking out for clothing brands that are interested in using their textile. One inventor said, "The new material will increase clothing producing costs by just 10 percent. We can make it with large production. Everybody can afford a T﹣shirt made of this textile and the cost is basically the same as a normal T﹣shirt's. It can do good to everybody. "
7.  The world is our only home. Doing small things can make the world a better place. Here is some advice to you.
  Give someone a book you once read. Once the person takes the book and finishes reading it, you can talk about the book with him. (1)       They'll probably feel uncomfortable.
  Say something nice to someone. Tell the person how much you like his job, new clothes, singing and so on. (2)       Just let someone know that something he is doing works.
  (3)      Draw a picture or make a delicious cake for someone. Like giving someone a book, it tells the person that you are thinking about him and want to do something nice for him. Maybe the person will respond(回应), and maybe not. That's not important. (4)      
  Teaching someone how to do something. Share your talent with a person by showing him how to do something. (5)      Have patience and respect the person.
  Anything that shows people you care about them will make the world a better place. Don't wait and just do it now.

A. But be honest and friendly.
B. Make friends with someone.
C. Make something for someone.
D. This will help the person learn a lot.
E. Don't do this with people who don't read.
F. He just needs to know he is important to you. 
8.F      is the sixth day of a week.
9.Please get up e       ,or you will be late.
10.We students must follow the r       of our school.
11.A true friend reaches for your hand and t        your heart.
12.Bruce jumps f       than most of the students in his class.
13.Be quiet!Your father is s       . He stayed up late last night.
14.The doctor said, "You must walk s       because of your leg wound. "
15.Jack hasn't had anything for a whole day and he is very h       now.
16.—Have you h       that Wang Qiang won a game yesterday?
—Yes, it's a piece of good news.
17.—Can I go shopping with John, mom?He just got his driver's license.
—No way!I don't think sixteen﹣year﹣olds should be a       to drive.
18.  When I was a child, I loved to visit my grandparents' farm. There was always something new to do, (1)      (see) and to enjoy.
  One day, I, together with my brothers and sisters, went to my grandparents' farm to celebrate my birthday. We all liked eating strawberries and we went to pick (2)       (they). We each took a basket. But I was lazy. I took the (3)      (small) basket. While the others were picking strawberries, I had a rest. Before we (4)       (return), I put a lot of grass in my basket and then I put a few strawberries on top. The basket looked full. My grandfather said he was proud (5)      my hard work.
  The next morning my grandmother made many(6)       (pie). There was a big pie which (7)       (make) just for me. It looked nice!But when I began to eat it, I found there was nothing but grass under the top strawberries!You can guess(8)      surprised I was.
  My grandfather looked at me (9)       (calm)and said, "When you cheat others, you cheat yourself. " He didn't need to say more but taught me(10)       good lesson.
19.假如你是李华, 你校校刊征稿, 请你以Chinese Tea Culture为题, 用英语写一篇稿件, 简单介绍中国的茶文化.
内容包括:1. 茶是中国最受欢迎的饮料之一, 有悠久的历史;
2. 茶的种类多, 许多地方产茶, 如:四川、浙江;
3. 茶有益身体健康, 一天中的任何时候都可饮茶;
4. 朋友聚会时可以饮茶, 一个人独处时也可饮茶;
5. 茶是中国传统文化, 可作为礼物送给亲朋好友.
注意:1. 词数80词左右(标题已给出, 不计入总词数);
2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;
3. 不能出现自己的真实信息.
Chinese Tea Culture
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