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1.—Sorry to interrupt you and Frank!
—_________. We' re having a free talk.
  • A. Never mind
  • B. Go ahead
  • C. I hope not
  • D. That would be nice
2.—Excuse me, may I use your dictionary? ______is at home.
—Certainly. But remember to return it on time.
  • A. I
  • B. Me
  • C. My
  • D. Mine
3.—What kind of movies do you like?
—I prefer movies_________give me something to think about.
  • A. that
  • B. what
  • C. where
4.—I've never seen Mr Taylor before.
—Don't worry. I ________ him to you before the meeting.
  • A. will introduce
  • B. introduced
  • C. have introduced
5.The girl in the classroom ______ be Maria. She called me from the library just now.
  • A. mustn't
  • B. may not
  • C. can't
6.— I called you last night, but nobody answered. Where were you then?
—Oh, I ____________ my pet dog in my yard.
  • A. walked
  • B. was walking
  • C. am walking
  • D. will walk
7.—Do you always get up so early?
—Yes, ________ the first bus. My home is far away from school.
  • A. catch
  • B. to catch
  • C. catching
8.—Could we see each other at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning?
—Sorry, let's make it ________ time.
  • A. another
  • B. the other
  • C. other
9.Sam finds sweeping robots useful, and he plans to buy ________ for his grandma.
  • A. it
  • B. one
  • C. that
10.—Who went to the graduation party last night, Mary?
—Almost everyone did. ____lots of students____Ms. Wang appeared at the party.
  • A. Not only; but also
  • B. Neither; nor
  • C. Either; or
11.—Sorry, I've forgotten your name. Can you ________me?
—I'm Daniel.
  • A. remind
  • B. receive
  • C. remember
12.—Who is the space scientist from Beijing?
—The man______ white over there. He's of medium height.
  • A. with
  • B. in
  • C. or
  • D. for
13.— ________ is it from your home to school?
— It's about twenty minutes' walk.
  • A. How far
  • B. How much
  • C. How long
  • D. What time
14.They'll succeed in working out the problem because they never ____________.
  • A. wake up
  • B. give up
  • C. look up
  • D. make up
15.—Excuse me, can you tell me ________?
—Sorry, I am too busy now. Why not search the Internet for information?
  • A. how does smog(雾霾) come into being
  • B. where the National Space Station lies
  • C. why are tigers becoming fewer now
16.  Salads are very popular in Western countries. They're made of uncooked vegetables or fruit, and this makes them (1)      . They are tasty too. Salads are great to eat in (2)      when the weather is hot. They are light and cool. Here's a way to make a (3)       salad. First, buy some lettuces, tomatoes and (4)      . You need to buy a salad dressing too. Next, wash the vegetables carefully. Then, (5)       the vegetables and put them in a bowl. After that, add the dressing. (6)      , mix the vegetables and the dressing up. And there you have your salad!
17.  Sam and his friend Bob, both 5, entered a painting competition. Bob won! Sam felt blue and left (1)      .
  As soon as Sam(2)      home, he told Papa, "I worked hard on my picture. I made it the best I could. I wanted to win. "
  "You did work hard, "said Papa. "(3)      is a fine picture. I'll hang it in my office. " Mama gave Sam a hug and said, "I hope you congratulated Bob. "
  Sam shook his head, "Bob was too busy getting his photo taken. "Then he went to his room. He sulked(生闷气). He didn't feel like doing anything. Some time later, he got very(4)      . He wondered what Bob was doing. He remembered the fun they had, painting their pictures together.
  He decided to do something, (5)      he took out some paper and his painting set. He painted another picture, one(6)      a ship in it. He knew Bob loved ships.
  Under the ship, he printed in big red(7)      :C﹣O﹣N﹣G﹣R﹣A﹣T﹣U﹣L﹣A﹣T﹣I﹣O﹣N﹣S!That was the biggest word he knew.
  That afternoon, Sam walked to Bob's house and gave Bob the (8)      .
  "Thanks, " said Bob. "I love ships. What's the (9)      word?"
  "Congratulations, "said Sam.
  "Wow! Thanks again, "said Bob. "This is much better than getting my photo taken. "
  And happily they went to ride bikes together.
  Friendship is much better than winning, isn't it?
18.①Chemistry is everywhere in our daily life. Sometimes it's easy to see. At other times, it can be very hard to see the everyday chemistry at work, but nearly everything you touch has some chemicals(化学物质) in it.
②Chemistry helps to make products for use. Something as simple as toothpaste has at least three chemicals that keep your teeth clean. Other things in your daily life are created by chemistry, such as hair products and soap. Without chemistry, we would never have known that we need soap to get the oil out of clothes.
③Chemistry also helps us understand the world around us. Thanks to chemistry, we know bleach(漂白剂) can't be mixed with vinegar(醋), because the mixture can produce harmful gas.
④Chemistry plays a big role in food preparation. Cooking food causes it to go through a chemical change. That is the reason why cooked food often tastes different from uncooked food. Too much or too little of any chemical material makes a difference to the result of baking(烘焙). For example, the cake can be too soft or too hard.
⑤Chemistry isn't something that just lives in a laboratory; it's something that you meet hundreds of times in life. Knowing how chemistry works will give you a greater understanding of the life.
19.  Recently I had a trip to Sydney with my parents. We visited the Wildlife Park.
  The Wildlife Park has lots of different animals. Some are native to Australia and can only be found there. There are more than 500 animals there, including kangaroos, koalas(考拉) and crocodiles(鳄鱼). They are kept in their natural environment. I like the Wildlife Park better than a zoo.
  We first spent some time with the kangaroos. We could touch and feel them. It was very exciting to be so close to them. There were koalas there too. They looked very cuddly(令人想拥抱的). Although we couldn't carry koalas, I could take a photo with one. It is a wonderful souvenir(纪念品) of my holiday in Sydney.
  The Wildlife Park has plenty of freshwater and saltwater crocodiles. Some of them are very big and scary with huge teeth! I did not want to get too close to them.
  There was also a bird show. The keepers showed us different species of birds. I saw an old parrot. It could "talk" and made a great impression on me.
  I enjoy the trip very much. There was so much to see.
20.  Artificial intelligence(AI)(人工智能) is the ability of a computer programme or a machine. The computer or the machine with AI can think and learn. It is also a field of study that tries to make computers "smart". John McCarthy, a scientist, came up with the name "artificial intelligence" over 60 years ago. Many things such as learning and problem solving can be done by computers, though not in the same way as people do.
  An unusual goal of AI research is to create special computer programmes. They can learn, solve problems, and think logically. At present, AI can successfully understand human speech, recognise human faces, operate self﹣driving cars and compete in some game systems like playing chess. However, some people also consider AI a danger to humans if it develops too quickly. A famous British scientist also was not for this kind of technology.
  Maths is the basic language of AI. If students are good at maths, they will be more likely to become successful AI designers(设计者) in the future. We need not only bright students, but also average(普通的) students. As for average students, if they get enough maths skills, they can also become successful AI designers. Besides, a good knowledge of computer science is also necessary for AI designing.
Scientists hope to create creative(有创造力的) and emotional(有感情的) AI. The AI can possibly understand human feelings or create art. Many ways and tools have been tried to discover this wide and exciting field.
A. None of my friends cook.
B. Tom is like any other teenager.
C. Today, things are different and she is very happy.
D. Then he started using the recipes in some cookbooks.
E I think it's important for teenagers to learn how to cook. 

  This teenager can make his mum very happy with him.
  (1)      . He goes to school, does his homework, meets his friends and enjoys playing sports. But between 5:30 and 6:30 from Monday to Friday, Tom does something different. He cooks dinner for all the family members:mum, dad, younger brother Joe and elder sister Emma.
   "(2)      . Maths and English are important, of course, but teenagers need other skills too to help them in today's world. First I taught Tom how to cook easy meals like pizza, eggs and chips. (3)      . Yesterday he made vegetable soup. It was good! We all liked it very much, " Tom's mum says.
  "I love cooking and I think I'm really good at it. (4)      . I don't know the reason. It isn't difficult and it's great fun!" Tom says.
  In the past, Tom didn't help out at home and his mum wasn't pleased with him. (5)      .
22.She goes to the      (市场)to sell vegetables early in the morning.
23.We are going to learn about trees in our lives, so let's      (讨论) the importance of trees in class.
24.When you ask a      (智慧)lady for help, you want her to give you good advice.
25.You can't      (form a picture or an idea in your mind about what something could be like) how angry I was at that time!
26.The girl sat      (facing on the other side of) the street and watched the parade going by.
27.Mrs Green visited Beijing two years ago. (写出同义句)
Mrs Green       Beijing      .
28.Susan goes to the music club once a week. (就划线部分提问)
      does Susan go to the music club?
The more friends we      , the       we are.
30.从今年开始, 学生们不再为他们的学习担心了.
From this year on, students won't       about their study any      .
Humans have come to       the       of protecting the animals.
32.时间都去哪儿了?这是许多成年人的感慨, 也是一些中学生的烦恼, 如:没有时间做作业、从事个人爱好……其实, 时间就在我们的掌握之中, 关键是能否合理利用.请根据提示, 以"How to spend our time properly"为题写一篇英语短文, 谈谈你的看法.
1. 学习方面:计划、听课、作业;
2. 爱好方面:类型、好处;
3. 其他方面:交流……
1. 词数80左右, 开头、结尾已给出, 不计入总词数;
2. 内容必须包括给出的所有要点, 可适当发挥;
3. 条理清楚、语句连贯;
4. 文中不得出现真实的地名、校名和人名等信息.
How to Spend Our Time Properly
  Where has our time gone?How should we spend our time properly?
  If so, I'm sure we will live a happier life.
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