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1.  Mike Robinson is(1)      fifteen﹣year﹣old American boy and his sister Clare is fourteen. At the moment, Mike and Clare are in Cairo in Egypt, one of(2)       and busiest cities in Africa.
  They(3)      here with their parents two years ago. Their father, Peter, works for a very big company. The company(4)       Peter to work in many other countries before. Peter usually stays in a country for about two years.
  The Robinsons(5)      seeing the world. They have been to many places. They think Cairo is the most beautiful country in the world.
2.  When I was in school, I was very fat. I thought that nice clothes looked very(1)      on me. I was very sad. However, I changed my mind when my friends took me to a(2)      one night. At the party my friends all went to dance, (3)      I thought I would look funny if I danced, so I sat in the corner of the hall and(4)      the others dance happily.
   "Don't you like dancing?"A girl next to me asked.
  "I like it, but I. .. "
  "But you can't, right?"the girl asked(5)      I could finish my words.
  "You are right, "I answered. I was happy that the girl helped me find a(6)      .
  "Why don't you ask your friends to teach you?"she asked.
  "I am too fat. I won't look nice if I dance, " I said.
  Hearing this, the girl said(7)      , "There are many things we can enjoy in life. Don't let your shape(8)      your life. You should be thankful that you have a(9)      body. How I wish that I could dance like you!"
  It was then that I found the girl(10)      in a wheelchair. At that time I felt I was very lucky. Then I stood up and danced with my friends.
3.A:Hey, Peter! I haven't seen you for a few days. (1)      
B:I've been to Moscow.
B:Last Monday.
B:Yes, I did. It's a really good place to spend a holiday.
B:No, I haven't. (5)      
A:Well, next month I'm going to Beijing on holiday with Jason. Would you like to join us?
B:Yes, I'd love to. But I must talk about it with my parents.
A:I see.
A.Did you have a good time there?
B.What do you mean?
C.Where have you been?
D.How did you get there?
E.When did you go there?
F.Have you ever been to Beijing on holiday?
4.He has lived      (在国外) for many years, but he can't speak English well.
5.There are several       (工厂) near our village.
6.Last Sunday the whole family celebrated my sister's      (第九) birthday.
7.My mother is      (感到自豪的)of me.
8.Do you know what the       (身高) of Yao Ming is?
9.It's too cold today so I'll stay at home      (而不是) of going out.
10.None of the poor often       (付得起) their three meals a day.
11.The      (最新的)computer is on sale in France.
12.You must look at the traffic lights before you go       (穿过) the road.
13.After hearing the news, he      (冲, 奔)out of the house quickly.
14.从方框中选择适当的单词, 并用其适当的形式完成短文, 每词只能用一次, 每空一词.
friend, send, proud, go, do, as, classmate , wait, study, excite 

Dear Mary,
  How are you?Thank you for(1)      me a letter. I know you are leaving school and(2)       into a new school. Well(3)      for completing all those difficult lessons!At this moment you must take(4)      in yourself. And you can't(5)      to go to your new school, yes?There, you will meet lots of new(6)      . Maybe you're(7)      about making friends with them. At your new school I have a friend. Her name is Jenny. She has(8)      in this school for 3 years. She is pretty. She has the same interest(9)      you. She also likes sports. If you have problems, you can ask her for help. She's(10)      . She will help you. Her phone number is 555﹣0909.
15.I have gone to many places in 1.       
China, and Sanya is my favourite.
Last winter holiday, my father and
I went to Sanya on plane. The sun 2.       
was wonderful. The sky was blue but 3.       
the air was fresh. One we went to 4.       
swim in the sea. The sea was so blue 5.       
as the sky. I also picked up a lot of
colourful shells. Then we
lied on the beach and enjoyed the 6.       
sun. Next we tried some seafoods. It 7.       
was delicious. We bought many
interesting presents for we friends. 8.       
We took lots of photos there too. It is 9.       
a nice trip. I felt very relaxing. I will 10.       
never forget this experience.
16.阅读短文, 然后根据文章内容简要回答1至5小题.
  Here are four of my friends. Get to know them and their interesting experiences.
  I'm Mark. I'm 12. I have learned a lot about cycling and cycled about two hundred miles (英里) with my friends. We all felt very excited.
  My name is Sam. I'm one year older than Mark. I have entered a competition. At last, I won it and the prize was a seven﹣﹣﹣day holiday to my favourite country ﹣America.
  You can call me Linda. I'm the same age as Mark. I have been to Hong Kong Disneyland with my parents. I was excited to see so many cartoon characters(人物) because I often dreamed about them.
  John is my name. I'm one year younger than Sam. I have learned to ride a horse because I thought it was exciting. Before I learned it, I fell off the horse many times. But that was very interesting for me.
17.假如你有一个外省朋友Phoebe, 她计划暑假来广安旅游, 向你咨询广安景点, 请根据以下提示向她推荐小平故居.
*小平故居是广安最著名的景点之一, 位于广安北部, 在2004年建成.自从那时起, 就变得很受欢迎.
*到目前为止, 你已经去过4次.上个五一节你和父母去过, 在那里拍了很多照片.
参考词汇:scenic spot 景点 要求:词汇80左右.
Dear Phoebe,
  You told me you want to visit Guang'an in your last letter. Here I'd like to recommend you to visit Deng Xiaoping's Former Residence. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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