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1.  Good morning!I'm Lisa and come from Arkansas, the USA. Now I(1)      in a small town. Tom is my neighbor. We are in the same neighborhood. Tom is a nice old man and we all like(2)      .
  Tom is 92 years old. He is(3)      medium height with glasses. He(4)      spends much time doing good things for others. (5)      !He is doing the cleaning over there!It is very(6)      outside because it keeps snowing these days. The bad weather brings people many(7)      . There is a lot of snow on the road and it may make people in danger when they go out. "I use this snow shovel to clean the snow. (8)       I finish cleaning the road, all of us can go around easily. "Tom says.
2.  When Bill comes home from school, his sister Tina is talking on the phone. She says, "Okay, Jack, I will(1)      Bill. "Then, she puts down the phone.
"(2)       is that?"asks Bill.
  " Oh, it's Jack. He says he has two tickets(票)for a(n)(3)      movie. And he wants you to meet him at the new cinema at 7:30 p. m. " says Tina.
   "But it's Thursday today. " says Bill.
  "Yeah, So, if you want to(4)      it, you must do your homework quickly. " says Tina.
  Bill doesn't know what the movie is. (5)      he wants to watch it with Jack. He looks at the clock and runs to his room. After about an hour. Bill finishes his(6)      . Then, he walks out of his room and says to Tina,
  "Where are you going?"asks Tina.
  "To the cinema. (7)      ?"
  "Oh, yes!"Tina says, "Haha, April fool(愚人节)!"
3.The Wenhua International School
You must You mustn't 
Arrive at school by half past seven every morning. Wear jeans. 
Hand in your homework by eight. Eat or drink in the classroom. 
Look clean and tidy. Bring MP3 to school. 
Be quiet in the library. Run or shout in the school buildings. 
Stay on the playground at break time. Talk loudly in the hallways. 
Stand up when a teacher comes into the classroom. Fight. 
4.  When people think of healthy foods for eyes. They think of carrots. Yes. Carrots are good for eyes. But there are also many other healthy foods for eyes. If you want to have healthy eyes, eat them.
  Kale is a dark green vegetable. It looks like a cabbage. If you eat kale often, you still have healthy eyes when you are old. And the vitamin A in it can help you see well at night.
  Chicken is great food for eyes. And you can cook ti in many ways. You can cook chicken soup, gongbao chicken, chicken noodles and chicken salad. All of them are delicious.
  If you spend lots of time on the computer or often feel you have dry eyes, you can eat some fish. You don't need to eat a lot each time. A little will be OK.
5.  Today animal cafes(咖啡馆)for pet lovers are not new. There are cat cafes, dog cafes and even(甚至)sheep cafes. In these cafes, you can enjoy hot coffee and play with the cute animals there at the same time. But how about drinking your favorite coffee with fish swimming at your feet?
  Amix Coffee is a cafe in Ho Chi Minb City, Vietnam. It is the first and only fish cafe in the world. From the first floor, Amix does not look any different from other cafes. But when you go to the second and third floors. You can see people enjoying their coffee with colorful fish swimming at their feet. There are thousands of fish, both small and big in the water.
  Amix Coffee is very popular. Every day many parents take their children there.
  Do you want to have coffee in the cafe?Well, there are some rules for you to follow(遵守). First, you need to take off(脱掉)your shoes. Second, you have to clean your feet. Third you can't run after(追赶)or catch(抓)the fish. If you don't follow these rules. You will have to leave.
6.A strange house
  There is a strange house in Teddy's neighborhood. It often sneezes(打喷嚏)and no one lives in it. Teddy, Ben and Nina want to find out why the house sneezes, so one day they get into the house after the sun goes down.
  "The house is too dirty. "says Teddy, "The dust(灰尘) may make the house sneeze. " The kids start to clean up the rooms. A little black mouse sees them and starts to do the cleaning with them. After a few hours, the house gets clean again. And it stops sneezing.
  At this time, the black mouse turns into(变成)a little boy. "Thanks for helping me clean the house. " says the boy, "This is my house. A witch(女巫)turned me into a mouse because I was lazy and never did the housework. "
  "It's OK. "Says Teddy, Ben and Nina. "We think you can keep your house clean all the time. "The four kids become good friends and they have fun playing games in the house.
A:Hey, Frank!How was your May Day holiday?
B:Great!It's my favorite vacation.
A:(1)       ?
B:I took a trip to Zhangjiajie National Park in China.
A:Really? (2)       ?
B:I went there with my parents. All my family love China very much.
A:Me, too. (3)       ?
B:I saw stone mountains, beautiful lakes and lovely monkeys.
A:Oh, (4)       when you saw the stone mountains?
B:I felt very excited. And I took many photos of them.
A:Sounds great! (5)       ?
B:For two days. I want to visit it again one day.
8.假如你是李华, 不久前你跟随父母搬到了张家界, 请你根据以下提示给你的笔友Bill写一封邮件, 告诉他你的近况.
(2)上学的路线:walk along;turn left;crossing
(3)新交的朋友:tall;short hair;friendly
要求:(1)包含所有要点, 可适当发挥;
(2)内容连贯, 逻辑通顺, 表达清晰;
Dear Bill,
  How are you?Now let me tell you about my life in Zhangjiajie. __________
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