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1.What a _______ boy! He worked out such a difficult math problem by himself.
  • A. brave
  • B. kind
  • C. lazy
  • D. clever
2. is watching TV. Turn it off, will you?
  • A. Somebody
  • B. Anybody
  • C. Nobody
  • D. Everybody
3.We are going to have a party _______ the evening of June 30th.
  • A. in
  • B. at
  • C. on
  • D. for
4.I want to do something for these children in the village. They _______ knowledge very much.
  • A. are good for
  • B. are famous for
  • C. are thirsty for
  • D. are bad for
5.—Let's go for a picnic on Saturday , James.
—_______ I have to do my homework at home.
  • A. What a pity!
  • B. Don't worry.
  • C. Best wishes.
  • D. How come?
6.  During my schooldays, I have met many teachers. The one that I like best would be Ms Davis.
  Ms Davis was my 6th grade teacher. I can remember all the stories she (1)      the class. And I(2)       remember one story that changed me a lot. For weeks, I had always a(an) (3)      look on my face . She told a story about a friend of hers. Her friend(4)      kept a scowl (不悦) on her face. She would smile only when she was singing. (5)      , she was very beautiful when she smiled. When Ms Davis told the story, she was looking directly at me. (6)      then, I have been careful about my expression.
  I also remember a trip. The bus didn't have enough(7)      for all the children, so Ms Davis chose me to ride with her. While in the car, we talked about my family. I liked to talk about(8)      life with her because she always gave me some good advice.
  I felt that Ms Davis(9)       me differently, because she cared about me, gave me rides and talked about my family. (10)      looking back, she didn't do special things for me but for the whole class. She just made each one of us feel that we were her favorite. Thanks , Ms Davis.
7.  Red Tourism refers to visiting historical sites and places where we can see some records of China's revolution led by the Communist Party of China from 1921 to 1949. It has become the top choice of many Chinese in recent years. Here we would like to introduce three popular red tourist cities.
  ★Yan'an, Shaanxi
  Yanan is a holy land (圣地) of the Chinese revolution. The city has as many as 140 revolutionary sites, including the Wangjiaping Revolutionary, Fenghuang Mountain and Yangjialing Revolutionary sites. It also has a number of historical sites and buildings. It's said to be the birthplace of the Chinese nation shown by the Yellow Emperor Mausoleum. Besides, Hukou Waterfall is only about a 2. 5-hour drive from Yan'an.
  ★Nanchang, Jiangxi
  Nanchang is regarded as a hero city in China since it was the site of an important uprising (起义) — the August 1 Nanchang Uprising (1927). In Nanchang, there are many historical sites of the uprising that are kept in good condition. The Memorial Hall of the August 1 Nanchang Uprising is a must-visit place for a red tourist. Nanchang is also home to the over 1, 000﹣year-old Pavilion of Prince Teng (滕王阁).
  ★Zunyi, Guizhou
  Zunyi is famous for the site of Zunyi Meeting. The two﹣floor building is located at No. 96 Ziyin Road. Now, people can visit the offices and rooms of several leaders at that time, including Zhou Enlai and Zhu De. There is also an exhibition hall, where people can see the weapons and objects used by China's Red Army, and some sculptures (雕塑) related to China's revolution.
8.  Communication plays a big role in our everyday life. Being polite with words can help you have better relationships with other people. It's also just a great way to make other people feel comfortable around you. If you're not sure where to start, don't worry. Below you'll find simple tips you can take to start being more polite to other people.
  The most basic tips are saying "please" when asking someone for help, saying "thank you" after someone has done something for you, and saying "sorry" when you do wrong things. As the tips are known to all, there is no need to go into details. Let's move on.
  Make small talk. Instead of jumping right into a serious discussion with someone, make small talk first. Discuss their day or the food they have for lunch. Talk about the movies or shows you're watching lately or books you're reading. This will help break the ice.
  Show your concern. Congratulate other people on their successes. When others do well, offer them your praise. If your friend is going through a hard time, try to offer a few words of comfort.
  Avoid inappropriate topics. Some conversation topics can make people upset or uncomfortable, and you can risk hurting other people's feelings if you accidentally say something inappropriate. Some topics are okay to discuss with just very close friends. Otherwise, choose your topics carefully.
  Good words are never lost. Not only will your good words bring sunshine to the lives of others, but also to yours. So, remember to always be polite with your words.
9.  The classic Australian novel Storm Boy by Colin Thiele is popular with readers of all ages. It tells a story of a boy befriending a pelican (鹈鹕). The novel was made into a film again in 2019, along with a video game.
  The boy, Mike, is named Storm Boy, living alone with his father on the wild coast of South Australia. One day, he discovered three baby pelicans without a mother and one of them was injured. Then he took the baby pelicans home and took care of them. Storm Boy names the babies:Mr. Proud and Mr. Ponder. The little one is Mr. Percival. Day by day, three little guys grow up with Storm Boy. At last, the day comes when the boy's father decides that the pelicans need to return to the sanctuary (保护区). Mr. Percival refuses to go and follows Storm Boy home like a lost puppy. The relationship between the boy and Mr. Percival grows stronger and stronger. The pelican learns to help the boy's father with his fishing and warn the other birds when hunters are coming. Mr. Percival even saves a shipwrecked. Nothing bad happens until Mr. Percival is killed by hunters at last. It's really hard to believe that is true.
  The boy said: "But why did they shoot Mr. Mr. Percival? He wasn't . . wasn't hurting anyone;just . . just warning the ducks like always.
  "In the world," his father said sadly, "there will always be men who are cruel, just as there will always be men who are lazy or stupid or wise or kind. Today you've seen what cruel and stupid men can do."
  Colin Thiele, who writes the book, was born in South Australia and spent his childhood on a farm. He paid much attention to the protection of the environment all the time. After he had read lots of news about killing birds, he decided to write a story about that. The novel was published in 1963. It not only has aroused a heated discussion about how differently people treat animals, but also lets children know what real life is like.
10.  Chris Nikic, a 21-year-old young man from Maitland, Florida, the US, has completed an Ironman Triathlon (铁人三项) . The Ironman Triathlon includes a 2. 4-mile swim, a 112-mile bike ride and a 26. 2-mile run. This is an amazing achievement for anyone, but it's especially special to this American man who has Down syndrome (唐氏综合症). He has also entered the Guinness Book of World Records as the first person in history with Down syndrome to complete an Ironman Triathlon!
  Chris Nikic's road to this amazing achievement has been anything but easy. He needed a walker (助步车) when he was three and didn't even walk on his own until he was four years old. Throughout his childhood, Chris and his parents were told that he could not do many things that other kids could do. For years they listened and accepted these limits.
  Until 2017, Chris didn't decide to do something to prove he could break the limits. He set his goal of competing in triathlons. His training started with one pushup (俯卧撑). And he promised to get 1% better each day. Finally, in the year before the competition, Chris could train four to eight hours each day.
  Chris's amazing perseverance (毅力) is an example for not only children with Down syndrome but all kids around the world. Chris is now trying to encourage as many people as he can with his story which he is sharing through public speaking, presentations and a book he is writing with his father. He also has his sights set on competing in the 2022 Special Olympics USA Games and continuing to raise money for Special Olympics, and other charities.
  Think about some things you would love to do but then it seemed impossible. Talk it over with your parents and teachers. Follow Chris's 1% plan to draw up a plan to make it happen, getting 1% better every day!
11.How to judge AI
  There are large companies that owe a great deal of their success to artificial intelligence (AI). (1)       To paint a clear picture of this, we're going to explain the advantages and disadvantages of AI in detail. So let's get started.
  Despite having much wisdom, people still make mistakes. It's because none of us is perfect. That is where AI could serve us a lot better. Once algorithms (算法) are set up, machines will keep performing the same task over and over again with a great degree of accuracy (精确度).
  Saving time.
  (3)      You can do more than one thing at a time. For example, gone are the days when you could only email one person at a time. Today, you can automate (使自动化) this process and spend your time productively elsewhere.
  24/7 availability .
  After working for 8 to 10 hours, everyone's body and mind require rest. In contrast, AI can be active24/7. The Chatbot is a good example. Whenever you ask it a question, it will immediately come up with the answer.
  Inviting laziness in humans .
  There is an endless list of inventions that were first introduced to help us. (4)       The same is true of AI. As machines become smarter, humans are not making full use of mental or physical abilities. So many people will not know their true potential.
  Resulting in job losses.
  With the increasing influence of AI, there is no doubt that finding a job will be greatly affected. For example, many groups use translation tools to translate. AI may not completely replace humans, but it can certainly reduce the number of employees.
  No creativity.
  AI is primarily based on data. So you can only expect answers from machines that are in step with the information they are stuffed with. (5)      

A. Reducing mistakes.
B. But we ended up depending too much on them.
C. Some in our society, however, see AI as a potential risk.
D. This powerful tool allows you to use your time more effectively.
E. In simple words, AI is a powerful tool, but it falls short of creative thinking. 
12.  Do you have the experience of taking music lessons against your will?Perhaps you have complained about it (1)      you thought it deprived (剥夺) you of much playtime. But now you'd better thank your parents for their time and money spent on your (2)       training.
  A recent study suggests music lessons can make children have greater memories (3)      children at the same age. The Canadian study shows that after one year of musical training, children did better on a memory test than those (4)      didn't take music lessons.
  The researchers divided the children aged between 4 and 6 into (5)       groups — one group of children took music lessons outside school, and (6)      other group didn't take any musical training. In one year, they took four tests in different periods. The results (7)       brain development changes at least every four months.
  The children taking music lessons not (8)       did better in musical listening but also made faster (9)       in other fields, such as reading, writing, math and IQ.
  People say music is the medicine for a broken heart. Now it seems music can also help us to (10)       our memories. We are sure to find more and more in the wonderful world of music.
13.  Social media, like WeChat and Douyin, is a big part of most people's lives. Recent research found social media users between 10 and 15 years old can be divided into four personality types:geek (极客), Internet celebrity (网红), lurker (潜伏者) and victim (受害者). Each personality type has both good and bad sides. Which one do you fall into?
  Geeks are active social media users who care about their privacy (隐私). Most geeks are boys who like gaming and making music and videos. They often post creative works online. Mark Zuckerberg, who created Facebook, is comfortable in his online life, but finds life in the real world to be much more difficult to deal with. This can remind "geeks" to try to avoid depending too much on the Internet.
  ●Internet celebrities
  Internet celebrities like sharing as well, but they are much more visible (可见的) than geeks. They might become well﹣known for their singing or dancing. But being a teenage Internet celebrity can sometimes cause problems in the real world. They might spend less time studying and more time online.
  Most teenagers probably fall into the third type — "lurkers", or people who are neither too active nor visible. They prefer to "like" and share links (链接), rather than create their own things online. The problem for these teenagers is that they may find it difficult to express themselves. But at least they make sure to protect their privacy.
  Victims usually have less knowledge to keep themselves safe online. Their personal information can be made public and cause problems for them. To avoid being a victim, do not share your private information online, like birthday, age, where you live or your vacation plans.

Four personality types of teenage media users 
Type Features (1)       
Geeks ●They are active social media users.
●They (2)       their privacy.
●They often post creative works online. 
●They might depend too much on the Internet.
●They might have difficulty in the real life. 
Internetcelebrities They become well-known by (3)      their talents on the Internet with other online users. ●They are not so careful about their privacy.
●They might spend less time studying and more time online. 
Lurkers ●They are neither too active nor visible.
●They make sure to protect their privacy. 
●They are not very (4)      .
●They might find it difficult to express themselves. 
Victims They (5)       know how to keep themselves safe online. Their personal information can be made public and cause problems for them. 
14.假如你是李华, 请阅读笔友Mike的邮件并回复.给他至少三条建议并说明理由.词数100词左右, 开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数.
To: Li Hua
From: Mike 
Dear Li Hua,
  Is everything going well with you?My mother thinks I do chores too little every day except (除了) for my studies. So she asks me to do it every day. But I don't like it. I don't know how to deal with this. Can you give me some advice?Looking forward to your reply.
All the best,

To: Mike
From: Li Hua 
Hi, Mike, _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Li Hua 
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