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1.The house is near the subway entrance (入口),so the is very convenient.
  • A. tradition
  • B. transportation
  • C. instruction
  • D. position
2.I like the stories in the Chinatown Crime Series《唐人街探案系列》,and I like the actor Liu Haoran .
  • A. also
  • B. still
  • C. too
  • D. either
3.一Why have you read the poem so many times?
一Because it me of my happy junior high school days.
  • A. cheats
  • B. reminds
  • C. provides
  • D. discovers
4.一Ethan,let's go to play basketball,shall we?
﹣﹣ Sorry,I can't.I Yao Ming's game.Would you mind going later?
  • A. watch
  • B. have watched
  • C. am watching
  • D. was watching
5.We need to come up with ideas if we want to have more tourists to Mingyue Mountain.
  • A. comfortable
  • B. more comfortable
  • C. creative
  • D. more creative
6.﹣ What great changes will______ in China in fifty years?
﹣ I think China will become more powerful,and AI will make people's life more convenient.
  • A. take up
  • B. take action
  • C. take place
  • D. take away
7. the food of Tian Puppy Farm is a bit expensive,it is still warmly welcome because of the good service there.
  • A. Though
  • B. Since
  • C. Because
  • D. Unless
8.On Tree Planting Day every year,many young trees on the mountains.
  • A. plant
  • B. planted
  • C. are planting
  • D. are planted
9.When Wang Haiyan was young,her favorite toys weren't Barbie dolls.(1)      ,she started learning to make shadow puppets (皮影) from her father at13.Now 43,Wang has spent 30 years(2)       and spreading the art.Shadow puppetry is a(3)       of theater that uses puppets made from leather (皮) or paper,performing with music and singing.Invented during the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC﹣AD 24),it(4)       us about folklore (民间传说) and historical stories,passing down culture and customs over thousands of years.
Shadow puppetry is all about creating the puppets and performing with(5)      Wang's hometown of Hua county,Shaanxi,is(6)      as the birthplace of the folk art Puppet﹣makers must follow 24 steps to make the puppets,(7)      washing the leather,carving(雕刻),and painting,according to Wang.Carving is(8)      part,which needs most work and attention.
"We have a special carving skill﹣moving the leather under the knife," Wang said."You have to hold the knife still in your(9)      hand and only move the leather in your left hand."It(10)      Wang three years to master this skill.She tied a brick (砖块) to her left hand(11)      practicing.It takes about 3,000 carves (12)      a shadow puppet. "The complicated (复杂的) steps make it hard to hand down the folk(13)      ,"she said.
But Wang has(14)      a way to do so.In 2016,she made shadow puppets based on (基于) the cartoon series Huyao Xiaohongniang (《狐妖小红娘》)and gave a live(15)      .She used colors like blue and purple that are(16)      seen in shadow puppetry and added more sticks to the puppets to make the performance more interesting.

(1)A.Instead B.But C.So D.While 
(2)A.painting B.polluting C.practicing D.preparing 
(3)A.name B.form C.menu D.hobby 
(4)A.talks B.tells C.says D.speaks 
(5)A.it B.us C.him D.them 
(6)A.same B.humorous C.known D.similar 
(7)A.including B.having C.taking D.holding 
(8)A.the most difficult B.the cheapest C.the easiest D.the most expensive 
(9)A.left B.right C.front D.big 
(10)A.spent B.paid C.cost D.took 
(11)A.before B.after C.while D.until 
(12)A.to play B.to fix C.to make D.to do 
(13)A.song B.story C.dance D.art 
(14)A.found B.lost C.built D.followed 
(15)A.ceremony B.examination C.expression D.performance 
(16)A.always B.hardly C.often D.usually 

A salesman who worked for a breath mint company (薄荷糖公司) was asked to meet with his boss one day.He was a bit(1)      about the meeting,but he didn't need to be.In fact,his boss wanted to congratulate him(2)       selling so many breath mints.However,his boss was not sure about one thing.
"I have to know一how do you sell so many mints?My other salespeople don't sell(3)      as many as you do.What's your(4)      ?" the boss asked.
"It's actually quite(5)      once you see it in action.Here,allow me(6)      you right now!" the salesman said.He then put two(7)      on his boss's desk,one bag of chips,another of some dip(蘸酱) for the chips.He then put up a sign that said," Please help(8)      to some chips and dip!"
The boss(9)      the chips and dip.He spat (吐) them out at once." Oh,my goodness!These taste terrible!" the boss shouted. "What are you thinking?"
"That's right,they do taste terrible.Perhaps you'd like a breath mint?" the salesman said(10)      he held out a box of the company's mints.
 LostBrown and white Persian cat named Lazy!18 months old,friendly nature!Any information about Lazy,phone Lucy 535﹣4140.$50 for reward (报酬) ! 
 Help wantedLove travel?Join us as a tour guide!Full time,must speak English!$16 an hour!E﹣mail:guidehr@163.com 
 For rent (出租)Good room for girls,2 bedrooms,large yard!Single: $36 a week;Double: $188 a month;Call John 535﹣0699! 
12.A group of university graduates visited their old professor (教授).During their visit,the conversation turned to work.The graduates were complaining (抱怨) their problems and stress in work and in life.After offering coffee to his guests,the professor went to the kitchen and came back with a coffee pot and a plate,crowded with many different cups:porcelain (陶瓷),glass,plastic and crystal (水晶).
Some cups were simple,other ones expensive.The professor asked them to pick out their cups first.When the graduates picked out their favorite cups,the professor explained, "Notice how all the beautiful cups were picked out and the simple and cheap ones were left."
"Wanting only the best things for yourself is the reason of your problems and stress.You need to understand that the cup doesn't make the coffee better.Actually,all that you wanted was the coffee,not the cup.But you consciously (有意识地) chose the best cups,and then looked to see what cups others picked."
"Life is the coffee.Your job,money,position in society...        are the cups.The styles of cups don't decide whether the life is good or not.Sometimes,by looking only at the cups,we forget to enjoy the taste of coffee.The happiest people are not those who have the best things,but those who enjoy life and make good use of what they have."
Hearing this,the graduates couldn't say a word.They had learned another important life lesson from their old professor ﹣ that true happiness means enjoying life and not worrying about unimportant things.
13.If the fashion world is a big ocean,fashion magazines are the boats that carry us across it.Vogue,one of the world's biggest fashion magazines,now has a new leader for its Chinese edition(版本) ﹣ Margaret Zhang.At 27,she is the youngest editor﹣in﹣chief (EIC主编) at Vogue.Fashion magazines like Vogue were once very influential.The clothes,shoes and hairstyles that they covered would often become fashionable.But with the appearance of social media (媒体),print magazines are losing their voice.That might be the reason why someone as young as Zhang was chosen to be an EIC.
Zhang is a Chinese Australian,and works as a photographer,stylist (造型师),writer,and model.But more importantly,she is good at connecting fashion to the internet.At the age of 16,she started a successful fashion blog.Later,she set up a personal website where she showed her works,including photographs,videos,and brand designs (设计) .She now has more than 1.2 million Instagram followers.
Margaret understands the rising fashion among the younger Chinese people and has rich knowledge and understanding about new digital platforms (数字平台),said Li Li from Vogue's parent company. "We look forward to her bringing world fashion to China while taking Chinese culture to the rest of the world."
Zhang's international experience may help her achieve this.She studied law at the University of Sydney.She likes to dye (染) her hair different colors.She also makes dumplings with her mother and hangs Chinese knots (中国结) in her room. "This new role is an unbelievable chance to connect my background,my skills,and my interests," she said.
It is not yet known who will appear on Zhang's first cover.But according to Zhang,it must be someone"people can look up to"and"who is driving innovation (创新),no matter what industry they're in.
14."Clear your plate.Say no to waste." "Do not waste a grain (粒) of food." In the dining halls of schools and companies across China,things like these have been put up everywhere.They are part of a nationwide program to cut down on food waste in China.
Food waste has become a big problem these days.According to the United Nations,1.3 billion tons of food is wasted every year ﹣ that's about a third of the world's total food.In China alone,the restaurants wasted 17 to 18 million tons of food a year from 2013 to 2015.That could feed 30 to 50 million people for a whole year,according to Chinese Academy of Sciences (中国科学院).
To spread the program,restaurants and catering associations (餐饮协会) in more than 18 provinces in China have all made guidelines to control food waste.
In Shaanxi Province,for example,restaurants have been asked to serve half a dish to avoid waste.The Wuhan Catering Association suggested that restaurants use the "N﹣1 mode".For example,a group of 10 diners should only order enough for nine people at first.More food is only brought to the table if required.If people can't finish their meals,they are also encouraged to take the food home.
A related online activity has been carried out on Sina Weibo.Users share photos or videos of empty plates after finishing their meals.Lots of famous people have joined in and asked their fans to develop the habit of saving food.On WeChat,a mini﹣program called "Clear Plate" invites people to exchange pictures of their empty plates for credit (信用) points.People can use the points to buy things or send food to children in poor areas.
"We hope our efforts can start a new trend (潮流) among the younger people,encouraging them to carry out the good sides of saving food and developing the habit of       ",said Liu Jichen,developer of the mini﹣program.
15.On Feb 18,NASA's Perseverance Rover ( 美国航天局"毅力"号火星车) made a historic landing on the surface of Mars.It planned to work on Mars for about two years.
This is the fifth rover NASA has sent to Mars and is full of firsts.It will be the first rover to search for signs of ancient life.A helicopter (直升飞机) will fly on the planet for the first time as well.The rover is also better at solving problems on its own than the rovers before.
Landing a spacecraft (宇宙飞船)on Mars isn't easy.It had to go through the "seven minutes of terror("惊险七分钟")" all by itself,as NASA calls the landing process.Since it takes 11 minutes for a radio signal to travel from Earth to Mars,NASA couldn't control the craft during the process.
The spacecraft hit the top of the Martian atmosphere (大气层) moving at 12,000 miles an hour (19,300 km an hour) and had to slow down to 1.7 miles an hour (2.7 km an hour) within seven minutes before landing.Drag (空气阻力) that was created by the atmosphere slowed it down.
At the same time,the surface of the craft heated up to about 1,300 C.This high temperature could melt(熔化) the rover!But since the craft's heat shield (抗热涂层) was able to take in most of this heat,Perseverance itself only reached room temperature.
The craft then joined a parachute (降落伞) and a sky crane (空中吊车) together to slow itself down for its final close to Mars.A video of the landing was later shared online,allowing people all over the world to see the amazing moment for themselves.The rover even recorded audio on Mars for the first time just after landing,catching the sounds of Martian wind.
16.How would you feel if your school banned (禁止) phones in class?
In February,the Ministry of Education announced that mobile phones should be banned in primary and middle schools.(1)   This also plans to prevent them from becoming addicted (上瘾的) to the internet and online games.
Xu Xiaohe,a 13﹣year﹣old from Zhejiang,supports the rule. "In fact,my school has never allowed us to bring our mobile phones," Xu said. "It's a distraction (干扰) from our work.(2)   "
Li Zihan from Beijing,however,feels differently.The 13﹣year﹣old believes that this mobile phone ban is too simplistic (简单化的) for teens who have grown up with mobile phones."(3)    They should learn how to use their phones correctly to help with their studies," Li said. "This might be the best way to deal with technology in modern times.'
For Ge Ziqi,the problem with banning phones has more to do with life outside of school.(4)   "Today,phones are used everywhere,from taking a bus to buying food," she said. "If I can' take my phone with me,I'll have to buy my own bicycle."
(5)    At Shanghai Shatian School,for example,students are asked to put their phones in special places during school hours.The students call these lockers the "phone farm".
  • A. No one can use mobile phones in a right way.
  • B. Students should be taught self﹣management skills.
  • C. Even adults can't control themselves,let alone kids like us.
  • D. Students should decide to use mobile phones by themselves.
  • E. Some schools have come up with ideas to solve problems like Ge's.
  • F. She uses a bike﹣sharing app every day to travel between her home and school.
  • G. This plans to protect students' eyesight and make sure they pay attention to their work.
17.(Simon and his father are talking at home.Simon=A;Simon's father=B)
A:Dad,why don't you drive to work today?
B:Now the air pollution is heavy,so I plan to go to work by bike instead.(1)   
A:Then as a middle school student,what should I do?
B:First of all,I think you can start smalls.For example,making waste less is very important.(2)   
A:Oh,I see.That's easy.Anything else?
A:I can ride my bike or take a bus.They are good for exercise.
B:Good idea!And we can also plant more trees.(4)   
A:I agree with you.And we can't cut down trees.
A:OK,dad.I think everyone can make a difference.Even small acts count.

  • A. It's good for the environment.
  • B. Trees can help make air clean.
  • C. How do you go to work every day?
  • D. What's more,we should sort (分类) the rubbish.
  • E. You'd better not use paper cups or plastic bags.
  • F. What about the air pollution from the paper factories?
  • G. We can use the public transportation instead of driving.
18.某英文报以"The Most Unforgettable Experience"为题向广大中学生征文。请你根据下面的提示写一篇英语短文投稿。
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