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1.The ______ on her face showed her satisfaction of the results in the monthly exam.
  • A. exhibition
  • B. expression
  • C. experience
  • D. experiment
2.—You look so tired, Sue.
—I ______ slept last night. I feel very terrible now.
  • A. hardly
  • B. nearly
  • C. really
  • D. usually
3.Please hold fast to the ladder. I ______.
  • A. fell off
  • B. was falling off
  • C. am going to fall off
  • D. have fallen off
4.—Shall we have dinner now, Mom?
—No, dear. We are supposed to wait ______ all guests arrive.
  • A. since
  • B. because
  • C. when
  • D. till
5.There is too much rain this spring. The weather today is even ______.
  • A. bad
  • B. good
  • C. better
  • D. worse
6.What ______ if you meet difficulties!Just go for it.
  • A. decides
  • B. means
  • C. includes
  • D. matters
7.The book went missing in 1976 and no one ______ it since then.
  • A. sees
  • B. saw
  • C. has seen
  • D. will see
8.―What kind of sports do you like best?
―Football. In fact, it ______ by all the members in my family.
  • A. plays
  • B. is played
  • C. has played
  • D. was played
9.  There are many geniuses (天才)in the world. (1)       other children were just starting their ABCs, three﹣year﹣old Mark Swallow was already reading Shakespeare's poets and Charles Dickens' novels. By the age of seven he was speaking French and German(2)      and studying both Latin and Greek. Now, at the age of 12, Mark has just started a university(3)       in English literature (文学).
Mark and other(4)       geniuses will be the subjects of a new documentary series, (5)       takes a look into the lives of these(6)       children and their families. In the programmes we will meet children like eight﹣year﹣old Daniel Manning who(7)       his first book when he was just five and who has just signed a £60, 000 contract(合同)with a publishing(印刷)house to write three(8)      . Then there is a 12﹣year﹣old Samantha Price, who started(9)       lessons when she was three. Along with the piano, she now also plays the cello (大提琴), clarinet (单簧管)and classical guitar. She has already played with three top European orchestras (管弦乐队). And how about ten﹣year﹣old Jordan Welsh?She first(10)       a paintbrush before she could walk. She has already had an exhibition of her paintings in one of London's top(11)      salon. She also has won a major prize for one of her(12)      .
  Over the next six weeks we will see what it is that makes these children so(13)      . We will find out how and when their parents knew they were(14)       and about the changes it made to their family life. We will hear from the children about their hopes and plans(15)       the future. There are also interviews with former child geniuses, some who have gone on to great things and others who decided they wanted to return to a(n)(16)       life.
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  As a result of the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympic Games, the day of August 8 is considered as the "National Fitness Day". More and more Chinese people are trying to put the spirit of "Fitness Day" into(1)       daily lives in recent years. People love square dance, yoga, marathon, tai chi, and so on, which are not that difficult to practice and can quickly(2)       them keep fit.
   In 2018, the number of Chinese people regularly taking part in sports training(3)       550 million, a 210 million increase compared to ten years ago. In 2005, China had 850, 000 sports gyms, (4)       by the end of 2017, the number increased to 1. 95 million. Taking part in sports activities is now becoming a(5)       for a big part of Chinese people. Besides the individual (个人的)actions, the Chinese government also took sports as a part of education. On June 24, 2019, they(6)       announced the opinions on the Healthy China Action.
The development of technology makes it possible(7)       different kinds of sports. Through some equipments, people could enjoy the fun of playing sports not necessarily in some special(8)      .
  With those trends (趋势), (9)      fitness could be developed better and better. Meanwhile, it will make more Chinese people have a(10)      health condition, create more sports related jobs, and finally help the country develop sustainably (可持续地).
Free for Android and iOS systemThis app can predict when the price of the flight to your destination (目的地)will be the lowest, when they will change and the best time to buy a ticket for a certain day and place. You can save money and book tickets quickly on this app. 
 Dark Sky
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Dark Sky was in the lit of the best apps for App Store in the year of 2015. It can tell you the weather when you get to your destination and predict the weather of the next hour and even the rest of the week with high accuracy (准确度). 
 Trip Advisor
Price: Free for Android and iOS systemTrip Advisor is your special guide to hotels, restaurants and attractions worldwide. You can see millions of comments (评论), images and videos of the places you are going to visit. It can also tell you the place of interest nearby according to your location. 
12.Hi Sofia,
  Just a quick message to say that Seville is great!We got here three days ago, and we're staying in a hotel not far from the famous Real Alcazar, a group of very attractive palaces with a famous gallery (画廊). We visited it on the first day, and I was very impressed by it. We've seen a lot of fascinating sights so far — I liked the Giralda Tower most. Now we're going to spend time in the Plaza de Espana. I am so looking forward to this. I've heard it's one of the most beautiful squares in Spain, with a canal and bridges that look like the ones in Venice!
  Tomorrow we're going to Caceres. Mum is a bit worried because we'll be in the car for more than four hours. But Dad says it's a fascinating city ― it was built by the Romans more than two thousand years ago!That's it from me. Next week we're off to France!
  Hope you're OK.
13.  When fans all over the world read on social media that J. K Rowling was working on a new Harry Potter book, it sounded so good that they decided to believe it. Unfortunately, it was too good to be true.
  It all happened in 2013, when an April Fool's joke announced that Rowling was working on the eighth novel in the series and had already written about three quarters of the book. "The new book, " the news said, "would continue where Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows had finished. "
  What people didn't notice (or maybe didn't want to notice because they were so looking forward to another novel by their hero!)was the date of the original message ― 1st April!
  Maybe what also made it difficult for fans to notice that the story wasn't true was that it gave various details, saying, for example, that there might be a ninth film in the series based on the new book. And the message said, "While none of the series' actors have officially signed on, one of the stars has already voiced his excitement about returning to play the title role. " And then, of course, there was even a (false)quote (引用)by Daniel Radcliffe, saying, "When we ended the last film, I still felt like I wasn't finished with this great story. I can't wait to come back. "
Rowling and her new Harry Potter book are not the only example of a news story that was totally made up. But what is it that makes it possible for so many people to become the victims of false stories?Well, first of all, many people don't read critically (批判地)enough. They believe everything they read, see or hear in the media. And quite often it's also because they want to believe something ― because it sounds so good, like the story of J. K. Rowling's new Harry Potter book!
14.  A new report says Christmas in the USA is becoming less religious (宗教的). Nine out of ten Americans celebrate Christmas, but only about half think it is religious holiday. The report is from the Pew Research Center. It asked 2, 001 adults about their opinions on Christmas. Just about half of those questioned people thought Christmas was a religious celebration, while 32 percent said it was more of a cultural holiday. Greg Smith from Pew Research said, "Younger adults are less likely than older adults to see Christmas as a religious rather than a cultural holiday. They're less likely to say they will attend church at Christmas…and they are less likely to believe in the virgin birth. "
  People are also changing what they say to each other at Christmas and what they write in cards. More and more people are choosing to say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas". This is because there are also non﹣Christian holidays happening around the same time as Christmas. Many people want to include all holidays in their holiday wishes. The research also found that 79 percent of Americans will watch a Christmas movie, but only 59 percent will go to church. Just 36 percent will read the Christmas story in the Bible. The average amount (平均数量)of money people spend on Christmas is $914. Ten percent of Americans spend over $2, 000. People most look forward to spending time with their family.
15.  Big data have brought about deep changes in the way people live and work. For example, the health QR codes in green, yellow and red — based on a mobile phone user's physical movements which decide whether he or she causes a contagion (传染病)risk — are the result of big data.
Some navigation maps (轨迹图)on mobile phones already show the level of risk a community faces based on its size and the number of infections (感染), importantly reducing the chances of people venturing near such communities by accident and risking infections.
  Yet an increasing number of people are worried that big data would enable criminals to misuse (盗用)their personal information. As information and communication technology develops in China, people have little individual secrets and big data could affect a threat to their life, especially if criminals use the information to their advantage. Recently, many people in Beijing were shocked to receive phone calls or messages telling them of their recent travel to high﹣risk areas, even though many of them just passed by such an area in a car.
  In other words, developed technology is a double﹣edged sword — it can make life more convenient but also create more risks. It is therefore important to tell between the use of big data for public good and its misuse to crimes. And to tell whether your information is used by government or misused by criminals, proper cooperation among governments, organizations, online companies and the public is necessary.
16.  In 2019, Europe faced a record﹣breaking heat in summer. It was so hot there that you could have even fried an egg on the pavement. Such extreme temperatures are also killing people. (1)       For example, the melting glaciers (冰川融化). As a result of it, coastal cities from America to Asia are drowning. You may also know another result of global warming:the thawing permafrost (冻土融化). Permafrost usually exists in polar regions. It's underground soil that's always frozen. The thawing permafrost further warms up the earth.
  (2)       Scientists believe that greenhouse gas emission (温室气体排放)is an important cause leading to the sudden increase in temperatures globally. The greenhouse gases are known for keeping heat. And these gas emissions mostly come from plants, automobiles and factories that use fossil fuels like coal and petrol etc. (3)      
  (4)       There are a lot of ways. For example, using public transport, planting trees and recycling your waste like plastics, are all useful ways to reduce your carbon footprint. Turning off electronic equipments when you are not using them can also be amazingly good for this.
  (5)       Turning it down 2 degrees in winter and up 2 degrees in summer could save nearly a kilogram of carbon dioxide every year.
Everyone should play their part in to slow down global warming because we are not saving the Earth, we are saving ourselves.

A. So what can we do to slow down the global warming?
B. That's not the worst.
C. The hot weather also leads to other serious results.
D. You may want to know what exactly causes global warming.
E. That's to say, we or human activities are responsible for global warming.
F. Adjusting your temperature of your air conditioners is also suggested.
G. Let's take actions to stop the global warming. 
17.A:Hello, Judy!These kids in the rural area are so poor. I really want to help them.
B:Tomorrow is Volunteer Day. We can do something to help them. (1)      
A:I'd like to send some clothes and books to them.
B:Tomorrow is Saturday. (2)      
A:Good idea!I think we can do that in People's Park to get more because there are more people there. And we can ask Helen to sing some songs to get more attention.
B:Sounds like fun. Maybe we can ask more people to help. (3)      
A:We could call them up to tell the plan.
B:And more, I want to make a video to cheer them up. But I don't know how to make it. (4)      
A:You could ask Sam for help. I remembered he made one last week.
B:I remembered that. (5)      
A:You're welcome.
A. How can we tell more friends?
B. Thank you for your great ideas.
C. Let's go to help them.
D. What would you like to do?
E. I'm not good at computer science.
F. Why not go to the supermarket?
G. Will you go out to raise some clothes and books for them in our neighborhood? 
18.无论你在何地, 你都会看见许多人使用手机.《英语世界》(English World)杂志正在对学生手机使用的现状进行调查.请你根据下面提示, 写一篇英语短文, 向他们介绍学生使用手机的情况, 并谈谈你所了解的学生使用手机的原因以及你使用手机的感受和看法, 并对使用手机的同学提出建议.
(1)The reasons why you use telephones in everyday life.
(2)Your feelings about using the telephones.
(3)Your advice to students who use telephones.
(1)短文应包括提示中所有的写作要点, 条理清楚, 行文连贯, 可适当发挥;
(3)词数不少于80, 短文的开头已给出, 不计入总词数.
  Nowadays phones are more and more popular in everyday life. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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